
星期四, 8月 18, 2022

波士頓第52埠中秋節聯歡會 吳弭市長、徐佳青副委員長同到賀

嘉賓合影。右起,紐英崙至孝篤親公所主席陳文珊,麻州眾議員黃子安,麻州州務卿William Galvin,美國洪門致公堂總理余麗媖,
紐英崙至孝篤親公所元老陳建立,波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮,波士頓僑務委員郭競儒,波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn,
僑委會副委員長徐佳青,波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,薩福克郡治安官Steve Tompkins,紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝,
薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin Hayden,中華公所財政余寶愛,英文書記阮鴻燦,華埠社區議會議員李有香,台山同鄉聯誼會會長鄺元傑,
塔芙茨醫療中心曾雪清,波士頓市亞裔聯絡員黃楚嵐,波士頓警察局社區參與橘總監陳孔恩等人在舞台上向遊人賀節。 (熱心人士提供)

英文書記阮鴻燦,行政主任朱蘇珊,核數張青梅。 (周菊子攝)
              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓首名華裔市長吳弭攜子出席,僑務委員會副委員長徐佳青遠道來賀,紐英崙中華公所814日在波士頓華埠主辦的第52屆「華埠中秋節聯歡會」,在陽光普照,遊人如織,政客雲集中,闡述著人們迫不及待要走出新冠疫情心情。

波士頓市長吳弭致詞。 (周菊子攝)


              會上,吳弭市長還秉持她就任以來強調「同儕力量」作風,點名的一一介紹出席政要,包括和她已是長期盟友的薩福克郡 (Suffolk)治安官Steve Tompkins,刻正競選連任的薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin Hayden,刻正競選連任的麻州州務卿William Galvin波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn等人。

              這天代表州政府層級的出席者為麻州眾議員黃子安 (Donald Wong) 。

僑務委員會副委員長徐佳青。 (周菊子攝)

波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮。 (周菊子攝)
              今年是麻州的州級政府選舉年,目前在位,刻正競選連任,各自面對一位民主黨籍競爭者的薩福克郡 (Suffolk)治安官Steve Tompkins,薩福克郡地方檢察官Kevin Hayden,以及麻州州務卿William Galvin,這天也都在華埠中秋節聯歡會的主舞台上向華埠民眾致意。曾是中華公所英文書記阮鴻燦當年出社會工作時第一位上司的William Galvin表示,華埠中秋節聯歡會是在麻州、波士頓市保存中華傳統文化的重要活動,他很高興自己有機會來表達祝賀。

麻州州務卿William Galvin。 (周菊子攝)


波士頓市議會議長Ed Flynn。 (周菊子攝)




吳弭市長的2個兒子在舞台上和瑞獅近距離接觸。  (周菊子攝)

左起,薩福克郡治安官Steve Tompkins,麻州眾議員黃子安,
地方檢察官Kevin Hayden,波士頓警察局社區參與局
總監陳孔恩等人都是台上嘉賓。 (周菊子攝)
紐英崙中華公所主席雷國輝親自巡視華埠中秋節攤位狀況。 (周菊子攝)
嘉賓合影。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓華埠退伍軍人會攤位有會長司徒文信 (左一)與元老周暢(右二)等人輪流駐守攤位。
路永宜,郭瑞欣及馮文鸞等人全員出動的來中華公所中秋節聯歡會擺攤。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓慈濟人和慈青一起擺攤。 (慈濟提供)
吳皓醫師是亞美惠董事之一。 (周菊子攝)
谷繼成教授,高宏偉樂師和甄雲龍等人一起在會場演奏。 (周菊子攝)
亞美會共同會長曹品慈在會場努力賣中秋月餅,為該會籌款。 (周菊子攝)
廣東音藝社創辦人溫陳美月 (右)等人在第二舞台演出。 (周菊子攝)
世界旗袍會的波士頓分會在華埠中秋節聯歡會上展示旗袍。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓華人書畫藝術之家是波士頓華人社區中新出現的社團。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓書法繪的攤位,展示多幅作品。 (周菊子攝)
阮偉昌親自坐鎮攤位,展示各色藥材商品。 (周菊子攝)
中城地產公司的潘樹仁用遊戲來吸引遊客駐足。 (周菊子攝)
華埠中秋節聯歡會攤位,今年有不少純商家攤位。 (周菊子攝)
今年的攤位有人賣紅包,吸引不少人預為農曆新年做準備。 (周菊子攝)
佛光會攤位。 (周菊子攝)
觀音堂攤位。 (周菊子攝)
八卦內功也擺攤。 (周菊子攝)

麻州總檢察官參選人Andrea Campbell 推出30秒電視廣告


Media buy is fueled by Campbell’s $1.5 million raised from thousands of individual grassroots contributions

BOSTON – Andrea Campbell for Attorney General today released a new television ad, “Fair Shot”, with a media buy that includes broadcast television, cable television, and streaming services.  

