
星期四, 8月 30, 2018

波士頓慈濟 9/8 愛灑祈福


農曆七在佛教是吉祥,也是佛陀的歡喜,更 是感恩的孝親早在1974年,慈濟證嚴上即在詳述盂蘭盆法會以 及普度的真義,期許慈濟社區,推動正知、 正、正信佛教,了解「真正的普度」觀念。 並在 2003年開始,將法會型式轉變為祈福會的式,於 社區當地,舉辦各式愛灑祈福活動,宣導「七原 是吉祥」的理念。 慈濟基會波頓聯絡處,將從⼋⽉份開始,設有 三場與花蓮靜思精舍全球連線的《地藏經》共修, 同時,也將在九⽉⼋⽇星期六上午⼗⼀下午 點鐘,舉辦七吉祥愛灑祈福活動, 以敬天愛地聚 福緣的信念,虔誠的感懷親恩,寬闊的胸襟 疼惜地,推動蔬三好,健康好、環境好、尊重 命好,⼒⾏環保愛地,留給個健康的地球, 落實真正的普度。 活動當中,備有可分享與會來賓,還有⼆⼿ 書籍及家⽤⼩品贈與以延續物命,另外,當天也將 宣導幹細胞髓捐贈採樣活動,誠摯地邀約您動,響應茹素、護、環保等活動,、善 念、善為家及朋友祈福。 活動相關訊息有請電617-762-0569,慈濟會所備有 蔬國護照,便您紀錄蔬⻝⽤餐的次數,或於8/12 中國城義賣活動中向慈濟攤位索取,我們也將依您 茹素的次數,與您結緣精緻實的結緣品,歡迎參 與蔬三好的活動。

DOJ發聲明 疑哈佛招生歧視亞裔

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)美國司法部(DOJ)(830)日一早,發表聲明,表示已向美國麻州區域法院遞交文件,在哈佛大學錄取學生時涉嫌故意歧視亞裔一案上,支持原告的哈佛會根據種族故意歧視說法。
波士頓環球報(Boston Globe)在報導這消息時提及,一旦美國司法部發話,法官都會聽。奧巴馬政府時的司法部強調平權運動(Affirmative action),法院就偏向平權,如今川普政府的司法部支持廢除平權,估計法官態度也會轉方向。
這宗案件是學生爭取公平入學機會(Students For Fair Admissions)”控告哈佛大學在錄取學生時,故意歧視亞裔,違反了1964年所通過,民權法第四章,禁止接受聯邦資助機構,以族裔,膚色,國籍為由而歧視的規定。
            美國總檢察官Jeff Sessions在聲明中表示,沒有一個美國人應該因為種族而被學校拒絕。
美國司法部認同了學生爭取公平入學機會在對抗哈佛大學這案件上的許多立場,也要求美國區域法庭法官Allison Burroughs 准許這案件繼續進行。

塔芙茨醫療講座 9/24 談男性健康

9/24 免費男性健康研討會

2018年9月24日,塔夫茨醫學中心泌尿外科的泌尿科醫師莊立岩博士將在波士頓唐人街講解男性健康知識。這個免費的社區活動向所有人開放,使用中文演講。該演講將討論各種健康問題,如勃起功能障礙,壓力性尿失禁,前列腺癌,糖尿病等。該教育活動將重點關注勃起功能障礙和壓力性尿失禁的泌尿外科治療方案,以使聽眾能夠了解最新的治療方案,提高健康水平和生活質量。活動期間將提供茶點和小吃。活動中可與一位經歷過類似情況的患者支持者見面,一對一交流,並向醫生提出任何問題。研討會將於下午6點(註冊)開始,演講時間為下午6:15,位於波士頓市中心的Hilton DoubleTree,位於麻州波士頓市華盛頓街821號櫻花廳。如需參加,請致電855-889-6286(中文)或訪問www.edcure.org/events免費註冊。地址:Cherry Blossom Room at 821 Washington St., Boston, MA

星期三, 8月 29, 2018

Check with Voter Registrar -- Are You Still on the Rolls?

