
星期一, 6月 06, 2022

多徹斯特日遊行 波士頓市長吳弭剪綵 州長候選人Maura Healey同框

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu,中)和麻州州長候選人 Maura Healey (左二),
波士頓市議員 Erin Murphy (左一)等人一起剪綵。 (周菊子攝)
            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 2022年的第116屆多徹斯特日遊行,包括波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) ,麻州州長參選人暨麻州總檢察長奚莉 (Maura Healey) 和許多州市議員,有數以千計的人在艷陽高照中,歡天喜地的徒步3.2英里。

                    遊行是從下午一點開始,多徹斯特大道從中午12點開始就連同附近的Lower MillsRichmond街,華盛頓街一起,暫時封了街。整個遊行隊伍在吳弭市長和小西貢區代表合影,與政要剪綵後,從亞當街一路走到哥倫比亞路。

吳弭市長帶著小兒子一起剪綵。 (周菊子攝)


米老鼠也來遊行。 (周菊子攝)

            查看歷史的人會發現,竟然有人把這活動追溯到1629年,一群人得到英國國王查理一世許可,在麻州海岸定居後,1500人乘船出發。抵達麻州的那第一艘船載著瑪莉和約翰與130人,他們抵達麻州後勘查了地形。66日這天決定了落腳地點,而他們選中的地點,就是今時今日的Savin Hill。然後在16309月,他們決定把這地方叫做「多徹斯特 (Dorchester)」,一個它們大多數人來自的城市名稱。

            1870年時,這地方正式併入波士頓市。190465日,多徹斯特歷史協會組織了第一次的「多徹斯特日」,以紀念多徹斯特在1630年成立,1905年再辦第一次的多徹斯特遊行。由於這2次的活動辦得非常成功,到第3年時,波士頓市政府居然發給2000元來辦這活動,當年的波士頓市長John F. Fitzgerald也參加了。

            今年,2022年的「多徹斯特日遊行」,由波士頓市有始以來的首名亞裔、華裔市長吳弭剪綵。站在她身邊的有63日才獲麻州民主黨黨代表大會提名參選麻州州長的現任麻州檢察長奚莉 (Maura Healey) ,以及波士頓不分區市議員Erin Murphy

遊行隊伍中的漫畫人物。 (周菊子攝)
            遊行現場並不擁擠,但吳弭市長身邊卻擠滿了遊行籌辦機構工作人員,保護市長的隨行人員,湊熱鬧的遊行者,搶鏡頭的媒體,以至於也來參加遊行的波士頓市不分區市議員Julie Meijia,波士頓市議員Ricardo Arroyo都被擠到了鏡頭外。

            聯邦眾議員Ayanna Pressley,麻州眾議員Nick Collins,薩福克郡治安官Steven Tompkins,也都各自遠遠的夾雜在遊行隊伍中。

參加遊行的隊伍綿延不絕,佔滿了整條街。 (周菊子攝)
抗議者隔開。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市長吳弭(右二)和同性戀團體合影。 (周菊子攝)

麻州州長候選人奚莉 (Maura Healey,右)和波士頓市議原Erin Murphy 在遊行中合影。
波士頓市議員Julia Mejia。 (周菊子攝)
波士頓市第一先生,吳弭市長的丈夫 Connor Pewarsrki在遊行中照顧小兒子。(周菊子攝)

波士頓市議員Ricardo Arroyo和波士頓市長吳弭
(Michelle Wu)在遊行中打招呼。(周菊子攝)

多徹斯特小姐及小小姐坐在車上遊行。 (周菊子攝)
麻州眾議員Nick Collins。 (周菊子攝)
薩福克郡治安官Steven Tompkins。 (周菊子攝)
聯邦眾議員Ayanna Pressley (右)也組了個遊行隊伍來參加活動。 (周菊子攝)

上週末24小時內 美國發生3起槍擊案 9人死亡

                       (Boston Orange 編譯) 在上週六晚至週日早上的24小時之內,美國3個城市發生槍擊案,9人死亡,20多人受傷。








            根據非牟利研究機構「槍枝暴力檔案 (Gun Violence Archive)」,今年截至現在,美國境內已至少發生240起大規模槍殺案。該機構的大規模槍擊案定義為在一宗槍擊案事件中,除了開槍者之外,至少有4人死亡。

Baker-Polito Administration Joins Advocates, Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence to Highlight Dangerousness Proposal

 Baker-Polito Administration Joins Advocates, Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence to Highlight Dangerousness Proposal

DARTMOUTH – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito joined Secretary of Public Safety and Security Terrence Reidy, Bristol County District Attorney Thomas Quinn, Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) Executive Director Liam Lowney, law enforcement officials and survivors to participate in the fifth roundtable discussion highlighting the need to pass the Baker-Polito Administration’s refiled public safety proposal, which would provide comprehensive new protections for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, assault and battery, the harmful distribution of explicit images and other crimes.


