
星期一, 4月 22, 2024

麻州海洋館裏辦公室爭取到500萬元聯邦補助 將改造2處沿海棲息地

             (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州能源及環境事務廳 (EEA) 422日報喜訊,獲得聯邦政府500萬元補助,經辦Yarmouth Bourne 2個沿海棲息地的維修,把已休種蔓越莓的沼澤,改造成有韌性的沿海濕地,加強地方社區對氣候變遷的適應力,恢復天然棲息地。

            麻州能源及環境事務廳和漁獵署的生態復育組、鱸河之友、雅茅斯鎮 (Yarmouth) 、禿鷹灣聯盟和伯恩鎮 (Bourne)合作,申請到這筆經費。

            共有67個項目向國家海洋暨大氣總署 (NOAA)申請補助,麻州能源及環境事務廳海洋區管理辦公室 (CZM) 所遞交項目,是22個獲得獎助的申請者之一。去年CZM也獲得400萬元補助。



Forum will serve as an opportunity for Boston residents with disabilities to connect with City services and departments and provide feedback on issues across Boston neighborhoods

BOSTON - Monday, April 22, 2024 - Mayor Michelle Wu, the Mayor's Commission on Persons with Disabilities and the Disability Advisory Board today announced that the City’s annual Disability Community Forum will take place on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. The event is hybrid and will be held at Suffolk University Law School located at 120 Tremont St. Boston MA. The event is open to the public, with hybrid attendance options allowing participation both in person and on Zoom. Please visit boston.gov/disability-forum if interested in attending.

"Boston’s Disability Community Forum is an important and critical opportunity for Boston residents with disabilities to build community, connect with city services and provide invaluable feedback on issues across the city's neighborhoods," said Mayor Michelle Wu. "As we continue to build Boston into a city for everyone, I encourage everyone to attend this forum and help move us forward in our work to make our city more inclusive and accessible for all."

“Boston’s Disability Community Forum is an incredible opportunity for city officials to listen to people with disabilities, and hear the priorities and ideas they have to make Boston more accessible and inclusive,” said the City of Boston Commissioner on Person with Disabilities and ADA Title II Coordinator, Kristen McCosh

The hour and a half long event will open with a brief presentation from Commissioner McCosh of the Commission and Board’s Annual Report. The event will then open for public comment and a Q&A session. The purpose of the event is to provide an opportunity for Boston residents with disabilities to share their feedback on and ask questions about City services. It is also a chance for City of Boston officials to learn from the disability community’s unique perspective. 

This event will be recorded by the City of Boston’s Cable TV channel, and following the end of the event a video recording will be available to stream on the City’s YouTube channel, Xfinity channel 24, RCN channel 13, and Fios channel 962.

The Disability Community Forum is a once a year event, but the City of Boston Disabilities Commission office is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, and staff are available every day to answer any questions or concerns you may have. 

To lear​n more about the Disability Community Forum, visit boston.gov, email disability@boston.gov or call the Mayor's Commission on Persons with Disabilities at 617-635-3682.


 Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces 2024 STEM Summit  

Summit at Bridgewater State University to focus on computer science education and careers 


WESTBOROUGH – The Healey-Driscoll Administration announced today, during the STEM Advisory Council Meeting at the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, that the annual STEM Summit will be held on May 15 at Bridgewater State University. The theme this year focuses on the evolving computer science education and workforce landscape, with equity at its core – uplifting the diverse needs, interests, and perspectives of students, educators, and employers. As the computer science workforce continues to grow, the administration is promoting opportunities that enable more diverse and inclusive pathways for interested students.


“In Massachusetts, we want to open doors for our young people, especially to STEM pathways. This year’s STEM Summit provides a unique opportunity to educate students about fulfilling careers in STEM in partnership with employers and educators,” said Governor Maura Healey. “We want to encourage all of our students, regardless of their circumstance, zip code, or socioeconomic status, to explore every option available to them. By empowering them to see STEM as a viable, exciting pathway to their future, we will inspire the next generation of innovators in growing sectors like computer science.”


“Careers in computer science stretch across many industries, from manufacturing to health care. When we lift up careers in computer science for all of our students, we strengthen the tech sector workforce pipeline and our state’s economy, driving our competitiveness and building a brighter future for all,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll, co-chair of the STEM Advisory Council. “This year’s Summit will build on our progress from last year that set the foundation for addressing barriers to access and improving equity – ensuring that women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups in STEM get a shot at opportunities into these critical fields.” 


