
星期日, 12月 12, 2021

Lydia Edwards 角逐麻州參議員 12/14日投票 政要站台做最後衝刺 (圖片)

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn (右起)、Keniz Bok,聯邦參議員Elizabeth
Warren,麻州眾議員Jay Levinson(左一)都來為Lydia Edwards(左二)

波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu,右二)也來助陣。(周菊子攝)

Lydia Edwards,以及她的孿生姊妹合影。(周菊子攝)

波士頓教育組邀獎學金留學生聚會 8校26人交流



(Boston Orange 周菊子麻州劍橋市報導)駐波士頓教育組於20211211日舉行新英格蘭地區各項中華民國(臺灣)教育部獎學金生年末交流餐會,匯集來自不同學校及研讀不同領域之各項獎學金生認識與交流。計有來自8所大專校院、3項獎學金等26人參加。








當天出席的得獎留學生們,分別來自波士頓大學,哈佛大學,麻省理工學院,Lesley,羅德島大學,麻州醫學大學,新英格蘭音樂學院,Hult 國際商學院等8所大專院校,其中最年輕的是目前才大三,在麻省理工學院就讀,有意在人工智能與醫療結合領域深造的王維恩。和謝水龍組長同桌眾人中,竟有5人是台大校友,其中張婷雅剛接任台大校友會會長,藍凡耘是前3屆的會長,他們還立刻討論起校友會該辦那些活動。


波士頓台灣人生物科技協會11日辦兩場講座談博後之路、COVID-19醫藥開發及全球供應 (圖片)






【2021 BTBA Dec Workshop】The Journey from Postdoc to PI

🎓 Are you interested in a career in academia but still have doubts or questions? Come and hear from our group of panelists, who will share their first-hand experiences of what an academic life looks like when transitioning from postdoc to PI!
▶️ 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲: Dec 11 (Sat), 10-11:30 am (EST) 11-12:30 pm (Taiwan Time)
▶️ 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲: Online event via Zoom
▶️ 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗿:
❖ Chia-Wei Cheng, Assistant Professor at Columbia University Irving Medical Center
❖ Chih-Hao Wang, Assistant Professor at Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, China Medical University
❖ Erica Cai, Assistant Investigator in the Lilly Diabetes Center of Excellence at the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute
❖ Wei-Ting Kuo, Assistant Professor at Graduate Institute of Oral Biology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
▶️ 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿:
❖ Annie Cheng, Postdoctoral research fellow, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Wyss Institute
❖ Meng-Ju Wu, Postdoctoral research fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center

🎧 聽完 #生技來一刻「學界PI迷思大破解」後覺得意猶未盡嗎?
❓ 想更深入了解自己究竟適不適合學術界嗎?
🧐 想聽聽台灣與美國學術界的差異與秘辛嗎?
🔬 究竟擔任PI的一天是什麼樣子呢?

如果你正佇足於學術界與業界的交叉路口,別再猶豫了!快來報名參加BTBA 12月的線上學術專題論壇:從博後變身為PI的心路歷程大分享。

▶️ 時間: 12月11日 (日) 上午十點 (東岸時間); 晚上十一點 (台灣時間)
▶️ 地點: Online event via Zoom

▶️ 講者:
❖ 鄭佳瑋: Assistant Professor at Columbia University Irving Medical Center
❖ 王志豪: 助理教授, 中國醫藥大學醫學院-生物醫學研究所
❖ 蔡佩珊: Assistant Investigator, Lilly Diabetes Center of Excellence at the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute
❖ 郭瑋庭: 助理教授, 台灣大學醫學院-口腔生物科學研究所

