
星期二, 4月 19, 2022

波克萊台灣商會再辦龍蝦宴 歡迎來自台灣波馬跑者


               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波克萊台灣商會設龍蝦宴,歡迎來自台灣的波士頓馬拉松賽跑者,是商會創始人游勝雄從2014年發起的傳統,被新冠病毒疫情打斷2年後,今年隨波士頓馬拉松賽恢復實體舉行,又再熱鬧登場,席開8桌的歡迎40多台灣波馬跑者。


              當天傍晚,所有參加活動的人,先在波士頓華埠牌樓前拍張大合照,進餐館後用餐前,先欣賞一段波克萊台灣商會新任副會長洪維謙安排得來的波士頓市市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)歡迎來自台灣波士頓馬拉松賽跑者的錄影講話。






麻州州長查理貝克促請議會全面減免稅收 提議斥資7億元協助貧困居民

Advocacy Groups Urge Passage of Baker-Polito Administration’s Tax Cut Plan

Tax Day Event Highlights Relief Proposed for Working Families, Renters, Seniors


BOSTON – Today, at an event marking Tax Day at the State House, several organizations urged passage of the Baker-Polito Administration’s comprehensive tax relief plan. The Administration’s proposal would provide $700 million in tax relief for low-income residents, working families, renters and seniors and would make Massachusetts more competitive. With costs for families rising across the board and the Commonwealth continuing to exceed tax revenue projections, the group urged that it is time to give taxpayers a break and pass the Administration’s proposal.


Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan were joined at the event by Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation President Eileen McAnneny, Massachusetts Society of CPAs President and CEO Amy Pitter, Retailers Association of Massachusetts President Jon Hurst, Associated Industries of Massachusetts President John Regan, and Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President Carolyn Ryan. AARP of Massachusetts also expressed support for components of the tax relief legislation today.


“With residents and families continuing to face rising costs, Massachusetts should take action and pass tax cuts that will reduce costs and give taxpayers a break,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Revenues continue to exceed expectations, so it’s time to give some of this surplus revenue back to taxpayers. We look forward to working with our partners in the Legislature to put more money into the pockets of our hard-working families and residents.”


“Inflation and rising prices are impacting everyone in Massachusetts, but especially low-income residents and working families,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “That’s why this tax plan is so important: it targets tax relief to the populations and communities who have been hardest-hit by both the pandemic and the ongoing pressures of inflation and rising prices.”


“The Commonwealth is in a historically strong fiscal position and has ample resources to continue investing in critical areas of need – like childcare, education, housing, and more – while also implementing these tax relief measures,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “The proposed tax plan will benefit hundreds of thousands of hardworking taxpayers and improve our competitiveness as a state to help ensure the continued strength of our economy in the long-term.”


The Commonwealth continues to face a strong fiscal picture and ended last fiscal year with a $5 billion surplus. Tax revenues in the first months of calendar year 2022 continue to exceed projections. Revenues beat projections by $856 million in January$293 million in February and $427 million in March.


“MTF’s mission is about fiscal stability for the Commonwealth and positioning Massachusetts for long-term economic growth and opportunity for all,” said Eileen McAnneny, President of the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. “The Baker Administration’s tax package achieves both and that it is why it has MTF’s full support. Not only is it affordable, but it provides relief to our resident while signaling that Massachusetts is choosing to compete for the people and talent that are so critical to our future economic vitality.”


“On behalf of 11,000 CPAs and accounting professionals across Massachusetts, I want to commend Governor Baker and the Administration for filing this comprehensive and timely tax relief package,” said MassCPAs President and CEO Amy Pitter. “We’re specifically grateful for the inclusion of a provision to update the conformity date for individual income tax purposes from 2005 to 2022. Massachusetts conforms to the 2005 IRC, but most states conform to 2021 IRC, which makes us more outdated than any other state by a landslide. There is no economic or tax policy reason for Massachusetts not to update its conformity date. This low cost and necessary update will provide consistency and simplicity for Massachusetts taxpayers and streamline tax administration at the Department of Revenue (DOR), and we look forward to working with the Governor, his team and the legislature on this critical change, which we’re thankful was also included in House Ways and Means budget proposal.”


