
星期三, 2月 08, 2023

波士頓青年大使慶元宵 做燈籠、湯圓 學客家文化

波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮 (右起)和波士頓僑務委員郭競儒謝謝FASCA輔導老師張君芳
FASCA的元宵節慶祝。 (周菊子攝)
       (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市報導) 波士頓青年文化志工 (FASCA Boston) 24日下午在波士頓僑教中心慶祝兔年元宵節,既猜燈謎,又跟導師張君芳學做燈籠、湯圓,聽紐英倫客家鄉親會會長謝如鍵闡釋客家農曆年俗、天穿日,來了一場跨領域學習聚會,收穫豐富。

張君芳老師細心地準備了燈籠製作圖解。 (周菊子攝)


張君芳老師()2FASCA會長,許凱菲()、黃冠予()一起煮湯圓。 (周菊子攝)
        24日這天,他們難得的自己內部聚會,交流聯誼,還跟著在蔚藍 (Wayland)高中教中文,同時也是文化種子教師的輔導老師張君芳,學會自行用非常可愛的迷你打孔機,為剪紙打孔,選用「金玉滿堂」、「福壽雙全」、「心想事成」、「竹報平安」等吉祥詞句來做迷你燈籠,知道了用糯米粉加水,就可以搓製湯圓,還在12生肖紙燈籠下掛著的謎題,逐一猜答案。還在Natick唸中學的呂祐丞動作最快,三兩下就把燈籠做出來了,一旁的蘇奕軒、蘇奕杰兩兄弟彷彿深知慢工出細活哲理似的,不疾不徐。

迷你燈籠上還都有吉祥句。 (周菊子攝)

            波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮和波士頓僑務委員郭競儒,這天也特地到場,和青年大使們打招呼,稱許他們平日為社區服務,熱心可佳。 (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報,https://ocacnews.net/article/332022

Natick唸中學的呂祐丞燈籠做得最快。 (周菊子攝)

紐英倫客家鄉親會會長謝如鍵講客家人過年習俗。 (周菊子攝)

張君芳老師展示已經做好的燈籠。 (周菊子攝)
圍攏學做湯圓。 (周菊子攝)
糯米粉是做湯圓的基本材料。 (周菊子攝)

星期二, 2月 07, 2023

昆士市爐溪沿線正在施工防洪 預定今秋竣工

 爐溪 (Furnace Brook) 沿線正在進行的防洪工程

(Boston Orange編譯) 麻州昆士市西部,沿著爐溪 (Furnace Brook)一帶,早就該進行的防洪工程動工了。聯邦緊急管理局 (FEMA)的減災補助款,將用於支付增加沿溪蓄洪量堤防的設計費用。


昆士市市長柯奇 (Tom Koch)表示,昆士市西部居民長年忍受洪災損失,市府一直在推動多層面、多階段計畫,來保護市民,免於財物損失。


Flynn建築公司會重新設計溪流,製造更多彎道,以增加溪流蓄水量。他們也會在Quarry街和Fr. McMahon Way之間的堤岸坡道,沿路重新分級,以期雨量多時,蓄水量更好。

這一工程涉及多個單位,包括聯邦緊急管理局,環境保護局,保護及娛樂局,海洋漁業,以及天然資源局。工程範圍將側重在Quarry街和十字街 (Cross),預定2023年秋天竣工,並持續種植到2024年春。

Flood Control Project Underway Along Furnace Brook

QUINCY, MA – February 7, 2023 A long-awaited flood control project to help alleviate flooding in neighborhoods in West Quincy is underway along Furnace Brook. A Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant is paying for the design to increase the brook’s capacity and regrading the banks along the brook to augment flood storage.

The work is being undertaken by Flynn Construction Company of Milton with oversight from Woodward and Curran Engineering and Granite City Partners. The City’s Department of Natural Resources has assisted with project monitoring and advocated for the protection of as many trees as possible.

“Residents in West Quincy have been enduring flooding losses for decades,” said Mayor Koch. “The City has been working on a multi-faceted and multi-phased plan to help protect our residents from the destruction of their properties. We have made gains in this fight and this project will be another positive way to protect our neighborhoods.”

The Department of Natural Resources has worked with the contractor and project engineers to analyze the project impacts and work to save as much native vegetation as possible. The regrading of the banks will impact existing vegetation but there is a robust revegetation plan for the areas around the brook.

