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顯示包含「Government 政府」標籤的文章。顯示所有文章

星期一, 8月 21, 2023

麻州經濟發展廳賦能地方1500萬元補助 9/15截止申請

(Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州經濟發展辦公室821日宣佈,總額1500萬元的第三輪社區賦能及重新投資補助計畫,開放申請。





麻州經濟發展廳廳長郝伊平 (Yvonne Hao)表示,社區傅能及重新投資補助計畫可謂組織提供重要資源,加強幫助鄰里及居民繁榮的項目。該辦公室很高興能夠開放這輪補助申請,並期待能在全州各地的經濟賦能社區投資。

麻州經濟基金副廳長Ashley Stolba表示,這補助項目每年都為社區內的組織提供他們迫切需要的經費,來辦理計畫,創造工作機會,刺激經濟滑動,賦予居民能力。

麻州經濟發展廳將於822日早上10點,在往上舉辦說明會。申請截止日期為915日下午5點。查詢更多資訊可上EOED網頁,或發電郵到eohedgrants@mass.gov。 (更新版)

Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces Opening of Third Round of Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Program 

BOSTON – Today, the Executive Office of Economic Development announced the opening of the third round of the Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program, which will provide a total of $15 million in grant funds to develop, strengthen, and invest in community-led efforts to bring positive outcomes to communities that face historically disproportionate challenges to economic growth.  

"The Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program provides important resources to organizations to advance projects that help their neighborhoods and residents thrive,” said Secretary of Economic Development Yvonne Hao. “We are pleased to open this grant round and look forward to investing in the economic empowerment of communities across the state." 

"Each year, this grant program offers community-based organizations much-needed funding for initiatives that create jobs, spur economic activity, and empower our residents,” said Undersecretary of Economic Foundations Ashley Stolba. “We are excited to see the project proposals that will come through the program this year and work with organizations to improve economic opportunity for Massachusetts residents.”  

This year, the grant program will shift to a multi-year procurement cycle and will accept applications for projects that run from early 2024 through June 2026. Initial contracts will extend through June 2024 and, subject to annual state budget appropriations and renewal eligibility, grantees will have the opportunity to receive up to two additional one-year contracts.  

This competitive grant program was developed to support communities with high rates of criminal justice system involvement, widespread poverty, and large groups of disadvantaged and underrepresented populations. Project categories include community-based workforce development, small business development, housing stabilization, community health improvement, high school dropout prevention, and community organizing and leadership development.  

First passed into law in December 2020, the Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Program involved the establishment of a Community Empowerment Board to inform application processes and criteria. As prescribed by law, the seven-member Community Empowerment Board consists of individuals who belong to demographic groups that have been traditionally underrepresented and have historically been at social and economic disadvantages.  

The office will host a virtual information session for applicants on August 22, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. ET. Applications are due September 15, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. ET. For more information and to learn how to apply, visit the EOED website or email eohedgrants@mass.gov.

星期二, 12月 22, 2020

昆士市免費新冠病毒檢測 12/29起連續八週每週二下午

            (Boston Orange 編譯)昆士市長柯奇(Thomas P. Koch)今日宣佈,昆士市和滿能(Manet)社區健康中心合作,將從1229日起,連需八週,每周二的中午至下午4點,在市府未來的特殊教育學習中心(180 Old Colony Avenue),為居民擴大辦理免費的新冠病毒檢測。


滿能將和博德機構(Broad Institute)實驗室合作,執行這檢測,估計2448小時候可有檢測結果。檢測方法由滿能醫療團隊做臨床督導,參加檢測者自行用拭子取樣。


滿能執行長Cynthia H. Sierra表示,我們真的很榮幸有市府確保居民能及時,方便的得到檢測。作為一個社區健康中心,我們的使命就是把醫療護理擴大進病人居住的社區及鄰里。無論是做新冠病毒篩檢,或是很快就要做的新冠病毒疫苗接種,或是面對面,或是任何其他的支援性醫療服務,我們都致力為所有需要我們的人確保醫療護理及服務的完善及品質。

門診地點是在原本屬於東拿薩仁學院(Eastern Nazarene College)的辦公室及教室大樓。在柯奇市長計畫把這地方翻修成為昆士市特殊教育學生的學習中心後,昆士市府年前買下了這地方,預定2021年後開始施工。這地點有很多停車位,而且離地鐵紅線華樂斯頓中心(Wallaston Center)站和巴士站很近。

City of Quincy, Manet Community Health Center to Partner On Free Testing Clinic

QUINCY, MA – December 22, 2020 Mayor Thomas P. Koch announced today that the City of Quincy and Manet Community Health Center will partner to bring expanded COVID-19 testing to residents beginning Tuesday, December 29, from noon to 4 p.m. at the future site of the City’s special education learning center at 180 Old Colony Avenue.

