
星期四, 9月 22, 2022

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Approval of Five Economic Development Projects Supporting Job Growth and Business Expansion Across Massachusetts

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Approval of Five Economic Development Projects Supporting Job Growth and Business Expansion Across Massachusetts

Projects expected to create or sustain 1,774 jobs in the Commonwealth

BOSTON – Today, the Commonwealth’s Economic Assistance Coordinating Council (EACC) approved five projects for participation in the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP). These projects are expected to create 373 net new jobs and retain 1,401 jobs throughout Massachusetts, while leveraging approximately $300 million in private investment. Of the applicants this quarter, four are manufacturers and two are located in Gateway Cities. Additionally, one new Vacant Storefront District was approved. 
The EACC has approved 323 economic development projects since the beginning of the Baker-Polito Administration in January 2015. These projects will lead to the creation of 25,265 jobs, retention of 42,784 existing jobs, and will leverage almost $8.4 billion in private investment. Additionally, the EACC has assisted 144 manufacturing companies and 146 companies in Gateway Cities during this period.  
Certified Projects:

Nupro LLC (Deerfield) – Founded in 2015, Nupro develops high-quality product for optically clear thermoplastic polyurethane surface-protection films within the global automotive, wind energy, and electronics markets. Nupro has outgrown its current facility and has been searching for a property upon which to construct a new 100,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility and equip it with $8-10 million of new processing equipment and components. The company will create 58 jobs, retain 46 jobs, and make a more than $25 million private investment. The Town of Deerfield has approved a 10-year TIF valued at approximately $332,223 and the EACC Board has approved EDIP investment tax credits in the amount of $580,000.

Blount Fine Foods Corporation (Fall River) – Blount Fine Foods Corporation is a family-owned and -operated manufacturer, marketer, and developer of freshly prepared foods. Its products include restaurant-quality, single-serve grab-n-go fresh soups and entrees at retail, as well as entrees, side-dishes, and a full line of macaroni and cheese for restaurants. Blount Fine Foods proposes to construct a 39,500-square-foot addition to its facility along Graham Road that will facilitate the installation of a fifth spiral chiller with all the ancillary packing equipment; this investment will increase capacity and allow the company to produce an additional 96,000 pounds of products. The project represents a $64 million private investment that will create 70 jobs and retain 1,040 jobs. The City of Fall River approved a TIF valued at approximately $1.1 million over 12 years and the EACC Board has approved EDIP investment tax credits in the amount of $1,050,000.

Plansee USA LLC (Franklin) – In business for close to 85 years, Plansee USA LLC is a recognized leader in CNC machining and fabrication of molybdenum and tungsten products for various industries, such as medical technologies, lighting, thermal processing, and aerospace and defense. The company needs to create a modern office space and plans to expand its current workspace by 7,500 square feet. It will create 25 jobs while retaining 125 jobs as part of a nearly $25 million private investment. The Town of Franklin has approved a 10-year TIF valued at approximately $208,000 and the EACC Board has approved EDIP investment tax credits in the amount of $125,000.

Interprint, Inc. (Pittsfield) – Interprint, Inc. was founded in Pittsfield in 1985 and today is one of the world´s leading décor printers that decorate the surfaces of numerous materials, including timber products, living room, kitchen and bathroom furniture, laminate flooring, and interior furnishing in trains, ships, and RVs. Interprint is considering expanding new luxury vinyl tile production; phase one of its expansion involves the construction of a new 54,000-square-foot plant and the purchase and installation of three new machines. The company plans to create 20 new jobs and retain 165 jobs while making a private investment of $27.5 million. In recognition of this expansion, the City of Pittsfield has approved a 10-year TIF valued at approximately $460,000 and the EACC Board has approved EDIP investment tax credits in the amount of $300,000.   

