
星期三, 3月 02, 2022

麻州長Baker、昆士市長Koch聯袂落髮 為公益籌款

麻州州長查理貝克( Charlie Baker,右)和昆士市市長柯奇(Tom Koch,左)第9度聯袂落髮,
                   (Boston Orange) 麻州州長查理貝克 (Charlie Baker)和昆士市市長柯奇(Tom Koch)31日這天,再次在「修髮儲錢 (Saving by Shaving) 」活動中聯袂落髮,為波士頓兒童醫院的小兒科研究及治療募款。

在這由花崗岩電信公司(Granite Telecommunications)假該公司位於昆士市總部主辦活動中一起落髮的名人,還有波士頓兒童醫院董事長暨執行長Kevin Churchwell,以及WEEI電台節目主持人Greg Hill

愛國者隊球員,包括Ted KarrasMatt LightMac JonesKyle Van Noy ,以及 Joe Andruzzi等人,也都來共襄盛舉。

今年的這場落髮籌款善舉,已是第九年舉辦,估計可為波士頓兒童醫院的「每個兒童基金 (Every Child Fund)」籌到750萬元。這是該活動去年籌到的數目。

花崗岩電信公司會為每名參加落髮活動的剃光頭者,或至少剪了8吋頭髮者捐出2500元,該公司執行長Rob Hale家將比照捐款,所以每一名落髮者,可謂這活動籌得5000元。


Roche announces donation of essential medicines to Ukraine

 Roche announces donation of essential medicines to Ukraine

Basel, 02 March 2022 - Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) today announced an initial donation of essential medicines to Ukraine. Roche vehemently condemns the violent invasion of the country.

Roche is working diligently to support the country and people of Ukraine with medical products in accordance with Roche’s overall mission and announced today that we are donating 150,000 packages of Rocephin, a critical antibiotic used to treat the symptoms of many kinds of bacterial infections and listed on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines.

These donations will be delivered to Ukraine as soon as possible to address the urgent need in the country. Roche is working with external partners to facilitate transport into the country despite the current lack of humanitarian corridors into Ukraine. 

Roche remains in contact with multiple global and local partners as well as charities to understand how it can best continue to support the people of Ukraine with additional medical supplies. The situation is evolving quickly and further details will be shared when available. 

保護暴力罪倖存者 麻州政府推新公安法

  Survivors of Violent Crimes Call for Passage of Baker-Polito Legislation

Survivor Stories Continue to Highlight Need for Public Safety Proposals

For high resolution and additional photos, click here.


SPRINGFIELD – Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito today joined survivors, domestic violence providers and law enforcement officials in Springfield for a roundtable event highlighting the importance of the Administration’s legislation which would create comprehensive new protections for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, assault and battery, and other crimes. The roundtable was moderated by Liz Dineen, the Executive Director of the YWCA of Western Massachusetts, a Springfield-based domestic violence provider, and also included Public Safety and Security Secretary Terrence Reidy and Springfield Police Commissioner Cheryl Clapprood. Watch today’s roundtable event here.


The event was part of the Administration’s continued efforts to work with the survivor community to demonstrate the importance of this critical public safety legislation which would improve protections for survivors and the public. In December, the Administration announced the filing of the legislation at a similar roundtable event in Plymouth, and in January, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito testified on the legislation before the Legislature’s Joint Committee on the Judiciary alongside survivors whose stories speak to the importance of the legislation. Last week, the legislative package was endorsed by the Massachusetts Office for Victims Assistance (MOVA), an independent state agency that supports victims of crime in the Commonwealth.


“Today’s roundtable event continues our work in partnership with the survivor community to highlight the real-world stories that demonstrate the importance of this critical legislation, and we are grateful for the brave survivors who shared their stories today,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our dangerousness proposal would fill critical gaps in the way our criminal justice system currently deals with dangerous individuals so we can better protect survivors and members of the public. We look forward to working with our legislative colleagues to make these critical changes so we can keep our communities and families safe.”