Watch today’s roundtable here.


Hosted at the University of Massachusetts Law School, today’s roundtable was the fifth in a regional series conducted across the Commonwealth since the administration refiled An Act to Protect Victims of Crimes and the Public and An Act Relative to the Harmful Distribution of Sexually Explicit Visual Materials in December. As part of its continued efforts to support survivors and their families and expand commonsense protections, the administration has hosted similar roundtables in PlymouthSpringfieldWorcester and Salem. MOVA, which previously endorsed the administration’s legislative proposal, participated in today’s event and highlighted how these bills would bolster resources available to the individuals and families MOVA serves. 


“As public officials, offering survivors – including children – basic rights and protections so that they feel safe and supported throughout the legal process should be our top priority,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “The current system is failing survivors and their families, and it is imperative that we deliver these commonsense measures on their behalf.”


“The strength of the men and women who have courageously stepped forward to share their stories with our administration is unmatched,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Survivors and their families have already withstood unimaginable trauma and pain, and this legislation would offer them the defense from their abusers that they deserve.


“This legislation will empower survivors with the protections needed to feel safe and alleviate the unrelenting fear inflicted by dangerous individuals,’” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Terrence Reidy. “A survivor’s traumatic experience is only made worse by a system that lacks the tools required to provide vital support for those who need it most.  We urge the Legislature to protect vulnerable citizens by advancing this bill.”


“The proposed amendments to the dangerousness statute include common sense changes to the existing dangerousness law. It is imperative that we add serious crimes to the dangerousness statute because under existing law, child sexual predators and other dangerous criminals who wreak havoc in our communities cannot be subjected to a dangerousness hearing and would be released back into the community. A defendant in their 30s or 40s could have sex with a 10-year-old child and the district attorney’s office could not even request to have them detained. This makes no sense and needs to change,” said District Attorney Quinn, president of the Massachusetts District Attorney’s Association. “The proposed changes do not impact a defendant’s due process rights. They simply make it fairer for victims, and the administration of justice. The proposed amendments to the statute make it more equitable by focusing on the facts of a case and the defendant’s prior criminal record in determining someone’s dangerousness. The real question is should a person be held or not held, not how much money they can afford to spend on bail or what community they belong to.”


“MOVA is grateful for our partnership with the Baker-Polito Administration to support crime victims in the Commonwealth,” said Liam Lowney, Executive Director of MOVA.  “H.4290 provides for enhanced tools in sharing clear, consistent information that is essential for a victim’s personal safety and empowers well-informed decision making in the face of trauma.”


An Act to Protect Victims of Crimes and the Public: First filed in 2018, the Administration’s proposal would expand the list of offenses that can provide grounds for a dangerousness hearing and close certain loopholes at the start and end of the criminal process that currently limit or prevent effective action to address legitimate safety concerns. It would strengthen the ability of judges to enforce the conditions of pre-trial release by empowering police to detain people who they observe violating court-ordered release conditions; current law does not allow this, and instead requires a court to first issue a warrant. Under this proposal, judges will be empowered to revoke a person’s release when the offender has violated a court-ordered condition, such as an order to stay away from a victim, or from a public playground. Current law requires an additional finding of dangerousness before release may be revoked.


The legislation also expands the list of offenses which can provide grounds for a dangerousness hearing including crimes of sexual abuse and crimes of threatened or potential violence. It also follows the long-standing federal model in including a defendant’s history of serious criminal convictions as grounds that may warrant a dangerousness hearing. Current law requires courts to focus only on the crime charged and ignore a defendant’s criminal history when determining whether the defendant may be the subject of this sort of hearing.


An Act Relative to the Harmful Distribution of Sexually Explicit Visual Materials: First filed in 2017, this legislation seeks to close a loophole under current law by creating penalties for adults who distribute a sexually explicit image for purposes of revenge or embarrassment. While current law addresses non-consensual recording of an unsuspecting person, it does not address instances where someone distributes an image without consent regardless of whether the initial image may have been taken with consent. This legislation closes the gap in state law by creating a new felony offense and empowering judges in criminal proceedings to ensure an explicit image in question is permanently destroyed. 


Learn more about the legislation here.

