
星期一, 12月 29, 2014






波士頓華僑文教中心地址為90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands, MA 02461。查詢可洽617-965-8801

Parents: First Registration Period for fall BPS enrollment set for January 5-30, 2015

Parents: First Registration Period for fall BPS
enrollment set for January 5-30, 2015

BOSTON - Parents of children who will begin Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, grades 6 or 9 in the fall of 2015 are encouraged to register for Boston Public Schools (BPS) during the first registration period, which runs Monday, January 5 through Friday, January 30. Families may visit any BPS Welcome Center to register for school.

Parents of students seeking to enroll in all other grades may register between February 4 and March 20. Registering during the first available period for a grade level increases a family’s chances of receiving an assignment to one of their top-choice schools.

Families can view which schools will be on their options list by visiting the DiscoverBPS website,www.discoverbps.org. Starting in January, operators are also available during business hours to help answer questions at the BPS Registration Hotline: (617) 635-9046.

Families can pre-register online at www.bostonpublicschools.org/register. By filling out information in advance using the online form, parents can take advantage of a separate line when they arrive at a BPS Center to complete the school registration process.

It’s important to note that registration is not first-come first-served, so it doesn’t matter when in the month families visit a BPS Welcome Center, and everyone has the same opportunities as long as they register within the correct period. BPS will run the school choice lottery after the completion of each registration period and will send school assignments by mail. For this reason, and to avoid long lines at the Welcome Centers, we recommend the registration schedule below for families, based on the first initial of the parent’s last name.

   A–I: Register January 5-9
   J–Q: Register January 12-16
   R–Z: Register January 20-23
   All: Register January 26-30

BPS will also offer Saturday registration hours on January 10 and 24 in both our Roslindale and Dorchester Centers, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

BPS Welcome Center locations and hours:

Dorchester (617) 635-8015 
Campbell Resource Center (next to Burger King) 
1216 Dorchester Ave.
Dorchester, 02121
Help in Cape Verdean creole, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese

Roxbury (617) 635-9010
Madison Park Complex (closest entrance to Roxbury Crossing MBTA)
75 Malcolm X Blvd.
Roxbury, 02120
Help in Cantonese, English, Somali, Mandarin and Spanish 

Roslindale (617) 635-8040
Jennie Barron Bldg. (near Cummins Hwy.)
515 Hyde Park Ave.
Roslindale, 02131
Help in Cape Verdean creole, English, French, Haitian creole, Portuguese and Spanish 

East Boston (617) 635-9597
Mario Umana Academy (side entrance)
312 Border St.
East Boston, 02128
Help in English and Spanish 

Mattapan (617) 635-9596
Mildred Ave K-8 School (follow signs to rear entrance of building)
5 Mildred Avenue
Help in English, Haitian creole, Spanish

·  Dorchester, Roslindale and Roxbury Welcome Centers are open MondayTuesday,Thursday and Friday from 8:30am-5pm and Wednesdays Noon-7pm.
·       In January the East Boston Welcome Center is open on Mondays - Wednesdays, same hours as above.
·       Mattapan is open Thursdays and Fridays, same hours as above.

星期六, 12月 27, 2014

昆市醫療中心 12/26 關門歇業 仍保留急診室

昆士醫療中心( Quincy Medical Center )昨(廿六)日關門歇業,昆士市成為麻州內沒有一家醫院的最大城市。
昆士醫療中心於2011宣佈破產。屬於營利性企業,總部在波士頓的史都華醫療護理公司(Steward Health Care System)買下該中心。
史都華公司董事長吉拉德(Mark Girard表示,該公司斥資成百上千萬元,企圖重振這家醫療機構,卻依然未能吸引足夠病人來收支平衡或盈利。儘管該公司曾向麻州總檢察長柯克莉允諾,會持續開張到2017年,現在決定關門。
            昆士醫療中心原訂十二月三十一日才關門,現在比預定時間提早了幾天關門。如果照規定,更應該要在關門前九十天發出通知,也就是要等到二月底才能關門,但是公共衛生廳官員Sherman Lohnes在寫給史都華公司的一封信中指出,揶揄病人數量大幅減少,應該現在關門,以適當保護病人的健康和安全,因此豁免了該一要求。


日前這場講座,以道德為重點,鍾倫納從道德的來龍去脈,道的種類和華夏偏向,本質、可測性、時空有效性、具體性、可改性等,做了非常詳盡,廣泛的闡述。他也解釋了 "德" 的概念架構,包括"德"須兼顧目標和手段,以及德業的修煉程式。
查詢該會詳情,可洽鍾應泰,774-365-2225,或 eastmeetswest21@yahoo.com


