
星期日, 6月 05, 2022

陳翟蘇妮 (Sonia Chang-Diaz) 獲28.8%黨代表支持 成為麻州州長選票上首名有色婦女

Calling for Courage Over Politics, Sonia Chang-Díaz becomes first woman of color to be on the Gubernatorial Ballot

Senator Chang-Díaz smashes expectations by securing 28.8% of votes at convention

WORCESTER, MA – Following today’s expectation-defying convention vote, State Senator Sonia Chang-Díaz became the first woman of color to be on the ballot for Governor of Massachusetts. The senator qualified after using her microphone to call for delegates and elected officials to put courage over politics. 28.8% of delegates selected her to be on the ballot.

“Trust that feeling you have in your gut that says if we had chosen leaders who were more interested in using their power — rather than just holding onto it — we might not be where we are today on Roe, on the pandemic, on gun control, and on racial injustice,” said Chang-Díaz. “My friends, why else do we do politics? Why do we do all this work of turning out to caucuses, collecting signatures, converging together here at convention? Is it not to forge the world into the society we believe is possible? Maybe it’s because of my dad’s experience getting to space, but the phrase moonshot has never been much of a deterrent to me.” 

Chang-Díaz emphasized that she is the only candidate in the race to support Medicare For All, fare-free public transit, and debt-free higher education – all key progressive priorities that are conspicuously absent from the Attorney General’s platform. 

“I am the only candidate who supports these core tenets of our platform, and I am here to tell you that we can get there — but we must be clear-eyed. The reason we haven’t achieved these things yet isn’t due to a lack of resources, or public opinion, or even Republicans in our state. We have a Democratic supermajority in both chambers of the legislature. It’s because too few of our political leaders display the same acts of courage that working people do every day,” said Chang-Díaz. “So here’s my promise to you: when I am elected Governor, we won’t just talk about these ideas in our platform - we will make them the policies of our Commonwealth.”


Senator Chang-Díaz’s convention remarks were preceded by a video narrated by community leader Dálida Rocha. She was introduced by Boston City Councilor Ruthzee Louijeune. A full copy of the senator’s remarks are available here


Having surpassed the 15% threshold, Senator Chang-Díaz became the first woman of color to ever be on the ballot in a Gubernatorial election in Massachusetts. The senator previously broke barriers by beating an incumbent to become the first Latina and first Asian-American state senator in the Commonwealth. 


“We are thrilled by this result,” said Joshua Wolfsun, Chang-Díaz’s campaign manager. “It’s clear that when undecided voters see the candidates side-by-side and hear the real differences in their visions for the Commonwealth, they overwhelmingly pick Sonia.” 

For more information about Sonia Chang-Díaz and her campaign for Governor, please visit www.soniachangdiaz.com.

星期六, 6月 04, 2022

亞美社區發展協會社區之心點心宴 表揚李愛雄等3人 (圖片)

的社區點心宴做致詞嘉賓,表揚ASHISH K. JHA醫師。 (周菊子攝)

開餐館後涉足科技服務的李愛雄。 (周菊子攝)

電視台記者五沅媚擔任司儀。 (周菊子攝)

亞美社區發展協會的社區點心宴逾百人出席。 (周菊子攝)

GBH電視台總經理程必璧(左二) 也來參加點心宴。 (周菊子攝)

亞馬遜「波士頓科技樞紐」啟用 刻正為逾千職位繼續招聘

麻州州長Charlie Baker (右二),副州長 Karen Polito,和亞馬遜的資深副總裁Rohit Prasad
(中),WS的發展資深副總裁 Yanni Tsipis (左一)一起剪綵。 (周菊子攝)

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 亞馬遜 (Amazon)位於波士頓海港區的「科技樞紐 (Boston Tech Hub) 63日剪綵,宣佈已有2000名員工進駐,刻正繼續招聘,並將在現址對面蓋第二棟大樓。

