
星期四, 1月 21, 2016

麻州總檢察長 Maura Healey 的第一年

“I love my job.”                                                                                                                                                                                                       
It’s probably the four words I’ve uttered most since being sworn in a year ago today as your Attorney General.
Being the People’s Lawyer is the opportunity of a lifetime. I absolutely love it. I get excited every time I walk into our office, every time I sit with my team to tackle big issues, every time I am in the community and with the people who make this state the most amazing place to live, work and raise our families.
We’re kicking off 2016 with the same kind of relentless energy I hope you saw in our first year. We’re looking ahead to the challenges around the bend and we’re already pushing hard on our top priorities. We need you to join our team, to volunteer and help us achieve our goals.
We have a lot to be proud of in our first year and, while we’re all focused on the big challenges ahead, I wanted to take a moment on this important anniversary to share with you all that you’ve made possible – not just for me but for the people our campaign was always about.
A year ago on another chilly weeknight at historic Faneuil Hall, I was honored to take the oath and lay out my agenda. It was an aggressive agenda out of the gate and I think we’ve proven as a team that we’re able to take issues on – big and small.
Some highlights to me:
•         Our intense focus on economic security for the people of Massachusetts – leading the on-time implementation of the state’s new earned sick time law, creating a domestic workers bill of rights, advocating for a critical equal pay law, working with Senator Elizabeth Warren to help students drowning in student loan debt and, in May, we led by example in providing six weeks of paid leave for all our employees.
•         Prioritizing our nation-leading enforcement, investigations and treatment efforts on prescription drug abuse and heroin use, solidifying a first-in-the-nation agreement to provide the anti-overdose drug Narcan to first responders throughout Massachusetts and collaborating with Governor Charlie Baker, Mayor Marty Walsh and other partners, including joining Secretary Hillary Clinton for an event in Boston, drawing national attention to our efforts.
•         Creating the first-ever Community Engagement Division to put my promise of being the People’s Lawyer into action, starting a series of Community Action Hours, organizing 126 engagement events and trainings and directly engaging nearly 9,000 people where they are, live and work.
•         Upending the debate over energy and the environment by creating a newly-merged Energy and Environment Bureau to better protect ratepayers, conducting a high-profile regional study on electric reliability and intervened on the proposed Kinder Morgan natural gas pipeline.
•         Keeping my promise to stand up for people by holding casinos to their commitments in Boston, Springfield and Plainville on critical gaming implementation issues, expanding our Gaming Enforcement Division.
•         Leading investigations and awareness on gun violence reduction efforts, partnering with chiefs of police on education and gun safety regulations and reminding gun dealers of their responsibilities under our tough gun laws.
•         Carrying forward my lifelong commitment on civil rights, urging the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the national right to marry, advocating at the State House forimportant legislation to prohibit discrimination against transgender individuals.
•         Making good  on our commitment to better protect young people, launching our Child and Youth Protection Unit, partnering with the New England Patriots on a first-in-the-nation Game Change program to train high school staff on domestic violence prevention and implementing tough new regulations to limit the sale of e-cigarettes to those under 21.
It’s a lot – and that’s not even all of it. I told you a year ago it was a tall order for maybe the shortest person to hold this office. But we’re doing it and we’re just getting started!
In 2016, we have big plans to double down on our economic security efforts, further tackle gun violence, find new and aggressive ways to help those struggling with opiate abuse, lead as the 21st Century ratepayer advocate to find common sense energy solutions and find new ways to bring our office’s work to the people across Massachusetts.
We need you now more than ever.
Will you join me to make sure our list of successes on behalf of the people continues to grow this year? Will you join our grassroots team to help get the word out in your neighborhood, identify important events for our team to join in your region and be my ambassadors onsocial media and beyond? Will you help contribute today to ensure we can keep doing this important work?
I know I wouldn't be here without you. thank you. You know how much I love my job. We have so much yet to do in the next year. Please stay engaged.
Let's get at it.                

All the best,

風雪週末來襲波士頓 三州進入暴風雪緊急狀態

鱈魚角(Cape Cod),島嶼,以及麻州東南部,南部海岸一帶大概會受暴風雪衝擊最大,約降雪36吋。


僑務委員會2016年中餐主廚培訓班活動 4/11-22


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星期三, 1月 20, 2016

Mayor Walsh names Sara Myerson BRA’s new Director of Planning at State of the City address

Mayor Walsh names Sara Myerson BRA’s new Director of Planning at State of the City address
New planning initiatives in Roxbury’s Dudley Square and Dorchester’s Glover’s Corner also announced

