
星期二, 10月 07, 2014

10/16 看"八九點的太陽“和 導演Carma Hinton晤談

Carma Hinton:八九點的太陽
October 16th! West Village F Room 20, food & refreshments will be served!!! 

About the film
"Few events of the 20th century have dramatically engulfed so large a proportion of humanity as China's Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Amidst widespread violence and disorder, an estimated half-million Chinese died as a direct result. Yet this tumultuous period remains barely understood. MORNING SUN explores the historical and ethical questions raised by the Cultural Revolution.

"Morning Sun is not a comprehensive or chronological history of the Cultural Revolution as such; nor is it a study of elite politics or of student factionalism. The film explores a psychological history; it attempts a cinematic account of experiences and emotions. It is also a film about the cultures and convictions, as well as the historical events, that created the impetus, language, style and content of the time period."


《八九点钟的太阳》不以编年记事的方式来综述文革,它侧重于展示曲折的个人故事和家庭的悲欢离合,以此来发掘文革这样一个对千百万个人的命运产生重大影响的历史事件的内涵。影片中的十几位受访者中,有分别来自三个家庭的成员——前国家主席刘少奇的遗孀王光美和女儿刘亭、文革 期间因言至罪而遭枪杀的遇罗克的弟弟遇罗文、及曾一度担任毛泽东秘书的李锐和女儿李南央。影片的其他受访者包括在红卫兵运动初期深具影响力的骆小海、名字 被媒体歪曲利用的宋彬彬、为文革留下珍贵影像见证的摄影师李振盛和赵立魁、著名画家黄永玉、学者朱学勤、徐友渔、王力雄等。
