
星期五, 5月 02, 2014


35年前他起家,就是9號公路上有一家公司破,欠銀行75萬元,要拍賣還債。其他人都無力和其中一家競標的大公司爭,但他到某人擁有該物業的“優先購買權(first right of refusal)”,搶先取得該優先購買權。此外,他看到該物業坐落於交通流量很高地段,改做其他用途後可有很高增機會,於是草擬計劃,成功遊銀行貸款,結果不但沒花多少成本,二年後就獲高額淨利。
波士頓亞裔房東會日前的這場活動,從下午二點就開始,先舉行 “房與財富知識講座”,由中城地的潘樹仁談“15 年與30 年房貸還款的差別”,財務顧問夏根娣談. “房産與財富分佈策略”。晚上還有甜蜜玫瑰(Sweet and Rose)律師事務所的Larry Rose談房東如何保護自己,提及若房東預先收取最後一個月的租金,必須每年付5%的利息給房客等規定。





星期四, 5月 01, 2014

Harvard Undergraduate Arrested in Blocking President's Office for dialogue on Fossil Fuel Divestment

Harvard Undergraduate Arrested As Students Blockade the President's Office Calling for An Open Dialogue on Fossil Fuel Divestment
Cambridge, MA--Harvard junior Brett Roche was arrested early Thursday morning while participating in a seven-person blockade of Harvard University President Drew Faust’s office. The blockade was an attempt to win an open meeting with Harvard trustees to discuss fossil fuel divestment.
This was the first arrest for the growing fossil fuel divestment movement, which has spread to over 500 campuses, cities, and religious institutions across the globe.
“The administration of Harvard University would rather arrest their own students and have police force us out of the way than speak to us civilly about this important issue,” said Ted Hamilton, a first-year student at Harvard Law School who risked arrest in the blockade. Student have repeatedly requested a public meeting with President Faust and trustees about divestment, but they have refused thus far.
Six students began blockading the main entrance to President Faust’s office on Wednesday morning, forcing high-level administrators to enter through side doors. On Thursday morning the students, joined by Harvard alumnus Bob Massie and Harvard’s Quaker chaplain John Bach, moved to block all entrances to the building, prompting the arrest.
“Today I want to thank Divest Harvard for giving me the chance to be the person who I purport to be--a person who gives a damn,” said John Bach, Quaker chaplain at Harvard’s Memorial Church.
While the other blockaders were not arrested, the Harvard College Dean of Student Life Stephen Lassonde warned students on Wednesdaythat they will face disciplinary action from the administration.
Over 50,000 people have signed online petitions supporting Harvard students. Tomorrow, Divest Harvard and student, faculty and alumni supporters will deliver the petition signatures to the administration at 12:00pm at Massachusetts Hall in Harvard Yard.
For two years, students, faculty, and alumni with the Divest Harvard campaign have been calling on administrators to divest Harvard’s $31 billion endowment from the top 200 fossil fuel companies. Over 100 faculty recently sent a letter to President Drew Faust urging her to support divestment.


New Center will expand growth and opportunity throughout the region

SPRINGFIELD – Thursday, May 1, 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick today announced $5.2 million in funding to complete the construction and furnishings for a new University of Massachusetts (UMass) Center located in Springfield.  The grant is funded through the FY2014 capital plan, and will help UMass ensure completion of construction in time for the fall 2014 semester.

"Today's announcement of funding is great news for Springfield and the entire University of Massachusetts system" said Governor Patrick. "This new Center will provide vital education and skills training resources in downtown Springfield, and open up new educational and job opportunities for the residents of Springfield and beyond."

"The funding that Governor Patrick announced today dramatically strengthens the new UMass Center at Springfield, which is not only an educational collaboration but also an  economic initiative, a downtown revitalization initiative, while at its core an investment in people's lives and their futures,'' said UMass President Robert L. Caret. "It is consistent with what Governor Patrick has always been about and what the University of Massachusetts is about, which is providing opportunities for the citizens of the Commonwealth to realize their potential.''

In November 2013 Governor Patrick announced that UMass selected Tower Square, an office tower owned by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., to house the center.  The 26,000 square-foot facility is located at the heart of Springfield's downtown district, and is two blocks from City Hall and the MassMutual Center.  The new center will significantly expand the University's presence in western Massachusetts and unlock a range of degree opportunities to students of all ages that will be tailored to the meet the region's workforce needs. 

“Skilled workers, especially in growing industries like IT and advanced manufacturing, are critical to Springfield’s economic development,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Greg Bialecki.  “The new UMass Center at Springfield will partner with MassMutual, Baystate Health Systems and Springfield residents to expand opportunity in the city.”

The center will be comprised of ten large, instructional rooms, including three nursing classrooms, one computer lab, two conference rooms, seven small meeting rooms, and space for student counseling and public events and meetings.  UMass President Robert Caret and Chairman of the UMass Board of Trustees Henry Thomas committed to open the center with classes offered by faculty from the four undergraduate UMass campuses, in partnership with Holyoke Community College and Springfield Technical Community College, among other institutions.