             亞馬遜設址於波士頓市海港區海港路 (Harbor Way) 111號的「波士頓科技樞紐」,佔地43萬平方呎,高17層,由發展商WS請建築公司Gensler設計,2年前就已動工,從今年2月起,漸次啟用,目前已有2000名員工入駐。

亞馬遜請麻州州長Charlie Baker一起為捐款5萬元給「麻州殞落英雄」基金拍照。
             亞馬遜Alexa的資深副總裁暨首席科學家 Rohit Prasad表示,亞馬遜預期在「波士頓樞紐」共設立4500個企業及科技職位。他說波士頓的人才,多元化,以及打造能夠改變人們生活的科技這文化,和亞馬遜十分契合。


亞馬遜的「波士頓科技樞紐」大樓設在海罡區。 (周菊子攝)
在發展商WS建造的這棟海港路111號,高17層的大樓中,亞馬遜租下了317樓,估計可安置至少3000員工,亞馬遜Alexa, 藥房,網路服務,設備等部門或分公司做人工智能,機器人工程,機器學習,以及支援服務的人,將在這兒工作。一樓及二樓,由WS和建築公司使用。

                      請麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker) 、副州長白莉朵 (Karen Polito) 63日下午,應邀為這位於波士頓海港區的「科技樞紐 (Boston Tech   Hub) 」剪綵。

大樓四面玻璃,明亮通暢下,倒十分怡人。 (周菊子攝)
             亞馬遜內部人員表示,該公司在「堡壘點 (Fort Point) 」的Melcher27號也佔用了5層樓的面積。在「科技樞紐」啟用後,亞馬遜已從靠近南車站,金融區林肯街1號的「我們工作 (WeWork)」,以及後灣區聖詹姆士道 (St. James Ave.) 的辦公空間撤出。

             為強調亞馬遜也是個有社會使命感的企業,亞馬遜和麻州大學波士頓分校合作,提供實習機會,並捐款100萬元給麻州多個機構。63日當天,還為捐款5萬元給「麻州殞落英雄(Massachusetts Fallen Heros)」基金,波士頓兒童博物館,以及25千元給南波士頓鄰里屋拍照。


波士頓悼念「六四」33週年 天安門紀念碑前逾百人爭民主、自由

波士頓天安門紀念碑前又一年的燭光悼念。 (主辦單位提供)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 拉開33年前的「毋忘六四」布條,豎起「支持天安門母親」,「維園燭光,世界延續」紙板,百餘名老青各半民眾,63日晚在波士頓華埠公園旁的天安門紀念碑前,獻花,舉燭,歌唱「願榮光歸香港」,「Do you hear the people sing? 」。



張海致詞。 (謝中之提供)
                    紀念活動過程倒是和往年差不多,獻花,致詞,點蠟燭,高唱「願榮光歸香港」,「Do you hear the people sing? 」,「自由花」,「海闊天空」等歌曲,不過活動現場擺出了更多的告示牌,包括「Stand with Hong Kong (支持香港)」,「支持天安門母親」,「維園燭光,世界延續」,以及毋忘六四的布條。

今年在波士頓天安門紀念碑前的悼念六四集會,有近百人出席。 (周菊子攝)

六四悼念會。   (周菊子攝)



波士頓悼念六四活動現場,今年還出現一名德國媒體人。 (周菊子攝)
「六四」的活動中都感謝台灣對香港人的支持。 (檔案照片,周菊子攝)

星期五, 6月 03, 2022

City of Boston funding update


The Funding Update

National Endowment for the Arts, 7/7/2022

Grants for Arts Projects support artist communities, arts education, dance, design, folk and traditional arts, literary arts, local arts agencies, media arts, museums, music, musical theater, opera, presenting and multidisciplinary arts, theater, and visual arts. Max award: $150,000.

HHS Office of Community Services, 7/11/2022 and 5/22/2023
Community Economic Development Projects grants support job creation and business development for individuals with low income. Awards range from $100,000 to $800,000.

Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, 7/18/2022
This solicitation will support high-quality arts programs for justice-involved youth to reduce juvenile delinquency, recidivism, and/or other problem and high-risk behaviors. Awards range: $66,500 to $200,000.

Federal funding opportunities are continuously updated on grants.gov


Massachusetts Housing Partnership + Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency

The Massachusetts Homeowner Assistance Fund is available for homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of HAF is to prevent foreclosures and displacements of eligible homeowners. 

New This Week

Executive Office of the Massachusetts Trial Court, 6/17/2023
Seeking a mental healthcare vendor to provide non-therapeutic, clinician-led support for Massachusetts trial jurors who need one-on-one consultation due to exposure to trauma, or symptoms of anxiety, depression, or stress as a result of juror service.

Department of Transportation, 6/23/2022
Request for Information to solicit details from the technical vendor community and its capabilities to provide Diversity Engagement, Compliance, and Reporting tools that will be considered for future usage at MassDOT.

Cambridge Housing Authority, 6/24/2022
Seeking one or more artists to create a permanent, exterior, site-specific art installation as part of the renovation of 116 Norfolk Street near Central Square.

Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, 7/8/2022
The Center for Instructional Support seeks one or more vendor(s) to support principal preparation and development through (1) developing a model performance assessment for administrator candidates, (2) providing supports for administrator preparation programs, and (3) providing implementation support to pilot the draft School-level Administrator Rubric and Principal Induction and Mentoring Handbook.

Operational Services Division, 8/4/2022
OSD intends to post a solicitation for a new contract for Management Consultants, Program Coordinators, and Planners Services. Before the solicitation is posted, interested bidders should take advantage of educational opportunities offered through OSD to learn more about the bidding process. Pre-bid conference: 6/16/2022.

Scroll down to "Important Links" on CommBUYS to see Newly Posted Bids.


Age Strong Commission, 6/8/2022
Requesting proposals for a holistic and comprehensive solution to assess, intervene, and treat hoarding disorder including on-site assessment, crisis case management, individual and family counseling, decluttering and clean-out services.

Office of Civic Organizing, 6/10/2022
Love Your Block mini-grants fund projects that bring community groups together to improve their neighborhoods. The max award of $3,500 comes with additional city services. 

Boston Housing Authority, 6/13/2022
BHA is seeking real estate development consultant services from one or more qualified individuals or firms with significant experience in development feasibility studies, financial modeling, project management including financing and permitting applications, and strategic planning for Public Housing Authorities. The BHA is exploring the feasibility of expanding its subsidized housing portfolio. The value of the work is estimated to $100,000.

New This Week

Boston Public Library, 7/14/2022
Seeking bids for the catering contract and food operations for the retail outlets at the Central branch of the Boston Public Library.

Mayor’s Office of Housing, 7/26/2022
The goal for the Blue Hill Avenue Action Plan is to spark economic development, business growth opportunities, and foster the entrepreneurial spirit in the community through the disposition and development of 30 city-owned vacant parcels, totaling 97,000 square feet. (Scroll through the grant listings for details of this and other funding opportunities.)  

Bids are updated continuously on the City of Boston Supplier Portal.


Bank of America Charitable Foundation, 6/24/2022
Funding priorities: .Affordable Housing, Small Business, and Neighborhood Revitalization. Awards range from $2,500 to $50,000, depending upon market size.

Obama Foundation, 6/14/2022
The Obama-Chesky/Voyager Scholarship for Public Service is a two-year program for students in their junior and senior years of college from across the US who are committed to pursuing careers that serve the public and their communities. The scholarship is a maximum of $25,000 per year in financial aid; a $10,000 stipend and free Airbnb housing to pursue a summer work-travel experience between their junior and senior year of college; a $2,000 travel credit every year for 10 years; an annual summit to help define their public service voyage, and a network of leaders will expose them to new areas of service and innovations happening in their fields. 