BOSTON – Planning for the future of Boston’s neighborhoods was a prominent topic in Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s second State of the City address, delivered last night to a packed house at Symphony Hall. In his speech, Mayor Walsh announced that Sara Myerson, currently the Executive Director of Imagine Boston 2030, will become the new Director of Planning at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. Myerson will help integrate the BRA’s ongoing neighborhood planning initiatives with the citywide planning process that she has led since last fall.
Last night, Mayor Walsh also tasked the BRA with launching two new strategic planning initiatives that will focus on Roxbury’s Dudley Square and the Glover’s Corner area of Dorchester. The BRA is currently working with community members in Jamaica Plain, Roxbury, and South Boston on two planning initiatives to guide future development along transit-oriented corridors in those neighborhoods.
“People want to live in Boston. That’s a good thing,” said Mayor Walsh during last night’s address. “But we need to shape growth as a community, not let it shape us. That’s what residents are doing along the Red Line in South Boston and the Orange Line in Jamaica Plain. They’re helping us plan vibrant, walkable streets, with affordable homes, diverse businesses, and great open space. These conversations will unlock the vitality that makes city neighborhoods great.”
As is the case with the ongoing studies, the new planning efforts will be guided by three principles: preserve assets valued by the community; enhance underutilized spaces and places; and identify strategies to grow responsibly in order to accommodate future residents.
The Dudley Square planning initiative is expected to begin in February, with the goal of completing community workshops by the fall and updating zoning by the end of the year. PLAN Dudley Square will aim to reassess the vision that was established by the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan, which was created in 2004. The new effort will result in a roadmap for development opportunities in Dudley and a streamlined implementation plan to encourage investment on publicly and privately owned underutilized parcels.
The scope and timeline for the Glover’s Corner initiative are being finalized, but the BRA will work closely with community members to explore opportunities for mixed-use development around Freeport Street and Dorchester Avenue near the Savin Hill Red Line station.
Brian Golden, Director of the BRA, welcomed Myerson’s leadership and the new planning initiatives. “We’re eager to work with the communities in Dudley Square and Glover’s Corner to expand upon the planning that’s currently underway in other parts of the city,” said Golden. “Our refreshed approach, which prioritizes robust engagement with residents, has been very well-received. Sara’s unique skill set and background in affordable housing and real estate finance will be a valuable asset as we work to synthesize our targeted neighborhood planning efforts with the citywide plan.”
Planners from the BRA and staff from other city agencies have been working collaboratively to advance the ongoing planning initiatives in South Boston and Jamaica Plain/Roxbury. PLAN Dot Ave focuses on the portion of Dorchester Avenue between Broadway and Andrew Square stations on the MBTA’s Red Line, while PLAN JP/Rox focuses on a stretch of Columbus Avenue and Washington Street near the Orange Line between Jackson Square and Forest Hills stations.
Both initiatives launched last July, and the community planning process is over halfway complete. In November, planners from the BRA previewed updated zoning scenarios that contemplate buildings as tall as 300 feet around Dorchester Avenue near the railway in South Boston, an area dominated by low-slung industrial buildings. The draft scenarios were developed with input from the community. Planning workshops for the Jamaica Plain/Roxbury study, meanwhile, have focused on issues related to the future mix of uses in this area of the city, which is more developed than the study area in South Boston. Community workshops about placemaking and mobility are scheduled in each of study areas in the coming week.
The BRA hopes to propose updated zoning for these areas in the spring.
Before coming to work for the City of Boston, Myerson held a senior role at the nonprofit organization Preservation of Affordable Housing and positions at HR&A Advisors and the Goldman Sachs Urban Investment Group. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Middlebury College and a master’s in urban planning from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design.
“I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to lead the city’s planning work at such a pivotal moment in Boston’s history,” said Myerson. “Our economy is booming, and we’re doing more proactive and comprehensive planning than ever before. I look forward to building on this momentum and working closely with community members to achieve a shared vision for the future of our city.”
John FitzGerald, Deputy Director of Imagine Boston 2030, will serve as Interim Executive Director while a search for Myerson’s replacement is conducted.
Director Golden thanked John “Tad” Read, the BRA’s Acting Director of Planning, for leading the division through the seven-month transition between planning directors. “We were extremely fortunate to have Tad’s steady hand at the wheel during this critical period. Tad was instrumental in developing our new approach to planning, and he was a positive force in helping us reform our culture as an agency. On behalf of all of the employees of the BRA, I want to thank Tad for his thoughtful guidance and leadership.”
At its next meeting in February, the BRA’s Board of Director’s is expected to formally approve Mayor Walsh’s nomination of Myerson to her new role.


2016年1月27号(周三) 6:00pm-8:30pm EST

2016 年 1 月 27 日 (周三)6:00PM-8:30PM,「燎原」创业社交平台将携手东北大学中国学生学者联合会(NUCSSA)在波士顿的东北大学校园内举办波士顿“留学生初创招聘节”活动。12家麻州地区优秀留学生初创企业走进校园,和大家共同探讨在初创公司工作体验。

  1. 参与1月27日招聘活动,进行现场简历投递及面试;
  2. 通过「燎原」创业社交的专属活动页面,添加公司创始人或HR为好友,使用聊天功能直接发送简历,进行沟通交流!

