
星期四, 9月 15, 2022


             (Boston Orange 編譯) 一個丟棄菸蒂爆出一件大案,警方對比DNA後,起訴一名道富集團 (State Street Group) 副總裁,涉嫌從2003年起陸續強暴4名女孩及婦女。道富集團13日獲悉此事後,當天就開除了他。

                     這宗系列持刀強暴案件,13日在波士頓地方法院開庭。經由律師Peter Parker爭取,現年42歲,在波士頓及昆士市均有住處的嫌犯張一藩 (譯音,Ivan Cheung) 本人,並未出庭。


                  接著的下一個月,據稱張一藩又把一名14歲的女孩載到查理士城 (Charlestown) ,並在車內以刀脅迫的強暴了她,然後又把身體赤裸的她拽進附近的林木中,再次強暴。

               20051023日,張一藩在公園廣場 (Park Plaza) 一帶的酒吧遇見一名23歲女子。該女子告訴警方,張一藩提議送她回家,但張一藩把她載到其他地方,強暴還刺傷了她。

             200647日,張一藩在北端 (North End)的一家披薩店外,把一名18歲女孩載到衛斯理 (Wellesley),強暴並刺傷了她。





             犯案現場總是有輛銀色的Lexus RX 300,於是波士頓警探開始監視張一藩。



由於張一藩的律師為他爭取到以100萬元交保,聆訊當天不需出庭,支持性侵案受害者的一名女教授 Wendy Murphy,也是波士頓前鋒報專欄作者的她,非常不滿,在波士頓前鋒報上撰文要求執法機關讓人們看到張一藩的長相,並稱就是執法機構的這類行為讓人們不信任法律系統,不尊重法治。她質疑地指出,還有一名波士頓大學女生也曾被張一藩強暴,但該案被撤銷了。她認為其中必有蹊蹺。

中華表演藝術基金會第34屆音樂季 首場莊雅斐鋼琴獨奏

 (Boston Orange) 中華表演藝術基金會第34屆音樂季 (2022-2023) 將於101 (週六)8,由鋼琴家莊雅斐在新英格蘭音樂學院喬頓廳 (Jordan Hall) 鋼琴獨奏拉威爾,蕭邦,CPE巴赫,舒伯特, 拉赫瑪尼諾夫等曲目,拉開序幕。 

鋼琴家莊雅斐琴藝精湛,受樂評家讚譽,在國際舞台也已贏得肯定。她的恩師 Alfred Brendel 讚美她 『一位具有特殊才華,智慧,精細敏感,並富駕馭能力的鋼琴家』。 

莊雅斐台灣出生,音樂天份從小就被發掘後,先遠渡德國學習再到美國深造。她在德國弗萊堡 (Freiburg) 音樂學院,以四年時間完成六年課業,從大學預科,本科,一直讀到碩士,還得榮譽藝術家文憑,接著又在科隆 (Cologne) 音樂學院取得獨奏家最高文憑在新英格蘭音樂學院取得研究生文憑,曾獲得多項國際競賽大獎 

莊雅斐經常在世界各大音樂廳表演。與著名指揮家及樂團合作。她曾出現在眾多國際音樂節,包括華沙貝多芬,歐洲Musikfest Stuttgart,德國Leipzig,巴哈,RuhrSchleswig-Holstein,美國Gilmore, SarasotaTanglewood 等。她是挪威國際格里格 (Grieg) 鋼琴比賽及維也納貝多芬鋼琴比賽的評審。 

德國ECM,法國Harmonia Mundi, 瑞典Naxos,和紐約Philomusica等唱片公司都曾為她錄音。德國魯爾Ruhr音樂節發行了許多她的現場錄音,包括一張她的個人專輯。這張專輯在福諾論壇 (Fono Forum) 雜誌以頭版登出。雜誌稱讚她: “恬淡流動性的琴藝, 雅緻且細膩.” 她所錄製Hindem室內樂作品受到國際唱片評論 (International Record Review) 授予特殊獎項。「音樂樂迷雜誌」 (Fanfare Magazine) 將她的孟德爾頌 (Mendelssohn) 第一號鋼琴協奏曲現場錄音列入與 Perahia, Rudolf Serkin, John Ogdon等大師齊名的等級。 

