
星期四, 5月 11, 2017

昆市亞協服務中心宣佈新執行長莊健豪( Philp Chong)

    (Boston Orange ) 起源於昆士市的亞協服務中心(QARI)(11)日正式對外宣佈,莊健豪(Philp Chong)將出任該中心執行長。
       亞協服務中心在位不下12年的執行主任約翰波德(John Brother)20169月和亞協服務中心董事會同步發表聲明將轉換跑道之後,亞協積極尋覓接任人選,期間由該中心英語教學主任暫代其職。
       亞協董事,日裔的Paul Shaw表示,該中心很高興在企業發展,溝通,亞裔醫療健保領域經驗豐富的Philp Chong將帶領亞協,一定能把亞協帶上為昆士市及南岸社區的令人興奮新篇章。
                  亞協董事會是在無異議下,全票通過指派Philip Chong出任新職。
            Philip Chong 原籍香港,中文流利,16歲時移民來美。他說自己也是移民,親身體會過許多少數族裔今日所面對的挑戰。他很幸運,來美後無論在個人生活或專業上,他遇到過許多貴人,得到許多幫助,是那些人的熱情讓他得以實現美國夢。加入亞協是他回饋社區和美國的方式之一。
           根據亞協的書面介紹,Philip Chong獲有東北大學資訊系統碩士學位,曾擔任Keswick醫療服務公司執行長,麻州醫療國際公司營運長,以及西蒙斯學院的策略計畫主任。他相信自己在策略領導上的專長,能夠幫助亞協和潛在的策略聯盟夥伴合作,在多元化項目,擴展服務上更進一步的讓少數族裔掌握主動力。他有這領亞協成長的決心。

Meet our new CEO!

QARI is pleased to introduce our new Chief Executive Officer, Philip Chong. 

This announcement comes following an extensive search by the board of directors, facilitated by ESC of New England, a leading nonprofit consulting firm familiar with QARI.

Paul Shaw of QARI’s Board of Directors said, “After an exhaustive search, the board is very pleased that Mr. Chong will be leading QARI. His extensive background in business development, communications, and Asian healthcare will propel QARI into its next exciting chapter in serving Quincy and the South Shore community. The board voted unanimously to appoint Mr. Chong to the position.” Mr. Chong said, “With the strong support of the city, the board members, and QARI’s key stakeholders, I am excited to lead such a mission-driven organization that has been dedicated to serving the community for many years.”

Mr. Chong is a Hong Kong native, fluent in Chinese, who himself immigrated to the United States at the age of 16. “As an immigrant myself,” Mr. Chong said, “I have firsthand experience living through the challenges many minorities face day to day. I am fortunate enough to have come across many people in the U.S. who have helped and supported me personally and professionally. Their compassion has enabled me to live my American dream and I am forever grateful for that. Joining QARI is one of my ways to give back to the communities and the country.”

Mr. Chong holds a master’s degree in information systems from Northeastern University. His professional career includes serving as CEO of Keswick Health, COO of Massachusetts Medical International Corporation, and Director of Strategic Initiatives at Simmons College. “My strategic leadership expertise can help advance QARI’s initiatives in diversifying programs, extending our services with potential strategic partnerships in empowering underserved minorities.  I might be seen as an outsider in the nonprofit world, but I am passionate about QARI’s mission and determined to lead and grow the organization,” said Mr. Chong.

QARI, founded in 2001, is a growing community-based organization serving primarily Quincy’s large Asian and immigrant populations. QARI programs include youth development and mentoring, adult education, family literacy, Chinese language and cultural classes, civic engagement initiatives, and multilingual information and referral to community services.  QARI’s mission is to foster and improve the social, cultural, economic and civic lives of Asian Americans and their families to benefit Quincy and its neighboring communities through collaborations and partnerships.

For further information, please contact press@quincyasianresources.org.