JPMorganChase Annual Challenge, 6/27/2022
Focus areas: careers and skills, financial health, small business expansion, and neighborhood development. The Challenge will also fund a subset of projects that advance approaches to improve mental health and wellness as a part of interventions designed to promote economic mobility. Organizations from 20 metropolitan areas are eligible to apply. Three-year grants ranging from $500,000 to $3 million will be awarded to up to ten individual organizations or partnerships.

Kauffman Foundation, Open
Grants (up to $1M) support organizations or projects that are creating supportive communities for entrepreneurs with focused programs.

Transformational Partnerships Fund, Open
Partnerships supported by TPF typically involve two or more degree-granting institutions of higher education. Catalytic grants of up to $100,000 can be used to engage third-party technical assistance providers knowledgeable in law, finance, governance, fundraising, human resources, and other related fields.

New This Week

Latino Public Broadcasting, 6/27/2022
The Current Issues Fund invites applications for 60 or 90-minute documentary films from the Latino American perspective that explore contemporary civic and social justice issues, incorporate a journalistic approach into the filmmaking process, and have resonance for a national U.S. audience. Grants ranging between $40,000 and $100,000 will support production and post-production.

PetSafe, 6/30/2022
Bark for Your Park grants support new parks ($25,000) and park maintenance ($5,000).

Langeloth Foundation, 7/7/2022
Focus areas: Justice Reform and Safe & Healthy Communities/ending gun violence. Letters of Intent and Proposals are by invitation only, following review of a brief Preliminary Application Screener.
American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation,  7/15/2022
The Family Medicine Cares USA program helps fund free clinics in the United States, with AAFP member physicians serving in a leadership role. Grants of up to $25,000 support new and existing clinics that exhibit a primary care focus to support the purchase of tangible items, such as exam tables, EHR systems, and medical equipment. 

Boston Scientific Foundation, 7/1/2022
Grants support programs that aim to improve the health of those who are economically disadvantaged, with a focus on cancer, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, diabetes, gastrointestinal or urologic diseases, disorders, and mental wellness through any one of these approaches: disease prevention; disease awareness and diagnosis; access to care; and quality of care.

The Impact Fund, 7/19/2022 and 10/1/2022
Funding priorities for grants and legal support and impact litigation: Social Justice, Economic Justice and Environmental Justice. Prior awards have ranged from $2,500 to $30,000.

Nellie Mae Education Foundation, 7/21/2022
Rapid Response grants will support projects that focus on uplifting LGBTQIA+ youth and their allies with awards of up to $20,000. Organizations must be directly serving youth enrolled in K-12 public schools in New England. Event sponsorship grants are also available.

Road Runners Club of America, 8/1/2022
Kids Run the Nation grants support nonprofits and schools that are interested in implementing or currently have a youth running program. Awards range from $500 to $1,000.

BoatU.S. Foundation, Open
Grassroots Grants support local, regional, and national nonprofit organizations, as well as boating clubs, environmental organizations, and student groups, that develop innovative projects to promote safe and clean boating. Max award: $10,000. Application process begins with a letter of intent. 

TD Charitable Foundation, Open
The Non-Profit Training Resource Fund provides grants to charitable organizations for employees to attend approved classes and courses that will enhance job performance. Max award: $1,000.


Check the Funding Update Archives for back issues with open deadlines.



The Department of Youth Engagement & Employments offers lots of opportunities, especially for 14 year olds.
Here is the link to apply for a Work Permit

Daily Updates from the City of Boston
News, Resources, Applications, Permits, Events and more

6月5日晚8點 芬紐廳前看籃賽 Go, Celtics




(Boston Orange) 波士頓市府宣佈,這週日的65日晚上8點,將在波士頓市府和芬紐廳之間的山姆亞當斯公園,舉辦看籃賽派對,邀波士頓居民一起為「波士頓凱爾特人隊 (Celtics)」在全美籃球協會(NBA)決賽第二場,和金州戰士 (Golden State Warriors) 對決時打氣。



                                    日期: 202265日,週日,晚上8

                     地點:波士頓市中心國會街 (Congress)  上的Sam Adams 公園,芬紐廳廣場 (Faneuil Hall Square)

BOSTON - Friday, June 3, 2022 - This Sunday, the City of Boston will host a watch party to cheer on the Boston Celtics competing in Game 2 of the NBA Finals versus the Golden State Warriors.   