“As we continue to advocate for this important public safety legislation, we remain committed to putting survivors’ stories front and center, to help everyone understand how important these reforms are,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, Chair of the Governor’s Council to Address Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence. The survivors who joined our roundtable today are demonstrating inspiring courage, and we are grateful to them for their willingness to share their stories.”


“The circumstances of every survivor’s story are different yet similar in their shared experience of living in unrelenting fear. Sadly, many survivors share another similarity – a disheartening encounter with a system that lacked the tools necessary to protect them in their time of greatest need,” said Public Safety and Security Secretary Terrence Reidy. “These bills will close loopholes and strengthen protections for some of our most vulnerable citizens. We owe it to countless survivors to make these commonsense reforms.”


“Any legislator who cares about protecting victims of crime must vote for this bill,” said Liz Dineen, Executive Director of the YWCA of Western Massachusetts and moderator of today’s roundtable event.


An Act to Protect Victims of Crimes and the Public: First filed in 2018, the Administration’s proposal would expand the list of offenses that can provide grounds for a dangerousness hearing and close certain loopholes at the start and end of the criminal process that currently limit or prevent effective action to address legitimate safety concerns. It would strengthen the ability of judges to enforce the conditions of pre-trial release by empowering police to detain people who they observe violating court-ordered release conditions; current law does not allow this, and instead requires a court to first issue a warrant. Under this proposal, judges will be empowered to revoke a person’s release when the offender has violated a court-ordered condition, such as an order to stay away from a victim, or from a public playground. Current law requires an additional finding of dangerousness before release may be revoked.


The legislation also expands the list of offenses which can provide grounds for a dangerousness hearing including crimes of sexual abuse and crimes of threatened or potential violence. It also follows the long-standing federal model in including a defendant’s history of serious criminal convictions as grounds that may warrant a dangerousness hearing. Current law requires courts to focus only on the crime charged and ignore a defendant’s criminal history when determining whether the defendant may be the subject of this sort of hearing.


An Act Relative to the Harmful Distribution of Sexually Explicit Visual Materials: First filed in 2017, this legislation seeks to close a loophole under current law by creating penalties for adults who distribute a sexually explicit image for purposes of revenge or embarrassment. While current law addresses non-consensual recording of an unsuspecting person, it does not address instances where someone distributes an image without consent regardless of whether the initial image may have been taken with consent. This legislation closes the gap in state law by creating a new felony offense and empowering judges in criminal proceedings to ensure an explicit image in question is permanently destroyed.


Learn more about the legislation.


劍橋合唱團招募新團員 3/18、25試音

劍橋合唱團 (圖片來自臉書)
             (Boston Orange)劍橋合唱團招募新團員,訂318日與325日晚間6-7點在摩門教堂(65 Binney St., Cambridge, Level 1, Sanctuary Room)試音。




查詢詳細資訊,可上網:https://www.facebook.com/cccsma,聯絡可洽: contact@mitcccs.org

星期二, 3月 01, 2022


          (Boston Orange 整理編譯) 35日起,民眾出入波士頓市的公共室內場合,不必戴口罩了。不過波士頓市公共衛生委員會委員長Bisola Ojikutu表示,民眾搭乘公共交通工具,進出醫療機構,或集體居住場所仍須戴口罩。


            7人組成的波士頓市公共衛生委員會聲稱,新冠病毒感染率,住院率,都已大為降低,已接種疫苗的民眾人數持續增加,各項指標都顯示風險已不那麼大,根據該會委員長Bisola Ojikutu博士的建議,他們在31日,週二時投票決定,從這週末的35日起,取消民眾出入諸如餐廳,健身房,娛樂場所等室內營業場合必須戴口罩的規定。


            波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)218日時才因為7天平均的新冠確診率低於5%,一日住院人數少於200,重症病房佔用率低於95%,宣佈了人們進出室內營業場所,不再需要出示已接種新冠疫苗證明。現在只隔不到2星期,又再進一步宣佈進出室內營業場所不需要戴口罩,給了人們生活將逐漸恢復正常的感覺。