The testing is free, does not require insurance information, and is open to any Quincy resident. Pre-registration is recommended but not required. To register, call 774-406-5400.

The testing will run on Tuesdays at the same time for at least the next eight weeks.

Manet is partnering with the laboratory at the Broad Institute to process test, and results are expected to be returned within 24 to 48 hours. The test is a self-administered swab but will be clinically supervised by Manet’s medical team.

“Time and again, Manet and its team have stepped up in so many ways during this pandemic, and coordinating this expansion of our local testing capacity so quickly is just another example of an extraordinary commitment to the people of this community,” said

Mayor Thomas P. Koch. “We hope our residents, particularly our young people who may not have interacted much with the health care system, will avail themselves of this easy and free opportunity to help us fight the current surge in COVID-19 cases.”

Added Manet Chief Executive Officer Cynthia H. Sierra:

“We are truly honored with the City to ensure that residents have access to timely and convenient access to testing. As a community health center, we are compelled by our mission to extend care out into the community and the neighborhoods where our patients live. Whether it is through COVID screening and testing – and soon our COVID vaccination program – or our in-person and telehealth primary care, addiction medicine, behavioral health services or any of our other supportive health services, we are committed to ensuring quality, comprehensive health care and services for all who need us.”

The clinic site is an office and classroom building that was owned by Eastern Nazarene College until it was purchased by the City earlier this year as part of a plan by Mayor Koch to create a learning center for the City’s special education students. Construction to retrofit the building is scheduled to begin later in 2021. There is ample parking at the site, and it is in close proximity to MBTA bus routes and the Wollaston Center Red Line station. (updated version)

星期一, 12月 21, 2020

麻州州長懇請州民防疫為重 聖誕新年期間別群聚

            (Boston Orange編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)(21)日在匯報新冠病毒(COVID-19)疫情時表示,感恩節後1012天,確診率加倍的經驗告訴大家,節假日群聚有多危險。他和州府人員懇求州民聖誕,新年期間,別再犯同樣錯誤。



星期四, 10月 29, 2020

iTaiwan 窗口解說疫情期間領務相關工作

           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)「新冠病毒疫情期間,回台灣該注意什麼?」,駐波士頓台北經文處,華僑文教中心,波士頓急難救助協會等8個組織合作,28日晚舉辦「iTaiwan窗口」講座,提醒人預做準備。













駐波士頓經文處處長孫儉元,波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮,在講座開始前都應邀致詞。潘昭榮提醒出席者,僑教中心和新英格蘭台灣青商會合作,29日晚6點半另辦一場講座,邀Motorsport 執行長Ray Chang分享創業經驗,僑教中心也將說明僑委會委員長童振源的施政理念。(更新版)

星期三, 9月 23, 2020

紅襪隊贊助 每週5%波士頓老師做新冠病毒檢測

          (Boston Orange整理報導)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)表示,在紅襪隊的贊助支持下,本週開始,直到2020年底,將每週為5%的波士頓教師工會老師們做新冠病毒(COVID-19)檢測。 
         這一病毒檢測將從從芬衛球場(Fenway Park)開始,陸續進不同社區為老師們檢測病毒。市內新冠病毒感染率高的社區,則以為老師們做隨機檢測方式,盡量保障老師,學生的健康安全。 
        馬丁華殊感謝紅襪隊及其董事長Sam Kennedy的贊助支持,以及波士頓公共衛生局將組織,執行這一每週檢測計畫。他指出,紅襪隊和藍捷(JetBlue)航空公司還和”波士頓驕傲(Boston Pride)合作,捐贈6萬多個可重複使用的口罩給波士頓公校學生及老師。



BOSTON - Wednesday, September 23, 2020 - To help with the return to in-person learning this fall, the Red Sox, with support from Major League Baseball (MLB), have partnered with the City of Boston and the Boston Public Health Commission to facilitate COVID-19 testing for Boston Teachers Union (BTU) members.

Starting this week, five percent of Teachers Union members will be invited to be randomly tested weekly for COVID-19 through the end of 2020. The testing program will begin at a location near Fenway Park and will move to a different location at a later date. A randomized sample of teachers will be tested from across the city with an oversampling of teachers working in neighborhoods with COVID-19 rates higher than 8 percent, which is double the citywide threshold of concern.

"Our first priority is the health and safety of our students, teachers, and everyone in our Boston Public Schools community," said Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "This testing program is one way we can support our teachers as they get ready to head back to their classrooms for in-person learning. We thank the Red Sox and Major League Baseball for partnering with us on this program, and the Boston Public Health Commission for organizing and implementing this weekly testing plan." 