星期日, 6月 05, 2022

麻州民主黨黨代表大會落幕 Maura Healey 當州長將如探囊取物

Maura Healey在麻州民主黨黨代表大會中揚言,「我們會贏」。 (周菊子攝)
                  (Boston Orange周菊子綜合報導) 麻州民主黨約4300名黨代表在屋斯特 (Worcester) DCU中心連開2日會議,64日投票,決定了由那些人代表民主黨競選各項公職。州長候選人奚莉獲得的支持率高達71.2%,幾已篤定將過關斬將的成為麻州下一任州長。

                                        最震撼的州務卿這職位的開票結果,挑戰者 Tanisha Sullivan的得62.4%的支持率,比在位已20餘年的William Galvin將近高了一倍。

Tanisha Sullivan    獲得的黨代表支持率竟比在位的William Galvin高
近一倍。 (周菊子攝)



                                            州長:               奚莉 (Maura Healey)

                                            副州長:           Kim Driscoll

                                        州務卿:           Tanisha Sullivan

                                             總檢察長:       Quentin Palfrey

        財政長:            Deborah Goldberg

        稽核長:            Chris Dempsey


麻州民主黨黨主席 Gus Bickford。 (周菊子攝)
 州長    Governor Results

Maura Healey: 2858 votes, 71.2%  

Sonia Chang-Díaz: 1155 votes, 28.8%

副州長   Lieutenant Governor Results:

Kim Driscoll: 1641 votes, 41.4%

Tami Gouveia: 911 votes, 23%

Eric P. Lesser: 839 votes, 21.2%

Adam Hinds: 493 votes, 12.4%

Bret H. Bero: 81 votes, 2%

州務卿   Secretary of the Commonwealth Results 

Tanisha M Sullivan: 2578 votes, 62.4%

William Francis Galvin: 1553 votes, 37.5%

稽核長   Auditor Results

Chris Dempsey: 2148 votes, 52.6%

Diana DiZiglio: 1931 votes, 47.3%

在麻州總檢察長的提名投票中,3名參選人在第一輪投票中,沒有1人獲得大多數黨代表的支持。在第一輪投票中得票率相近的2名候選人,39.2%Andrea Campbell 38.8%Quentin Palfrey選擇進行第二輪投票。結果在第二輪投票中,在3人角逐中支持度最高的Andrea Campbell反而略居下風,以1631票的46%,落後8%,讓Quentin Palfrey1920票的54%贏得黨部提名。


總檢察長   Attorney General Results 

Andrea Campbell: 1622 votes, 39.2% 

Quentin Palfrey: 1605 votes, 38.8%

Shannon Liss-Riordan: 906 votes, 21.9%


Attorney General Results 

Quentin Palfrey: 1920, 54%

Andrea Campbell: 1631 46%

副州長的提名選舉,也沒有任何一名候選人獲得絕大多數支持,Kim Driscoll Tami Gouveia選擇不做第二輪投票,參選人Adam HindsBret Bero未跨過名列選票的15%黨代表支持門檻。

麻州民主黨黨主席 Gus Bickford表示,民主黨的黨代表們抱著對民主過程,以及民主平台最大的熱情與承諾,來參加這場黨部提名選舉。他恭喜所有的參選人,也期待著9月的黨派初選會是一場有意義,以議題為重心的選舉。他強調即使是在麻州,民主黨也不能理所當然地認為自己會贏得選舉,他們必須動員所有人以確保民主黨黨員當選,因為影響太大了。

告訴人們,除了民主黨,社會中還有另外一種聲音。  (周菊子攝)

奚莉 (Maura Healey)以71%支持率獲民主黨提名參選麻州州長

Maura Healey Secures Democratic Nomination for Massachusetts Governor with 71% of Convention Vote

Healey would be the first woman elected Governor in Massachusetts and the first openly lesbian Governor in the country

Maura Healey (Photo by Chutze Chou)
Maura Healey on Saturday secured the Democratic nomination for Governor of Massachusetts, earning 71% of the vote from delegates at the Democratic State Convention in Worcester. Healey received the highest vote percentage of a Democratic candidate for a contested Massachusetts Governor’s nomination in recent history. She is also the first openly gay Democratic nominee for Governor in Massachusetts history.

In her speech, Healey outlined her vision for making a difference in the lives of Massachusetts residents and the stakes of the election. She pointed to lowering the high cost of living, expanding job training, making Masaschusetts a global leader on clean energy, and protecting and expanding access to abortion as top priorities. She also contrasted her optimistic vision for bringing people together and moving the state forward to the Republican candidates’ agenda of anger, division and rolling back civil rights.

“I will be a Governor who sees everyone, listens to everyone, and hears everyone. A Governor who fights to make sure people share in our progress and no one is left behind. A Governor as tough as the state she serves,” said Healey in her speech. “Because in Massachusetts, we don’t follow. We lead. We don’t wait. We act. And we never back down when people are counting on us.”

In a video, family members, colleagues, and community leaders described Healey as caring, understanding, courageous, empathetic, a team player, and a champion for justice and equality. They praised her for holding predatory student lenders accountable, standing up for reproductive freedom, combating the opioid epidemic, enforcing the assault weapons ban, supporting LGBTQ+ youth, and tackling the climate crisis. 