▶️ 主持人:
❖ 程吉安, 博士後研究人員, 布萊根婦女醫院及Wyss Institute
❖ 吳孟儒, 博士後研究人員, 麻省總醫院癌症中心
Dr. Cheng conducted her doctoral research in Dr. Valter D. Longo's laboratory at the University of Southern California (USC). She completed her postdoctoral training in Dr. Omer H. Yilmaz's laboratory at Koch Institute at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Dr. Cheng was a fellow of Helen Hay Whitney Foundation (HHWF) and is an awardee of the NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99), with Dr. David M. Sabatini's co-mentorship. Earlier this year, Dr. Cheng joined Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) as an assistant professor in the Department of Genetics and Development (G&D) and Columbia Stem Cell Initiative (CSCI). Her Lab studies the molecular machinery that translates nutritional cues into cell-fate determinants. Her goal is to decipher the nutrigenomic underpinning of stem cell identity in the hopes of inspiring new therapeutic strategies.
Dr. Wang received his Ph.D. degree in Taiwan and finished his postdoctoral training at Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. He is currently an assistant professor in the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences at China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. His research focuses on using pharmacological and genetic approaches to activate brown fat and/or white fat browning and investigating the underlying mechanisms. His ultimate research goal is to apply those basic scientific findings to regulate whole-body energy metabolism for the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disorders.
Erica Cai, PhD, obtained her bachelor’s degree in medical technology from Taipei Medical University and her master’s degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from National Taiwan University. She was trained by Dr. Minna Woo and received her Ph.D. in medical science from the University of Toronto, Canada.
Cai was an instructor in medicine at the Harvard Medical School. She worked in the laboratory of Dr. Peng Yi and the CRISPR screen core facility at the Joslin Diabetes Center. Her research projects used a multidisciplinary approach to investigate beta-cell physiology, including cell regeneration, cell function, stress response, and autoimmune protection. Dr. Cai joined the Lilly Diabetes Center of Excellence within the IBRI Diabetes Center in April 2021. She also is a member of the Indiana University Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases. Cai’s current research focuses on beta-cell protection and diabetes prevention. Her ultimate research goal is to better understand diseases and help improve patients' quality of life.
Dr. Kuo is an assistant professor in the Graduate Institute of Oral Biology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University. His laboratory investigates the physiological and pathological mechanisms of tight junction (TJ) protein regulation in epithelial organisms and mucosal homeostasis. Their research interests focus on the role of TJ proteins in mucosal repair and cancer pathogenesis.
Dr. Annie Cheng obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry from National Taiwan University. She was trained by Dr. Jeffrey Zink and received her Ph.D. in bioengineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). During her Ph.D. training, she was awarded the UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship. Annie is now a postdoctoral research fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital of Harvard Medical School and Wyss Institute. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, her research has focused on COVID-19 serology studies such as COVID-19 vaccine evaluation.
Dr. ​​Meng-Ju Wu obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from National Yang-Ming University. He conducted his doctoral research in Dr. Alice Chang’s laboratory at Purdue University. Meng-Ju is now a postdoctoral fellow of the American Cancer Society (ACS) with Dr. Nabeel Bardeesy and Dr. Robert Manguso's co-mentorship at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). His research focuses on how tumor metabolism affects tumorigenesis and the tumor microenvironment.


【【 BTBA Special Event】曲速行動的背後 - COVID19醫藥品全球開發供應的考量
為應變COVID-19全球大流行,多國皆在過去一年多致力於COVID-19疫苗與藥品的開發,如何兼顧安全、效用以及速度是疫苗開發需要面對的挑戰。BTBA很榮幸邀請到Greenberg Traurig資深合夥律師–呂家鋒與大家分享在過去一年多COVID-19疫苗和藥品的開發和商業化過程的考量。演講中,呂律師將提供其第一線參與曲速行動的觀察,他將解釋美國決定採取曲速行動的來由,以及其代表廠商參與跟國家及超國家組織的談判中如何建構產品的供應和採購的過程。