莊雅斐的雙鋼琴演奏合作對象包括Noah Bendix-BalgleyMartin Chalifour等世界級大師,並與Steven Isserlis Robert Levin 二人定期合作演出。莊雅斐詮釋了許多最具挑戰性的現代獨奏和室內樂曲。她為作曲家John Harbison, Stanley WaldenThomas Oboe Lee 的作品做了世界首演。 

莊雅斐目前任教於波士頓音樂學院和新英格蘭音樂學院預科。她極受歡迎的大師班遍及美國,歐洲和亞洲,並每年定期在歐洲薩爾茨堡 (Salzburg) Mozarteum 開班教授。 

101日晚,莊雅斐將演奏的曲目包括: 舒伯特音樂時刻,作品94, D.780     (Moment Musicaux, Op.780) ,蕭邦B小調第三奏鳴曲,作品 58 (Sonata No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 58) CPE巴赫E小調迴旋曲 Wq 66 『告別我的西爾伯曼古鋼琴” (Rondo in E Minor, Wq 66 “Farewell to my Silbermann Clavichord”) ,拉威爾高貴與感傷的圓舞曲(Valses nobles et sentimentales)拉赫瑪尼諾夫B小調第二奏鳴曲,作品36 (Sonata No.2 in B-flat Minor, Op.36) 。

音樂會當晚入場,出示打過疫苗或測試陰性證明。票價為 $15 (7-13)$30$50。提供學生免費票 (14歲以上),及非學生贈送卷。需事前預訂。6歲以下兒童請勿入場。詳情請查官網http://www.chineseperformingarts.net/contents/season/20220129/index.html

星期三, 9月 14, 2022

Professor Xiaoxing Xi, Civil Rights Advocates Argue for Freedom from Government Discrimination and Surveillance in Third Circuit Court

 Professor Xiaoxing Xi, Civil Rights Advocates Argue for Freedom from Government Discrimination and Surveillance in Third Circuit Court


Asian American, civil rights, and community organizations across the country gather in support of Professor Xiaoxing Xi in calling for justice and accountability


PHILADELPHIA, PA – In oral arguments today at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Temple University professor Dr. Xiaoxing Xi and his attorneys urged the court to reinstate his claims for damages against the U.S. government for its discriminatory investigation and prosecution of baseless charges that were later dismissed. Judges seemed persuaded that Dr. Xi and his family endured “malicious prosecution and fabrication” of evidence and expressed considerable skepticism with the Department of Justice’s arguments claiming immunity from accountability for constitutional violations.


Across the country, civil rights advocates working in Asian, Black, Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim communities have united in support of Dr. Xi and his fight to hold the government accountable for its long legacy of targeting people on the basis of their race, national origin, religious identity, or ethnic background under the pretext of national security. Advancing Justice  AAJC and Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus led an amicus brief supporting Dr. Xi and calling on the U.S. government to end its discriminatory targeting and racial profiling of Asian Americans and Asian immigrants. The brief was co-signed by 72 Asian American organizations, civil rights groups, scientific associations, and academic groups.


In 2015, Dr. Xi was wrongfully accused of sharing sensitive technology with scientists in China, a charge for which he faced up to 80 years in prison and $1 million in fines. FBI agents entered Dr. Xi’s home with a battering ram, pointed guns at him, his wife, and two daughters, and arrested him. As Dr. Xi’s attorney argued today, these actions had “devastating consequences” on him and his family, as Dr. Xi was branded a technological spy, suspended as physics chair at Temple University, and was forced to live with the specter of suspicion for years. Dr. Xi and his family have since been fighting for justice for seven years.


“For far too long, Asian Americans have been targeted and scapegoated as national security threats based on our race, ethnicity, religion, or ancestry. From the incarceration of Japanese Americans, the surveillance and unjust prosecutions of Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (AMEMSA) communities following 9/11, to the profiling of Chinese American scientists, researchers, and scholars, history continues to repeat itself,”  said Gisela Kusakawa,  the Director of Anti-Racial Profiling Project at Advancing Justice  AAJC. “We are at a juncture today for our communities to turn the tide and support Professor Xi’s efforts to ensure that the federal government is held accountable.Whether Professor Xi and his family are finally afforded justice after a seven year long legal battle will have a powerful ripple effect and signal to many others whether our country can change, take responsibility, and uphold justice.”


