
星期三, 6月 28, 2017


Opening ceremony to be held at Faneuil Hall Marketplace
BOSTON - Wednesday, June 28, 2017 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the City of Boston will kick-off the 36th annual Boston Harborfest at Faneuil Hall Marketplace on Friday, June 30 at 11:00 a.m.

"Boston is the perfect place to celebrate our nation's independence," said Mayor Walsh. "Every year, Harborfest partners give residents and visitors the opportunity to celebrate Boston's unique history and diverse waterfront and harbor with exciting events and activities. I encourage everyone to attend this wonderful, inclusive event."

Boston Harborfest is a multi-day festival with activities celebrating American Independence, honoring the city's colonial roots, and showcasing Boston's vibrant harbor. Mayor Walsh will be joined by Rear Admiral Steven Poulin, First Commander, United States Coast Guard Sector Boston; Commander Robert Gerosa, Captain, USS Constitution; Pat Moscaritolo, President and Chief Executive Officer, Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau; Joe O'Malley, General Manager of Faneuil Hall Marketplace; and Harborfest partners during the celebration to kick-off the festival.

Residents, visitors and businesses are invited to participate in the patriotic opening ceremony, which will feature The 215 Army Band who will lead the crowd in singing the National Anthem, and the ceremonial cutting of the Harborfest cake. Mayor Walsh, Commander Poulin, and Commander Gerosa and special guests will use a cutglass (sword) to cut the cake, provided by Faneuil Hall Marketplace and created by Montilio's. National Park Service Park Rangers and Freedom Trail® Players, dressed in 18th-century costume, will be on hand to offer historical information about Faneuil Hall and other sites along the Freedom Trail.

Held from June 30 through July 4, Harborfest celebrates the colonial and maritime heritage of America's independence in Boston. Over the years, Harborfest has grown from a local event to a national celebration. In 1982 there were 35 activities over the course of three days. Now in its 36th year, Harborfest is considered to be the country's largest Fourth of July festival with hundreds of activities over a 5-day period at Boston's best landmarks.

The family-friendly event includes the annual opening ceremony at Faneuil Hall, historical reenactments, Freedom Trail® tours and historic sites' programs and events, activities along Boston Harbor, live entertainment, and much more. Harborfest will feature highlights at Christopher Columbus Park throughout the holiday weekend. Arts at Harborfest, a curated preview to the September Boston Area Festival, will return on Saturday, July 1 followed by a performance from Sweet Harmony and a screening of Yankee Doodle Dandy. Sunday will reintroduce Chowderfest where attendees may vote on the best creations from local restaurants.  

For more Harborfest information and a list of activities, please call 617-439-7700 or visit  www.Bostonharborfest.com

Governor Baker Nominates Frederick Baran to Chicopee District Court

Governor Baker Nominates Frederick Baran to Chicopee District Court

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker nominated Frederick R. Baran, Jr. to the position of Clerk Magistrate of the Chicopee District Court. Baran has served as Acting Clerk Magistrate in the Chicopee District Court since July of 2016 and has served in Holyoke District Court as First Assistant Clerk Magistrate since 1990 and Acting Clerk Magistrate since 1996. In addition, Attorney Baran has served as Acting District Court Region VI Coordinator in Holyoke since 2011.

“Frederick Baran has a long history of serving the people of the Commonwealth as a Clerk Magistrate in various District Courts in Western Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am pleased to nominate him for the Governor’s Council’s advice and consent. If confirmed, the Chicopee District Court will benefit greatly from his experience, knowledge and wisdom.”

“I am pleased with the nomination of a skilled and well-respected civil servant that is such an active and rooted member of the Hampden County community,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “I am confident that Attorney Baran’s professional skills developed over more than three decades in the legal system will serve the judges, lawyers and litigants who appear in the Chicopee District Court well."

Judicial nominations are subject to the advice and consent of the Governor’s Council. Applicants for judicial openings are reviewed by the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) and recommended to the governor. Governor Baker established the JNC in February, 2015 pursuant to Executive Order 558, a non-partisan, non-political Commission composed of volunteers from a cross-section of the Commonwealth's diverse population to screen judicial applications. Twenty-one members were later appointed to the JNC in April, 2015.

The District Court hears a wide range of criminal, civil, housing, juvenile, mental health, and other types of cases. District Court criminal jurisdiction extends to all felonies punishable by a sentence up to five years, and many other specific felonies with greater potential penalties; all misdemeanors; and all violations of city and town ordinances and by-laws. In civil matters, District Court judges conduct both jury and jury-waived trials, and determine with finality any matter in which the likelihood of recovery does not exceed $25,000. The District Court also tries small claims involving up to $7,000 (initially tried to a magistrate, with a defense right of appeal either to a judge or to a jury). The District Court's civil jurisdiction also includes many specialized proceedings, including abuse prevention restraining orders and civil motor vehicle infractions (tried initially to a magistrate, with right of appeal to a judge).

For more information about the District Court, visit http://www.mass.gov/courts/court-info/trial-court/dc/

About Frederick R. Baran, Jr.

Frederick R. Baran, Jr. is the Acting Clerk Magistrate in the Chicopee District Court. Before starting his legal career, Baran was a science teacher at Chestnut Junior High School in Springfield. Practicing eight years as a General Associate for Ducharme, Moriarty & Wilson in Holyoke, Baran was then selected as the First Assistant Clerk Magistrate for the Holyoke District Court in 1990. As the Acting District Court Region VI Coordinator for the District Court since 2011, Baran coordinated assignments for the twelve courts in the region to assure adequate coverage in addition to conducting training and resolving court personnel matters and conflicts. He received his Juris Doctor at Suffolk University Law School in 1982 and his Bachelor of Science in Education from Fitchburg State College in 1977.  He currently resides with his family in Holyoke.