Flynn Construction will redesign the brook to create more “meandering” design to increase capacity. They will also be regraded the slopes along the banks between Quarry Street and Fr. McMahon Way to allow for better flood storage during incidents of high rain.

This project is a multi-jurisdictional project with involvement from FEMA, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, MEMA, the Division of Marine Fisheries, and the Department of Natural Resources.  Work will focus on the area between Quarry Street and Cross Street. The project timeline has an approximate completion date in Fall 2023, with plantings continuing into Spring 2024.

麻州眾議員提案立法發給抵稅優惠 協助地方媒體生存

           (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州眾議會提出了一項新法案,要幫助州內掙扎中的地方媒體生存。

去年,麻州有郝家報章關門了,包括牛頓小報 (NewtonTab),華森新聞論壇報(Waltham News Tribune),以及水城小報 (WatertownTab)等。

轄區包括Winthrop Revere的麻州眾議員Jeffrey Rosario Turco,一月中提出這法案,要讓訂閱本地報章的麻州居民,享有最高一年250元的抵稅優惠。他希望這可為麻州內的媒體,帶來額外收入。


                 這法案以聯邦層次的類似法案為依據,這地方新聞業可持續發展法(The Local Journalism Sustainability Act) 將為訂戶提供抵稅優惠,也為支薪給地方新聞從業人員的新聞機構提供薪資稅抵繳優惠,為在地方媒體上刊登廣告的小企業提供抵稅優惠。不過該法案已在國會擱淺。

                   Jeffrey Rosario Turco表示,雖然全國層面做不到,應該在州級層面做些事。他的下一步是把這法案引進諸如稅收聯席委員會等的一個委員會,進一步討論。在議會正式討論前,恐怕還得等好幾個月,引進這樣的抵稅優惠法案,每年要花州政府多少稅款,還不清楚。這法案最終會落在麻州眾議會的稅收委員會去做會計年度分析。

                 東北大學新聞教授Dan Kennedy表示,抵稅優惠在刺激地方媒體上能發揮多少作用,還難說得很,其象徵意義可能比實質更大,因為大部分的廣播電台、電視台,都不收訂閱費,不過至少是個好的開始。



波士頓市長吳弭指派10人組賠償工作小組 研究奴隸制對波士頓的持續影響


BOSTON - Tuesday, February 7, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced the ten individuals that will serve on the newly formed Reparations Task Force, created to study the . The formation of this task force follows Mayor Wu signing a 
2022 City ordinance, sponsored and led by Councilor Julia Mejia and co-sponsored by Councilors Tania Fernandes Anderson and Brian Worrell, to study the impact of slavery in Boston. Mayor Wu joined members of the City Council, Reparations Task Force, and Equity and Inclusion Cabinet at the African Meeting House to announce the establishment of the task force.

"For four hundred years, the brutal practice of enslavement and recent policies like redlining, the busing crisis, and exclusion from City contracting have denied Black Americans pathways to build generational wealth, secure stable housing, and live freely," said Mayor Michelle Wu. "Our administration remains committed to tackling long standing racial inequities and this task force is the next step in our commitment as a city to advance racial justice and build a Boston for everyone. I'm grateful to the City Council, advocates and task force members for their critical work to  strengthen our communities and ensure that Boston documents and addresses the historical harms of slavery and its continued impact on our Black residents." 

“As the lead sponsor of this ordinance, I want to thank Tanisha Sullivan of the NAACP for inviting our office to lead this effort and to Dr. Kamara and Yvette Modestin for their leadership in drafting the ordinance,” said Councilor Julia Mejia. “We are extremely proud of the work we did alongside the community and look forward to monitoring the processes moving forward”

“The forming of this reparations task force is an important step in the ongoing process of bringing justice to the Black community of Boston,” said Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson. “This is so both for the historical legacies of anti-Black racism going back to the enslavement of kidnapped Africans, to the current manifestations of structural and systemic white supremacy that are embedded and entrenched within the political and economic status quo.”