  • 6:00pm-6:30pm 注册报到,本时段各家受邀公司将会在会议室外进行招聘活动,提前到场的观众有机会和各个公司创始人进行单独交流,机会有限
  • 6:30pm-7:30pm 分论坛分享, 各个公司HR阐述招聘需求&分享创业经历
  • 7:30pm-8:30pm 自由交流
*Dress code: Business casual

BrainCo 、TNL Corp、Modelo、IDoWedding、Fine Custom Made、凯威国际、云瑞投资、光圈传媒、U松鼠(Usquirrel)、波士顿龙虾君、Skelmet。
1. BrainCo.
招聘职位包括:iOS/Android Developer 、高级用户界面设计师、市场专员若干名等。
掌握尖端的人机交互技术,集合来自哈佛和MIT的顶级脑科学实验室的科学家们,BrainCo致力于将这些曾专属于脑机构的尖端技术带到人们的每一天。 BrainCo的开发人员在脑效率提升、睡眠管理、智能家居控制、脑脑交流、疼痛测量等多方面不断的探索,希望能从此改变人们生活的方式,让生活更简单、更高效。BrainCo,让脑控万物成为可能。BrainCo在2016年CES上大放异彩,被USA Today、法新社、Fox5、雅虎等几十家媒体报道,并被评为2016年CES八大看点之一。

2. TNL Corp
招聘职位包括:自然语言处理工程师、电子电路工程师、网络应用开发程序员、 品控工程师、 制造工程师、市场营销、 食谱开发员、食材渠道联络员等。
Tech-No-Logic Corp成立于2013年7月,是波士顿地区最具潜力的一家智能硬件创业公司。TNL公司专注家用机器人行业,致力于将机器人技术普及到消费者身边,提高人们的生活品质。TNL公司所研发的技术和项目涵盖人工智能、多自由度关节、控制系统、3D打印、智能家电等多方面,目前已经商业化的产品为OneCook智能烹饪机器,是一种集软硬件于一体的智能厨电设备,可以有效地为忙于工作和学业的人提供健康、可口餐品。

3. 「燎原」创业社交平台
「燎原」是以创业者为核心的,垂直创业社交平台,旨在集结优秀的创业者,投资人和其他创业资源,让创业不再是孤独的星火。 产品仅上线3个月内测后,就已完成两轮融资!充足的“粮仓弹药”保障,再无后顾之忧!燎原第一时间为创业者匹配志同道合的创业伙伴,解决创业路上遇到的琐碎难题, 为创业者拓展创业资源,助力其创业发展。

4. Modelo模袋
招聘职位包括:Front End Internship、Back End Internship
Modelo is like Github for 3D design. At Modelo we are building a web-based design collaboration and presentation platform for architects and designers who work with 3D design tools like Rhino, Revit, SketchUp and others. Founded by an architect and an industrial designer fed up with the tools available to them, the company’s mission from the start has been to bring joy and efficiency to the collaboration, presentation and project management functions of creative design teams.

5. I Do Wedding
A new bridal boutique founded in 2015 in downtown Boston, is proud to dress up the brides-to-be for their most important day, with its collections that are classic and timeless, while remaining fashion-forward. What we offer: Wedding Gowns & Evening Dresses (custom made and rental options available); Wedding Photography; Wedding Makeup and Hair Styling.

6. Fine Custom Made 跨境电子商务
招聘职位包括:全职、兼职以及网页平面设计,美工及Digital Marketing 若干等
你对跨境电子商务感兴趣吗?想要了解跨境电子商务公司的运作流程吗?想要为自己的创业打基础吗?想要通过实战提高自己的网页设计水平吗?想要获取在Google,Facebook, Twitter等社交媒体运作市场推广活动的第一手经验吗?Fine Custom Made是一家专注于提供个性化定制产品的跨境电子商务公司。主要服务于北美以及加拿大市场。

7. 凯威国际
招聘职位包括: 传媒助理、校园关系专员、市场实习、销售实习等

8. 云瑞投资
招聘职位包括: IT Intern、Accounting Intern、Marketing Intern、Finance Intern
Nuage Investment is a comprehensive investment company that offers consulting, brokerage and private placements to retail and institutional investors. We advise clients on the entire real-estate investment process. Nuage Investment helps clients identify opportunities that best fit their goals by focusing on all aspects of their risk/return profile and cash flow needs.