“Based on today’s argument, the Third Circuit panel seemed to understand that the government’s constitutional violations of Dr. Xi’s rights cannot stand,” said Glenn Katon, the Litigation Director at Advancing Justice - ALC. “We are hopeful that the court will reverse the dismissal of Dr. Xi’s case, and that he and his family can proceed to prove how the FBI and DOJ’s fabrication of evidence and racial discrimination caused them grievous harms and restore Americans’ confidence that the government cannot violate our rights with impunity.”


Find more information and case documents from Xi v. United States.

Baker-Polito Administration Announces the 2022 COASTSWEEP Beach Cleanup Program

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced that the 2022 COASTSWEEP beach cleanup program will officially kick off on Saturday, September 17, 2022, and members of the public are encouraged to volunteer at one of the many cleanup events planned along the coast this fall. Organized by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affair’s (EEA) Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), COASTWEEP cleanups will be held throughout the month of September and into early November. Since 1987, thousands of COASTSWEEP volunteers have removed hundreds of tons of marine debris and other trash from Massachusetts beaches, lakes, rivers and the seafloor.  

“Throughout the Commonwealth are incredible beaches, waterfronts, and shorelines that are enjoyed and appreciated by so many, and the COASTSWEEP program offers a great way for everyone to give back to these treasured natural resources,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Beth Card. “The Baker-Polito Administration encourages everyone to get out and get involved with a cleanup or gather some friends and organize your own this fall season.” 

COASTSWEEP is part of the International Coastal Cleanup initiative that is organized by Ocean Conservancy and draws hundreds of thousands of volunteers to coastal cleanups in more than 150 countries worldwide. In addition to the important task of removing trash, COASTSWEEP volunteers record data about what they find. This information is entered into Ocean Conservancy’s international marine debris database, where it helps researchers and policymakers better understand the sources of global marine debris and develop solutions for prevention. 

“Since 1987, COASTSWEEP has been a partnership between CZM and the local beach cleanup coordinators who put so much energy into getting volunteers out there to clean up the shore,” said Coastal Zone Management Director Lisa Engler. “And all of this effort does more than beautify our beaches, it helps protect the public from hazardous materials like broken glass and helps protect wildlife from marine debris ingestion and entanglement.” 

From plastics as tiny as a grain of sand to items as large as abandoned cars, marine debris is more than an eyesore. Sea birds, seals and other animals can be harmed when they swallow or become entangled in these materials. Sea turtles are particularly vulnerable and can die after swallowing clear plastic bags, which look like their favorite food, jellyfish. Beachgoers can injure themselves on glass, wood or metal while walking on the sand or swimming off the coast, and boaters can find themselves stranded when propellers are jammed with fishing line or cooling intakes are clogged with plastic. And since much of the trash collected during COASTSWEEP comes from litter on our streets that washes into storm drains and out to the sea, proper trash disposal at all times is essential. 

A great way to get involved in COASTSWEEP is to organize a cleanup. All supplies (bags, gloves, data cards, pencils, etc.) are provided free of charge and cleanups can be scheduled at organizers’ convenience. Individuals can also volunteer at a scheduled cleanup. To join a cleanup or to organize one, please visit the COASTSWEEP website or email coastsweep@mass.gov. COASTSWEEP sponsors for 2022 are EEA, CZM, Ocean Conservancy, the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and Tronex, a personal protective equipment company that provided gloves for the cleanups. 

The Massachusetts Office Coastal Zone Management is the lead policy and planning agency on coastal and ocean issues within the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. Through planning, technical and grant assistance and public information programs, CZM seeks to balance the impacts of human activity with the protection of coastal and marine resources. The agency’s work includes helping coastal communities address the challenges of storms, sea level rise and other effects of climate change; working with state, regional and federal partners to balance current and new uses of ocean waters while protecting ocean habitats and promoting sustainable economic development; and partnering with communities and other organizations to protect and restore coastal water quality and habitats.

Governor Baker Nominates Brian Palmucci as Associate Justice of the District Court

 Governor Baker Nominates Brian Palmucci as Associate Justice of the District Court

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker nominated Attorney Brian Palmucci as Associate Justice of the District Court.


“Attorney Palmucci’s years of experience representing the Commonwealth in several legal roles make him well-suited for this appointment,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am pleased to submit his nomination to the Governor’s Council for their advice and consent.”


