
星期五, 11月 01, 2013

Protest against Jimmy Kimmel Kid's Table Government Shutdown Show on ABC Network

近日Jimmy Show上关于“杀光中国人”的讨论大家想来都已熟悉。本周六将在Boston进行属于我们自己的抗议活动。我刚刚把这个通知转给复旦校友会了,希望各位朋友也能积极支持,为了我们自己和我们的孩子,可以有平等生存下去的机会,是时候不再沉默不再陪笑着给人看笑话了。

Protest against Jimmy Kimmel Kid's Table Government Shutdown Show on ABC Network

Location: THE NEW ENGLAND HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL ( http://www.nehm.org/ )
Time : Nov 2nd(Saturday), 11am -- 1pm
(Rain date : Nov 3rd, 11am – 1pm)

Jimmy Kimmel and the ABC network sent a very clear bad message that it
was "interesting" to kill all the people to whom you owe money. “The
Kids Table- Government shut down" was publicly talking about and
laughing about genocide. It is immoral and inhumane.

1. In addition to the on-line petition on the White House page, we
think it is necessary to bring up the attention of as many people (not
only Chinese people) as possible about this show to prevent similar
things to happen in the future.

2. We hope to educate kids not to use violence at anytime. Feel free
to forward this announcement to your friends or share it on Facebook,
Twitter , wechat, etc. Please join us this weekend to make your
own voice. Thank you.


请 大家静心思考一下这件事的社会含义,不要自己成了牺牲品还在微笑。为了让我们和我们的孩子们能过上有尊严的日常生活,为了可以受到平等的对待与重视,请做些力所能及的事,比如参与白宫投票。地址是:https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/investigate-jimmy-