9. 光圈传媒
招聘职位包括: 摄影师、摄影助理、摄像师、摄像助理、市场人员等
Aperture Digital Media 光圈数字多媒体公司是由在Boston留学生自主创业的多媒体公司,我们立志打造所有人都消费得起的品牌!我们的摄影师遍布中国及全美(欧洲,香港,台湾等将于2016年4月开启),打消摄影地域限制,贴身一对一服务,平民的价格优良的制作,目前已经帮助波士顿,纽约,迈阿密,旧金山等多家餐厅,车行,房地产,时装周,众筹团队等拍摄照片,制作广告及开幕策划。

10. U松鼠(Usquirrel)
招聘职位包括: 校园大使等
U松鼠(Usquirrel) - 打造北美最好的跨校选课平台,从浏览课程信息到对比跨校选课,整合课程资源,打破信息不对称的美国封闭选课系统,建立公开跨校选课平台,打破信息不对称的美国封闭选课系统,建立公开跨校选课平台,从而节省大学生的学费开支- 轻松少洗6000个小时盘子. Usquirrel整合全美大学提供的课程信息,通过目前校与校已有的学分认证协议,建立跨校的对等课程数据库--从而帮助学生实现节省学费,提早毕业,名校交流等目的。

11. 波士顿龙虾君
招聘职位: Marketing Intern: Digital Communications
LobsBoston (波士顿龙虾君) is the social media brand of Heron Interverse in Boston, MA. Available across all major social media platforms, LobsBoston is the go-to online resource to help Chinese expats experience the best of Boston. It serves as one of Heron Interverse’s marketing outlets and enables clients to promote their products and services targeting the ever-growing Chinese population in Boston.

12. Skelmet
招聘职位包括: Analysts (Intern) 行业分析师、Programmers (Intern) 程序员、Mechanics (Intern) 机械工程师、Public Relation (Intern) 公共关系等
Skelmet致力于SAP(Scan,Analysis and Print)模式的产品设计与制造。我们通过人体模型分析技术和编程建模算法,将3D扫描与3D打印连接起来,提供更佳“以人为本”的穿戴类产品。目前在进行运动头盔的设计和开发。




波士頓市長市2016情咨文 公布教育,經濟發展,住宅,公安計劃

BOSTON - Tuesday, January 19, 2016 -  Mayor Martin J. Walsh tonight delivered his second State of the City address at Symphony Hall. In his address, the Mayor discussed his administration's accomplishments over the past year working to create a thriving, healthy and inclusive Boston, and how we will further those goals by:
  • Recommitting to supporting Boston's students by calling on all of Boston to come together to back our children, our teachers and our schools. That means fair and sustainable funding for both district and charter schools and exploring a unified enrollment system that could help families and level the playing field among schools. The Mayor called on leadership at the State House, and every legislator, to work with Boston and other Gateway Cities to expand access to high-quality pre-kindergarten.
  • Launching the Office of Housing Stability to help people stay in their communities. The new office will develop resources for tenants, incentives for landlords who do the right thing, and partnerships with developers to keep more of our housing stock affordable.
  • Ensuring that America's first public parks are America's best, and-inspired by the Martin Richard Playground being built next to the Children's Museum-America's most inclusive public parks as well.
  • Deepening Boston's commitment to arts and culture. This summer Boston will cap a $78 million investment in the Boston Public Library by unveiling a welcoming new Boylston Street entrance in the Back Bay,  complete Boston Creates, a roadmap for supporting the arts in every neighborhood, and  invest $1 million in local artists.
  • Announcing a functional end to chronic veterans' homelessness in Boston, and working every day to end all chronic homelessness by the year 2018.
  • Building on our economic vision by launching a Business Expansion Toolkit to help employers add jobs and support workers, open a Small Business Center, to boost the entrepreneurs so vital to both economy and community, offer 40 more of our groundbreaking Salary Negotiation Workshops for women, build our new Apprenticeship Program, with on-the-job training and a two-year degree for low-income workers, and take the conversation about inequality one step further by bringing workers and employers together in a task force to study a $15-an-hour minimum wage for Boston.
  • Continuing to work with cities and states, experts, survivors, gun dealers and owners to create common-sense gun reforms. 

Mayor Martin J. Walsh
State of the City Address
January 19, 2016
As prepared for delivery

I'd like to start by thanking the military veterans here tonight, for your service to our country. And to the Gold Star families joining us: We honor you, we honor your loved ones. Would all the veterans and Gold Star families, please stand or raise your hand to be recognized.

Governor Baker and Constitutional officers; President Rosenberg, Speaker DeLeo, and members of the Legislature; the Boston City Council and our federal delegation; clergy and community leaders: welcome. 

To my mother Mary and my brother John, to Lorrie and Lauren, and my entire family: thank you for your love and support. 

And to everyone in Symphony Hall tonight or watching at home, good evening.
I'm here tonight to report that the City of Boston is as strong as it has ever been. 

A year ago I stood on this stage and invited you to help build a thriving, healthy, and innovative future for our city. We are creating that vision together, in Imagine Boston 2030, our first citywide plan in 50 years. And we are making it a reality, by achieving the goals we set last year.