“Attorney Palmucci possesses a deep knowledge of not just the law, but also the importance of the matters that come before the District Court,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “If his nomination is confirmed, I am confident that he will serve the judiciary fairly and thoughtfully.”


The District Court hears a wide range of criminal, civil, housing, juvenile, mental health, and other types of cases. District Court criminal jurisdiction extends to all felonies punishable by a sentence up to five years, and many other specific felonies with greater potential penalties; all misdemeanors; and all violations of city and town ordinances and by-laws. The District Court is located in 62 courts across the Commonwealth.


For more information about the District Court, visit their homepage 


Judicial nominations are subject to the advice and consent of the Governor’s Council. Applicants for judicial openings are reviewed by the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) and recommended to the governor. Governor Baker established the JNC in February 2015 pursuant to Executive Order 558, a non-partisan, non-political Commission composed of volunteers from a cross-section of the Commonwealth's diverse population to screen judicial applications. Twenty-one members were later appointed to the JNC in April 2015.


About Brian Palmucci


Attorney Brian Palmucci began his legal career in 2004 working as an assistant district attorney in the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office. In 2006, Attorney Palmucci joined McGovern and Ganem, P.C., as an attorney specializing in motor vehicle insurance fraud, arson, false injury and property loss. He then served as counsel for the Massachusetts Department of Correction from 2008 to 2010. In November 2010, Attorney Palmucci became a special assistant district attorney in the Norfolk District Attorney’s Office, a position he held until 2018. In 2011, Attorney Palmucci also established Palmucci Law, P.C., where he still serves as principal attorney. Attorney Palmucci maintains an active presence in his community, having served from 2013 to 2015 on the board of directors for DOVE, Inc., an organization that assists survivors of domestic violence. Since 2009, Attorney Palmucci has contributed to the preservation of Blue Hills Reservation as a volunteer for Friends of Blue Hills. He has served as a City Councilor for the City of Quincy since 2010, and since 2018 has worked to increase access to affordable housing as a trustee for the Quincy Affordable Housing Fund. Attorney Brian Palmucci received his bachelor’s degree in 2000 from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and his juris doctor from the New England School of Law in 2004.

林聖忠、林國鐘為臺灣創造2個第一 藥華醫藥將在波士頓設研發中心

主講人和主辦人等和部分出席者合影。前排左起,林致中,周致宏,林國鐘、林聖忠、鄧之欣、王志維、藥華藥律師、黃正谷,許祐湉。 (周菊子攝)

               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓有許多個美國第一,林聖忠、林國鐘910日為新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會 (TCCNE)4機構主講「台灣科技暨生技產業論壇」時透露,竟有至少2個台灣第一,也源出波士頓。 

曾任經濟部次長的林聖忠()和藥華醫藥執行長林國鐘 ()是這次論壇的主講人。


              由新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會會長王志維主持的這場「台灣科技暨生技產業論壇」,經波士頓台灣人生物科技協會 (BTBA)會長許祐湉、周致宏,以及前會長林致中協助,在哈佛大學科學中心A廳舉行。 

藥華醫藥執行長林國鐘,科學長林俐伶。 (周菊子攝)

              他談到數位轉型時,忍不住提起,1993年他到波士頓當經文處經濟組組長時,正好遇上網際網路開始發展,他找到波士頓本地學者林紀澤,在他的辦公室設立一個Triple I網址,隨後他寫了一份報告,帶動台灣外館以網際網路聯繫,也因此讓波士頓成為使用網際網路辦公的第一個台灣外館。 


藥華醫藥新聘林俐伶 (左二) 出任科學長,將主掌在波士頓新成立的研發中心。
              他指出,根據IHS 7月預測資料,2022年的全球經濟成長率約2.67%,和之前一個月相比,下修了0.27%。台灣則因為廠商持續在台投資,今年的經濟成長可以維持在3.2%4.1%之間。但是台灣的經濟成長有著上熱下溫,上肥下瘦,電子最優等特色,貧富不均的兩極化,底層人民生活更辛苦,將是政府需要關注的重點之一。 


新英格蘭台商會會長王志維()送感謝狀給前中油董事長林聖忠 ()。 (周菊子攝)



波士頓台灣人生物科技協會會長許祐湉(右一)和周致宏 (左一)送感謝狀給藥華醫藥
執行長林國鐘。 (周菊子攝)


