
星期四, 5月 04, 2023

HUD 撥款1650萬元給波士頓市 重點關注解決流浪漢問題

聯邦房住局 (HUD)資深顧問Richard Cho (中) 到波士頓發大支票,
波士頓市長吳弭代收。 (周菊子攝)

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 波士頓市今 (4) 日宣佈,獲得聯邦房住局 (HUD) 3年,撥給1650萬元,以及76張穩定住房券 (stability vouchers) ,將可幫助372戶人家脫離「無殼蝸牛」處境。

                 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 在致詞時感謝聯邦房住局房屋服務資深顧問,韓裔的Richard Cho在人口統計調查時,曾親抵波士頓和市府工作人員一起上街頭,實地了解波士頓市內的流浪漢問題。吳弭強調,要幫助無家可歸人士解決流離失所,精神失常等問題,絕對沒辦法用單一方法解決,她感謝波士頓市的公共衛生局,急救局,房屋局等通力合作,波士頓市才能夠爭取到那麼大一筆補助,而且還是照波士頓所申請數額,全額補助。

                 波士頓市房屋長Sheila Dillon也興奮得感謝各相關單位齊心協力,爭取到這筆款項。她還打趣地向新任波士頓房屋局局長Kenzie Bok喊話,說現在有一大筆錢給你用了。

               根據聯邦房住局的補助條款,波士頓市內幾個做流浪漢服務的機構,分別獲得數額不同的補助款,包括Eliot社區服務將在未來3年獲得6299520元,用於安置105名來自「美沙酮英里 (Mass&Cass)」一帶的高危險地區,需要喘口氣,得到穩定醫療,以及過渡性住房的流浪漢;波士頓房屋局將獲得5302517元,用於建造45張有彈性,低門檻的房屋券,以及47張新的穩定券,並善用45張主流券來為迫切需要服務的人,提供137個居住機會,同時為所有家庭提供全方位的服務。

               麻州參議會房屋委員會主席Lydia Edwards這天也應邀出席致詞,向波士頓市道賀,聲言麻州議會也在積極審議,尋找辦法解決房屋問題。


Funding will support City’s housing-centered approach to intersecting crises centered in area known as “Mass and Cass

BOSTON - Thursday, May 4, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced that the City of Boston has been awarded $16.5 million over three years, the full amount requested, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address unsheltered homelessness, securing unprecedented resources to build on the City's housing-centered approach to the intersecting crises of unsheltered homelessness, substance use disorder, and mental health centered in the area of Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard. In addition to receiving the funding, the City was also awarded 76 stability vouchers to support residents and families ability to stay in housing. This funding will create 372 housing opportunities for individuals or families with severe service needs and histories of unsheltered homelessness.

“This unprecedented federal grant is a recognition of our coordinated approach to the crisis of unsheltered homelessness and will allow us to work with the Commonwealth and providers to expand on the progress we have made,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “This funding will allow us to create more stable housing options for those who need it most, and provide wrap-around services to support them in their transition to permanent housing. We are grateful to the Biden-Harris Administration for recognizing the successes we are having and for this commitment to our approach.”

“Over the last several years, government and non-profit partners in the City of Boston have exemplified what it looks like to collaboratively solve homelessness by using evidence-based programs and using a public health approach to helping people obtain stable homes with supportive services,” said Dr. Richard Cho, Senior Advisor for Housing and Services at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. “HUD is pleased to award the City of Boston additional grants and housing vouchers to extend the reach of their success to the vulnerable people who have been sleeping night after night on Boston’s streets and other unsheltered settings.”

The funding will be distributed among several organizations that provide services and housing to those experiencing homelessness. Eliot Community Services will receive $6,269,520 over three years to house 105 individuals from the Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass area or other high-risk settings, either currently or recently unsheltered, who need both respite from the streets, medical stabilization, and a housing pathway. The Boston Housing Authority will receive $5,302,517 to create 45 flexible low-barrier housing vouchers, and 47 new stability vouchers, and leverage 45 mainstream vouchers to provide 137 housing opportunities for individuals or family households with severe service needs. Wrap-around services will be provided for all households.

“We at Eliot are grateful and proud to be in partnership with Mayor Wu, the City of Boston and HUD to implement the next chapter of innovative housing solutions for the most vulnerable among us,” said Keith Wales, Director of Homeless and Outreach Services, Eliot Community Human Services.