In 2015: 
  • We built more homes than ever. Nearly 4,900 units started-a new record. Over 1,000 of those were affordable homes-a new record. And 3,800 homes were completed-another new record. 
  • We began construction on Dearborn STEM Academy in Roxbury, Boston's first high school built specifically for science and technology. 
  • Violent crime and property crime went down for the second straight year, and homicides fell to a 16-year low.
  • Unemployment fell to a 14-year low.
  • We opened a state-of-the art homeless facility, replacing every shelter bed from Long Island.
  • We created the nation's first Office of Recovery Services, to combat substance abuse.
  • We set a new national standard for firefighter safety, by investing in equipment to prevent job-related cancers.
  • We defended our title as the #1 American city for energy efficiency. And at the historic Paris climate talks, we beat out cities around the world to win the award for community engagement.
  • To make City Hall more responsive: we launched a 311 system; we unveiled a pilot of our new website; and we gained international attention for CityScore, a first-of-its-kind, data-driven scoring system for city government.
Make no mistake, the year brought challenges. It began with nearly 10 feet of snow. From the North End to Brighton to Hyde Park, we shoveled. We scraped. We salted. And we shoveled some more. But despite nearly $40 million in plowing costs, we worked with the City Council to end the year with our budget surplus intact; and perfect bond ratings adding millions of dollars to invest in parks, schools, and senior housing.

I want to thank all 18,000 employees of the City of Boston, along with the businesses, nonprofits, and workers, the students and teachers, the immigrants and entrepreneurs, the dreamers and the doers, the young and the old, who make our city great.

I'm so proud of the work we did together. I've been in this job for 2 years now. But every morning I get up and I feel like my dream came true all over again. A kid from Dorchester, who made some mistakes and needed some help, gets to be mayor of the greatest city in the world. 

I think of how far I've come, and the people who helped me, and I'm grateful. I think of people I meet all across our city, who share their hopes and dreams with me, and I am inspired. 

But I also think about the people I meet who are struggling. I think about Brianna and her two children. I met them at the Table of Friends Thanksgiving dinner at the TD Garden. They were hoping for a hot meal, but dreaming of a real home and a better life. And they weren't the only ones. No matter what progress we made the day before, or the year before, our work isn't done. Not even close. 

But I have faith. I have faith that in Boston we have the talent, and we have the heart, to keep doing that work until we are a city where every family can make a home, every kid gets a strong start in school, and every adult has a fair chance to build a career. That's the vision, and that's the work, I recommit myself to, every day. Tonight, as I discuss our plans for the coming year, I ask everyone to join me: to commit to each other that we'll work together, we'll build our dreams together, and we'll leave no one behind. This is the vision of community that Boston, at its best, has always been about. It's how we've made history. And it's how we'll make the future as well. 

This is why I look forward to welcoming General Electric to its new global headquarters in Boston. GE is not only a historic innovator, returning to the city where Thomas Edison got his start. It's not only another step forward for Boston on the world stage. It's a magnet for talent and investment that we'll direct toward our shared goals: in opportunity, in community, in education. 

That's the future I'm focused on tonight, and every day. And if you look around Symphony Hall, you'll see that future: hundreds of students from the Boston Public Schools are here. I invited them, because they need to be part of the conversation about the direction their city is heading. And when it comes to our schools, they deserve to know that their Mayor stands behind them. 

I want to address them directly: I know how hard you work. I know the challenges you face. I was a struggling student in this city once, as were many of the adults in this room. We don't need you to be perfect. We need you to keep learning, and keep believing in your dreams. The rest is on us. You deserve a community united behind you. 

That's why I want you and everyone to know: the Boston Public Schools are my priority. A year ago, I said, despite our many bright spots, I was not satisfied with our system's performance. So we went to work. 
  • We appointed a dynamic superintendent in Dr. Tommy Chang. 
  • We hired 24 new principals. I met with most of them personally. I ask all our principals to stand and be recognized. 
  • We began extending the school day for every student through 8th grade.
  • We are redesigning our high schools for 21st-century education.
  • We invited the entire community to help create our 10-year school building plan.
  • And for the 3rd straight year, I will send a budget to the City Council that increases school funding, for a total increase of nearly $90 million since I took office.
Our students are making us proud. Fourth and 8th graders reached new heights on national reading tests. Tenth-grade MCAS scores went up, and achievement gaps shrank. I want to recognize exceptional achievements at Perkins Elementary in South Boston and English High in Jamaica Plain. And I want to congratulate all our students and all our teachers for your hard work. 

Student success goes deeper than what we can measure in the classroom. The students here tonight show why. Take Kalsie King, a senior at the John D. O'Bryant High School. She runs a clothing drive for fellow students, in memory of the year her mother spent homeless.

That's the kind of character and heart we have in our schools. They are why we set our sights high and keep our eyes on the prize: to end achievement gaps, to make every school a success story, and to create a national model for across-the-board excellence in urban education. 

Reaching that goal will take hard work, and more. It will require a unified effort. That's why the conversation around our schools concerns me. Instead of unity, too often we've seen schools pitted against one another, by adults.

Tonight, I'm calling on everyone to come together to back all our children, all our teachers, and all our schools. That means fair and sustainable funding for both district and charter schools. It means exploring a unified enrollment system that could help families and level the playing field among schools. This spring we will deepen the enrollment conversation, to address challenges in special education, language services, discipline policies, and transportation. 