            Bisola Ojikutu建議患病風險高,或是經常和高危人士接觸者,進出公眾場合時,最好還是戴口罩。


            波士頓環球報稱,這情況讓地跨波士頓市和劍橋市的科學博物館(Museum of Science)等機構有點尷尬。科學博物館董事長Tim Ritchie表示,該館將繼續建議到訪者戴口罩,直到根據聯邦疾病防治中心指導原則顯示的新冠病毒風險程度將至低風險時為止。

Masking is still recommended to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and for those with heightened risk factors
BOSTON - Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - Citing improving COVID-19 metrics in Boston, Mayor Michelle Wu and Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, Commissioner of Public Health and Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission, today announced that the City’s indoor masking mandate will be lifted effective Saturday, March 5, 2022. At a meeting held this afternoon, the City’s Board of Health voted unanimously to endorse the recommendation from Dr. Ojikutu to rescind the order. The decision was made based on key COVID-19 metrics, which show continued improvement in the prevalence and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic in Boston.
Beginning this Saturday, residents and visitors to Boston will no longer be required by the City to wear a face covering in indoor public spaces, such as gyms, bars and restaurants, museums, and entertainment venues. Individual operators may still choose to require masking. Public transportation, health care settings, and congregant care settings are still subject to state and federal mask orders. The Boston Public Schools will continue to require masking while BPHC and BPS leaders monitor metrics including school positivity and vaccination rates following last week's school vacation. The Board of Health will hear additional updates on COVID-19 and school masking at its next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, March 9.  
The masking requirement will be lifted at City buildings including for City employees, except for Boston Public Schools and Boston Public Health Commission. Masks are recommended in city buildings where vulnerable populations are served, such as Boston Public Library branches and BCYF community centers.  
“I’m grateful that our city is ready to take this step in our recovery thanks to the hard work and commitment of residents keeping our communities safe over many, many months,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “As we continue to make progress even while living with COVID, Boston will continue leading on public health to keep our communities safe, healthy, and prepared.” 
“Based on the data we have seen over the past weeks, we can remove some of the prevention and mitigation strategies that have been necessary to protect residents,” said Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, Commissioner of Public Health and Executive Director of the Boston Public Health Commission. “I am optimistic about where our city is headed, and the Commission will continue to monitor our key metrics and adjust our policies accordingly.”  

“Mayor Wu and Dr. Ojikutu have guided our City through the latest surge with steady hands and thoughtful, informed public health decisions,” said Manny Lopes, Chair of the Boston Board of Health. “Based on the data BPHC has presented, we feel confident in the recommendation to lift the masking order.”
While masks are no longer mandated in certain indoor settings, the Boston Public Health Commission recommends masking in these settings if you are at high risk for severe illness or if you will be around individuals who are. There are many people in Boston who are vulnerable to COVID-19, including individuals who are immunocompromised, seniors, and those who are unvaccinated, including young children. Wearing a well-fitting mask or respirator while indoors minimizes your risk of getting infected with COVID-19 and spreading it to others. Because masking offers a first line of defense when there is increased risk of COVID-19, a masking mandate may be reinstated if data show an increased risk of community transmission. Be sure to consider your specific situation and risk factors, such as those in your life who may be vulnerable, before going out without a mask. 
The best way to protect yourself and loved ones is by getting vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. While case numbers are down, the risk of severe illness remains. COVID-19 vaccines are available for all residents ages 5 and older, and widely available throughout Boston. For more information about where to find a vaccine, visit boston.gov/covid19-vaccine.