Family Aid Boston will receive $1,846,694 to place 10 families with high service needs in transitional housing for 90 days, bridge to rapid rehousing, and work toward permanent housing placement. Ecumenical Social Action Committee will receive $1,789,110 to house 16 Youth-Young Adult (YYA) households with a focus on underserved youth, young parents, and LGBTQ+ youth who are least likely to seek shelter and services due to safety issues in the adult and family shelter system. Pine Street Inn will receive $1,320,000 over three years to stabilize 75 clients in Boston Housing Authority public housing and provide housing navigation and stabilization services.

“This funding will allow us to expand services to those in need and provide more stable housing for the most vulnerable members of our community,” said Sheila Dillon, Chief of Housing for the City of Boston. “We are grateful for the support of HUD and our partners in the community for their partnership and for this tremendous validation of our progress.”

This grant also leverages over $18 million to support health care organizations in their work to provide services and address the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness. Healthcare partners that committed leveraged services to this grant include Boston Medical Center Health System and the Boston Accountable Care Organization (BACO), Boston Public Health Commission, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program, Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership, Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center, VA Boston, and MassHealth, the state’s Medicaid agency, which funds a wide array of services that our partners will leverage to keep people healthy and stable in housing. In addition, Mass General Brigham committed $600,000 in new flexible funding to help address unmet needs in this new initiative. 

“Homelessness is deeply connected to declines in physical and mental health, and high rates of chronic illness,” said Dr. Elsie Taveras, Chief Community Health and Health Equity Officer, Mass General Brigham. “At Mass General Brigham, we are proud to partner with the City of Boston through a commitment from the MGH Community Health Impact Funds, which come from the historic community investment made possible by the new Phillip and Susan Ragon Building being built at Massachusetts General Hospital. Supporting the most pressing needs of the communities we serve is a core part of our mission as a health system, and I want to congratulate Mayor Wu, Chief Dillon, and everyone involved in this monumental effort.”

The Mayor’s Office of Housing engaged a diverse array of 45 stakeholders, including the Boston Advisory Council on Ending Homelessness (BACHome) and persons with lived experience of homelessness, to develop the application. BACHome is composed of people with lived experience of homelessness in Boston. The Council provides guidance to City officials and other stakeholders with respect to policies, funding needs, and system improvements. BACHome Council members participated in the selection process for subgrantees for this federal funding and provided a letter of support for the application to HUD.

“I am so grateful for all the support my husband and I received here in Boston.  We can say from first-hand experience, nothing can replace the feeling of having your own place. My husband and I believe that everyone deserves a home of their own. That is why I was honored and pleased to help review the grant proposal that the City of Boston submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,” said Delphia Bizzell, BACHome Council member. “Thank you to HUD for this grant, and we look forward to working with BacHome and the City of Boston to help our most vulnerable neighbors.” 

For more information about the award from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to address unsheltered homelessness in the City of Boston, please visit the MOH website.

供電合同競爭激烈 麻州居民在過去6年間損失5億餘元

麻州總檢察長 Andrea Campbell日前出席大波士頓商會政府事務論壇。
            (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州總檢察官辦公室公佈一份報告,稱供電商之間的激烈競爭,讓個別麻州居民在過去6年間共多交了52500萬元電費,通過總檢察官Andrea Campbell和麻州參議員Brendan Crighton,以及眾議員Frank Moran早前所提法案,顯得更形重要。




             麻州總檢察官辦公室鼓勵居民舉報這類瞞騙的市場行銷做法。麻州總檢察官辦公室的消費者熱線電話為(617) 727-8400。消費者也可至電洽詢麻州公共設施處的消費者組(877) 886-5066


New Report Finds Consumers Continue to Lose Millions of Dollars from Contracts with Suppliers and That Consumers in Low-Income Communities, Communities of Color and Gateway Communities Are Disproportionately Harmed 


BOSTON– Today, Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell released a report that found that in the last six years, individual residential customers who received their electric supply from competitive suppliers paid $525 million more on their electric bills than they would have paid if they stayed with their utility companies.


This is the fourth report from the AG’s Office that shows that residents who enroll with these companies continue to overpay for electric supply by tens of millions of dollars each year. Overall, the approximately 430,000 individual residential customers in the state who are currently enrolled with competitive suppliers on average lost $231 a year – the highest average annual loss reported by the AG’s Office to date. 