I know that passions run deep. And they should. But the commitment we share to Boston's children runs deeper. We have tremendous opportunities to come together right now, behind programs that experts, teachers, and parents all agree make a lasting difference. 

That's why I invite everyone to join me in making a stand for early education. The Boston Public Schools pre-kindergarten program is proven to close the achievement gap. The city has added seats in each of the last two years. Yet hundreds of children still sit on waiting lists, their parents frustrated and already doubting that the system will ever work for them.

We've stretched funding as far as it will go. And we are not alone. I ask leadership at the State House, and every legislator, to work with Boston, with Lawrence, with Salem, with Attleboro and other cities and towns to expand access to high-quality pre-kindergarten. 

I know we share this priority. Now let's fund it. Let's work through the state budget process this year to make it a full investment in our children, our families, and our Commonwealth's future. Let's live up to our reputation as the world leader in learning. Let's put Boston and Massachusetts at the forefront of early education. And let's give all our kids an equal chance at success. 

As Bostonians share their hopes with me, they also share their challenges. More often than not, housing is at the top of the list. Graduates in Allston, families in East Boston, seniors in Roslindale: people are struggling to pay rents and find homes they can afford. 

We've worked relentlessly to meet the demand that's driving this pressure. We're not letting up. Recently we strengthened one of our most successful policies: inclusionary development. You can see its impact in places like the Hong Lok House in Chinatown, which kept longtime residents in their neighborhood. The new policy will bring more affordable homes where they are needed most. And it will spur middle-class housing across the city. 

New homes will help bring costs back to working people's budgets. But many just want a fair deal where they live right now. Last year, we doubled the compensation people get when their apartments are turned into condos. But we should do more than compensate. We should help people stay in their communities. Tonight, I can announce a new Office of Housing Stability, to do just that. It's going to develop resources for tenants, incentives for landlords who do the right thing, and partnerships with developers to keep more of our housing stock affordable.

People want to live in Boston. That's a good thing. But we need to shape growth as a community, not let it shape us. That's what residents are doing along the Red Line in South Boston, and the Orange Line in Jamaica Plain. They're helping us plan vibrant, walkable streets, with affordable homes, diverse businesses, and great open space. Tonight I can announce two new planning areas: Glover's Corner in Dorchester and Dudley Square in Roxbury. 

These conversations will unlock the vitality that makes city neighborhoods great. Meanwhile, all across the city Imagine Boston 2030 is rooting our city's planning strategy in these same community visions. So I'm pleased to announce that Imagine Boston director, Sara Myerson, will be the new Planning Director at the Boston Redevelopment Authority. 

While we plan, we'll invest in quality of life all across our city. Our Parks budget is the biggest in Boston's history. We've transformed parks in Mattapan, Charlestown, and East Boston; and completed an Open Space Plan for the entire city. This year, we'll convert over 6 acres of land into permanent new parks. 

I grew up in our parks. I know how much kids and families depend on them. So I was moved when a group of young people came to see me at Ramsay Park in the South End last summer. They told me what it was like to grow up right next door to a park that was too unsafe to use, and how they've been working to fix that. They are here tonight. I'm happy to tell them: because of your advocacy, and with your input, we are going to completely renovate Ramsay Park.

We're going to ensure that America's first public parks are America's best, and-inspired by the Martin Richard Playground being built next to the Children's Museum-America's most inclusive public parks as well.

We're also deepening our commitment to arts and culture. This summer we'll cap a $78 million investment in the Boston Public Library by unveiling a welcoming new Boylston Street entrance in the Back Bay. We'll also complete Boston Creates, a roadmap for supporting the arts in every neighborhood. And we'll invest $1 million in local artists. 

As we grow, we have to support the older residents who built this city. I think of Maria Sanchez, who has devoted her life to her neighbors in Mission Hill. Together we celebrated 40 new affordable senior apartments, in a building named in her honor, by the Roxbury Crossing T station. People like Maria are the reason we invested $3 million in senior housing and secured new senior discounts: for water, for cable, and for internet rates. This year we'll go further, by building a plan to make Boston America's most age-friendly city.

Workers and employers moving forward together. That's our economic vision, and it's a proven success. What we offered GE was less an incentive package, than a cultural advantage. Innovation. Education. And a community that works and grows together.

This creative, collaborative approach defines our growth strategy, not only in attracting new business, but empowering the workers and employers already here. 
  • This year we'll launch a Business Expansion Toolkit, to help employers add jobs and support workers. 
  • We'll open a Small Business Center, to boost the entrepreneurs so vital to both economy and community.
  • We'll offer 40 more of our groundbreaking Salary Negotiation Workshops for women. 
  • We'll build our new Apprenticeship Program, with on-the-job training and a 2-year degree for low-income workers.
  • And we'll take the conversation about inequality one step further. We will bring workers and employers together in a task force to study a $15-an-hour minimum wage for Boston.
Wherever I go, across the country, I'm asked about policing.  That's because at a time of great national tension, we continue to build trust. Our police officers, street workers, and young people are engaging. Working with the Building Trades and others in job-training programs like Operation Exit, we are offering second chances and turning lives around. And we have invited the community to help shape our anti-violence strategy. In Peace Walks, in Social Justice meetings, and in relationships that grow stronger every day, we are coming together.