Local Incentive Only Project

CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Devens) – CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a spin-out company from a multiyear collaboration between MIT and Novartis. The company specializes in end-to-end Integrated Continuous Manufacturing (ICM) that enables the rapid production of pharmaceuticals at significantly reduced costs and better quality assurance. It plans to construct a continuous process advanced manufacturing plant in Devens that will enable contract manufacturing for domestic life science companies. CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals plans to create 200 jobs and retain 25 jobs while making a private investment of almost $158.3 million. In recognition of this job creation and investment, Devens has approved a 10-year TIF valued at approximately $2.3 million.

Vacant Storefront District

Northampton – The City of Northampton has applied for a Vacant Storefront District designation for a section of the Central Business District, along the Main Street – Pleasant Street intersection corridor.  The designated area consists of 198 storefronts, of which 35 have been vacant for over a year (18%), with another seven storefronts approaching the 12-month vacancy eligibility criteria.

中華頤養院徵註冊護士/ 執業護士 9/26-30 網上面試


Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) Commends the U.S. House of Representatives for Passing the Presidential Election Reform Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Christine Chen, Executive Director of Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote, made the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives took the important step of passing H.R. 8837, the Presidential Election Reform Act, introduced by Representatives Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Liz Cheney (R-WY) to reform the Electoral Count Act of 1887 (ECA).

“We applaud the House for passing the Presidential Election Reform Act. The ECA is a vague, outdated law, and is in dire need of reform. The determination of who wins the election for president of the United States cannot be placed in jeopardy as it was on January 6, 2021."

"This new legislation underscores current law indicating the vice president's role in tallying that states’ electoral vote is ministerial and that they have no role in determining the validity of any state’s electoral counts. The bill also clarifies that if members of Congress object to any electoral votes, such objections should be very specific and tied to a narrow set of requirements under the Constitution.”

“This legislation also provides a process for presidential candidates to sue in federal court if a governor or other state official withholds the state's lawful results from being transmitted to Congress. Additionally, the bill makes clear that rules governing an election in a given state cannot be changed by the state after the election and then be applied to that same election."

“With these changes, we can be more certain that future elections will not unrightfully cause a constitutional crisis. The integrity and security of our elections are at stake; the time to update the ECA is now, while we still can. We urge the Senate to swiftly pass this bipartisan bill, before it is too late.”

星期三, 9月 21, 2022

台山鄉親聯誼會慶20週年 詩詞歌舞展現人才濟濟

台山鄉親聯誼會幹部與嘉賓一起敬酒。 (右起) 黃偉健,劉愛民,朱紹昌,黃紹培,陳軍超,
黃官羨,鄺元傑,黃和胡,黃國威。 (周菊子攝)

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 「廿年海外結聯盟幾度登臨思故國,萬里波城重聚首每逢風雨問鄉情」。波士頓台山鄉親聯誼會917日晚在帝苑大酒樓慶祝成立廿週年,藉高掛堂中書法家揮毫的詩人所撰對聯,展現台山鄉親中臥虎藏龍,人才濟濟。


              本身也已高齡八十的鄺元傑在大會上致詞指出,台山鄉親聯誼會是在2002927日時,由大多數如今也都八十上下的27名新移民鄉親們成立,包括創會會長李照桃,副會長許柏照,陳迪惠,財務陳其湛等人。創會之初,一無三沒有的既無會址,也缺經費,歷經苦辣酸甜,終於在2006年獲鄉親黃官羨大力支持,在必珠街 (Beach) 3號的黃官羨閱報室內落腳,這才終於有了家。

黃氏宗親會醒獅隊表演。 (周菊子攝)





出席嘉賓合影。顧問李日騰,陳如光,黃國威等人一同留影。 (周菊子攝) 

副會長黃紹培與婦女組合唱團一起獻唱。 (周菊子攝)

當晚約有350人出席。 (周菊子攝)
吳皓醫師演唱。 (周菊子攝)
鄺寶蓮宣講公平繳稅法案。 (周菊子攝)
許惠儀 (左)獻唱。 (周菊子攝)
台山鄉親聯誼會顧問李日騰 (前右三)從緬因州趕來和莘村同鄉一起慶祝台山鄉親會20週年。