“This report once again sounds the alarm on competitive electric supply companies that pitch consumers on the idea of cheaper electricity bills, while they charge higher rates that drain millions from our communities,” said AG Campbell. “We know this injustice hits communities of color and low-income communities the hardest, and my office will continue to draw attention to these predatory actions and advocate for legislation that will protect our residents.” 


Today’s report highlights the urgent need to pass legislation that AG Campbell, Senator Brendan Crighton and Representative Frank Moran filed earlier this year that will ban these companies from signing up new individual residential customers in Massachusetts. 


Keyfindings in this report include: 

·                 Low-income customers in Massachusetts are nearly twice as likely to sign up with individual competitive electric suppliers and that they are also charged higher rates than non-low-income customers.  

·                 Assuming 600 kWh/month usage, an average non-low-income customer lost $222 per year while the average low-income customer lost $254 per year, during the study period. 

·                 Low-income customers collectively lost over $20 million on net in higher rates and monthly fees, during the study period   

·                 The continuation of consumer losses is disproportionately borne by residents in zip codes with a higher concentration of low-income and residents of color in many of the state’s Gateway Cities, including Springfield, Worcester, Fall River and Lowell. 

Anyresident with concerns about these deceptive marketing practices should file a complaint with the AG’s Office or call the consumer hotline at (617) 727-8400. Residents with questions can also contact the Consumer Division of the Department of Public Utilities at (877) 886-5066.  


This matter is being handled by Division Chief Nathan Forster, Deputy Division Chief Elizabeth Anderson, and all of AG Campbell’s Energy and Telecommunications Division. 


                 (Boston Orange節譯) 麻州4 月份稅收和去年同期相比銳減22億元,使得麻州今年在比預期少7億多元的情況下營運,不過奚莉 (Healey) 政府認為,還不需要在開支方面做任何痛苦的緊急刪減。



                麻州政府預算主管Matt Gorzkowicz表示,州政府已經預期未來幾年稅收會更比以前少。他不認為州政府會想有盈餘,以及某些以前幾年見到過的稅收。



                州政府預算人員指出,4月份稅收陡降,有2個主要因素。一是州政府收到的資本利得稅比預期的少,而且有更多人以流通實體 (Pass-through entities)的身分納稅,領走了比州政府預期還多14億元的抵稅款。


                Matt Gorzkowicz表示,4月份的稅收情況,並不會改變州政府認為可以承擔減稅10億元的看法,因為他們之前已經知道稅收會減少。



    大波士頓商會執行長James Rooney也發表聲明,稱州政府不需要因為稅收銳減而擔心。 (https://www.bostonorange.com/2023/05/james-rooney.html)

星期三, 5月 03, 2023



FREE COOKIE!!! | Sat 5/6



Saturday, May 6th


Join BAAFF on May 6, and you'll take home BAO BAO Bakery's take on the famed Everything Everywhere All At Once cookie!
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE will be featured in IMAX, Saturdays in May at 7pm at the Museum of Science--and BAAFF is hosting the GOLD OPEN on May 6th! Experience the magic of this groundbreaking film on an IMAX screen while supporting and celebrating Boston Asian American Film Festival's (BAAFF) 15th Anniversary, in community with other BAAFF X EEAAO fans.  

Get your tickets HERE!

Museum of Science will host additional public screenings on Saturday, May 13, 20, and 27. Tickets will be available for these screening on April 27 at mos.org  

ABOUT THE FILM Directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, collectively known as the “Daniels,” the 2022 smash hit film Everything Everywhere All at Once is a hilarious and big-hearted sci-fi action adventure. The story centers on an exhausted Chinese American woman (Michelle Yeoh) who, while trying to finish her taxes, discovers that she must connect with parallel versions of herself to prevent a powerful being from destroying the multiverse. Starring Michelle Yeoh (Evelyn Quan Wang), Stephanie Hsu (Joy Wang), Jamie Lee Curtis (Deirdre Beaubeirdre), Kay Huy Quan (Waymond Wang), James Hong (Gong Gong), Jenny Slate (Big Nose), and Harry Shum Jr. (Chad).

Brought to you in partnership with the Museum of Science and Boston Asian American Film Festival, in celebration of the Festival’s 15th anniversary.