“We want to empower all Massachusetts students to gain computer science skills and make informed IT career and college choices. That’s why the STEM Summit will promote innovative access points and pathways with new opportunities for student engagement. In collaboration with industry partners, it will also highlight deeper hands-on instruction and provide wider access to work-based learning experiences, inspiring students, particularly those who were historically excluded, to see themselves in these fields,” said Education Secretary Dr. Patrick Tutwiler.


The 2024 Massachusetts STEM Summit will showcase opportunities for all students, regardless of their circumstance, zip code, or socioeconomic status, to study computer science and pursue fulfilling careers in the tech sector. The summit will feature captivating speakers representing innovative Computer Science work occurring across the Commonwealth’s educator and employer partnerships, as well as collaborative panels that engage students, educators, and workforce partners with a common goal of advancing the state’s IT talent pipeline.


“Massachusetts is rich in talent, we have the brightest young minds here that are changing the STEM industry with their innovations,” said Secretary of Economic Development Yvonne Hao. “As our administration delves into the realm of AI, we’re excited that the STEM Summit will open doors for students in computer science, empowering them with essential skills for the future workforce.”


“Massachusetts students today need to be a focal point as we strategically plan and invest for our future workforce,” said Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Lauren Jones. “The administration’s Workforce Skills Cabinet looks forward to engaging with students, educators, industry, and workforce leaders for the annual STEM Summit and throughout the year to increase student learning and exposure for STEM pathways and careers in Massachusetts.”


The STEM Summit aims to inspire the next generation of leaders in computer science here in Massachusetts and highlight ways the state can address inequities in education and career pathways. In the 21-’22 school year, 83 percent of High School students had access to a computer science course, but only 6.6 percent took advantage of them. Less than 30 percent of the students who took a computer science course were female, Black students participated at a lower rate than their population in the state and Hispanic students were 1.5 times less likely to take the courses than their white and Asian peers. Furthermore, these disparities continue in the workforce. According to Lightcast data, women remain severely underrepresented in the tech sector, making up only 26 percent of tech workers and less than 10 percent of workers are Black or Hispanic.


For more information on this year’s STEM Summit visit Mass.gov/StemSummit. The STEM Summit is organized by the Executive Office of Education and the STEM Advisory Council. The STEM Advisory Council was established to expand access to high-quality STEM education for students across Massachusetts, and is currently co-chaired by Lieutenant Governor Driscoll, U.S Congressman Jake Auchincloss and Chairman, President and CEO of Vertex Pharmaceuticals Dr. Jeffery Leiden.


“Innovation Pathways puts young people in the driver’s seat at home and in the classroom so they can succeed in their careers,” said Carolyn Kirk, CEO, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MassTech). “We are proud to support this effort, build a more robust STEM workforce, and develop the talent of tomorrow.”

地方政府沒收欠稅房地產做法 春田市一案例法官裁定違憲

               (Boston Orange 綜合編譯) 在麻州,欠繳物業稅,房子可能被地方政府徵收拍賣。上星期,一法官判決,禁止春田市府徵收的一宗案例,卻意味著這做法,可能就此終結。

              這是多年來的第一次,一個麻州法院判定,某些地方市鎮針對屋主追稅,被批評者稱為”偷竊產權 (equity theft)”的做法,違憲。




              上星期,Hampden高等法院法官Michael K. Callan引用最高法院去年的裁決 (明尼蘇達州,Tyler 對抗 Hennepin),禁止春田市從當地屋主Ashley M. Mills那兒,拿走大約123千元的資產。




              Callan法官在裁決中說,地方市政引用,以第60 (Chapter 60) 為名的收稅州法,並未提供收回的過程,因此”在一些情況下應用就違憲,例如這裏,稅債小於物業價值”。


              Ashley M. Mills的單家庭屋及土地是在2016年陷入拖欠稅款狀況,一年之後,春田市在法律允許下,就他們包括14%利息 (後來漲至16%) 的大約2000元欠稅,開始訴訟。



              不過,Mills家在訴訟過程的最後階段,獲得反對”偷竊產權”的2個組織,先驅公益法律中心 (Pioneer Public Interest Law Center) 和大波士頓法律服務 (Greater Boston Legal Service)協助,做他們的法律代表。他們還得到波士頓律師樓 Lewis & Bockius的無償協助。

              根據先驅公益法律中心的Frank J. Bailey,在麻州有其他還待決定的”偷竊產權”個案,而且至少有一宗已進了麻州的聯邦法院。

              Frank J. Bailey說,Mills這開創全州先例的案例,對於正在聆聽類似案件的其他法院,並沒有約束力。但是如果有一宗案件在麻州最高法院得到這樣的裁決,就會有約束力。


