
星期二, 12月 02, 2014


這場書畫展由富蘭克林老人公寓辦公室負責人Mary Lou和擅書畫的黃鏡明,以及油畫家Hal 共同主持。



迎接年節 波士頓市陸續點亮聖誕燈

感恩節過去,聖誕節開始,波士頓市長馬丁華殊昨(一)日為波士頓公園對面的州府大道(Commonwealth Ave.,)點燈,把掛在一整條林蔭大道樹上的裝飾小燈泡,全都點亮起來,給波士頓市中心帶來節日氣氛。路旁的波士頓泰姬陵酒店(Taj Boston),還現場供應熱蘋果西打,樂隊在一旁吹奏歌曲。


星期一, 12月 01, 2014

Mayor Walsh Announces Next Steps in Overhaul of Boston’s Licensing and Permitting Systems

Mayor Walsh Announces Next Steps in Overhaul of Boston’s Licensing and Permitting Systems

Companies Accela and OpenCounter will create a customer experience that’s easy and reliable for citizens

BOSTON  – Today, Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced that the City of Boston’s Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) has selected Accela, in partnership with OpenCounter, to upgrade the City’s permitting and licensing system. Accela, the leading provider of civic engagement solutions for government, and OpenCounter, a firm that builds tools to help cities support local economic development, will work with DoIT to design and deploy a modern system that meets Boston’s high standards for innovation and usability. The City of Boston issues 60 different types of permits, totaling approximately 86,000 permits annually.

“We’ve already made deep improvements to the way the public does business with the City by taking steps to streamline and improve licensing and permitting operations, but there’s always more to be done,” said Mayor Walsh. “This partnership with Accela and OpenCounter will take us further, creating a coordinated and seamless experience across departments for residents and business owners seeking permitting and licensing through the City.”

“We understand that people in Boston really rely on these systems to take care of business and keep their everyday life rolling along,” said Maury Blackman, Accela CEO and President. “We’re proud that Boston DoIT chose to work with Accela and OpenCounter to create the experience its citizens deserve.”

“Cities like Boston are concerned about retention, so as businesses develop and grow, they stay in town and help build the community,” said Joel Mahoney, Co-Founder, OpenCounter. “We’re thrilled to partner with Accela and Boston to simplify the relationship between business owner and government.”

The companies will work with DoIT to build and deploy a modern, SaaS-based permitting experience, leveraging the reliable Accela Civic Platform and the user-friendly design principles of OpenCounter.  The new solution will work across departments to assist in coordinating workflow, integrating a variety of backend systems, and providing an improved public experience that still maintains the rules created to protect public health and safety.

The Accela Civic Platform provides a secure foundation for creating the two-way flow of data that helps agencies and citizens engage. Most importantly, it will empower a better citizen experience for permit and license applicants, who range from DIY homeowners to experienced contractors.

Accela and OpenCounter will deliver the first phase of the new system in a six-month timeframe, with enhancements to occur over a two-year period. Both companies have proven track records as effective solution providers in Boston and in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Accela software and services are in use by the Boston Public Health Commission and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Division of Professional Licensure, Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, and Alcohol Beverage Control Commission.

The announcement to overhaul the licensing and permitting system is one in a series of efforts that the Walsh Administration has made to streamline and improve licensing and permitting operations across City government. In recent months, Mayor Walsh[NK1] :

華埠社區議會改選158人投票 七名議員同額當選連任

           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 華埠社區議會(CNC)昨(十一月三十)日改選議員,因社區內無人參與角逐,七名現任議員全部同額當選。昨日共有158
陳灼鋆表示, 選舉結果將在十二月十五日晚,議會固定在每月第三個週一晚上召開的月例會中公佈。


            十二月三日(週三)晚五點起,將由該會理事譚嘉陵安排14[文化之旅],參觀波士頓美術館 (MFA)將請美術館導覽員介紹18-19世紀西班牙最重要的藝術家­果亞(Goya)作品 “有序和無序” 同時美術館中國藝術策劃人白铃安女士解說中國館擴建事宜。
            譚嘉陵指出,果亞是18-19世紀西班牙最重要的藝術家。這是美東地區 25 年來第一次大規模展出果亞作品,將只在波士頓美術館展出
            十二月六日(週六)下午兩點半,紐英崙中華專業人員協會將和紐英崙玉山科技協會,台灣同鄉聯誼會,波士頓榮光會,成大校友會,台大校友會,建中校友會等組織合作,在波士頓華僑文教中心(90 Lincoln Street, Newton Highlands)舉辦“ 一首摇滚上月球 - 電影欣賞活動。
            中華專協前任董事長王世輝指出,“ 一首摇滚上月球 描述背景不同,平均年齡52歳以上,家裡都有患罕見病孩子的六個老爸,組織了一個搖滾樂團在樂團的毎周兩小時練習中暫時忘掉日以繼夜照顧孩子的壓力,是一部讓人不斷在絕望當中看到希望,看到愛與家庭真正價值的電影
            中華專協表示,台灣有200多種罕見疾病例如小胖威利症候群 ( Prader-W illi syndrome) 尼曼匹克症 (Niemann-Pick disease) Miller Dieker syndrome腎上腺腦白質失養症 (Adrenoleukodystrophy-ALD) 結節性硬化症 (Tuberous sclerosis) 血小板無力症 (Glanzmann Thrombasthenia) 造成了8000多個罕見疾病家庭由於罕見疾病近七成無法治癒罕見疾病基金會成了病人及家屬的避風港19996月在病患家長陳莉茵及曾敏傑發起之下成立了罕見疾病基金會Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders 在沒有財團醫院企業的資助下完全依賴民間小額捐款協助希望社會大眾看完這部電影之後 能夠廣為宣傳出錢出力,表達關懷
            十二月十日(週三)晚六點十五分起,在哈佛大學西北科學大樓(Northwest Science Building)B103講室(52 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA舉辦“看見台灣”美東放映會與齊柏林導演座談會。
            “看見台灣“一片是從空中攝影二十多年,曾於2004年榮獲第一屆 Johnnie Walker夢想資助計畫大獎,2005年獲奧比斯(ORBIS)基金會邀請擔任《眼科飛行醫院》 新疆飛行任務代言人的齊柏林,從2008年構思,2009年起拍攝,共耗資台幣九千萬元,拍攝出來的全方位台灣景觀。