The new :30 second spot features two of Andrea Campbell’s prominent endorsements: current Attorney General Maura Healey and the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts. Healey endorsed Campbell earlier this month citing her “combination of judgment, skill, compassion, and really will center the work, as I’ve tried to do, on the people of the state.”  

In the ad, Campbell talks about turning her pain from growing up with a childhood filled with incredible instability into purpose and a career in public service. Campbell was the first in her family to go to college and law school. She has spent her career delivering real progress for her constituents, especially when it comes to affordable housing, community policing, and criminal justice reform. As Attorney General, she will continue her fight by protecting consumers when prices go up, keeping our kids safe at home and school, and defending access to reproductive care across Massachusetts. 

Campbell’s media buy is fueled by her $1.5 million raised from thousands of grassroots contributions from Massachusetts residents who have invested in her campaign. This is a stark contrast to one of Campbell’s opponents, Shannon Liss-Riordan, who has self-funded her way onto television, pouring $3 million of her own money into her campaign.




Fay Servicing Resolves Allegations That It Failed to Help Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure; Engaged in Mortgage Servicing and Debt Collection Misconduct

            BOSTON – A national mortgage servicer will provide $3.2 million in relief for Massachusetts consumers to settle allegations that it engaged in unfair and deceptive conduct through its mortgage servicing, debt collection, and foreclosure practices, Attorney General Maura Healey announced. 

            The assurance of discontinuance, filed in Suffolk Superior Court, alleges that Fay Servicing, LLC failed to take required steps to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, harassed consumers with excessive debt collection calls, failed to inform borrowers of their right to request verification of the amount of their debt, and in some instances, unfairly charged foreclosure-related fees before obtaining authority to foreclose. 

            “Mortgage servicers are required to make a good faith effort to help prevent unnecessary foreclosures and keep Massachusetts families in their homes,” said AG Healey. “This settlement will help put money back in the pockets of borrowers who were harmed and ensure that this company complies with the law.” 

            The AG’s Office alleges that Fay Servicing violated the Massachusetts Act Preventing Unlawful and Unnecessary Foreclosures, also known as “35B,” a law that requires mortgage servicers to make a good faith effort to help borrowers with unfair loan terms avoid foreclosure. This involves providing notice and opportunity for borrowers to apply and be reviewed for loan modifications. A good faith modification review under 35B must include, among other things, consideration of the borrower’s ability to pay and the affordability of the modification. The AG’s Office alleges that Fay Servicing offered loan modifications that required borrowers to pay very large, up front “good faith down payments” which were not subject to an affordability analysis. This practice often prevented eligible homeowners from entering otherwise affordable loan modifications.             

The AG’s Office alleges other 35B violations by Fay Servicing including: failure to complete timely reviews of borrowers’ loan modification applications, failure to disclose reasons for denying a loan modification, and failure to provide borrowers with notice of their right to present a counteroffer. Fay Servicing also did not provide borrowers with a written assessment required by law, which provides borrowers with the company’s calculation of the borrower’s income, debts, and obligations, and the company’s analysis weighing foreclosure against modification. 

The AG’s Office also found that, in some instances, Fay Servicing initiated foreclosure processes—including charging borrowers foreclosure-related fees—before it had authority to foreclose. 

            In addition, Fay Servicing employees allegedly made frequent calls to borrowers to collect on their debts, calling multiple phone numbers and on multiple days in a week, far in excess of the number of calls permitted by state law. Under the AG’s Debt Collection Regulations, creditors cannot call more than twice in a seven-day period, and must, within five days of an initial debt collection communication, provide borrowers with notice and opportunity to validate the amount of the debt. The AG’s Office also alleges Fay Servicing failed to provide hundreds of borrowers with required debt validation notices.    