23、28、29 3條巴士線今日起免費搭乘2年 吳弭親自搭乘以示慶祝

波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu)在推特上發佈短視頻,邀前任
波士頓市代市長Kim Janey,聯邦眾議員Ayanna Presley,聯邦
參議員Ed Markey一起慶祝。

            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) (31)日近午時分到藍丘大道的Franklin Field上,和社區民眾一起搭乘29號巴士,慶祝2328293條巴士線,從今天起,在長達2年的時間中,所有人都可免費搭乘。

             3條巴士路線,23號從Ashmont Ruggles 車站;28號從Mattapan廣場到Ruggles29號從Mattapan 廣場Jackson 廣場。波士頓市政府為使這3條巴士線免費2年,動用聯邦紓困款付了800萬元給麻州地鐵局 (MBTA),以補償麻州地鐵局的車費收益損失。



波士頓市長吳弭( Michelle Wu) 在Jackson Sq.橘線地鐵站,開心慶祝3條巴士現今日起可
             由於巴士站並未張貼這3條巴士路線31日起可免費搭乘2年的告示,許多乘客還不知道,上車時仍然拿出查理卡 (Charlie card),準備付車費。知道可以免費搭車後,都面帶笑容,說是這下可以省下不少錢。

             在今天之前,28號巴士已經免費營運了6個月。波士頓市街道長Jascha Franklin-Hodge說,根據麻州地鐵的統計數據,在這段時間中,人們等車的時間縮減20%,乘客量增加22%。有21%的乘客可以每月節省20元以上的車費開銷。


波士頓市長吳弭( Michelle Wu)在車站和民眾一起等巴士。(周菊子攝)

             免費巴士的做法,有漸受歡迎趨勢。Merrimack Valley區域交通局今天才把最後一個收費箱從巴士上拆下來,以全面實施為期兩年的巴士免費搭。

             吳弭一直以來都在鼓吹地鐵全面免費,但是地鐵行經麻州16個市鎮,牽涉到的不只是波士頓市一個城市而已。今年一月,吳弭和其他15個城市一起要求麻州地鐵總經理Steve Poftak,經由補助款或其他辦法,來使得免費搭地鐵更容易實現。

波士頓市長吳弭( Michelle Wu) 在Jackson Sq.橘線地鐵站,回答記者提問。(周菊子攝)

波士頓市長吳弭( Michelle Wu) 在藍丘大道上等巴士時,用手機做直播,和大家分享喜悅。

數以千計民眾湧進波士頓廣場支援烏克蘭人民 (圖片)

             (Boston Orange) 數以千計民眾,高舉標語牌,半黃半藍烏克蘭國旗等旗幟,2月27日魚貫走進波士頓公園,聲援無辜的烏克蘭人民,呼籲停戰,譴責俄國總統普丁發動戰爭。                 對大部分人來說,世界已經那麼現代化,人們到處旅遊,和不同國家做生意,已經那麼普遍,科技也進步到讓人們可以無遠弗屆的和人溝通。早在15年前,Thomas L. Friedman就已經出版了「世界是平的 (The World is Flat)」這本書,形容著世界各國的國界雖仍存在,但彼此牽連程度,恐怕已深到人們無法獨善其身。             根據波士頓計畫發展局的統計資料,麻州有2萬5365名烏克蘭人,其中1682名烏克蘭人住在波士頓。


星期一, 2月 28, 2022



This includes $14.6 million in affordable housing projects; $6.1 million in historic preservation projects; and $6.4 million in recreational use and open space projects
BOSTON - Monday, February 28, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu and the City of Boston Community Preservation Committee (CPC) today announced their recommendation of 52 projects, totaling over $27 million in grants through the Community Preservation Act (CPA) current funding round. Following the CPC's public hearing and vote and Mayor Wu's recommendation, the proposed projects have been filed with the Boston City Council for a vote of approval. Projects supported with Community Preservation Act funding must create or preserve affordable housing, historic sites, or open space and recreation. 

“The Community Preservation Act helps us invest in our communities by empowering residents and local organizations to put funding to important priorities across our neighborhoods,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “I am grateful to the Community Preservation Committee and all of the applicants for their commitment to expanding affordable housing, historic preservation and open space and recreation to benefit Bostonians across our city.” 