中研院士賀曾樸分享黑洞研究 鼓勵青年投身基礎科沿


陳舒凡,送感謝狀給賀曾樸院士。 (周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導)) 黑洞在宇宙時空中釋放萬有引力,但一直沒人真看到黑洞,在台灣參與的天文研究中,卻先後在2019年,2022 512日,陸續拍到2張黑洞照片。中研院院士賀曾樸17日為中華專協 (NEACP)細述過程,鼓勵年輕人投身基礎科學研究。

(左二)等人感謝賀曾樸撥冗介紹黑洞。 (周菊子攝)
              中研院天文及天文物理研究所通信研究員賀曾樸院士曾在哈佛大學任教,創立中研院的天文研究所後,擔任所長10年,再在史密森 (Smithsonian) 學會擔任資深天文物理學家,促成了台灣參與,甚至主導尖端天文儀器的研發與興建。

              2017年時,事件視界望遠鏡(Event Horizon Telescope, EHT)聯盟成立,把全世界300多名研究人員串連起來,建成可以觀測黑洞的電波望遠鏡陣列。在八座電波望遠鏡中,中研院就參與了3座望遠鏡 (SMAJCMTALMA)的研發、建造與運作。


              2020年,天文學家Andrea Ghez Reinhard Genzel獲得諾貝爾獎物理獎,也是因為「發現銀河系中心是一個超大質量的精密天體」,另一位得獎者 Roger Penrose,則是因為「證明廣義相對論能夠可靠地預測黑洞的形成」。

             隨著時日演進,人類的設計的儀器越加精良,於是2022512日,人類拍到人馬座A (Sgr A*)的照片。

           賀曾樸說明, Sgr A* 的陰影直徑為太陽的 43 倍,質量高達太陽的 400 萬倍,但M87黑洞陰影或質量都是Sgr A2000倍,大得多了,但是M87和地球的距離是1000億公里,所以這2個黑洞,在觀測時,大小竟差不多。而人類一直拍不到黑洞照片的原因之一是有的大的黑洞距離太遠,近的黑洞太小,事件視界望遠鏡聯盟的網遠竟解析度還有待改善,如何加強過濾塵埃對波長的影響等,都是未來課題。

           在總結時,賀曾樸表示,目前的黑洞研究仰賴有角度的解析,重力波研究探測大黑洞形成中的聚結過程,事件視界的光學/紅外線干擾探測動態和測試 GR 效應,亞毫米超長基線乾涉探測事件視界和物理過程的結構並測試 GR 效應,下一代儀器會有更高解析度,更敏感。亞洲將在這光學/物理前沿研究領域發揮主導作用。



波士頓僑界訂10月8日遊行、升旗 華埠內已旗海飄揚

從9月10日起,波士頓華埠就旗海飄揚,節慶氣氛十足。 (周菊子攝)
               (Boston Orange) 1010日就是中華民國111年國慶了,波士頓華埠街頭已懸掛出青天白日滿地紅國旗,108日波士頓僑界將在波士頓華埠牌樓集合,沿著必珠街 (Beach St.,) 遊行到波士頓市府廣場舉行升旗典禮。

              波士頓僑社早從6月份就已開始籌備慶祝中華民國生日的各項活動,除了9月初由波克來台灣商會主辦的「台灣美食國際巡迴講座」之外,還有即將於1012兩日,在AMC Boston Common 19舉行,主題為「裂縫與光」的第四屆波士頓台灣影展。

大大小小的青天白日滿地紅國旗,掛滿華埠街頭。 (周菊子攝)
夏利臣街 (Harrison)上也是旗海飄揚。 (周菊子攝) 




13 波士頓僑團聯名籲請世界各國支持台灣加入聯合國

             (Boston Orange) 77屆聯合國大會以「分水嶺時刻:因應錯綜挑戰之變革性解決方案」,正從920日起,將陸續舉行至26日。美國總統拜登今(23) 日在致詞中呼籲聯合國中盟友,進一步支援烏克蘭的武力。