Under the terms of the settlement, Fay Servicing must provide affected homeowners with $2.7 million in direct borrower relief in the form of principal forgiveness for eligible loans. The company will also pay $500,000 to the state and make significant changes to its business practices in order to better assist struggling borrowers.

            AG Healey remains committed to ensuring that mortgage servicers and other creditors respect the rights of homeowners under state law. The AG’s Office has been a national leader in securing restitution and other relief for borrowers from banks and servicers, including HSBCDitechNationstarShellpoint Mortgage ServicingCaliber Home LoansPHHBayview, Seterus, and others on behalf of Massachusetts homeowners.

            This case was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Alda Chan and Mercy Cover of the AG’s Consumer Protection Division.


「全美州政府協會東區會議第61屆年會」 (CSG East 61st Annual Meeting )執行委員會(Executive Committee)2022814日無異議通過友台決議,駐波士頓辦事處表達誠摯感謝之意。

該決議重申「台灣關係法」及「六項保證」為台美關係的基石,有助維護台海的和平穩定;指出台美經貿關係密切,兩國倘簽署雙邊貿易協定,CSG East的會員亦將受益;並支持台灣參與「世界衛生組織」(WHO)、「國際民航組織」(ICAO)、「國際刑警組織」(INTERPOL)及「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」(UNFCCC)等國際組織;鼓勵各州省會員在台設立辦事處及與台灣洽簽免試互換駕照;決議CSG East支持其會員及美國政府與台灣密切合作,進一步強化及增進雙邊關係。

應邀出席的駐波士頓辦事處處長孫儉元致詞感謝CSG East會員對台灣長期的友好及支持,說明台美關係堅若磐石,表達台灣對儘速獲納入「印太經濟架構」(IPEF),以及與美國早日簽署「雙邊貿易協定」(BTA)的期盼。

CSG East由美東及加拿大共18個州、省議會組成,旨在促進州級政要與商業及學術領袖交流,總部設於紐約市。

星期三, 8月 17, 2022

波士頓市長吳弭宣佈釋出5000萬元可負擔房屋經費 9月30日截止申請


Funding will support the creation and preservation of affordable housing in Boston


BOSTON - Wednesday, August 17, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu announced today that the City of Boston has released two Requests for Proposals (RFP), totaling $50 million for affordable housing projects. This funding is available to create and preserve rental, cooperative, and homeownership developments in Boston.

 “Safe and stable housing is critical for the health of our residents, families, and communities,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “This funding will ensure significant investments go toward safe, accessible affordable housing in our neighborhoods across the city. I’m grateful to the Mayor’s Office of Housing, the Neighborhood Housing Trust, and the Community Preservation Committee for their leadership and partnership with our nonprofit and for-profit community development organizations to ensure Boston is a city for everyone.”

 The $50 million available represents the contributions of three different City sources whose combined resources will ensure a deeper impact for low, moderate, and middle-income Bostonians. Thirty million dollars will be offered from funding sources controlled by the City of Boston’s Mayor’s Office of Housing and the Community Preservation Fund. The Neighborhood Housing Trust Fund (NHT) is contributing the remaining $20 million in revenue from commercial real estate extractions, through the Linkage program.  

 There will be a virtual Applicant's Conference on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, at 10:00 am. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a Letter of Intent by Friday, August 26, 2022, and a final proposal by September 30, 2022, no later than 4 pm. Interested applicants may register for a package here

 The Mayor’s Office of Housing, the Community Preservation Committee, and the Neighborhood Housing Trust will prioritize development proposals that produce significant percentages of housing for residents who have low incomes and those that serve homeless individuals, seniors, and residents with disabilities. The development projects must support the City of Boston’s goals to further fair housing, efficiently use City resources and land to increase the production and preservation of mixed-income housing, and help preserve affordable housing in at-risk expiring use developments. 

 “Once again, Mayor Wu is demonstrating that she gets it—she is truly a mayor for everyone. We appreciate her recognition that the provision of affordable housing is critical to the City’s vibrancy—and how she is making these new resources available,” said Amy Schectman, President & CEO of 2Life Communities. “This commitment is fantastic! We are thrilled to support this exciting effort and hope that through this significant funding, our model for aging in community can be replicated to ensure older adults in Boston can live full lives of connection and purpose in the places they treasure.”   

 This year’s RFPs will also enhance the City’s long-standing focus on advancing equity in every stage of the housing creation and preservation process.  

