
星期三, 1月 27, 2016


Last Saturday 1/23, during the snow storm, with his beautiful music, pianist Dang Thai Son  鄧泰山 melted the hearts of a packed house of enthusiastic audience at NEC's Jordan Hall. He received cheerful standing ovations. The concert was simply fantastic!

Music critic from The Boston Musical Intelligencer wrote:  Thai-Son in Knockout”  DuringSaturday night’s snow, those brave enough—or wise enough—to venture out to Jordan Hall were warmed by real artistry from Vietnamese pianist Dang Thai-Son. In this recital sponsored by the Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts, Dang showed why he was the 1980 first prizewinner at the International Chopin Competition, showcasing works by four composers—Schubert, Chopin, Fauré, and Debussy—each seemingly an old friend."

波士頓音樂情報員(The Boston Musical Intelligencer)樂評家形容1月23日在新英格蘭音樂學院喬丹廳舉行的“泰山擊倒(Thai-Son in Knockout)”音樂會時表示,那些冒雪而來的勇敢者或智慧者,在越南裔鋼琴家鄧泰山的音樂聲中,心全都暖得融化了。在中華表演藝術基金會策劃的這場音樂會中,鄧泰山彈奏了四名作曲家,舒伯特,蕭邦,福萊,德布西等人的作品,展現出1980年時,為什麼是他贏得國際蕭邦賽第一名。
