
星期三, 12月 23, 2020


            (Boston Orange編譯)八名波士頓市議員,二名麻州議員促請波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)簽署法令,大幅度限制波士頓警察局使用胡椒噴霧,催淚瓦斯和橡皮子彈。

                       波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)在12月22日的疫情會報中表示,市議員們沒有先和他商量,就推出這一法令要求。他認為警察們許多時候面對的情況非常危險,也需要有適當的執法能力保障。他必須和警察們進一步討論後,才能回應此事。





這法令是由Andrea Campbell Ricardo Arroyo這兩名議員提案,並簽署了致市長信。吳弭(Michelle Wu)Kim JaneyJulia MejiaLydia Edwards Liz Breadon以及 Kenzie Bok等其他六名市議員就信件投了贊成票。

麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz),麻州眾議員Russell Holmes,以及薩福克郡遺囑認證官阿若約(Felix Arroyo)也都簽名支持。




五名波士頓市議員,Frank BakerAnnissa Essaibi-George、米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty) 、愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),以及Matt O’Malley投反對票。

該視頻是上訴(The Appeal)”上週五公佈的,引出波士頓警察局的內部調查,以及薩福克郡地方檢察官Rachel Rillns的揚言調查。

波士頓巡邏警察協會(The Boston Police Patrolman’s Association)週六時在一份聲明中批評該視頻是無頭無尾的摘要,不能描繪出警察們當晚所面剁的危險。(更新版)

星期二, 12月 22, 2020

昆士市免費新冠病毒檢測 12/29起連續八週每週二下午

            (Boston Orange 編譯)昆士市長柯奇(Thomas P. Koch)今日宣佈,昆士市和滿能(Manet)社區健康中心合作,將從1229日起,連需八週,每周二的中午至下午4點,在市府未來的特殊教育學習中心(180 Old Colony Avenue),為居民擴大辦理免費的新冠病毒檢測。


滿能將和博德機構(Broad Institute)實驗室合作,執行這檢測,估計2448小時候可有檢測結果。檢測方法由滿能醫療團隊做臨床督導,參加檢測者自行用拭子取樣。


滿能執行長Cynthia H. Sierra表示,我們真的很榮幸有市府確保居民能及時,方便的得到檢測。作為一個社區健康中心,我們的使命就是把醫療護理擴大進病人居住的社區及鄰里。無論是做新冠病毒篩檢,或是很快就要做的新冠病毒疫苗接種,或是面對面,或是任何其他的支援性醫療服務,我們都致力為所有需要我們的人確保醫療護理及服務的完善及品質。

門診地點是在原本屬於東拿薩仁學院(Eastern Nazarene College)的辦公室及教室大樓。在柯奇市長計畫把這地方翻修成為昆士市特殊教育學生的學習中心後,昆士市府年前買下了這地方,預定2021年後開始施工。這地點有很多停車位,而且離地鐵紅線華樂斯頓中心(Wallaston Center)站和巴士站很近。

City of Quincy, Manet Community Health Center to Partner On Free Testing Clinic

QUINCY, MA – December 22, 2020 Mayor Thomas P. Koch announced today that the City of Quincy and Manet Community Health Center will partner to bring expanded COVID-19 testing to residents beginning Tuesday, December 29, from noon to 4 p.m. at the future site of the City’s special education learning center at 180 Old Colony Avenue.

The testing is free, does not require insurance information, and is open to any Quincy resident. Pre-registration is recommended but not required. To register, call 774-406-5400.

The testing will run on Tuesdays at the same time for at least the next eight weeks.

Manet is partnering with the laboratory at the Broad Institute to process test, and results are expected to be returned within 24 to 48 hours. The test is a self-administered swab but will be clinically supervised by Manet’s medical team.

“Time and again, Manet and its team have stepped up in so many ways during this pandemic, and coordinating this expansion of our local testing capacity so quickly is just another example of an extraordinary commitment to the people of this community,” said

Mayor Thomas P. Koch. “We hope our residents, particularly our young people who may not have interacted much with the health care system, will avail themselves of this easy and free opportunity to help us fight the current surge in COVID-19 cases.”