Check with Voter Registrar -- Are You Still on the Rolls?
By Mark Hedin
U.S. citizens across the country soon will vote on all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, for 35 U.S. senators and three dozen governorships. The House of Representatives and possibly the Senate are up for grabs.
Given the high stakes, voters would do well to check at least a month ahead of time with their local board of elections to see if they’re still registered to vote. This is especially true for people of color.
The reason is that millions could find their right to vote challenged or taken away under suspicion that they’re trying to vote more than once, largely due to 26 states using the Interstate Voter Crosscheck system, which compares lists of voters in different states and challenges the registration of those whose names come up more than once.
For the 1,166,000 people in the country who share the surname Garcia, this could be a problem. Likewise for the Rodriguezes (1,094,924), Jacksons (708,099), Washingtons (177,386), Kims (262,352), Patels (229,973), Lees (693,023) and Parks (106,696).
Crosscheck, developed in 2005 by Kansas Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh as a free service for participating states, promised to detect voter fraud by comparing people’s names, social security numbers and birthdates. Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri first implemented it in 2006.
During his tenure as Kansas’ secretary of state, current GOP gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach expanded Crosscheck to 15 states by 2012 and 29 by 2014 and in 2017 was appointed to a leading role in the White House’s short-lived Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
In 2017, of 98 million voting records Crosscheck analyzed, it deemed 7.2 million potential duplicates, although Crosscheck has yet to produce its first voter fraud conviction. Eight states that originally signed on have since dropped out, citing unreliable data. Nonetheless, it's still in use in dozens more. Eight of those state have Senate seats up for a vote this year in contests that are expected to be close: Arizona, Nevada, Indiana, Missouri, West Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio and Michigan. And 19 Crosscheck-using states are voting on their governor for the next four years.
In a 2015 named “The Health of State Democracies,” the Center for American Progress, a nonprofit funded in part by the Gates Foundation, Wal-Mart, Ford Foundation and many others, concluded that the voters Crosscheck tagged for review are disproportionately non-white.
“States participating in the Interstate Crosscheck system risk purging legally registered voters ꟷ with a significant oversampling from communities of color," it said, citing the work of journalist Greg Palast, who’s been studying the U.S. voting system since 2000, for the BBC, al-Jazeera America, Rolling Stone magazine and others and produced a film about it, “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.”
Working with data analyst Mark Swedlund, Palast found that among states using Crosscheck, one in six Hispanics, one in seven Asian Americans and one in nine African Americans landed on its list of suspect voters.
“The outcome is discriminatory against minorities,” Swedlund says.
The chief explanation for the racial inequity is that ethnic communities are more likely to share a surname, such as Washington, Lee, Patel or Kim, Palast told Ethnic Media Services.
Swedlund and Palast found that the Crosscheck system seems satisfied that if two people share a common first and last name, they’re suspect. Differences in their birthdate, middle initial, Social Security numbers or suffixes such as “Jr.” and “Sr.” don’t keep registered voters off Crosscheck's lists.
Not all 7 million people whose names appear on Crosscheck’s lists will be denied a vote, though. For one thing, only 36.4% of the people who were registered to vote even showed up at the polls in 2014. In one survey of elections between 1960 and 1995, the United States ranks dead last in the democracies of the world, with an average turnout of 48%.
Would-be voters whose names are missing from the lists of registered voters will be given what’s called a “provisional ballot,” to be tallied if the voter is ultimately found to have been wrongly left off the lists. Palast, however, skeptical that many provisional ballots are ever counted, refers to them as "placebo ballots."
Voters eager to cast genuine ballots, then, might want to call their local board of elections well in advance of Nov. 6 to be sure that they’ll be allowed to vote.
In 2018’s highly charged political environment, individual votes may count more than ever. Take, for example, the recent special election for the vacant seat representing Ohio’s 12th congressional district.
In that still undecided Aug. 7 race, 1,200 votes separate Republican Troy Balderson and Democrat Danny O’Connor at press time.
Ohio has removed almost 200,000 voters from the rolls because they appeared on the Crosscheck lists.
The margin of victory in the state’s 12th District race may ultimately be found among the 5,048 absentee ballots not yet tallied and the still uncounted 3,435 provisional ballots.
No matter which of the candidates is awarded Ohio’s vacant 12th District Congressional seat based on the August election, voters will get another chance to decide between Balderson and O’Connor in November.
  That’s why voters who want to have their voices heard Nov. 6, in Ohio and elsewhere, should call local officials ahead of time to see if any problems have come up with their registration. (From Ethnic Media Services)