“This is a major step forward for the City of Boston,” said Councilor Brian Worrell. “I would like to thank the Mayor and my City Council colleagues for helping bring this important conversation to the top of the agenda. Since the late Senator Bill Owens began this journey, we are proud to now have a diverse group of people working towards a solution that will address past injustices in this City. As the representative of one of the most diverse districts in Boston, I look forward to bringing new opportunities to the district and fixing previous disenfranchising to build up what makes Boston diverse.”

The members of the task force are community leaders in law, academia, community organizing, and education and represent diversity in age, gender, and discipline to fully encompass the Black experience in Boston. The task force’s duties will include leading research on the historical impact of slavery in Boston and exploring ways the City can provide reparative justice for Black residents. Over the next 18 months, the task force members will convene and work on proposing recommendations to Mayor Wu for reparative solutions for the descendants of enslaved persons. 

The individuals appointed to the task force include:

  • Chair Joseph D. Feaster, Jr., Esq., Attorney, former President of the Boston branch of the NAACP, current member of City’s Black Men & Boys Commission
  • Denilson Fanfan, 11th grader at Jeremiah E. Burke High School
  • L’Merchie Frazier, Public historian, visual activist, and Executive Director of Creative and Strategic Partnerships for SPOKE Arts
  • George “Chip” Greenidge, Jr., Founder and Director of Greatest MINDS
  • Dr. Kerri Greenidge, Assistant Professor of Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora at Tufts University
  • Dr. David Harris, Past Managing Director of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice
  • Dorothea Jones, Longtime civic organizer and member of the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee
  • Carrie Mays, UMass Boston student and youth leader with Teen Empowerment 
  • Na’tisha Mills, Program Manager for Embrace Boston 
  • Damani Williams, 11th grader at Jeremiah E. Burke High School

“I am honored to be asked by Mayor Wu to chair this Reparation Task Force and serve with such distinguished people,” said Joseph D. Feaster, Jr., Chair of Reparations Task Force. “We are looking forward to determining recommendations for how we reckon with Boston’s past while charting a path forward for Black people whose ancestors labored without compensation and who were promised the 40 acres and a mule they never received.” 

The task force will be housed within the City of Boston’s Equity & Inclusion Cabinet and work closely with Lori Nelson, the City’s Senior Advisor on Racial Justice. In the coming weeks, the City and task force will launch a request for proposal (RFP) to select a research partner to study the legacy of slavery in Boston and produce a report on its impact. The results of the report will inform recommendations brought forth by the task force. For more information about the task force, visit boston.gov/reparations.

“This is a historic moment for Boston, for this nation,” said Mariangely Solis Cervera, Chief of Equity and Inclusion. “We are creating an opportunity to intentionally address harms of the past and embed racial equity into the fabric of our city. I am thankful for the leadership, expertise, and lived experience this task force brings to the table and I look forward to working beside them.”

“This important initiative will center the truth, acknowledgment, and reconciliation that history once ignored," said Lori Nelson, Senior Advisor on Racial Justice. "The task force will give us the chance to fully engage and challenge policies that have harmed and marginalized Black people in Boston for generations. I am eager to collaborate with the task force with the goal of repairing and restoring injustice to move our city forward.”

Today’s action builds on Mayor Wu's work to acknowledge historic harms and build an equitable Boston for all. Last year, Mayor Wu established the Office of Black Male Advancement and the Commission of Black Men and Boys to create initiatives to improve outcomes for Black men and boys. The Office of Economic Opportunity and Inclusion has made strides to increase supplier diversity to include more businesses of color in City contracting and to close the racial wealth gap across the city. 

波士頓市重新設計社區象徵圖案 徵藝術家設計


BOSTON - Tuesday, February 7, 2023 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced the launch of the Neighborhood Sign Redesign program in partnership with the Office of Arts & Culture, the Department of Property Management, and the Department of Innovation and Technology. Across Boston, neighborhood signs welcome residents and visitors to the diverse communities that make up the City. The City of Boston is seeking artists to redesign these signs. Artists are invited to submit up to three conceptual designs based upon a template provided by the City. 


“Our neighborhood signs are often the first thing residents and visitors see when they cross into different areas throughout Boston,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I’m excited for this program to empower our residents to create welcoming, creative signs to reflect the unique, vibrant neighborhoods and communities they live and work in.” 