Added Manet Chief Executive Officer Cynthia H. Sierra:

“We are truly honored with the City to ensure that residents have access to timely and convenient access to testing. As a community health center, we are compelled by our mission to extend care out into the community and the neighborhoods where our patients live. Whether it is through COVID screening and testing – and soon our COVID vaccination program – or our in-person and telehealth primary care, addiction medicine, behavioral health services or any of our other supportive health services, we are committed to ensuring quality, comprehensive health care and services for all who need us.”

The clinic site is an office and classroom building that was owned by Eastern Nazarene College until it was purchased by the City earlier this year as part of a plan by Mayor Koch to create a learning center for the City’s special education students. Construction to retrofit the building is scheduled to begin later in 2021. There is ample parking at the site, and it is in close proximity to MBTA bus routes and the Wollaston Center Red Line station. (updated version)

摩頓市撥款25萬元協助市民繳房租 市長簽行政命令禁驅逐

             (Boston Orange 報導)麻州摩頓市(Malden)市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson)為協助面對驅逐威脅市民,推出2協助步驟,一為簽署行政命令,1221日起禁止驅逐(eviction);一為撥款25萬元,協助市民繳租。



            申請截止日期為1228日,查詢或索取申請表,應和家居(Housing Families)”這單位聯繫,電郵地址為probonolegalteam@housingfamilies.org ,電話號碼為781-322-9119分機146 ,或上網housingfamilies.org需要協助避免被驅逐市民,可上市府網站cityofmalden.org/eviction

波士頓市長馬丁華殊匯報疫情 12/22 (附視頻)

            (Boston Orange 整理)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)1222日的記者會中,綜述過去一週以來多市內狀況。




             截至1213日,波士頓市平均每天有5212人做病毒檢測,這數據並不包括大學院校做的檢測。目前波士頓市的確診率為8%,比上週的7.2%高。多徹斯特(Dorchester)、東波士頓(East Boston),以及海德公園(Hyde Park)仍然是波士頓市內確診率最高的地區。波士頓市的確診數令人憂慮,住院人數也還是多,市府會密切關注。




             馬丁華殊還特別提到市府在這節慶期間發揮創意,想出新的服務市民方法。耆英有力局(Age Stong Commission)往年是在市政府大樓為耆英舉辦假日電話(Holiday Calls)”,讓耆英免費打長途電話到世界各地,向親友賀節,今年則有AT&T捐款3萬元給科技到家(Tech Goes Home)”,為耆英提供設備及科技訓練。

             馬丁華殊也鼓勵耆英和波士頓市府的耆英有力(Age Strong Commission)”聯絡,以獲悉在新年期間和人保持聯繫的方法。

             為協助須處理精神健康問題,因應病毒大流行期間感到孤立無援的民眾,波市府籲請市民撥打311電話,或把Samaritans 24/7 Helpline這短訊,發送到877-870-4673這號碼去。面對家庭暴力或虐待等問題者,應立即撥打911電話求助。

趙羨藻攝影藝術展"昔年" 在廣州跨年展至2021年1月20日


麻州縮緊防疫規定 企業營運降至25% 聚會限制戶外25人室內10人

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)剛剛宣佈,1226日起縮緊防疫規定。在為期約二週的時間內,絕大部分企業營運需降至正常的25%,所有活動的群聚人數,限戶外25人,室內10人以下。



             麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)進一步說明,餐館,戲院,表演場所,個人服務,賭場,辦公室,教堂或崇拜所,零售店,駕校,飛行學校,高爾夫球場,圖書館,健身房,博物館等等,全都適用於新規定,


             麻州公共衛生廳廳長Marylou Sudders表示,新的臨時限制,將也適用於醫療業。除非會對病人造成極大危險,麻州內所有醫院必須推遲或取消所有非必要,可選擇的住院手術。 

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Further Measures to Stop the Spread of COVID-19

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced further restrictions to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, including new capacity and gathering limits. These measures will go into effect on Saturday, December 26 and will remain in effect until noon on January 10, 2021.

Read a summary of the restrictions here.

Read the emergency order here.