聯署團體 包括波士頓臺灣同鄉會,波士頓臺灣世衛協進會,波士頓地區僑界急難救助協會,美洲臺灣客家聯合總會,紐英崙中華民俗藝術工作坊,紐英崙中華專業人員協會


GBCCA雲鶴社 9/24 邀李台憶述李學正入忠烈祠事蹟

               (Boston Orange) 大波士頓區中華文化協會雲鶴社將於924日舉辦特別講座,邀牙醫師李台以他父親李學正將軍殉國72年,才終於入祀忠烈祠的故事為導,暢談國共敵後戰爭中鮮為人知的歷史。





              講座將在網上舉行,網路會議鍊接為: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5083330633?pwd=SHZnUkRqY21wVElKUUo0SlllTmlDQT09,其他登錄方式Meeting ID: 508-333-0633Passcode : 774-232-0097


           (Boston Orange 編譯) 波士頓體育會 (BAA) (21) 日宣佈,2023年的第127屆波士頓馬拉松賽將於417日舉行,估計有23000壬符合參賽資格。







            波士頓體育會的下一個活動將是由Dana-Farber癌症研究中心和吉米基金 (Jimmy Fund)贊助,定1113日舉行的2022年波士頓體育會半馬賽,查詢詳情可上波士頓體育會的運動員村 (Athletes’ Village)查看。


Qualifier Acceptances Announced for 127th Boston Marathon


BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) proudly announced today that all qualified athletes who submitted applications during the 2023 Boston Marathon registration window (September 12-16) will be accepted into the April 17th race, provided their qualifying time is verified.


“With registration serving as our Opening Day, we are eager to kick off the road to Boston for qualified participants from around the world,” said Jack Fleming, acting Chief Executive Officer of the B.A.A. “On Patriots’ Day, the determination, passion, and unity of marathoners will be on display, bringing our community together in the spirit of athletics and our heritage. We are very much looking forward to the 127th running of the Boston Marathon in just seven months.”


A total of 23,267 applications were submitted over the five-day registration window, an increase from the 22,936 qualified applications received last year. The field of 2023 qualifiers is made up of 13,315 men, 9,930 women, and 22 non-binary athletes. 624 athletes who have finished at least 10 consecutive Boston Marathons had already been accepted into the field.


The 127th Boston Marathon will feature a field size of 30,000 participants. The remainder of the field will be made up of athletes representing official charity partners, sponsors, members of our professional field, and other invitational entries.


The B.A.A. is currently in the process of verifying and confirming all qualifying time submissions. Applicants will receive official notice of acceptance in the coming weeks once their qualifying time has been approved and credit cards are successfully charged. Any athlete who submitted an invalid time, a finish result for a distance other than a qualifying marathon, or a time not within the designated qualifying window will be notified of non-acceptance. Applicants are asked not to send additional qualifying information to the B.A.A. unless specifically requested by a B.A.A. official.


Also, the B.A.A. announced the qualifying window for the 128th Boston Marathon, scheduled to take place on April 15, 2024, began on September 1, 2022. Registration details for that race will be announced following the 2023 Boston Marathon.


The next B.A.A. event will be the 2022 B.A.A. Half Marathon, presented by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, on Sunday, November 13. Limited entry spots remain available, and athletes may register within their B.A.A. Athletes’ Village account.


A list of frequently asked questions can be found below. Please note that all statistics are preliminary and may change slightly during the verification process.



Established in 1887, the Boston Athletic Association is a non-profit organization with a mission of promoting a healthy lifestyle through sports, especially running. The B.A.A. manages the Boston Marathon, and supports comprehensive charity, youth, and year-round programming. The Boston Marathon is part of the Abbott World Marathon Majors, along with international marathons in Tokyo, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York City. Since 1986, the principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon has been John Hancock. The 127th Boston Marathon is scheduled to take place on Monday, April 17, 2023. For more information on the B.A.A., please visit www.baa.org.