“Small businesses and working families are being severely hit with the regressive effect of inflation, yet tax revenues have never been better,” said Jon Hurst of the Retailers Association of Massachusetts.  “The Governor’s tax reforms recognize that taxpayers and consumers of all stages of life need fair treatment from government; and as a complete package, it will make it more affordable and competitive to stay in Massachusetts.”


"State revenue collections have far exceeded expectations for the second year in row," said John Regan President & CEO of Associated Industries of Massachusetts. "The Commonwealth should return a portion of that windfall to assist taxpayers burdened by inflation and to stimulate the economy. Governor Baker's plan spreads the relief throughout the economy and is an equitable tax proposal."


“These targeted tax proposals will help create a more competitive tax environment in ways that matter for residents and small businesses,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. “The nationwide race for talent and employers is at an all time high, and Massachusetts needs to be proactive in its efforts to retain our world class workforce, employers, and economy.”


“AARP strongly urges action now.  Measures such as tax credits and other financial assistance, or both, to Massachusetts 844,000 family caregivers; doubling the maximum Senior Circuit Breaker Credit; and increasing the rental deduction cap help lower and middle-income residents and their families achieve increased health and financial security and facilitate their ability to age in their own home and community,” said Mike Festa, State Director of AARP Massachusetts.


The plan includes several tax relief measures:


  • Double the maximum Senior Circuit Breaker Credit to lower the overall tax burden for more than 100,000 lower-income homeowners aged 65+
  • Increase the rental deduction cap from $3,000 to $5,000, allowing approximately 881,000 Massachusetts renters to keep approximately $77 million more annually
  • Double the dependent care credit to $480 for one qualifying individual and $960 for two or more, and double the household dependent care credit to $360 for one qualifying individual and $720 for two or more to benefit more than 700,000 families
  • Increase the Massachusetts adjusted gross income (AGI) thresholds for “no tax status” to $12,400 for single filers, $24,800 for joint filers, and $18,650 for head of households, which will eliminate the income tax for more than 234,000 low-income filers
  • Double the estate tax threshold and eliminate the current “cliff effect” that taxes the full amount below the threshold
  • Change the short-term capital gains tax rate to the personal income tax rate of 5% to align the Commonwealth with most other states


The plan would have an outsized impact on the communities hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, the rental deduction increase would provide $34 million in annual tax relief to renters in the 20 “equity communities” that the Department of Public Health identified as having been hardest-hit by the pandemic (based on factors like social determinants of health and the disproportionate racial impact of the pandemic). The “no tax status” change to eliminate the income tax for more low-income people would result in nearly $12 million in annual savings in those same communities.

第126屆波士頓馬拉松中港台共200餘人參賽 台灣籍跑者成績最佳第108名

              (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 126屆波士頓馬拉松賽在418日圓滿落幕,波士頓體育會公佈統計數據,預告10K賽將由布里根婦女醫院贊助,定626日舉行,明年的波士頓馬拉松賽日期為417日。

              在這天氣配合的第126屆波士頓馬拉松賽中,共有25,314跑者從霍普金頓 (Hopkinton)的起跑點出發,截至下午535分,其中的24,918人跑過終點,完成比賽。

              男子組冠軍是第一次贏得波士頓馬拉松賽冠軍的肯亞人Evans Chebet,成績2小時651秒,在波士頓馬拉松賽歷史中,跑步成績排名第8

             女子組冠軍是第一次參加波士頓馬拉松賽的肯亞人Peres Jepchirchir。她是歷史上第一個贏得波士頓,紐約及奧林匹克馬拉松冠軍頭銜的人,成績為2小時2101秒。她是贏得波士頓馬拉松賽的第5名奧林匹克馬拉松賽冠軍。