林麗珠接掌波士頓急難救助協會 姚英倫、丁心格示範急救

             (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導) 波士頓地區僑界急難救助協會和波克萊臺灣商會 (BTCC) 、新英格蘭大波士頓臺灣商會(TCCNE)、波士頓世衛協進會及波士頓華僑文教服務中心等合作,420日在僑教中心會所舉辦急救講座,並宣佈改選結果,恭喜林麗珠當選為新會長。


他們非常詳細的解釋並示範了頸部出血包紮法,指出要在貼好止血用輔助紗布的出血口那兒結紮,以增加止血壓力;纏繞紗布時要用非受傷側的手臂作為緩衝區。他們還介紹繃帶種類,至少有普通,三角,以及以色列繃帶等三種,其中以色列繃帶具有最多高級功能,是以色列國防軍醫Bernard Bar-Natan發明的,於是有了這以色列繃帶的名稱。




波士頓僑務委員郭競儒,前任僑務委員蔣宗壬,波克萊臺灣商會會長陳奕如,波士頓世衛協進會共會長李孟潔,紐英崙中華專業人員協會會長盧彥君等僑團首長,當天都出席了活動,紛紛稱許這樣的活動很有意義。(僑務電子報 :   https://ocacnews.net/article/367402?cid=2 


獲得美國急救技師認證的標誌。 (周菊子攝)
在現場練習包紮技術。 (周菊子攝)

星期六, 4月 20, 2024

波士頓名人系列 5/2-5 推出Alvin Ailey新作

主辦單位提供  photo by Dario Calmese

            (Boston Orange 編譯) 世界上最受歡迎舞蹈公司之一的Alvin Ailey美國舞團,將於52日至5日,回到波士頓天滿街 (Tremont) 270號的博客中心王氏劇院 (Boch Center Wang Theater) 做年度演出,以3種不同節目組合,表演5場,其中的世紀 (Century)” (Ode)  )” 是波士頓首演。

            跨入創立65週年的Alvin Ailey舞團,這次將演出炙手可熱編舞家Amy Hall Garner受託,為Ailey舞團編導的第一支作品世紀Jamar Roberts2019年作品 (Ode)”。全新製作的Alonzo King 2000年作品跟著細水上流 (Follow the Subtle Current Upstream)”,以及Ronald K. Brown2009年最受喜愛作品 跳舞精神 (Dancing Spirit)”

            每場演出最後,還將以摘自Ailey最佳舞蹈,經典大師傑作 啟示錄 (Revelations)” 中,重點強調Alvin Ailey生動編舞天才的片段,來做結尾。

            作為舞團回到波士頓演出的一部分,從1971年起,邀請Ailey舞團來波士頓表演的波士頓名人系列 (Boston Celebrity Series),將於51 (週三) 7點,在洛士百利 (Roxbury) Reggie Lewis跑道體育中心 (1350 Tremont Street),舉辦一場免費的公開工作坊,每一個人的啟示錄 (Revelations for Everyone)”,舞團舞者將示範教導 Alvin Ailey舞團代表作品,以及非常受歡迎的舞蹈 夜間生物 (Night Creature)”

            排定的幾場表演包括,52日晚8點,以及55日下午3點,在波士頓地區首演的,Jamar Roberts (Ode)  )”,以及Amy Hall Garner世紀 (Century)”。其中的世紀是一支極具個人色彩的作品,靈感來自Hall Garner的祖父100歲生日的那個晚上。Ray CharlesCount Basie,以及The Dirty Dozen銅管樂隊等為這支舞編曲。世紀一舞慶祝生命、韌性及愉悅。是在槍枝暴力時代位生命的美麗與脆弱而沉思的作品,以甜蜜Malcolm (記憶與槍聲第一部分)為背景,並以全女班演員來重新想像。

            53日週五,以及54日週六的晚上8點,演出舞碼為Ronald K. Brown跳舞精神,以及Alonzo King跟隨細水上流跳舞精神的音樂由Duke Ellington, Wynton Marsalis War製作,激發出傳奇性的Ailey藝術總監Emerita Judith Jamison的優雅,尊嚴及慷慨。跟隨細水上流則是大膽,舞動不歇的作品,如同人生中的起起伏伏。

            54 (週六) 下午2點的Ailey經典節目,則跨越Alvin Ailey的豐富作品,包括回憶錄夜間生物沒有公爵 (Pas de Duke)”” Masekela Langage” “Opus McShann”, “情歌 (Love Songs)”, “為鳥帶著愛 (For 'Bird'–With Love)” , 以及隱藏的儀式 ( Hidden Rites)等。

             波士頓名人系列的Alvin Ailey舞團,將於52日至5日在波士頓市天滿街 (Tremont) 270號的Boch Center Wang Theater舉行。購票可上網celebrityseries.org,或bochcenter.org/alvinailey.