"This is an exciting, new opportunity to recognize that Boston's arts community is embedded in every neighborhood of Boston," said Kara Elliott-Ortega, Chief of Arts and Culture. "Whether someone is a longtime resident of a neighborhood or a visitor seeing a neighborhood for the first time, they'll be greeted by vibrant, inspiring artwork that reflects the talent and creativity of our city. We look forward to supporting local artists in this new initiative and creating new opportunities to celebrate their work!" 

"Boston is home to many talented artists. This is such a great opportunity to continue to financially invest in artists' practices while beautifying our neighborhoods," said Brianna Millor, Chief of Community Engagement.

“Boston is a city of amazing neighborhoods rich in culture, creativity, and filled with diversity. We are proud to take every opportunity to promote our artists, including engaging them in developing our neighborhood welcome signs. I’m very much looking forward to seeing their talents displayed across our city,” said Dion Irish, Chief of Operations.

Artists must be at least 18 years old and must live or work in the City of Boston to participate. Preference will be given to artists who live or work in the neighborhood where each sign is located. Selected artists will receive a $1,000 stipend for their artwork. This program is funded in part by an investment from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to aid in Boston’s local recovery and will support local artists. 

Submitted artwork should align with the City of Boston’s Curatorial Vision. The Curatorial Vision for the City of Boston is to foster the creation and collection of artworks that reflect the people, ideas, histories, and futures of Boston, the traditional homeland of the Massachusett people and the home of the neighboring Wampanoag and Nipmuc peoples. The City aims to commission and approve artworks that engage communities and directly respond to, enrich, and enliven the urban environment. The City seeks public art that is driven by an artistically strong vision, enhances the diversity and equity of the existing collection, and possesses durability appropriate to the lifespan of the work.

The deadline for artists to submit designs is March 3, 2023. The City will select artists by mid-March and will work collaboratively with them to refine final designs. 

Interested artists can apply and learn more at boston.gov/sign-redesign.

昆士市第35屆農曆新年慶祝會 老天回暖再現往年熱鬧


昆市市長Tom Koch感謝所有人的努力,已使得農曆新年慶祝變成昆士市的一大活動了。
(Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市報導) 亞協服務中心 (QARI) 25日在昆士市北昆士高中體育館舉行第35屆農曆新年慶祝會,迎接兔年。週五,週六才剛被零下溫度凍僵了的人們,這天趁氣溫回暖,興高采烈的來逛攤位,看表演,拿贈品,摩肩擦踵的享受熱鬧。


麻州眾議員陳德基代表多名政要致詞。 (周菊子攝)
               在亞協服務中心行政總裁莊建浩 (Philip Chong)的主禮中,昆士市長柯奇 (Tom   Koch) 、轄區包括昆士市的麻州眾議員陳德基,亞協服務中心副董事長暨金門超市總經理胡運炤,贊助機構代表華人醫務中心新任執行長 Eric Tiberi等人一一致詞。昆士市第六區市議員Bill Harris和昆士市議會議長Noel T. DiBona還為美國郵政局發行的兔年郵票,象徵式揭幕。

            麻州參議員John Keenan,麻州眾議員Bruce J. Ayers,諾福克郡地方檢察官Michael W. Morrissey,昆士市學校委員會委員Douglas S. Gutro等政要,這天也都到會同慶。         

亞協服務中心行政總裁莊建浩主持開幕式。 (周菊子攝)

昆士市第6區市議員Bill Harris   (左起) 和昆士市議會議長Noel T. DiBona 一起為兔年郵票揭幕
後,還秀出去年的虎年郵票。 (周菊子攝)
            副舞台設在北昆士高中禮堂,定名為金聲愛心文藝社演唱會,由李芹芳擔任司儀,安排有18項演出,包括新世界歌劇公司的Julianna Feng演唱電影花木蘭插曲「Reflection」,Aaron Feng演唱「A million dreams」,以及「爺爺奶奶闔家歡」的喜慶舞蹈,「相聚」藏族舞蹈,「心之尋」蒙古舞蹈,柳葉的琵琶演奏,甄巧兒、何鳳兒、文潔蓉、陳桂枝等人演唱粵曲,黃曉玲及黃啟華獨唱,全體合唱「早安隆回」等。