“Our residents, civic leaders, and community groups work tirelessly to make their neighborhoods better places to live, work and raise their families,” said City Councilor Michael Flaherty. “CPA funds allow for community driven, transformational change in our communities.  As Chair of the Council’s Committee on Community Preservation, I am excited to review the applications and see the impact all of these projects will have on our neighborhoods.”  

Including this funding round, when approved by the City Council, the City of Boston will have awarded over $119 million to support 245 projects across the City since residents voted to adopt the Community Preservation Act in 2016. Community Preservation Act-funded projects can be found in 23 neighborhoods. Of those supported since its creation, there have been 98 open space and recreation projects, 37 affordable housing projects, and 110 historic preservation projects. Mayor Wu previously announced some of these affordable housing projects as part of her investment of $40 million in new recommended funding to create and preserve over 700 income-restricted units of housing in Jamaica Plain, Dorchester, Chinatown, Hyde Park, and Roxbury.

The Community Preservation Fund was created following voters’ passage and adoption of the Community Preservation Act in November 2016. It is funded by a 1 percent property tax-based surcharge on residential and business property tax bills, which took effect in July 2017, and an annual state funding from the Massachusetts Community Preservation Trust Fund. The Mayor and Community Preservation Committee recommend funding use and the City Council must vote to approve. 

“With appreciation to the CPA staff, the Boston CPC is pleased to recommend 52 projects to Mayor Wu for funding consideration by the City Council under the leadership of Michael Flaherty, Council Committee Chair,” said Felicia Jacques, Chair of Community Preservation Committee. “This recommendation fully commits over 50% of funds to housing with the remaining funds supporting 42 historic preservation and open space projects.  These projects address a variety of uses and a bounty of worthy community projects spanning the city in virtually every neighborhood.”

After the Committee's review of applications received for Community Preservation Act funding, the following projects are recommended for grants. The proposals include 10 affordable housing, 25 historic preservation and 17 open space and recreation projects across 19 neighborhoods.

Affordable Housing: 10 projects, totaling $14,660,159

Chinatown -  288 Harrison Residence 
$2,000,000 to partially fund the creation of 85 affordable rental housing units for low-to-moderate income individuals and families in Chinatown with restrictions ranging from 30% to 80% Area Median Income (AMI).

Dorchester -  DMH Housing Harvard Commons 
$601,527 to partially fund the creation of supportive affordable housing for low-to-moderate-income individuals and families by funding the new construction of a four-unit building located on the Harvard Commons campus. All units will be reserved for the clients of the Department of Mental Health with units ranging from 30% to 50% Area Median Income (AMI).

Dorchester -  Hamilton at Mt. Everett 
$1,500,000 to partially fund the new construction of a four-story building with 36 one-bedroom apartments, designed for and available to individuals and couples 62 years and older. Supportive services will be provided on-site by Hebrew Senior Life. All apartments will be affordable to households with incomes at or below 60% Area Median Income (AMI).  

Dorchester - Talbot Commons II   
$1,000,000 to partially fund the creation of 42 affordable rental units on two vacant city-owned parcels. All units will be deed-restricted with units ranging from 30% to 60% Area Median Income (AMI). 

Jamaica Plain - Stonley-Brookley   
$1,975,000 to partially fund the creation of 45 mixed income-restricted homeownership units in a new development. Community Preservation funds will support the 32 affordable units ranging from 80% to 100% Area Median Income (AMI).

Jamaica Plain - 127 Amory Street
$2,000,000 to partially fund the creation of a 96-unit building that is 100% affordable with units restricted between 30% to 80% Area Median Income (AMI). This development continues the transformative redevelopment of the Boston Housing Authority Amory Street campus.

Roxbury - Nuba Homes 
$1,500,000 to partially fund the creation of a 49 unit mixed-income affordable homeownership building on the BPDA-owned Parcel 8. Community Preservation Funds will support the 36 affordable  homeownership units ranging from 60% to 100% Area Median Income (AMI).

