
星期日, 5月 21, 2017


台灣人公共事務協會麻州分會520(週六)下午2點半至5點,在Clypd (212 Elm St., Somerville, MA 02144)舉行年會,邀林倢講談"國家邁向正常化之路"。

FAPA - MA Chapter Annual Meeting

Passionate about Taiwan? Interested in learning how to make a difference for Taiwan in America? Join us to learn what FAPA had accomplished in the past year and the plan going forward. Come and meet like-minded individuals and see how you can put ideas into action. To give everyone a peek into how Taiwan is currently being discussed in Washington, we have invited June Lin, Sunflower activist and currently Policy Associate at FAPA HQ, to share her insight. See below for more information on her talk!

2:30-3:00pm: Registration and membership dues
3:00-3:30pm: Chapter report
3:30-5:00pm: Featured Talk, Q&A, social

Snacks and bubble tea will be provided!

If you are driving to the event, here is a map of public parking lots in Davis Square: http://www.parksomerville.com/pdfs/davisparking_map.pdf
It's unclear how much available parking there will be in these lots, so we encourage you to carpool or park at Alewife and taking the red line to Davis.
Navigating the path toward Taiwan's normalization as a country

As a small but tenacious country, Taiwan performs a complicated balancing act between two great powers - the United States and China. In the past few years, with the rise of civic power and vibrant democracy movements, the political landscape and the fate of Taiwan has forever been changed. With the KMT party-state’s power deteriorating, we are finally making the steps toward the normalization of our country. However, with the recent election of President Trump, we are now at a critical juncture of US-Taiwan relations, facing both new challenges and new opportunities. As Taiwanese American grassroot advocates, how can we find a path for Taiwan to establish itself as a country, despite the looming uncertainty worldwide?


Guest Speaker: June Lin 林倢
Soon after the Sunflower Movement came to an end, June and several other participants founded the social justice group Democracy Tautin. The group aimed to follow up on the cross-strait agreement issues and to continue the energy of Sunflower Movement. Later that year, she also joined KP’s campaign in the Taipei City mayoral election. From 2015 to 2016, June worked in the Lee Tung-Hui Foundation as a Researcher and also in Legislative Yuan as Legislator Su Chi-fen's congressional aide. June is now based in DC and is currently working as a policy associate at the Formosan Association for Public Affairs.

MA:NTU Graduate Institute of National Development (Currently leave of absence)
Democracy Tautin – Coordinator of the Media Department/Deputy Coordinator/General Coordinator/Spokesperson
2014 KP’s Election Campaign – Taiwan Association for Strategic Simulation’s RA
2015-2016 Lee Tung-Hui Foundation – Researcher
2016 Legislator Su Chih-Feng – Congressional Aid
FAPA – Intern (2015)/Policy Fellow (2016)/Policy Associate(2017)

作為318運動參與者之一,林倢在佔領行動結束後積極投入社會運動工作,與議場內其他參與者共組青年團體「民主鬥陣」(現「民主維新」),持續針對兩岸政治、經貿問題進行倡議與監督。除體制外倡議工作之外,2014年林倢曾作為台灣戰略模擬學會的研究助理,組成柯文哲台北市長選舉中的戰情部;2015至16年,她曾任李登輝基金會的研究部專員,並在2016選舉後成為蘇治芬委員的國會助理。現在,林倢在華府的台灣人公共事務會擔任政策助理(Policy Associate)。

2014-16 民主鬥陣:媒體部統籌/副召/總召/發言人
台灣人公共事務會:Intern (2015)/Policy Fellow (2016)/Policy Associate(2017)