              今年的波士頓馬拉松賽女子組是歷年來第6個成績最接近的比賽。Peres Jepchirchir僅以4秒之差,打敗了Ababel Yeshaneh

              男子輪椅組冠軍是伊利諾州的Daniel Romanchuk。這是他的第二個波士頓馬拉松賽冠軍,成績為1小時2658秒。

              女子輪椅組冠軍是瑞士人Manuela Schar。這是他的第四個波士頓馬拉松賽冠軍,時間為1小時4108秒。

              帕拉田徑組成績最優秀的是美國的Marko Cheseto Lemtukei,成績為2小時3701秒。

              參賽名人中,NASCAR駕駛Matt Kenseth成績為3小時140秒;足球員Ethan Zohn成績5小時0244秒。「單身漢」電視影集的前主角Matt James 成績為3小時4938秒。


              在這次比賽中的榮譽隊中,健力士世界紀錄保持者Jocelyn Rivas4小時4047秒的成績,跑完了他的第112次馬拉松賽。在50年前於1972年舉行的第一次波士頓馬拉松賽女子組中贏得第6名的Valerie Rogosheske戴著1972的編號,由女兒AbigailAllie陪同,以6小時3857秒成績,在50年後的今天跑完這次比賽。


台灣公民部分有95個報名紀錄,實際出席參賽的55人,其中成績最好的是總成績第108名,1839歲組蕭玉 (譯音,Hsiao Yu),成績為2小時2922秒。其次為總成績179名,1839歲組朱孟宗 (譯音,Chu, Meng-Tsung) ,成績為2小時3152秒。來自台灣的莊涵婷跑完波馬後,加入大滿貫行列,領了一個馬拉松界人士稱為甜甜圈的六牌環。

中國公民部分有198個報名紀錄,136人參賽,成績最好的是總成績198名的趙夢 (譯音,Zhao Meng),成績2小時3231秒,其次為總成績349名,屬於犇跑步團的陳蕭 (譯音,Chen, Xiao),成績2小時3740秒。在這些參賽跑者中,註明自己屬於犇跑團的有大約13人。


香港部分,有63個報名紀錄,33人參賽,成績最好的是總成績422名的Chong, Hung Hoi Henry,成績為2小時3858秒。其次為總成績第603名的Wong, Ka Fung,成績為2小時4209秒。

A video highlight recap can be found here (From BAA)



Josh Ding和奔跑團的團友們同慶跑完今年的波馬。(周菊子攝)




               (Boston Orange 編譯) 麻州居民今年的報稅截止日是419日。


              根據華盛頓郵報在去年報稅季的一份報告所引述,國稅局內全國性的納稅人支持組織說,每50個打電話的人,只有一個能撥通國稅局的免費專線 (800-829-1040),和國稅局的顧客服務代表說到話。

              一月時,聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren和參議院12名民主黨核心黨團寫了一封信給財政部部長Janet Yellen,辯稱國稅局需要在10年間投資800億元,增加年度經費14%








              兒童抵繳稅額優惠(child tax credit)可用於抵減實際收入數額,減少需要繳稅收入的基數。

              國稅局建議人們注意郵件,看自己是否收到稅務文件6419,內含人們收到的現金數額,查詢更多資訊可上網, https://www.childtaxcredit.gov/


              凡是在2021年有收入的美國公民或合法永久居民,都必須報稅。聯合報稅的已婚夫婦,收入在$12,550 ― $25,100 之間,也需要報聯邦稅。

              在麻州有8000元以上毛收入的人,必須申報州稅。如果有意申請可退款的優惠,例如所得收入抵繳優惠 (Earned Income Tax Credit),或是斷路器優惠 (Circuit Breaker Credit),就得報稅。




              長期以來,為符合資格者免費提供基本報稅服務的公司有2家,所得稅協助志願者 (VITA),以及耆英稅務諮詢 (TCE)。一般來說,他們為年收入57千元以下,殘障,或英語能力有限的人提供服務。查詢可上網https://irs.treasury.gov/freetaxprep/.