 The RFPs require developers to report on how they will ensure the City of Boston’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) minority-owned businesses are represented throughout the development and property management process. Development teams that are certified minority-owned business enterprises (MBE) and owners of 25% or more of the proposed project will receive the highest preference when award decisions are being made. Development teams where 25% or more of soft costs go to MBE consultants that have been identified as part of the team at the time of application will also receive an advantage. Applicants must also provide information on how resident services offered in a multifamily development will help support the economic mobility of residents who will live in affordable housing units.

 All new construction projects funded in this latest round will be required to follow the Zero Emissions Building (ZEB) requirements outlined in the MOH Design Standards. Developers will be required to submit a preliminary Net Zero Strategy as part of the design submission. New multi-family buildings must use electricity and on-site photovoltaics as the sole (or primary) fuel source.  

 "Accomplishing our vision for the Blue Hill Ave B1 parcels is highly dependent on our ability to secure funding from the Mayor's Office of Housing,” said Dariela Villon-Maga, President and Owner, DVM Consulting. “Without it, we would not be able to offer the level of affordability the Dorchester and Mattapan community truly needs. It allows us to create new, safe, energy-efficient homeownership and rental opportunities for those that need them the most. MOH is a critical partner to affordable housing developers working to combat Boston's housing affordability crisis.”

 In addition to these City sources, the Mayor’s Office of Housing has at its disposal significant federal funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) that can be used for affordable housing development. In July, the Boston City Council approved Mayor Wu’s precedent-setting investment in affordable housing from ARPA funds, committing more than $205M to addressing specific housing issues. These investments include:


·       $58 million for affordable housing production and financial support to homebuyers

·       $30 million to transform publicly-owned land into green, mixed-income communities 

·       $26 million for property acquisitions to prevent displacement

·       $20 million for greening affordable housing through deep green energy retrofits of existing buildings

·       $19 million to create new permanent supportive housing for homeless individuals with substance use and behavioral health disorders

 The majority of these ARPA funds will be released through additional competitive requests for proposals, some in combination with public land disposition. Some portion of these funds may be distributed through this RFP to eligible projects.

Governor Baker Nominates Lawrence F. Army, Jr. as Associate Justice of the Probate and Family Court

 Governor Baker Nominates Lawrence F. Army, Jr. as Associate Justice of the Probate and Family Court

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker nominated Lawrence F. Army, Jr. as Associate Justice of the Probate and Family Court.


“Attorney Army’s decades of experience representing clients in Probate and Family Court make him well-qualified for this appointment,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “I am pleased to submit his nomination to the Governor’s Council for their advice and consent.”


“Attorney Army possesses a deep knowledge of not just the law, but also the importance and sensitivity of the matters that come before the Probate and Family Court,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “If approved, I am confident he will serve the judiciary fairly and thoughtfully.”


The Probate and Family Court Department has jurisdiction over family-related and probate matters such as divorce, paternity, child support, custody, parenting time, adoption, termination of parental rights, abuse prevention and wills, estates, trusts, guardianships, conservatorships, and changes of name. The Probate and Family Court has 51 judges, including Chief Justice John D. Casey. For more information on the Probate and Family Court, please visit their homepage.


Judicial nominations are subject to the advice and consent of the Governor’s Council. Applicants for judicial openings are reviewed by the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) and recommended to the governor. Governor Baker established the JNC in February 2015 pursuant to Executive Order 558, a non-partisan, non-political Commission composed of volunteers from a cross-section of the Commonwealth's diverse population to screen judicial applications. Twenty-one members were later appointed to the JNC in April 2015.


About Lawrence F. Army, Jr.


Lawrence F. Army, Jr. began his law career in 1996 as an associate at Army & Army, LLC, managing and litigating a variety of matters in a general practice firm. He then began his own firm, Army & Lee P.C., in 2012 and managed the firm’s probate and family law division, representing clients throughout Massachusetts in Probate and Family Court. Attorney Army served as partner and co-owner in his next firm, Army & Kirtsy, LLC, in 2015 and represented clients in high conflict domestic relationship matters while managing the probate and family law division. Since 2016, Attorney Army has served as managing partner of Army & Roche, LLC and continues to lead the practice’s probate and family court matters. An active member of his community, Attorney Army serves on the Town of Grafton’s Affordable Housing Committee and previously served as Chairman of the Grafton Housing Authority. He served on the Worcester County Bar Association from 2012 until 2016, and has been a member of the Greg Hill Foundation’s Board of Directors since 2019. Attorney Army received his bachelor’s degree from Seton Hall University in 1993 and his law degree from Suffolk University Law School in 1996.