Capacity Limits

Effective Saturday, December 26, most industries in Massachusetts will be subject to a 25% capacity limit including:

  • Restaurants (based on permitted seating capacity)
  • Close Contact Personal Services
  • Theatres and Performance Venues
  • Casinos
  • Office Spaces
  • Places of Worship
  • Retail Businesses
  • Driving and Flight Schools
  • Golf Facilities (for indoor spaces)
  • Libraries
  • Lodging (for common areas)
  • Arcades and Indoor Recreation Businesses
  • Fitness Centers and Health Clubs
  • Museums, Cultural Facilities and Guided Tours

Workers and staff will not count towards the occupancy count for restaurants, places of worship, close contact personal services, and retail businesses.

All other rules and restrictions in each sector-specific guidance will remain in effect.

Gatherings Limit

Effective Saturday, December 26, the gatherings limits will be updated. Indoor gatherings will be limited to 10 people. Outdoor gatherings will be limited to 25 people outside.

The gatherings limit applies to private homes, event venues and public spaces.

Elective Surgeries

The Department of Public Health released updated guidance to hospitals around nonessential, elective invasive procedures. To preserve health care personnel resources, effective 12:01am on December 26, all hospitals are directed to postpone or cancel all nonessential inpatient elective invasive procedures in order to maintain and increase inpatient capacity. Hospitals shall make every effort to preserve their inpatient capacity by cancelling nonessential electives and redeploying staff. 

Patients are reminded to still seek necessary care at their hospital or from their health care provider

Boston Athletic Association to Launch Athletes’ Village, Virtual Community for Runners of All Levels

 Boston Athletic Association to Launch Athletes’ Village, Virtual Community for Runners of All Levels

BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has announced the upcoming launch of Athletes’ Village, a virtual community for runners of all levels and abilities. Athletes’ Village will be a virtual hub for free monthly challenges as well as paid training programs, and will serve as a central location for participant and volunteer history, official race results, race updates, and race registration. The B.A.A. seeks to engage with 125,000 athletes worldwide through the online Athletes' Village in honor of and leading up to next year's 125th Boston Marathon.


“Whether you are an accomplished marathoner, looking to increase your physical activity in the new year, or brand new to the sport of running, Athletes’ Village will provide a space for you to achieve your fitness goals and celebrate your accomplishments with a global community,” said Tom Grilk, President & C.E.O. of the B.A.A.


The online community will formally launch on Tuesday, January 5th with a free, six-week Winter Warm-Up training program designed for new runners, runners recovering from injury, and anyone looking to be more active in 2021. Created by Mark Carroll, B.A.A. High Performance coach and two-time Olympian for Ireland, the Winter Warm-Up will provide structured weekly goals to increase participants’ aerobic abilities and build endurance for a spring 5K. Athletes looking to take on an additional challenge can conquer the January challenges: logging 125 miles or completing a total of 125 minutes of activity throughout the month. Additional challenges for Athletes’ Village will be announced every month. Participants must create a free account to access content on the platform.


“January is a perfect time to plan your fitness goals for the year. Whether those goals include running your first or fastest 5K, we’ve designed training plans and monthly challenges that will push you to achieve your goals,” said Carroll.


Athletes’ Village will also feature message boards for participants to connect with one another and build a virtual community. Those enrolled in training programs will be able to access program-specific message boards featuring training tips, exercise videos, and insight from the B.A.A.’s High Performance team runners and coaches. Runners and volunteers can create accounts in Athletes’ Village throughout the year.


“Athletes’ Village will challenge the most experienced runners, introduce the sport to new runners, and be a platform for all to benefit from running and living an active lifestyle,” said Grilk.


The 125th Boston Marathon was postponed from April to Fall 2021; a date has not yet been established. Race updates will be shared when available in the Athletes’ Village platform in addition to www.baa.org and across Boston Marathon social media platforms.

國會通過第二波紓困法案每人發600元 待川普總統簽字

             (Boston Orange 編譯)美國國會終於達成協議,在2020年結束前通過,等待川普總統簽字的金額9000億元新冠病毒(COVID-19)紓困法案,以及14萬億元的綜合支出法案,但還有稅務,能源,教育及醫療保險其他法案尚未完成等。

其中的新冠病毒紓困方案,內容包括失業保險(1200億元)。恢復聯邦政府在病毒大流行期間,原定314日到期的補充性失業福利,不過金額將從600元降為每週300元,截止日期也展延到7月。打零工者(gig workers)的失業福利,則是把州政府支付失業福利的最長期限,展延至50週。