"As part of Major League Baseball's COVID-19 testing program, the league wanted to ensure there was opportunity to extend their testing benefits beyond the clubs and players, and into the communities where teams operate," said Red Sox President Sam Kennedy. "We are grateful to MLB for giving us this opportunity to partner with the City of Boston and help with their back-to-school rollout." 

"As we plan to welcome students back into our school buildings, BPS understands that our schools are the hubs of our community and we are taking every precaution to keep Bostonians safe and healthy," said BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius. "I am so thankful to Major League Baseball and the Boston Red Sox organization for this profound commitment to the health of our educators, our students and of the entire community. In the City of Boston we truly are all in this together."


"We are grateful to the Red Sox and their commitment to helping us ensure safety and health in our schools during this pandemic," said Boston Teachers Union President Jessica Tang. "We hope that the early success of this initiative will enable us to explore further expansion of such efforts as we continue to keep health and safety a priority for our students and educators in order to head back into buildings for critical in-person services and learning."

Teachers Union members will be administered an FDA-authorized COVID-19 test through the Spectrum Solutions SDNA-100 saliva collection kit. The tests are being provided to the City free of cost through MLB's COVID-19 community testing program. Testing will be conducted by the Sports Medicine Research & Testing Laboratory in Salt Lake City, Utah, which was established to ensure that the testing of players and staff throughout the 2020 MLB season does not compete with public health testing needs.

The City of Boston has also continued its work to increase access to testing for residents throughout Boston's neighborhoods. Yesterday, in partnership with East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, Mayor Walsh announced that the City of Boston's COVID-19 mobile testing site will now be located in Grove Hall. This mobile site testing initiative was announced by Mayor Walsh back in May as a way to help fill any gaps in testing availability, prioritizing neighborhoods and populations that need dedicated testing efforts to create equitable access to testing. The site has previously been located in Roxbury, Allston, South Boston, Mattapan and East Boston. 

"We know that access to data is one of the most useful ways to help keep our city residents safe during this pandemic," said City of Boston Chief of Health and Human Services Marty Martinez. "This partnership between MLB, the Red Sox, the Boston Public Health Commission, and the City allows us to create another access point of testing for our teachers as we all work to get our youngest Bostonians back into the classroom in a safe manner this fall."

In addition to the City's mobile testing sites, COVID-19 testing is available at over 20 locations across the city. Mobile testing sites also continue to be available at select locations, prioritizing neighborhoods and populations that need dedicated testing efforts to create equitable access to testing. Individuals can call the Mayor's Health Line with any questions using 617-534-5050. For a complete list of all testing sites, visit here

Mayor Walsh and the Boston Resiliency Fund Steering Committee have dedicated over $1,794,825 to expand COVID-19 testing and conduct culturally appropriate outreach and education to community health centers across City of Boston neighborhoods, including Bowdoin Street Community Health Center, Codman Square Community Health Center, The Dimock Center, DotHouse Health, Mattapan Community Health Center, Uphams Corner Community Health Center, Whittier Street Community Health Center, Charles River Community Health, Fenway Health, Greater Roslindale Medical & Dental Center, Harbor Health, East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center, Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center, South Boston Community Health Center, NEW Health Charlestown, South End Community Health Center, and Brookside Community Health Center. The Fund has also supported telehealth services and equipment at those community health centers as well to connect testing to safe treatment options at home.

Resources and information about COVID-19 are available online. Resources available on boston.gov and through City departments include support for renters and homeowners; small businesses; free meals for Boston students; free toiletries for Boston students; support for older residents; information on homeless shelters; resources for those in recovery or those who have a substance use disorder; and mental health resources. More information on Boston's reopening can be found at boston.gov/reopening.

For additional questions or programs, please visit our coronavirus website or call 3-1-1, Boston's 24-hour constituent hotline. Text BOSCOVID to 888-777 to receive text alerts on a regular basis, available in 11 languages.

星期四, 7月 30, 2020




Series of virtual panels will focus on the healthcare, hospitality, construction, retail, and IT/tech industries 


BOSTON - Thursday, July 30, 2020 - To better help colleges and job training programs prepare their participants for the COVID-era workforce, the Mayor's Office of Workforce Development is launching a series of virtual panels to disseminate the latest research on labor market trends in Boston's major industry sectors. These panels, called the Boston Employer Forum Series, will also feature insights from hiring directors in these industries. The series will begin today, Thursday, July 30 with a panel focused on Boston's healthcare industry. 


"Now more than ever it is critical that we provide residents with the information and resources they need to enter the workforce," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "The Boston Employer Forum Series pools on-the-ground knowledge from leading industry employers along with the best available academic data to provide a complete picture of employment opportunities for Boston's residents." 