Roxbury - Nubian Ascends Artist Housing 
$1,083,632 to partially fund the creation of a 15-unit mixed-income homeownership development with a preference for artists. Community Preservation Funds will support the ten affordable homeownership units at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI)

Roxbury - Bartlett Station Drive - F5 
$1,000,000 to partially fund the creation of a 44-unit affordable housing rental development for low-to-moderate-income individuals within Bartlett Station development. All apartments will be affordable to households with incomes ranging from 30% to 80% Area Median Income (AMI). 

Roxbury - 2085 Washington Street (Parcel 10) 
$2,000,000 to partially fund the creation of a 10-story rental and homeownership building on a gateway corner in Nubian Square, the final phase of the redevelopment of Parcel 10. Community Preservation funds will support the 64 units of affordable rentals ranging from 30% to 80% Area Median Income (AMI). 

Historic Preservation: 25 Projects totaling $6,141,357

Allston-Brighton - St. Luke’s and St. Margaret’s Church 
$500,000 for masonry and roofing repairs to the 1914 building complex, the first phase of a reimagining of the landmark.

Back Bay - Boston Architectural College 
$495,000 for masonry and window restoration of 951 Boylston Street of the Boston Architectural College flagship building.

Back Bay - Community Church Boston 
$100,000 for the roof replacement of the five-story storefront building, home to the Community Church.

Beacon Hill -  Nichols House Museum 
$72,400 for exterior restoration of original features and shutter restoration of the women's history museum.

Beacon Hill - Beacon House
$350,000 for exterior masonry restoration of the affordable housing for 117 elders and people with disabilities.

Beacon Hill -  The Vilna Shul 
$275,000 for the restoration of the failed front plaza at Vilna Shul, Boston's Center for Jewish Culture.

Boston Harbor Islands - The Boston Harbor Islands Archaeological and Climate Change Impact on Native History
$250,000 to preserve the archaeological sites and artifacts of the Boston Harbor Islands. These funds will preserve the existing archaeological collections excavated from the islands and conduct new collaborative community archaeological surveys to preserve the archaeological sites most at-risk to erosion caused by climate change.

Charlestown - USS Constitution Museum 
$20,000 for the relocation of the mechanical system above flood-level to protect the Museum’s site and collections.

Charlestown - Charlestown Working Theater 
$75,000 for structural stabilization of the foundation of the former Boston Fire Station turned community theater.

Chinatown - 95 Hudson Street 
150,000 for the masonry restoration and structural repairs to the permanently affordable rowhouse.

Citywide - Boston City Archives 
$78,000 to digitize the City of Boston 1920 women's voter registrations ledger books for public records.

Dorchester - Global Ministries Christian Church 
$200,000 for roofing and drainage repairs, and the construction of a new accessible entrance to the 1889 shingle-style building.

Dorchester - Greater Love Tabernacle Church 
$449,107 for the rehabilitation of the exterior of the 1924 masonry structure, as well as an entrance accessibility project. Work includes masonry, window and drainage repairs, and accessibility entrance structure.

Dorchester - William Clapp House 
$61,000 for critical structural masonry repairs at the William Clapp House to protect the museum’s collections and exhibits. 

Downtown - World Ocean School - Schooner Roseway 
$360,000 to rehabilitate and restore the framing and ballast of the historic 1925 vessel, allowing it to continue to function as an educational space for primarily under-resourced students in the Boston area.

East Boston - Bennington St. Cemetery 
$67,000 to repair and repoint the 1837 historic Harmony Street cemetery cobblestone wall and fencing.

East Boston - Nantucket Lightship LV-112
$250,000 to repair interior elements of historic 1936 lightship critical to the museum vessel’s structural integrity.

Jamaica Plain - Hope Central Church
$100,000 to restore windows and remove foundation vegetation to improve energy conservation of the 1936 structure as part of a phased program of envelope repairs to the complex.

