
星期五, 1月 08, 2016

AARP 1/16 慶猴年


AARP Celebrates Year of the Monkey at
Largest Lunar New Year Festival in Country

位於Pomona Fairplex的第35屆華人工商大展
Get complimentary AARP prizes and photos at
35th Annual Asian American Expo
Saturday, January 16 – Sunday, January 17 at Pomona Fairplex

AARP wishes everyone a year filled with joy and discovery. May the Year of the Monkey set the stage for a future full of vibrant possibilities. 點擊此處下載照片. Download image here.

【華盛頓2016年1月8日訊】為了慶祝猴年新春來臨,AARP將再度成為全美最大農曆新歲慶祝活動、第35屆華人工商大展(Asian American Expo)參展單位之一。這項盛事將於1月16日(星期六)及1月17日(星期日)在Pomona Fairplex舉行,AARP的擹位於第4展廳,屆時參加者除了可以與親友合照及獲贈一個獨特的猴年特色相框,更可以免費獲得新春禮物及參加抽獎,贏取一台AARP RealPad平台電腦,這台平板電腦內置眾多便利應用程式,市場上獨一無二,民眾切勿錯過。
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 8, 2016 – AARP is commemorating the Year of the Monkey by returning to the 35th Annual Asian American Expo, the largest Lunar New Year event in the U.S. Expo attendees are invited to pose with their family and friends in AARP’s photo booth and take home a free picture in a special Year of the Monkey frame. Guests will also receive special complimentary Lunar New Year gifts and can enter for a chance to win an AARP RealPad, the first-of-its-kind easy to use tablet designed with pre-loaded helpful apps.  The AARP booth is located in Hall 4 at the Pomona Fairplex in Pomona, CA on Saturday, January 16 and Sunday, January 17.

“At last year’s Expo, we met and shared with a wonderfully engaged crowd many of the issues and resources that AARP provides from caregiving to fraud prevention. Our AARP staff and volunteers are eager to share more AARP information with the 2016 Asian Expo attendees,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership for the Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience.

華人工商大展由Chinese Overseas Marketing Service Corporation主辦,主辦單位將於活動場內的六大展廳設立超過1,000個攤位、三個特色亞洲美食廣場、以及八個舞台接連推出精彩娛樂節目。
Organized by the Chinese Overseas Marketing Service Corporation, the Asian American Expo will feature more than 1,000 booths in six large exhibition halls, three unique Asian food courts, and live entertainment on eight performance stages.

For more information about how AARP helps Asian American & Pacific Islander families get more out of life, visit facebook.com/AARPAAPICommunity and @AARPAAPI.

AARP是一個擁有將近3,800萬會員的非營利及無黨派組織,旨在幫助人們將目標和夢想轉化為可實現的機會、並強化各個社區及致力改善與大部份家庭息息相關的議題,例如:醫療保健、就業和穩定收入、退休規劃、可負擔能源開支和免受財務詐騙。我們並關注在市場上的個人權益,因此悉心挑選冠以AARP名稱的優質和高值產品和服務,以及幫助我們的會員在一系列產品、旅遊和服務獲得折扣優惠。AARP是一個值得信賴的生活指南、新聞和教育信息的來源,它除了出版全球發行量最大的《AARP雜誌》(AARP The Magazine)、《AARP通報》(AARP Bulletin)、網站:www.aarp.org、AARP電視及電台、 AARP叢書、還有AARP西班牙語語網站AARP en Español,以關注拉美裔民眾的利益和需求。AARP不背書任何公職候選人或對任何政治活動或候選人捐贈獻金。AARP基金會是AARP組織的附屬慈善機構,致力為生活愈益困窘的50歲以上美國民眾爭取更多機會,目前他們面對眾多嚴峻議題,包括:住房、飢餓、收入和孤立等,AARP基金會通過成為改變這些議題的力量以達成目標。 AARP在全美50州、華盛頓特區、波多黎各及美屬維京群島均設有職員辦事處。詳情請瀏覽網站:www.aarp.org