"We're thrilled to be part of helping to make the UMass Center at Springfield a reality, as we view it as a key contributor to economic growth in the region," said Chairman, President and CEO of MassMutual Roger Crandall.  "Having such a renowned institution as UMass establish a presence in the city is a great way for businesses to tap into potential future talent, which will enable both the city and business community to grow and become stronger together."

The UMass Center at Springfield is scheduled to fully open at the end of August, in time for the fall 2014 semester.  There will be 40 course offerings across 10 academic programs, including: Nursing, Education, Liberal Arts, Masters of Business Administration, Cyber Security/Network Security, Landscape Architecture and Planning, Architecture, Addiction Counseling, University without Walls (a bachelor's degree program for nontraditional learners) and seven training programs offered by the community colleges. The University has already opened a Welcome Center on the first floor of Tower Square where prospective students can find information about the fall courses.

Earlier this month, Governor Patrick filed An Act to Promote Growth and Opportunity, which provides $20 million for an Advanced Manufacturing and Information Technology Training Trust Fund to train 4,000 workers for middle-skill careers in manufacturing and information technology fields to address shortages in these industries and help employers continue to grow and innovate.  The legislation creates tools and training so our workforce is prepared to meet the needs of employers, invests in our Gateway Cities to promote economic development across the entire state and provides incentives to create jobs and stimulate the economy.  The bill furthers the Administration's proven growth strategy of investing in education, innovation and infrastructure that has led to record job creation in Massachusetts and has made the Commonwealth a global leader in key innovation economy sectors.

For more on the bill, visit www.mass.gov/competes

綠路一號向社區匯報工程進度 居民爭取建築工作機會

亞美社區發展協會(ACDC)與新波士頓基金(New Boston Fund)合作發展,現名“綠路一號(One Greenway)”的廿四號地段,四月三十日晚在信義大廈報告工程進度,聽取社區意見,並邀請社區大眾五月六日(週二)中午出席破土典禮。
            亞美社區發展協會(ACDC)主任陳潔瑩,房地產主任劉安琪和新波士頓基金(New Boston Fund)副總裁Sean Sack新波士頓基金建築副董事長伍克(David Walker),薩福克建設公司(Suffolk)多元人力主任Brian K. McPherson等不下九人,四月三十日晚在信義大廈向社區報告,總造價約一億七千萬元的這“綠路一號”工程進度。
            新波士頓基金(New Boston Fund)副總裁Sean Sack表示,為工程需要,直至十一月左右,乞臣街上約有12個車位,將暫時不可停車。他相信相關人員在街上已張貼告示,但將積極與遭遇停車罰單問題的居民,協商出一個大家都滿意的解決辦法。
            薩福克建設公司(Suffolk)多元人力主任Brian K. McPherson表示,建築行業是工會工作。他允諾協助華埠內已加入工會的12名木工,爭取“綠路一號”,或者其他工程的工作機會,但坦言“綠路一號”還處於架鋼筋,灌水泥階段,得等工程進行到更後面的階段時,才用得到木工。


        亞美社區發展協會(ACDC)主任陳潔瑩(右起) 和新波士頓基金建築副董事長伍克(David Walker),新波士頓基金(New Boston Fund)副總裁Sean Sack等人,報告“綠路一號”工程進度。(菊子攝)



波市房屋中位價46萬5 華埠居民再上街頭為可負擔住宅請命

華人前進會與波市權(Right to the City Boston),波士頓就業聯盟(Boston Jobs Coalition)等多個機構攜手,週一(28日)下午再度走上街頭遊行,並赴市政府出席可負擔住宅公聽會,呼籲各界關注社區亟需可負擔住宅現況。
            華人前進會等人當天從華盛頓街580號的千禧地(Millennium Place),遊行到波士頓市政府大樓。
            華人前進會指千禧塔(Millennium Towers)項目,也未達到聘用波士頓居民工作政策的目標數額。
            波市住宅委員會主席Frank Baker,人權及民權委員會主席Josh Zakim在廿八日這天就可負擔住宅一事,舉行了公聽會。和吳弭一樣,年紀都還未滿三十的波市新科市議員Josh Zakim表示,根據大波士頓地產商協會資料,波士頓是目前的房屋銷售中位價格為465,000元,年收入至少十二萬元的人才負擔得起。
            根據一月份的市場待租售房屋總表,目前波士頓市一睡房單位的平均租金為2400元,換言之,要年收入達96,000元的人,才負擔得起。但波士頓是的中位收入為65,850元。布魯金斯研究院(Brookings Institute)最近發表的一份分析顯示,以收入不均的差距之大而論,波士頓市在全美排名第四。
            波士頓前任市長萬寧路(Tom Menino)為此在2000年二月廿九日,藉行政命令,提出包容性發展方案(IDP)。該方案其後在2005年二月三日,2006年五月十六日,2007年九月廿七日分別做過修訂。

            華埠民眾遊行。(圖由波士頓華埠居民會提供,Tieyi Huang攝)

            華埠民眾到波市府出席公聽會。(圖由波士頓華埠居民會提供,Changling Zhang