Film Screening
Emerson Paramount Center
Friday, May 19th | 7 PM

“Stonebreakers” is a documentary film by Valerio Ciriaci that captures the conflicts around monuments that arose in the United States during the George Floyd protests and the 2020 presidential election. By exploring the shifting landscapes of American monumentality, the film interrogates the link between history and political action in a nation that must confront its past now more urgently than ever.

Join us for a post-film conversation with Tran Vu (Artist & Cultural Organizer), Karin Goodfellow (Director of Public Art, Mayor’s Office of Arts & Culture, Boston),  Elizabeth Tiblanc (Deputy Director, Programs/Embrace Boston),  Isaak J. Liptzin (Producer and Cinematographer, Stonebreakers), Curtis John (Producer, Stonebreakers),  Lisa Simmons (Moderator; Artistic Director, Roxbury International Film Festival). 

For more information about the film, please visit https://artsemerson.org/events/stonebreakers/

Shared Stories is a collaboration of BAAFF, RoxFilm and CineFest Latino Boston
Blurring the Color Line
Film Screening
Emerson Paramount Center
Saturday, May 20th | 3 PM

BLURRING THE COLOR LINE follows director Crystal Kwok as she unpacks the history behind her grandmother’s family, who were neighborhood grocery store owners in the Black community of Augusta, Georgia during the Jim Crow era. This documentary serves to disrupt racial narratives and bridge divides.

There will be a live post-film conversation with director, Crystal Kwok!

For more information, please visit https://artsemerson.org/events/blurring-the-color-line/.

This film is co-presented with BAAFF and the Chinese American Heritage Association. 

Presented in Partnership with:


The 2023 White House Forum on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders

On May 3, 2023, the White House celebrates Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with a community-wide program in Washington, DC. This historic forum on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities features Biden-Harris Administration officials, groundbreaking artists, and trailblazers.

紐英崙中華公所飄墨香 慶百年談王羲之書法


             ( Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所慶祝百週年的系列講座,第二場由波士頓本地書法家梅宇國主講「從王羲之及兒子書法看晉尚韻」,介紹中國最早的一部匯集各家書法墨跡法帖「淳化閣帖」,讓人們又重燃再認識中國書法衍變的熱情。

              梅宇國正好最近印發了一本「筆落驚風雨 (Wind and Rain at the Brush)」,特地放在現場展售,和也擺在會場桌上,他寫就的一幅千福圖書法長卷,互相輝映。

()為梅宇國 ()的講座致詞。 (周菊子攝)



梅宇國印行的新書,「筆落驚風雨 (Wind and Rain at the Brush)」。


梅宇國藉投影展示王羲之的書帖。 (周菊子攝)


              紐英崙中華公所百年慶的下一場講座,將由鐘倫納博士在528日講龍的故事。 (僑務電子報 : https://ocacnews.net/article/339079) (更新版)

大波士頓商會會長James Rooney稱麻州不須因為稅收減少拉警報

           (Boston Orange 編譯)大波士頓商會會長兼執行長James E. Rooney 發出聲明稱,“雖然稅務局 4 月份的稅收報告顯示總收入沒有預期那麼高,但我們需要在更廣泛的歷史背景下考慮這些數字。

                            麻州因為之前幾年有巨大增長,所以仍然擁有充沛資金。  例如,截至 3 月,麻州的收入比基準高出約 10 億美元。 此外,當前的2023會計年度預算為 130 億美元,比2019會計年度預算高出30% 以上。那一年,麻州預算為 427 億美元,2023會計年度的預算卻是 563 億美元。 收入放緩應該把 560 億美元的預算規模考慮進去。 


Statement from James E. Rooney

Regarding State Tax Revenues

“Although the Department of Revenue’s April tax report indicates that total collections are not as high as projected, we need to consider these numbers within the broader, historical context: the state still has ample funds because of the tremendous growth during previous years. For instance, through March, the state was about $1 billion above benchmark. Also, the current FY 23 budget is $13 billion, which is more than 30% greater than the FY19 budget. In FY 19, the state budget was $42.7 billion. The FY 23 budget is $56.3 billion. The slowdown in revenues should be considered in the context of the budget’s size, which is $56 billion. With this context, it is clear that a slowdown in revenues doesn’t warrant the sounding of an alarm given the state’s plentiful funds and resources,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.