波士頓中秋聯歡紀念黃述沾排球賽 波士頓劍虹B、紐英崙至孝篤親奪男女組冠軍

女子組冠軍紐英崙至孝篤親隊。 (主辦單位提供)
               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙中華公所華埠中秋節聯歡會中的紀念黃述沾排球賽,男子,女子各5隊的比賽,依序由波士頓劍虹體育會B隊、紐英崙至孝篤親隊奪冠。

男子組冠軍波士頓劍虹B隊。 (主辦單位提供)
              今年的這場華埠中秋節聯歡會”紀念黃述沾排球賽1970年代就成立了的華風體育會 (Boston Hurricane)主辦,男子組有華風隊 (Boston Hurricanes)的藍隊和黑隊,波士頓劍虹隊 (Boston Knights) ,波士頓洪青體育會 (Boston Mason) ,波士頓漲潮 (Boston Rising Tide)4隊。女子組有波士頓洪青體育會 (Boston Freemasons) ,紐英崙至孝篤親公所,華風藍隊,華風黑隊,波士頓劍虹隊。




波士頓華風體育會隊員陣容壯觀。 (該會網站截圖)


AAPIs file Legal Complaint against Arizona State Laws in Violation of the U.S. Constitution and Federal Voting Laws

AAPIs file Legal Complaint against Arizona State Laws in Violation of the U.S. Constitution and Federal Voting Laws


Washington, D.C. — Yesterday, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC (Advancing Justice – AAJC) and global law firm Latham & Watkins, along with local counsel Spencer Fane, filed a complaint on behalf of Arizona Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander for Equity Coalition (AZ AANHPI for Equity Coalition) against officials in Arizona tasked with enforcing election laws and implementing House Bill 2492 and House Bill 2243, two state laws that stand in violation of the U.S. Constitution, the National Voter Registration Act, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


In 2022, Arizona passed H.B. 2492 and H.B. 2243, two state laws designed to restrict and deny the voting rights of Arizona’s voters of color and naturalized voters. Combined, they establish various citizenship and “proof” requirements for voting, along with swift voter cancellations and the creation of an “anyone-can-accuse” investigation system that refers accused voters who are unable to provide onerous evidence of citizenship to criminal investigations.


“All Arizonians deserve the right to vote fairly and equally, no matter their race, country of origin, or path taken to citizenship,” said May Tiwamangkala, Democracy Defender Director at AZ AANHPI for Equity Coalition. “We reject any attempt to restrict this fundamental right by imposing discriminatory and arbitrary requirements designed to suppress voters of color and naturalized voters, including AANHPIs.”


Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders are among one of the fastest growing racial groups in Arizona, with over 40% of AANHPI voting age Arizonans being naturalized U.S. citizens and over a quarter of AANHPI Arizonans being limited English proficient (LEP). If implemented, H.B. 2492 and H.B. 2243 will create additional barriers for U.S. citizens to register to vote and to cast a ballot, especially for those who are naturalized, LEP, and have limited access to in-language voting rights information and resources.


“H.B. 2492 and H.B. 2243 will have a disproportionate impact on many AANHPI voters and naturalized voters in Arizona. These laws further inflame xenophobia by perpetuating false claims of voter fraud committed by non-citizens,” said Niyati Shah, Director of Litigation at Advancing Justice – AAJC. “We urge the state to remove these barriers and meet its obligation to protect and expand the voting rights of Arizonans.”

“Simply put, restricting the right to vote is against the law. As we look forward to proving in court, these state laws violate the Constitution as well as landmark legislation designed to uphold and strengthen our democracy,” said Sadik Huseny, Latham & Watkins partner.

麻州總檢察官辦公室辦案再告捷 全國貸款服務公司將撥320萬給麻州屋主


Fay Servicing Resolves Allegations That It Failed to Help Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure; Engaged in Mortgage Servicing and Debt Collection Misconduct


            BOSTON – A national mortgage servicer will provide $3.2 million in relief for Massachusetts consumers to settle allegations that it engaged in unfair and deceptive conduct through its mortgage servicing, debt collection, and foreclosure practices, Attorney General Maura Healey announced.