              林國鐘和詹青柳,黃正谷3人就這樣走上了創業不歸路,第一期研發28天就在台灣通過,再到加拿大做人體實驗。和羅氏同類藥劑量增加,憂鬱症等副作用就大增的情況相比,藥華藥的真性紅血球增生症新藥P1101 (百斯瑞明)得到加重劑量,副作用依然很少的結果,連美國聯邦藥品管理局 (FDA)都大感驚訝。 

              雖然2009年,藥華藥和AOP公司在歐洲合作Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs) 出了狀況,讓藥華藥親身體會到國際合作的不易,但他們堅持不懈,終於在2013年慶祝10週年時,P1101 進入第三期實驗,接著去年11月獲得FDA批准上市,並享有7年的市場獨佔權,營收金額將上看千億元,開始苦盡甘來。 


              10日當天,波士頓經文處施維鈞組長代表孫儉元處長到會致意,波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮和新英格蘭台商會創會會長王本仁,學者Jeffrey Williams,張伯賡等,當天有近百人出席。 (部分內容轉載自僑務電子報, https://ocacnews.net/article/319992?cid=2) 

Advancing Justice – AAJC Releases Statement on White House “United We Stand” Summit to Combat Hate-fueled Violence

 Advancing Justice – AAJC Releases Statement on White House “United We Stand” Summit to Combat Hate-fueled Violence


Upcoming Summit is a Step Forward to Fostering Unity as We Look Toward Future Action to Address Hate


WASHINGTON, D.C. – On September 15, the Biden administration will host the “United We Stand” Summit to bring together leaders across industries for discussions around addressing hate, violence, and division and fostering unity in our nation.


John C. Yang, president and executive director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC, issues the following statement:


“We commend President Biden for his commitment in bringing the nation together to have long overdue discussions about addressing hate-fueled violence that has impacted too many communities in America.


“The attacks against Asian Americans, which spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, continue to harm our communities at an alarming rate. We hope discussions from the Summit will not only address immediate needs in hate crime and hate incident reporting and response, but also center on long-term solutions that include greater investment from the federal government in communities harmed by hate.


“Contrary to widely-held perceptions that Asian Americans are doing well in the U.S., our communities often struggle to access support services that are linguistically accessible and culturally competent. We call for increased engagement by government agencies with Asian American communities, including improving outreach and community education, strengthening language access, building meaningful partnerships with community-based organizations, and increasing funding to organizations serving impacted communities.


“Advancing Justice – AAJC looks forward to participating in this important discussion and we hope this Summit will lead to continued action from the administration to protect our communities and support healing. We look forward to working with the administration to create conditions where all communities feel safe and are able to thrive.”

B.A.A. Establishes Inaugural Boston Marathon Medical Research Funding Program

 B.A.A. Establishes Inaugural Boston Marathon Medical Research Funding Program

 BOSTON —The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has announced a new research funding opportunity for scientific researchers surrounding the Boston Marathon. The 127th Boston Marathon will be held on April 17, 2023, featuring a field size of 30,000 participants. 

The newly formalized B.A.A. medical research funding program will provide an annual request for proposal to conduct research at the world’s oldest annual marathon. Investigators will be asked to submit scientific proposals for projects which will be considered in conjunction with the race. 

“Scientific research related to athletic performance and health and safety is a long-standing tradition at the Boston Marathon,” said Michael P. O’Leary, MD, MPH, and Chairman of the B.A.A. Board. “The Boston Marathon medical research program will promote future work to address key areas of clinical and scientific research relevant to endurance athletes.” 

Clinical and scientific questions surrounding athlete health and performance are often studied in field projects such as organized road races. Over the last several decades, at least one study has been annually conducted in conjunction with the April event. 

All proposals received by the October 31, 2022 submission deadline will be considered by B.A.A. leadership, medical directors and an external panel of scientific experts. Awardees will be chosen and notified with ample time to secure institutional review board approval. This program will provide investigators with a one-time itemized budget of up to $25,000 to complete the proposed work, though the B.A.A. may choose multiple proposals at lower amounts to support depending on submissions received. 

Proposals for field studies aimed at delineating key aspects of athlete health and performance are encouraged, as are studies inclusive of Para athletes and studies that examine issues related to gender and diversity. Proposals and any program questions should be emailed to medical@baa.org for review and response by the B.A.A.


Information on submission requirements, judgement criteria, and a timeline of the Medical Research Funding Program can be found here.