 Chairs will not be provided, but individuals are encouraged to bring their own.

 Please note: Public consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in open spaces. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the nearby bars and restaurants in the area. 

 WHEN: Sunday, June 5, 2022

8:00 p.m.

 WHERE: Sam Adams Park

Faneuil Hall Square

Congress Street, Downtown

麻州財政長也宣佈支持 Maura Healey 競選麻州州長

         (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州財政長高柏珂 (Deb Goldberg) 在麻州民主黨黨代表大會即將召開前的幾小時,宣佈支持奚莉 (Maura Healey) 競選麻州州長。




From Twitter
Ahead of Democratic State Convention, Treasurer Deb Goldberg Endorses Maura Healey for Governor

Treasurer is the first statewide elected official to endorse in the gubernatorial race

WORCESTER – Massachusetts State Treasurer Deb Goldberg today endorsed Maura Healey for Governor, just hours before the Democratic State Convention is scheduled to start in Worcester. Treasurer Goldberg is the first statewide elected official to endorse in the race.

“I’m endorsing Maura Healey for Governor because it is essential that the Treasurer and Governor’s offices collaborate to ensure economic stability and economic security for everyone throughout our state,” said Treasurer Deb Goldberg. “Maura and I have that kind of strong, working relationship that will be so essential between financial and business partners in managing and keeping the Massachusetts’ economy strong and growing.”

“Treasurer Goldberg has been a strong partner to me and my office, particularly in our work on student debt relief and our efforts to move toward racial diversity and gender parity on public statewide boards and commissions,” said Maura Healey. “This type of collaborative relationship between Governor and Treasurer is essential for ensuring economic stability and growth, and strong fiscal management in the state. I’m proud to earn her endorsement and look forward to continuing our work together to make Massachusetts more affordable, expand pathways to economic mobility, and promote equity every step of the way.”

大麻公司頻密爭取來附近開店 波士頓華埠居民會一一反對

社區成長夥伴公司 (CGP)有意在南街開店。 (網路會議截圖)
           (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠居民會 (CRA) 61日晚在網上舉行月例會,原本預定聆聽2家大麻店陳情,但其中一家因未帶備翻譯人員,將延至76日下次的居民會月會再陳情。


1日晚出席陳情的大麻店為計畫在南街 (South)104號開張的「社區成長夥伴遞送 (Community Growth Partners Delivery,簡稱CGP) 」。撤銷陳情的是預定在大西洋道 (Atlantic Ave.)727號開張的「石頭的投擲 (Stone’s Throw) 」。

「社區成長夥伴遞送」大麻店有Marcus WilliamsCharlotte Hanna,以及Pete D’Agostino出席解說,聲稱該公司是由女性及少數族裔擁有、經營,致力賦能,幫助受大麻犯罪化不成比例影響的社區。目前在北安普敦種植大麻,在大巴靈頓 (Northampton) 經營有店面,是麻州政府批准可運送大麻給客戶的5家大麻店之一。


為表達該公司關懷社區,他們訂有零售團隊成員每年可獲得20小時的有薪社區服務時間,去為他們各自最關心的社團服務。過去20個月來,他們還共捐約10萬美元給ROCA, 醫藥界志願者,全球赴能任務,以及白血病和淋巴瘤協會等非牟利團體。


講者 Junella Chin 強調CBD和THC是2種不同的大麻。
為與一般大麻店不同,CGP從紐約請來使用大麻醫治病人的Junella Chin做解說。Junella Chin指出,人們提到大麻時,往往沒有分清楚大麻二酚(CannabidiolCBD)和四氢大麻酚(Tetrahydrocannabinol,简称THC)這2種大麻。其中的CBD是很有大醫療價值的大麻 