慈濟.璞石瘋一夏 小朋友收穫豐










Governor Baker Signs BRAVE Act to Strengthen Services and Supports for Commonwealth’s Veterans

Governor Baker Signs BRAVE Act to Strengthen Services and Supports for Commonwealth’s Veterans

For more photos and high resolution, click here

CHELSEA —Governor Charlie Baker today joined Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders, Secretary of Veterans' Services Francisco Ureña, members of the Legislature and veterans of the United States Armed Services at the ceremonial signing of An Act Relative to Veterans Benefits, Rights, Appreciation, Validation and Enforcement (S. 2632) at the Soldiers' Home in Chelsea. Known as the “BRAVE Act”, the legislation provides additional support for members of the veterans’ community and their familiesincluding tax credits and enhanced educational opportunities.

“The Commonwealth will forever be indebted to the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our freedoms, and expanding services for veterans under the BRAVE Act is a small way to honor their sacrifice,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The BRAVE Act builds on Massachusetts’ nation-leading support for service members and strengthens our commitment to the Commonwealth’s veterans and their loved ones.”

“The BRAVE Act provides important additional resources for our veterans, and we thank the Legislature for their work in passing this bipartisan legislation,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “The sacrifices of veterans’ families will be further recognized by this bill, through establishing annual days dedicated to honoring the Commonwealth’s Gold Star Wives, Mothers and Families.”

“We are grateful to our veterans and their families for their commitment, courage, and selflessness. Massachusetts prides itself on providing unparalleled access to health care, and the BRAVE Act furthers our support of our veterans’ physical and behavioral health care needs,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders.

“The Brave Act reinforces our first in the nation status in providing services and benefits to our veteran population,” said Secretary of Veteran Affairs Francisco Ureña. “I am pleased to see the legislature’s bipartisan effort in support of my fellow veterans.”

“As the daughter of a veteran with health challenges, I understand deeply our nation’s sacred responsibility to ensure that those who protected us through dangerous times are themselves protected,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka. “The BRAVE Act will go a long way to fulfilling our promise to active-duty soldiers, veterans, and to their families, as Massachusetts continues to lead the nation in caring for veterans.”

“Massachusetts has a proud history of leading the nation in military-benefit programs and service, and this new law continues that tradition by providing additional supports to our service members and their families,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo. “We’re sending a message to our heroes and their families that the Commonwealth honors their bravery, service and sacrifice.”

“This omnibus veteran’s legislation assists veterans and their families with employment protections, tax exemptions, burial expenses, court programs, medical care, and also continues to recognize those who serve and who have served,” said Senator Mike Rush, (D-Norfolk & Suffolk District) and Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs.  “We want to ensure that Massachusetts remains number one in the nation in providing for our veterans.  This legislation goes a long way in accomplishing this goal and I want to thank my colleagues in the legislature and the Baker Administration for their continued commitment to our veterans, service members and their families.”

“Senator Rush and I are proud of the work we accomplished this session to improve the quality of life for our veterans and their families. The Brave Act deals with tax exemptions, paid military leave, burial expenses, rights, appreciation, validation and enforcement,” said Representative John Lawn, Chairman of the Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs. “The Brave Act also closes many loopholes in The Valor Act diversion program that was meant to help our Veterans who are dealing with PTSD and other issues from their service to our country.”