頂大學人講座 談數位人文,營養,地圖

                             (Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市綜合報導) 駐波士頓經文處教育組與紐英崙中華專業人員協會合辦的頂大學人講座624日下午在MIT舉辦今年第四場,由訪問學人劉昭麟,專協李小玉醫師,袁尚賢暢論飲食營養,數位人文,古代地圖,從不同角度敲人腦洞。
             他還談及身體脂肪指數(BMI),升糖指數(Glycemic index),胰島素指數等。他指出,糖分對人體健康有最不好的影響,尤其是果凍豆(jelly bean)會大幅度提高升糖指數,胰島素指數,最好避免食用。網上也有表格列出了各種食物的升糖指數,胰島素指數,大家在選擇食物時可以拿來做參考。
             袁尚賢在上海出生,台灣長大,美國拿合成化學博士學位,還曾在麻省理工學院做博士後。由於當年在台大唸過兩年地質學,他對地圖一直有濃厚興趣。有一次在拍賣會上看到John Thornton1703年版本英國駕駛地圖,其中一頁竟然畫的是在廈門和他老家舟山之間的航行方向。他想買,但太貴,於是跑到哈佛大學圖書館,戴上手套慢慢翻閱。
             1584年時,歐洲出現第一張中國地圖,北右下方有日本,渤海,福爾摩沙島(Isl Fermosa),右邊還有蒙古包,風帆車這些後來在歐洲地圖中常常畫著有,中國版本卻很少提。
             大約在公元前200年時,AppolodorusSeres 絲縷氏來命名中國,翻成拉丁文是Serica, SinaChinae等等,後來義大利文稱做Cina,法文是Chine,西班牙文China,原本都讀做斯那,到英文就讀成了恰那。


星期二, 6月 27, 2017

Governor Baker Statement On The Passing Of Commissioner Mitchell Chester

Governor Baker Statement On The Passing Of Commissioner Mitchell Chester
BOSTON - Today, Governor Charlie Baker released the following statement regarding the passing of Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Mitchell Chester:

“On behalf of the entire administration, Lt. Governor Polito and I extend our deepest condolences to Commissioner Chester’s family, friends and colleagues at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education during this difficult time. Commissioner Chester was a dedicated educator and accomplished public servant. His leadership improved the lives of thousands of the Commonwealth’s students and helped make our public school system a national leader.  He will be terribly missed by all.”

Early Education and Care Commissioner Tom Weber’s Statement on the Passing of Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester

“On behalf of the Department of Early Education and Care, I offer our deepest sympathies, condolences, and prayers to Mitchell’s family, friends, and our colleagues at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.   For nearly a decade as commissioner, Mitchell Chester accomplished a difficult feat: he assumed leadership of a high-performing public education system and helped bring it to even greater, often world-leading heights.   Fundamental to that success – a success that he diligently credited to the Commonwealth’s students and educators – was Mitchell’s unshakeable commitment to student-centered policies and continuous improvement.   Mitchell’s special capacity to attend constantly and without compromise to those important fundamentals has been essential to the Commonwealth’s sustained progress in public education.   We have lost a true friend to public education, but not the example of his leadership, which points the way forward as we endeavor to extend Mitchell’s legacy of improved schools and lives.”

屋斯特亞洲文化日 中文學校秀台灣

【麻州中部亞洲文化日  中文學校行銷臺灣】






                     (Boston Orange)中國科協(長春)海外人才創新創業大賽623日在長春香格里拉酒店落幕。從波士頓選出的12個美東賽區優勝團隊,歡喜抱獎,共贏得兩個一等獎,三個二等獎。


波士頓台大校友會將於七月十五日(星期六)上午九時半到下午一時舉行夏季野餐,地點在 Andover Recreation Park (147 Abbot Street, Andover),歡迎校友參加。校友會準備了簡單的早餐及豐盛的午餐、飲料及水果,並安排了一些活動。另有小朋友或孫子女的校友也可帶小朋友到兒童專區玩樂。請上校友會網站首頁報名繳費(www.gbaantu.org)詢問請寄gbaantu@gmail.com


(Boston Orange周菊子牛頓市報導)慈濟波士頓聯絡處624日下午以一場迷你鼓樂演奏助陣,隆重介紹社會教育推廣班的打鼓,舞蹈,吉他等不下5個學習班,鼓勵人利用時間學習,根據各人興趣挑選班別,享受親炙個人所好之樂,同時接近慈濟人,耳濡目染一下慈濟的志業功德。
627日晚上67點起,4次一期的和秀惠跳尼雅(Nia with Showway)”,將由獲有尼雅舞黑帶教師資格的陳秀惠執教。台灣今年4月出版的終身瘦用211全平衡瘦身法,不但有關於尼雅舞的介紹,指尼雅舞是一種非衝擊性的有氧舞蹈,非常適合所有人,尤其是久未運動又想減肥的人的一種新創運動方式,書中還介紹了陳秀惠老師。
波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉,波士頓僑務委員蔣宗壬,紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊,紐英倫客家鄉親會會長周一男,波士頓地區關懷救助協會會長王志維,大波士頓中國文化協會國樂團團長潘台春,歐陽東美夫婦,麻州元極舞聯誼會會長鄭玉春等,當天下午有許多嘉賓到會,現場近百人,場面十分熱絡。                                                                       波士頓慈濟聯絡處的地址為 15 Summer Street, Newton, MA02464。電話(617) 762-0569。(圖片已於26日發表)