Kenmore-Fenway - Huntington Theatre 
$100,000 to restore and repair character-defining elements of the 1924 theatre entrance, including doors, balconies, balustrades and masonry.

Roxbury - Dr. Marie E. Zakrzewska Building  at the Dimock Center 
$1,000,000 to complete the restoration of the historic 1872 Dr. Marie E. Zakrzewska Building, including critical structural repair, window restoration, roof and dormer repair, and strengthening of the porte cochere. This work will complete the reuse of the structure as an in-patient substance abuse disorder treatment center for men.

Roxbury - First Church Roxbury 
$343,000 to repair and restore the west entry of the 1804 meetinghouse and construct an accessible ramp to adaptively reuse the former church sanctuary as a community meeting and arts space.

Roxbury -  Twelfth Baptist Church
$161,850 for roof repair to the historic 1873 Twelfth Baptist Church in Roxbury.

South Boston - Congress Street Fire Station-Boston Fire Museum 
$327,000 for continued critical structural repairs to the masonry facade and parapet walls and reinforcing interior structural timbers of historic 1891 Fire Station.

South End - South End Historical Society-Francis Dane
$300,000 to repair, and restore cast-iron ornament, brownstone masonry, and an oriel bay window at the 1858 South End Historical Society headquarters building.

West Roxbury - Restoration of Westerly Burying Ground 
$57,000 for the restoration of front wall, fence and gate, as well as the restoration of interior cast iron plot fence, and resetting and repair of gravestones at the 1683 Westerly Burying Ground.

Open Space & Recreation: 17 projects totaling $6,404,338

Beacon Hill - Charles River Esplanade 
$18,810 for a multi-year improvement project to plant approximately 50 trees on the Esplanade from 2022 to 2023.

Charlestown - Warren Prescott School
$1,000,000 to restore and redesign the decades-old Warren-Prescott K-8 school play structure and outdoor play-space, which serves as the primary playground for over 500 public school students.

Citywide - Boston Open Space Acquisition Fund 
$1,300,000 for the Boston Open Space Acquisition Fund, acquisition of real property interests in open space or land for recreational use.

Dorchester - Oasis at Ballou Farm 
$500,000 for capital improvements to Oasis on Ballou community farm to support growth of more healthy produce and create more access to the site for residents, student groups, and other community stakeholders.

Dorchester - Martin Richard Dorchester Field House - Outdoor Recreational Space 
$500,000 to develop a fun and vibrant park-like setting around a new 75,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art youth development field house that will include gardens, playscapes, exercise and event space, trees, and permanent plantings.

Dorchester - Codman Burial Ground Park 
$350,000 for private cemetery, owned by the Second Church will rehabilitate an existing but underused greenspace and create a neighborhood park that offers educational, recreational, contemplative and artistic uses.

Dorchester - Garden at Magnolia 
$94,961 the continued construction to help complete a new community garden, lawn, perennial beds, and children's garden in Uphams Corner. 

East Boston - 6 Chelsea Terrace Secret Garden 
$225,000 for the creation of recreational space, funding critical improvements to a blighted lot to make it a functional community garden with seating and a public path.

Hyde Park - Sherrin Woods Trailhead and Wetlands 
$250,000 for the rehabilitation and restoration of the degraded portions of the property at the Sherrin Street entrance, street side, and adjacent wetland buffers. 

Mattapan - Edgewater Food Forest
$104,369 for the  creation of a new community food forest on a vacant 11,816 SF property for active and passive recreational use including the development of a community garden, trails, and park space.

Mattapan - Cote Village Playground
$226,808 for the creation of a new public playground in the new Cote Village 76 units affordable and workforce housing development.

Mission Hill - Evans Way Footbridge Restoration 
$650,000 for the restoration and rehabilitation of the Evans Way footbridge, funding capital improvements and extraordinary repairs. The bridge will invite the public to discover and explore the many recreational, natural and cultural amenities of the Back Bay Fens.