BRAVE Act Summary
Highlights from the BRAVE Act include:

  • Designates April 5th as Gold Star Wives Day and the last Sunday in September as Gold Star Mothers and Families Day.
  • Establishes a Massachusetts Veterans and Warriors Agriculture Program to enhance education, training, employment, income, productivity and retention of veterans working in or aspiring to work in the field of agriculture.
  • Allows parents or surviving guardians of veterans, who died in service to the country, to receive a real estate credit on property beginning Jan. 1, 2019.
  • Increases veterans’ local property tax work-off program from $1,000 to $1,500.
  • Allows Gold Star License Plates to be affixed to commercial vehicles.
  • Provides time off for veterans for Veterans Day and Memorial Day, with or without pay, at the discretion of the employer.
  • Requires the Department of Veterans’ Services to maintain and publish a list of law firms and organizations that provide pro bono legal representation for veterans
  • Establishes a special commission to study cost and feasibility of exempting all cost to veterans of attending public higher education in Massachusetts.
  • Directs the Executive Office of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, to partner with a Massachusetts college or university to conduct a study relative to veterans and military members suffering from mental health or substance abuse issues related to their military service and their needs in the criminal justice system.
  • Extends the veterans’ bonus program administered by the Treasurer to allow for the maximum amount of benefits under the program, subject to appropriation, to those veterans who served during Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Noble Eagle, Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.

At today’s event, the Baker-Polito Administration announced that it will be breaking ground on the new long-term care facility at the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home later this year, after including state funding for a new long-term care facility at the Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea as part of the Fiscal Year 2018 capital budget plan. In November 2017,Governor Baker signed legislation to fund the construction of the $199 million 154-bed Community Living Center, and in April 2018, the Baker-Polito Administration received funding authorization from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and plans to spend approximately $70 million net of federal reimbursement on the project. The federal funding was awarded through the VA’s State Home Construction Grant Program which provides reimbursement of up to 65% of construction costs.

The Community Living Center will provide private, “home-like” rooms for veterans in accordance with VA standards of design which promotes greater accessibility, mobility, and enhanced quality of life. Services will include physical and occupational therapy, recreational activities and greater access to the outdoors. The Quigley Memorial Long Term Care Center will be fully operational during the construction process.

星期六, 8月 25, 2018

波士頓台大校友會夏遊 迎回年輕世代 歡樂傳承


             (Boston Orange 周菊子布魯克蘭鎮報導) 波士頓台大校友會變年輕了。818日出席校友會年度夏季野餐會的人都發現,今年來參加的80多名校友,居然有將近一半是年輕面孔,活動現場青春氣息洋溢。新任會長吳杏玫宣佈的未來活動計畫,也針對年輕一輩校友需求,要從求職,定居角度來安排。

東西相遇風箏節今日( 8/25)舉行



Tactical plaza at Franklin Street, Downtown Boston
(Photo courtesy of MP Boston)

BOSTON - Friday, August 24, 2018 - City officials today joined community members and partners to celebrate the opening of Tontine Crescent plaza, a new streetscape intervention on Franklin Street in Downtown Boston that includes a large pedestrian plaza with plantings and seating; a protected bicycle lane; and a motor vehicle lane that responds to the character and needs of the street. The new tactical plaza reimagines an 18th century Charles Bulfinch designed urban park that had been converted over time to roadway space to accommodate automobiles. This initiative is one of several the City is undertaking to improve the public realm in different neighborhoods throughout the city.

"I am excited to activate this space in downtown Boston and show the possibilities for redesigning streetscapes for the benefit of all modes of travel," said Mayor Walsh. "Reclaiming the Tontine Crescent plaza and turning it into an area where people can travel safely, and enjoy the city surrounding them is what we strive to accomplish in our Go Boston 2030 mobility plan, and I am thrilled that it is now available for everyone to use."