It's making a difference. Boston police officers took nearly 800 guns off the streets last year. Violent crime went down 3%. Property crime went down 10%. All major crime went down by 9%. And homicides hit a 16-year low. All the while, arrests dropped by 15% as well. What that means is we are becoming a safer city not by locking people up, but by lifting people up. 

In addition, our clearance rate for solving homicides passed 72%, 15 points higher than the national average for cities our size. Our police and our communities are working together. It's not us and them, in Boston. It's We. 

And We won't let up for a minute. With non-fatal shootings up slightly last year, we can't afford to. It's not just a city problem. It's America's problem. Two weeks ago I went to Washington and stood with the President, as he unveiled new steps to keep guns out of criminal hands. I said there, what I say here: Americans agree on common-sense gun reforms. In Boston, we are showing how to turn consensus into action. So we'll keep working with cities and states, with experts and survivors, with gun dealers and owners. And we'll keep building trust in the community every day. 

We'll face up to the impact of history, as well. In community conversations on race and class, we are working through divisions that run deep in our city's social fabric. And we are turning this healing into real, measurable change toward a more equitable city. We'll take another step this year by backing the Boston Basics Campaign, a grassroots community movement to close learning gaps from birth to age 3. 

We are breaking new ground and offering new hope. We are proving that when Boston comes together, when we truly act as one community, we can change our city, and change the world. We've been doing it for a long time. From the first public library to the first Office of Recovery Services, Boston is a city on the cutting edge of the common good. We can do the same for urban education-if we come together. We can do the same for housing, income, and wealth inequality-if we work together. 

That's what I ask each of us to commit to, tonight. Bring to the table not just our own wants, but a vision for our common welfare. Find common ground, even when we don't agree on everything. Protect what we love about our city by, sometimes, embracing change.

Let me introduce you to one more Bostonian who inspired me last year. Donald Wilkins is an Air Force veteran I met in our Homes for the Brave program. It's placed more than 500 veterans in permanent housing. Donald told me how the stigma of homelessness chipped away at his pride. He said our new system-and his new apartment in West Roxbury-was the key to a new life. 

Donald is with us tonight. It's because of his courage, and the courage of countless veterans like him, that I am so proud to announce: we have ended chronic veterans' homelessness in Boston. And we are working every day to end all chronic homelessness by the year 2018.

Tonight I've asked Bostonians to come together, and go the extra mile, to make sure our success reaches everyone. I've asked because I know that not just the state of our city, but the soul of our city, is strong. Every day, I see us building our dreams together. Every day, my love of this city, and my belief in this city, grows. We will meet our challenges and keep changing the world. And our future will be greater than any one of us can imagine.

Thank you all. May God Bless the City of Boston, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the United States of America. 

猴年常春藤盟校春晚 1/30 哈佛桑德斯劇院見

2016 猴年常春藤盟校春晚

入场 | 7:00pm - 7:30pm
晚会 | 7:30pm - 10:00pm
派对 | 10:00pm - 12:00am

Sanders Theatre
45 Quincy St, Cambridge


盟校小伙伴们即将汇聚一堂!耶鲁大学歌剧王子倾情献唱,宾夕法尼亚大学则献上一场柔情似水的舞蹈“水姑娘”,哈佛大学阿卡贝拉清唱团也将一同助阵!不仅杂技、变脸、古筝这些中华国粹艺术会让你大饱眼福,还有中国好声音那英组学员郑俊树带来“All of me”的深情款款,《传奇》的词作者刘兵重新演绎歌曲的悠扬之音。让咱们一起聚首2016,热热闹闹迎新春,开开心心过大年!


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星期二, 1月 19, 2016

AACA 1/25 辦波士頓消防員考試說明會


Boston 2016 Science & Technology Summit
The Chinese Association for Science and Technology
and Opening Ceremony for Greater Boston Chapter (CAST-BOSTON)