The Boston Employer Forum Series, which is free and open to the public, will cover the following industries: Healthcare, Hospitality, Construction, Retail and IT/Tech. Each of these panels will feature the latest sector-specific labor market data presented by Dr. Alicia Sasser Modestino, an Economist and Associate Professor at Northeastern University. Hiring managers from within that sector will also offer their perspectives on how colleges and job training organizations can tailor their programs to help Boston residents position themselves for these employment opportunities.


"In order for individuals to increase access to family sustaining careers, it is critical to ensure that education and training are well-aligned with the needs and expectations of employers," said MJ Ryan, Senior Director of Workforce Development and Economic Opportunity at Mass General Brigham, Inc. and a panelist on the healthcare-focused panel. "The Boston Employer Forum Series is a great way to start this information flow. Mass General Brigham has a constant need for high quality, diverse, culturally competent talent, and we appreciate the commitment of Mayor Walsh and his team to help connect us to that talent."


"With so much uncertainty in the economy and especially the hard-hit hospitality industry,  industry-specific panels with expertise such as these offer relevant real-time data for training providers to better serve those seeking jobs and or reemployment," said Luther Pinckney, Outreach and Community Engagement Specialist at BEST Hospitality Training and moderator of the hospitality focused panel.  


The Boston Employer Forum Series builds on the Walsh Administration's ongoing efforts to address the pressing needs of Boston's workforce and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. In June, Mayor Walsh and the Office of Workforce Development dedicated $2.4 million in Neighborhood Jobs Trust funding to support emergency workforce training programs. 


Mayor Walsh and the Office of Economic Development have also launched the Small Business Relief Fund and the Boston Reopen Fund, two strategic initiatives to support small businesses and employees. Over $13 million in debt-free grants has been allocated to help small businesses across the City of Boston pay rent, fulfill payroll, or cover any operating expenses, as well as cover costs of personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, and temporary structures required for reopening and to keep employees and customers safe.


The currently scheduled Boston Employer Forum Series panels are listed below. For those unable to attend, the video will be made available after each panel on owd.boston.gov


Boston Employer Forum Series: Healthcare

Thursday, July 30

10-11:30 a.m.

Register here


Boston Employer Forum Series: Hospitality

Wednesday, August 5

10-11:30 a.m.

Register here


Boston Employer Forum Series: Construction

Tuesday, September 1

10-11:30 a.m.

Register here


About the Mayor's Office of Workforce Development

The Mayor's Office of Workforce Development (OWD) is an innovative agency within the Boston Planning & Development Agency that seeks to ensure the full participation of all Boston residents in the city's economic vitality and future. OWD funds and oversees programs that promote workforce development through education, jobs training, apprenticeships, financial coaching, career pathways, literacy initiatives, and the like. Please visit OWD.Boston.Gov to learn more about the OWD's work.


星期五, 10月 05, 2012

101慶雙十酒會 嘉賓致詞籲保釣


    (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處103日晚在波士頓費爾蒙卡普利廣場酒店(The Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel)慶祝中華民國建國101年。嘉賓蔣宗壬應邀上台致詞時,聲言美國不應介入釣魚台之爭,呼籲華人杯葛日貨。
參議員Elizabeth A. Crowley (右三)羅州檢察長柯馬丁(Peter 

      三日晚,應邀到會的政要眾多,上台致詞的有麻州眾議會住宅委員會主席Kevin Honan、麻州參議會代議長Stanley Rosenberg、新罕布夏州眾議會議長William O’Brian、羅德島州檢察長柯馬丁(Peter Kilmartin)、聯邦參議員布朗(Scott Brown)的選區辦公室代表Jack Richard等人。代表僑界致詞的紐英崙中華總會會長陳毓禮、華人經濟發展協會董事長蔣宗壬博士。
Stanley Rosenberg、麻州眾議會住宅委員會主席
Kevin Honan、麻州眾議員陳德基等人在會中合影。(
麻州眾議會住宅委員會主席Kevin Honan(左起)、麻州參議會代議
Stanley Rosenberg、麻州眾議員黃子安、陳德基等人,在會中
      嘉賓中或因事,或為趕為家中看奧巴馬(Barack Obama)、朗尼(Mitt Romney)總統競選辯論而先行離席的有,波士頓市計劃長沈其樂,薩福克大學羅森伯格東亞研究所主任薛龍,中國問題專家暨哈佛大學費正清中心研究員譚若思(Ross Terrill)等人。
當晚也有瓜地馬拉、哥倫比亞、芬蘭、喬治亞、立陶宛、摩納哥等駐波士頓領事團成員到場致意。酒會歷時兩小時餘,會場人潮不斷,氣氛熱絡,不少人稱讚酒會入口大廳擺放,呈現出臺灣社會文化多元發展及不同風土人情的「臺灣畫境」攝影展,臺灣布袋戲偶與電音三太子,各地政要贈送的表揚狀,以及酒會現場播放的「跨越一百 再現風華」、「臺灣美食」等影片。