South Boston - Barnard Place Park
$34,390 for the continued capital improvements to help complete a new small neighborhood park in South Boston to make it functional and secure for local residents. Work includes installation of irrigation and solar security lighting.

South Boston - Christopher Lee Playground - Little League Field 
$650,000 for the rehabilitation and restoration to the Christopher Lee Playground little league field. Capital improvements include new irrigation and drainage, benches, batting cage, and chain link fence.

South Boston - Boston’s Children’s Museum 
$100,000 for the rehabilitation and restoration improvements on the museum’s property by replacing failed planking at the Boston Harborwalk, to ensure that the walkway is a safe environment for the public and Museum visitors.   

South End - Crite Park
$250,000 to transform long-neglected property into a vibrant community park, the site will memorialize the late Allan Rohan Crite, an internationally acclaimed African American artist and longtime South End resident. 

West Roxbury - Sophia Snow Place
$150,000 for the Preservation and restoration of native plantings around the certified vernal pool located in Allandale Woods to protect this Boston's Urban Wild and create a bridge to increase accessibility to the future healing garden.

波士頓市長吳弭提案 限制針對性住宅區抗議時間 9AM-9PM


Ordinance seeks to protect the quality of residential life in Boston


(Boston Orange 整理編譯) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) (28) 日提案制定新法令,限制針對個別居民的住宅區抗議時間為早上9點至晚上9點。

            過去這二個多月來,吳弭位於羅森岱爾 (Rosendale)的家門口,幾乎每天早上7點一過,就有抗議打疫苗、戴口罩規定者,拿著擴音機抗議。不只她們一家人不堪其擾,她的鄰居民也感到很無奈。



BOSTON - Monday, February 28, 2022 - Mayor Michelle Wu today filed an Ordinance Regarding Targeted Residential Picketing, adding parameters to protect the health and well-being of residents in our neighborhoods against targeted harassment. Targeted residential picketing means picketing, protesting, or demonstrating, with or without signs or sound amplification, that is specifically directed towards a particular residence or one or more occupants of the residence, and which takes place before or about the targeted residence. The ordinance would restrict targeted residential picketing only between the hours of 9:00pm and 9:00am, and would not affect marches or protests passing through residential areas that are not targeted at a particular home.

 “Boston has a strong legacy of activism, and it’s important to uphold and protect the ability to speak out and advocate fiercely to keep our democracy strong,” said Mayor Michelle Wu. “But in a moment of divided national politics, we can’t normalize the harassment and hate spilling over into our communities. Boston must model not only bold, urgent policies, but also inclusive, empowering politics.” 

 “This ordinance will add to our existing laws to stop harassment of residents in their private homes, while respecting the right to protest,” said Acting Commissioner and Superintendent-in-Chief Gregory P. Long. “People have a right to privacy and peace in their homes.” 

 The City of Boston is committed to the First Amendment right to protest, while protecting residents’ privacy and the quality of residential life. Targeted residential picketing that occurs late at night or early in the morning increases the intrusion on the privacy and sanctity of the home, and is particularly harassing and detrimental to the sleep and well-being of families, including seniors and families with children.

 The ordinance would protect any targeted residence, not just elected officials’ homes. The U.S. Supreme Court case that affirmed such protections, Frisby v. Schultz, upheld a local ordinance in Wisconsin created after anti-abortion protesters consistently targeted doctors who performed abortions, by repeatedly picketing outside their homes. The framework proposed for Boston would restrict targeted residential picketing only at night and in the early morning. The order will complement existing prohibitions against excessive noise, disturbing the peace, and blocking of streets and sidewalks through these clear guidelines around targeted residential picketing.

 “Public protests at people’s homes must have reasonable limits. These demonstrations are not only causing stress to the families of elected officials, it is also hurting their neighbors, many of whom are seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans and young children,” said Boston City Council President Ed Flynn. “Now is the time to come together as a city and country to treat each other with empathy, respect and dignity.”