In partnership with the community, the Boston Transportation Department (BTD) redesigned the underutilized roadway between Arch and Hawley Streets to better serve all users of Franklin Street. The project highlights how to reclaim surplus roadway space for more people-friendly purposes. Improving the public realm was identified as a top priority of Boston residents and others who participated in the public engagement process for Go Boston 2030, the City's transportation plan.

"Our streets and sidewalks are not just our paths to and from school or work, they are also our front stoops and our neighborhood gathering spaces," said Chief of Streets Chris Osgood.  "These projects highlight how our streets can celebrate our neighborhoods and bring our City together, and the projects we are celebrating today are just the beginning."

"The implementation of tactical public realm improvements is well underway in Boston," said Boston Transportation Commissioner Gina N. Fiandaca. "In addition to the Tontine Crescent project, street murals have been painted in Allston, a parklet has been created on Newbury Street, and designs are underway for the installation of a tactical plaza in Chinatown, as well as for murals and a parklet in Egleston Square on the Roxbury/Jamaica Plain line. We look forward to working with residents and others to bring additional public realm improvements to neighborhoods throughout the City."

The Downtown Boston Business Improvement District (BID) worked with the BTD on the implementation of the Tontine Crescent plaza, assisting with community outreach and maintenance. After a year of outreach, the designers used easy-to-install measures such as flex posts and paint to reshape the space. The plaza will be in its temporary form for a few years to evaluate its use and impacts. Millenium Partners Boston funded its design and installation.  
"The Tontine Crescent plaza is a creative, practical and innovative addition to Downtown Boston's public realm," said BID President & CEO Rosemarie Sansone. "This new public space reflects a collaborative effort through a yearlong planning process that engaged property owners, area businesses, and was facilitated by MP Boston, the Boston Transportation Department and the Downtown Boston BID. The feedback has been extremely positive, and we look forward to overseeing the daily operation of this vibrant community amenity."

"As a physical therapist on Franklin Street for 29 years, I have always promoted the wonderful benefits of exercise," said Jake Kennedy of Kennedy Brothers Physical Therapy. "Now, to see this historic street open itself up to bikers and walkers makes me so happy.  Every time we make a section of the city healthier, Boston wins."

Other projects to improve the City's public realm include:

A new pop-up park for Chinatown at Phillips Square

The Phillips Square tactical plaza is a reclaiming of an overly-wide street in Chinatown, that will create a new iconic entrance to the neighborhood when it is installed later this year. The design converts a section of Harrison Avenue between Essex and Beach Streets into a temporary plaza using paint, plants, and benches adjacent to parking and lanes for bicycles and cars. It is supported by partnerships with Chinatown Main Streets and Cresset Harrison LLC.  

New community spaces for Roxbury-Jamaica Plain, Allston, East Boston, and the Back Bay

Two parking spaces have been converted into outdoor "parklet" seating on Newbury Street in tandem with its Open Streets events, and a similar parklet is being designed for Egleston Square near the Washington Street - Boylston Street intersection in partnership with the Egleston Square Main Street local-merchant group. East Boston will see an outdoor cafe at the triangle plaza along Meridian Street at London Street sponsored by the Meridian Food Market, and Sammy Carlo's Delicatessen will maintain the public outdoor cafe at Bennington and Moore Streets. Building on the success of newly installed street murals in Allston and Roslindale Square, a new mural designed in collaboration with residents will be installed in Egleston Square as well. A Better City's Wicked Streets placemaking program supports the parklet in Egleston Square and outdoor cafes in East Boston.  

Street mural on Franklin Street in Allston
(Photo courtesy of Galen Mook)

Go Boston 2030 is the City of Boston's long term mobility plan. It envisions a city in a region where all residents have better and more equitable travel choices, where efficient transportation networks foster economic opportunity, and where steps have been taken to prepare for climate change. Whether raveling by transit, on foot, on a bike or by car, people will be able to access all parts of Boston safely and reliably. A list of projects and policies have been developed that are being implemented as early action projects in the near term, and a set of long term projects and policies are intended to be implemented over the next 15 years.