華人醫務中心新任執行長 Eric Tiberi致詞。    (周菊子攝)
             印在節目冊上的表演節目則有日本太鼓的擊鼓表演,以及夢舞團,廣州聯誼會,茉莉花舞蹈團,NaFFAA麻州舞團, Westwood中文學校舞團等的現代舞,旗袍舞,菲律賓竹舞,民族舞蹈等各種舞蹈表演。最後由鄒毅扮財神,派利是,為農曆新年慶祝會拉下帷幕。




星期一, 2月 06, 2023



New firehouse prioritizes firefighter workplace safety; design will complement neighborhood

BOSTON - Monday, February 6, 2023 - Today Mayor Michelle Wu, Boston Fire Commissioner Paul Burke, Public Facilities Department officials, firefighters, and community members broke ground on the future East Street site of Engine 17 in Dorchester. The new Engine 17 firehouse, located on historic Meeting House Hill, will be more energy efficient and better protect firefighters from workplace health hazards. The existing Engine 17, located next to the new site, originally opened in 1928. The City has allocated about $30 million toward the design and construction of the new fire station and public art to be displayed in the new building.

“This groundbreaking reaffirms our commitment to investing in our City workers and residents by ensuring they have the infrastructure and tools to help their communities,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “The current firehouse opened almost a century ago, and no longer fully serves the needs of firefighters. I look forward to seeing this project through as a safer place to work and a more energy efficient and welcoming space for the neighborhood.”

The future Engine 17 firehouse will be located at 37 East Street, which is currently a parking lot. The existing firehouse will remain in operation during the course of construction. The new firehouse is expected to open in spring of 2024.

“I would like to thank Mayor Wu not only for her support of our Fire Department, but also for projects like this,” said Boston Fire Commissioner Paul Burke. “I applaud the attention to constructing state of the art municipal facilities under her leadership and this firehouse will set a national standard for sustainable government buildings. These green buildings will serve the neighborhoods of Boston for many years to come, protecting the health of firefighters as well as the environment. Thank you, Mayor Wu.”    

The new firehouse’s design employs the Boston Fire Department’s nationally recognized health and safety standards, which create red, neutral, and green hazard zones to protect firefighters from health hazards.

The new building will run on energy efficient boilers, and features two apparatus bays facing Winter Street and one chief’s bay on Parish Street. Second floor spaces include an open concept kitchen and dayroom, fitness area, lockers, and sleeping and office spaces for the staff. Large windows will introduce daylight into program spaces and create a welcoming entrance to the building. The design uses brick and stone to complement the surrounding area.

“We are proud and excited to break ground on this new firehouse that is designed with the health and safety of our firefighters at the forefront, while also promoting public art and improving energy efficiency,” said Dion Irish, Chief of Operations.  

The original Engine 17 / Ladder 7 firehouse was built on the site of two old firehouses that dated back to the annexation of the Town of Dorchester to the City of Boston. Engine 17 responds to incidents primarily in the Dorchester and Roxbury areas, and to parts of South Boston.

“I am so glad to be at this much anticipated groundbreaking,” said City Councilor Frank Baker. “Along with most other fire houses, the men and women who serve our city out of Meetinghouse Hill deserve clean and safe fire houses, as they take calls day and night in one of the busiest houses in our City. I look forward to the completion of this state of the art firehouse in the coming years.”

“First responders keep our communities safe and save lives each and every day. As a City, it is critical that we continue to invest in them — their training, their equipment, and our public safety infrastructure so they can continue this critical work,” said State Representative Chris Worrell. “I am so excited to have this fire station — one of the busiest in Boston — get the investment that matches the caliber of our brave men and women.”

To complement the construction of the new fire station, the City is commissioning an artist to create a long-term public artwork for the entrance tower of the building. The primary theme for this commission is fire fighting and the neighborhood’s relationship with the fire station. The project is currently in the artist selection phase, and it is expected to be installed next year.

This announcement builds off of Mayor Wu’s commitment to invest in City workers and infrastructure to ensure all residents and City workers can take advantage of state of the art facilities. Last month, Mayor Wu opened the new District A-7 police station in East Boston, the first complete new district station in more than a decade. Mayor Wu recently announced $25 million for a new BCYF community center in the North End and announced the first standalone BCYF community center in Dorchester to be built in Grove Hall. Last year, Mayor Wu announced a Green New Deal for Boston Public Schools, a $2 billion plan to overhaul BPS facilities, including new construction and renovation projects, as well as district-wide upgrades.