            The assurance of discontinuance, filed in Suffolk Superior Court, alleges that Fay Servicing, LLC failed to take required steps to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, harassed consumers with excessive debt collection calls, failed to inform borrowers of their right to request verification of the amount of their debt, and in some instances, unfairly charged foreclosure-related fees before obtaining authority to foreclose.


            “Mortgage servicers are required to make a good faith effort to help prevent unnecessary foreclosures and keep Massachusetts families in their homes,” said AG Healey. “This settlement will help put money back in the pockets of borrowers who were harmed and ensure that this company complies with the law.”


            The AG’s Office alleges that Fay Servicing violated the Massachusetts Act Preventing Unlawful and Unnecessary Foreclosures, also known as “35B,” a law that requires mortgage servicers to make a good faith effort to help borrowers with unfair loan terms avoid foreclosure. This involves providing notice and opportunity for borrowers to apply and be reviewed for loan modifications. A good faith modification review under 35B must include, among other things, consideration of the borrower’s ability to pay and the affordability of the modification. The AG’s Office alleges that Fay Servicing offered loan modifications that required borrowers to pay very large, up front “good faith down payments” which were not subject to an affordability analysis. This practice often prevented eligible homeowners from entering otherwise affordable loan modifications.


The AG’s Office alleges other 35B violations by Fay Servicing including: failure to complete timely reviews of borrowers’ loan modification applications, failure to disclose reasons for denying a loan modification, and failure to provide borrowers with notice of their right to present a counteroffer. Fay Servicing also did not provide borrowers with a written assessment required by law, which provides borrowers with the company’s calculation of the borrower’s income, debts, and obligations, and the company’s analysis weighing foreclosure against modification.


The AG’s Office also found that, in some instances, Fay Servicing initiated foreclosure processes—including charging borrowers foreclosure-related fees—before it had authority to foreclose.


            In addition, Fay Servicing employees allegedly made frequent calls to borrowers to collect on their debts, calling multiple phone numbers and on multiple days in a week, far in excess of the number of calls permitted by state law. Under the AG’s Debt Collection Regulations, creditors cannot call more than twice in a seven-day period, and must, within five days of an initial debt collection communication, provide borrowers with notice and opportunity to validate the amount of the debt. The AG’s Office also alleges Fay Servicing failed to provide hundreds of borrowers with required debt validation notices.


Under the terms of the settlement, Fay Servicing must provide affected homeowners with $2.7 million in direct borrower relief in the form of principal forgiveness for eligible loans. The company will also pay $500,000 to the state and make significant changes to its business practices in order to better assist struggling borrowers.

            AG Healey remains committed to ensuring that mortgage servicers and other creditors respect the rights of homeowners under state law. The AG’s Office has been a national leader in securing restitution and other relief for borrowers from banks and servicers, including HSBCDitechNationstarShellpoint Mortgage ServicingCaliber Home LoansPHHBayview, Seterus, and others on behalf of Massachusetts homeowners.

            This case was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Alda Chan and Mercy Cover of the AG’s Consumer Protection Division.


             (Boston Orange) 昆士市市長柯奇 (Thomas P. Koch) 發新聞稿,邀市民93 (週六) 下午4點,到興國亞當廣場 (Hancock Adams Common) 欣賞流行曲音樂會。

                                        這場流行曲音樂會將由昆士市合唱協會 (The Quincy Choral Society)和昆士交響樂團 (Quincy Symphony Orchestra) 聯合演出。


                                    這場音樂會將從下午4點開始,活動現場提供歌舞表演桌椅以及劇院座位。民眾可自行攜帶草坪椅,向Hive Mobile Bar 購買啤酒和葡萄酒。



QUINCY, MA – August 16, 2022 Mayor Thomas P. Koch and the City of Quincy invite the community to enjoy an evening of music and song on Saturday, September 3, 2022 for a combined Pops Concert by and Quincy Symphony Orchestra.

“We are so fortunate to have such a tremendous caliber of talented singers and musicians in our community. We welcome everyone to appreciate the artistry of the Quincy Symphony Orchestra & Quincy Choral Society on what we hope to be a beautiful early September evening on the Hancock Adams Common,” said Mayor Thomas P. Koch.

The concert begins at 4:00 p.m. Cabaret tables and chairs along with theatre seating will be available. Lawn chairs are allowed. Beer and wine can be purchased from Hive Mobile Bar.