As a part of the Convention process, the motion to nominate Healey was made by Danielle Allen, former candidate for Governor and the first Black woman to run for statewide office in Massachusetts. Grace Akkara, a 19-year-old delegate from Quincy who had previously worked with Healey to advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment, and Healey’s brother, Terrence Healey of Essex, seconded the nomination.

On the heels of her resounding victory, Healey will waste no time before hitting the pavement again to meet more voters and share her vision for Massachusetts. On Sunday, she will be marching in the Dorchester Day parade with campaign supporters. This family-friendly event is open to the press, and organizers request that attendees respect parade officials.

What: Maura Healey at Dorchester Day Parade

When: Sunday, June 5, 2022 starting at 1:00 pm

Where: The parade starts in Lower Mills at the corner of Washington Street & Dorchester Avenue and travels along Dorchester Avenue to Savin Hill at the corner of Columbia Road and Dorchester Avenue. The parade route is 3.2 miles.

麻州民主黨支持 Chris Dempsey 參選稽核長

State Auditor Candidate Chris Dempsey Earns Endorsement of The Massachusetts Democratic Party

WORCESTER, Mass., – Today Democratic Candidate for State Auditor Chris Dempsey released the following statement after receiving the Mass Dems endorsement in Worcester.

“Today is an enormous victory for our grassroots campaign to reform state government and to hold those in power accountable to the people. From national leadership on climate change to oversight of the State Police, the vision we have for the office is resonating with voters. I will work tirelessly between now and September 6th to earn the support of each and every voter in the Democratic Primary. I proudly accept the endorsement of the Massachusetts Democratic Party.” Said Dempsey

Chris Dempsey has spent his career working to reform Massachusetts state government and to protect the public interest. He worked in government as Assistant Secretary of Transportation under Deval Patrick. He has worked outside of state government as Co-Founder of the grassroots No Boston Olympics and as Director of the non-profit Transportation for Massachusetts. Chris will be an Auditor who can ensure an efficient, effective, and equitable state government for all residents of the Commonwealth.

民主黨提名 Tanisha Sullivan 參選麻州州務卿

Tanisha Sullivan Earns Democratic Party Endorsement and Secures Position on Ballot for Secretary of State

 Rousing speech frames the choice in the primary between accepting the status quo or delivering a more forward-looking democracy for all in Massachusetts

Tanisha Sullivan (Photo by Chutze Chou)
 June 4, 2022 — Today, Tanisha Sullivan reached a key milestone in her campaign for Massachusetts Secretary of State by earning a spot on the ballot in the Democratic primary and, with 62% of delegates’ votes, securing the state Democratic party’s full endorsement. 

 In a passionate floor speech delivered before more than 4,000 delegates joining the convention in person and online, Sullivan described the position of Secretary of State as the Commonwealth’s “Chief Democracy Officer” and spoke about the need to “do more and do better” to expand voting access, bring more transparency to public records, reduce the financial and administrative burden on small businesses looking to incorporate in Massachusetts, and encourage more citizens to participate in their government. 

 She also reminded delegates that Massachusetts - the birthplace of our nation’s democracy - has always led the way on important fights, including marriage equality and universal healthcare, and the role the Secretary of the Commonwealth plays in not only protecting democracy, but in advancing it.

 “This isn’t a job that gets done filming PSA’s, it requires active engagement. This office should be the soul and hold promise of our democracy…Serving as a reminder to each generation of our calling to manifest the hope, the dream and belief of our ancestors.” said Sullivan. This office cannot settle for good enough…it must actively work for more.”

 A lifelong advocate for racial justice and equity, Sullivan reiterated her commitment to bring to this work the civil rights lens it deserves.

 “It’s time for proactive leadership that understands voting is not a privilege – it’s a right. Leadership that will actively root out and dismantle every barrier because low voter participation is choking our democracy,” added Sullivan. “Simply put, Massachusetts needs a Secretary of State who fights on the ground with us 365 days a year for the inclusive democracy we deserve – in partnership with advocates, elected officials, organizers, and communities on the frontlines.”

 Today’s milestone capped a week when Sullivan also earned the endorsement of U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton, the latest in a growing wave of endorsements from elected leaders across the state, labor unions, progressive organizations, and national groups. 

 “The Secretary of the Commonwealth is one of the most important roles when it comes to promoting our democracy. It’s a role where the status quo isn’t good enough for protecting and expanding access to the ballot box. That’s why I’m supporting Tanisha Sullivan to be our next Secretary of the Commonwealth,” said Rep. Moulton

 “Tanisha’s commitment to service and her leadership in the fight for racial, economic, and social justice have prepared her to usher in the next generation of democratic participation in Massachusetts,” added Rep. Moulton. “We must modernize the office of the Secretary of Commonwealth and I know Tanisha can help deliver the 21st century democracy we need today.”