时间:2016 年 1 月 30 日下午峰会 1:00-4:30, 晚宴 5:00-8:00。
地点:哈佛医学院,Amphitheater,210 Longwood Ave,Boston, MA 02115
座位有限, 请尽早注册以保证座位。 注册方式:请于 2016 年 1 月 29 日前点击 EventBrite 链接注册
Dr. Jack W. Szostak 2009 年诺贝尔医学奖获得者, 美国国家科学院院士,哈佛医学院教授
Dr. Gang Chen 美国国家工程院院士, 麻省理工学院教授,微纳工程系主任
Dr. Xiaoliang Sunney Xie 美国国家科学院院士,哈佛大学化学与化学生物系教授
Dr. Jack W. Szostak is an Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, Alex. A. Rich Distinguished Investigator at Department of Molecular Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Szostak has made significant contributions to the field of genetics. Dr.. Szostak is a member of the American Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and New York Academy of Sciences. Dr. Szostak has received many awards, including 2006 Lasker Award and the 2009 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.
Dr. Gang Chen is the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Carl Richard Soderberg Professor of Power Engineering at MIT, and is the director of the "Solid-State Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion Center (S3TEC Center)". Dr. Chen’s research interests center on nanoscale transport and energy conversion phenomena ,mechanisms and applications. Dr. Chen received an NSF Young Investigator Award, an R&D 100 award, and an ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award. Dr. Chen is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Physical Society and a member of the US National Academy of Engineering.
Dr. Xiaoliang Sunney Xie is the Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. His work focuses on single-molecule enzymology, protein conformational dynamics, and the study of gene expression and regulation in living cells. His honors include the Harrison Howe Award, Biophysical Society Founders Award, E.O. Lawrence Award in Chemistry, Leibinger Innovation Prize, the NIH Director's Pioneer Award, the Sackler Prize for Physical Sciences. Dr. Xie is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Boston 2016 Science & Technology Summit
The Chinese Association for Science and Technology
and Opening Ceremony for Greater Boston Chapter (CAST-BOSTON)
中国旅美科技协会大波士顿分会(CAST-BOSTON)成立在即,成立仪式将于2016年1月30日在哈佛医学院举办。我们诚挚地邀请大家,共同见证这一历史时刻。为此,我们非常荣幸地邀请到三位世界著名科学家: 2009年诺贝尔医学奖获得者,美国国家科学院院士,哈佛医学院教授Dr. Jack W.. Szostak,美国国家工程院院士, 麻省理工学院教授Dr.. Gang Chen, 以及美国国家科学院院士,哈佛大学化学与化学生物系教授Dr. Xiaoliang Sunney Xie作为特邀嘉宾做大会演讲,与大家分享他们在科学和工程研究领域的卓越成就。同时,中国驻美国大使馆参赞,中国旅美科技协会总会及分会代表, 以及大波士顿地区部分专业协会代表也将出席。
中国旅美科技协会(旅美科协,the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, CAST, www.cast-usa.org)是 1992 年在纽约成立的非政治性,非盈利性的民间团体, 现有会员8000余人。美国大波士顿地区历史悠久,是美国的重要经济区之一,也是最有文化价值的地区,是高等教育,科研创新,医疗保健,及文化体育的中心。大波士顿地区坐拥Harvard University, MIT, Tufts University, Brandies University, Boston College,Boston University等122所高等院校, 在位于该地区的世界著名大学Harvard和MIT校园周围,聚集着Biogen-Idec, Genzyme, Millennium, Vertex, Genetic Institute等数百家以创新药物研发为目标的生物医药公司。除此之外 ,世界上销售额排名前十位,甚至前二十位的制药公司基本上都在该地区设立了研发基地, 包括Novartis, Pfizer, GSK, Merck, AstraZeneca, BMS, Abbott,Amgen等。 因此大波士顿地区聚集了数万名从事生物医药研究的高科技人才,科研资金雄厚,以U.S. News & World Report中综合医院2015-2016年排名第一的哈佛医学院麻省总医院(MGH)为例,它拥有世界上所有医院中规模最大的科研项目, 仅此一家医院就拥有年度科研基金7.5亿美元。同时, 大波士顿地区吸引了众多科技和风险投资,企业资金充沛,融资渠道广泛,仅2014一年之内就吸引风险投资18亿美元,是名符其实的美国生物医学研究及产业化的重镇。旅美科协波士顿分会传承了旅美科协总会促进中美科技和学术交流的宗旨,专注于推动学术成果向产业转化, 探讨科技创新的不同模式,立志打造大波士顿地区对接优秀科技项目,企业界人才和资本的平台。
时间:2016年1月30日下午峰会1:00-4:30, 晚宴 5:00-8:00。 地点:哈佛医学院,Amphitheater, 210 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02115 座位有限,请尽早注册以保证座位。 注册方式:请于2016年1月29日前点击链接用EventBrite注册 http://www.eventbrite.com/e/cast-boston-opening-ceremony-tickets-20404351966
中国旅美科技协会波士顿分会 2016.1.14
高峰会议是极好的科技界社交平台,欢迎大家赞助。 赞助者享有大会/晚宴讲话以及与世界著名科学家联谊的机会,具体内容请联系:
Dr. Ming Lei (Tel 2038041094, email mlei_boston@outlook.com)
Dr. Airong Li(Tel 6177249397, email castboston@gmail.com)
Ms. Michelle Zhang (Tel 7813664836, email mchang8419@gmail.com)
Ms. Linyan He (Tel 6463714708, email lynn.127@hotmail.com)