▶️ 時間: 12/11 (Sat) 2:00PM - 4:00PM (EST)
▶️ 地點:
Mount Auburn Room, 2F, Harvard Smith Campus Center
(1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138)
▶️ 報名表::https://forms.gle/dfzuteXCV5ZCnyCK8
▶️ 活動流程:
2:00-2:05 主持人開場、介紹講者
2:05-3:05 呂律師經驗分享
3:05-3:35 Q & A時間
3:35-4:00 Networking
▶️ 講者:呂家鋒 (Chia-Feng Lu) 律師 (Greenberg Traurig 國際法律事務所 資深合夥人)
▶️ 主持人:杜荷洲 (Ho-Chou Tu) 博士 (Associate Director at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals)
▶️ 特別感謝:哈佛大學台灣學生會、駐波士頓科技組協助本活動的舉辦。
為全球知名Greenberg Traurig國際法律事務所華盛頓特區及東京辦公室的資深合夥人。他提供從事生命科學和新興技術公司、產業協會諮詢,引領他們了解適用於其產品、技術、服務和業務策略的監管和交易法規。呂律師代表客戶參與政府法律相關的管理策略以及法規流程的制定,並提供政府部門相關政策擬定的建議. 其並協助客戶擬定策略計劃,幫助其產品與創新能夠在現行或未來的政策和法律架構下落實,譬如,藥品定價,市場核准進入,和供應。呂律師提供創投、私募基金,及生命科學公司在企業發展、醫藥法規策略、併購和策略合作、法規遵循、產品生命週期管理、藥價設定談判的法律諮詢,協助企業將商業策略落實在跨國法律政策的架構下。呂律師代表新興科技公司和生技領域的領導廠商在各個領域,例如細胞治療、癌症免疫治療、人工智慧/物聯網產品、微生物產品、精準醫療產品及服務、再生醫學、3D列印等。呂律師至少曾為三個基於諾貝爾科學獎得獎的產品提供諮詢,其中一項已在市場上成為重磅藥品。呂律師更為多個政府組織提供新興科技的政策與立法管理的諮詢。在學界部分,除了曾在幾間大學醫學院和商學院授課外,呂律師對於亞洲人才的培育十分有熱忱及使命,過去幾年持續擔任日本京都大學醫學院的兼任教師。
於Washington University in St. Louis取得Molecular & Cell Biology博士學位,她的博士論文研究在正常與癌細胞中不同的細胞死亡機制。其後,杜博士於Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School接受博士後訓練,研究幹細胞因子在實質腫瘤 (solid tumor) 的發生與進展過程扮演的角色。2015年,杜博士加入Alnylam Pharmaceuticals,其為帶領世界級生技領域發展RNAi治療平台的公司,包括於2018年第一個被FDA核准的RNAi治療藥物。目前Alnylam Pharmaceuticals的產線有四個商業化的計劃以及超過十個臨床階段的計劃。杜博士在Next Wave" Liver group 帶領跨領域的團隊加強並拓展Alnylam未來的肝臟藥物產品線。杜博士更擔任數個臨床前期及臨床階段計劃的研究負責人,專攻非酒精性脂性肝炎(nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, NASH) 、心血管代謝及罕見疾病。

星期五, 12月 10, 2021



The redevelopment of the historic YWCA building will create 210 units of affordable housing in the Back Bay including dedicated units for formerly homeless individuals



BOSTON - Thursday, December 9, 2021 - Mayor Michelle Wu joined Governor Charlie Baker, Beacon Companies CEO Dara Kovel, the President & CEO of The Pine Street Inn Lydia Downie, and local elected officials to break ground on 140 Clarendon Street, a redevelopment project that will create 210 units of affordable housing at Boston’s historic Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) building, located at the intersection of Clarendon and Stuart Streets in Back Bay. With the partnership of homeless services provider Pine Street Inn, 111 of the units will become supportive housing for people exiting homelessness.  


“Housing stability must be the foundation of our recovery,” said Mayor Wu. “Today’s groundbreaking shows what’s possible when we collaborate across different sectors and levels of government to create much-needed affordable housing in our neighborhoods. This project will provide much-needed housing and services for residents experiencing homelessness.”


When the renovation is complete, the development will create 210 units of affordable apartments, of which 111 apartments will be reserved for people who are currently experiencing homelessness, and 99 apartments will be for residents with incomes significantly below the area median income. The housing set aside for formerly homeless individuals will come with supportive services provided by the Pine Street Inn. 


The Boston Housing Authority is providing Project-Based Vouchers (PBV) to all the units in the new development. Project-Based Vouchers subsidize the units and allow low-income families to afford units that would otherwise be too expensive for them. The vouchers represent a $6.3 million annual subsidy that will ensure that these vulnerable residents can be stably housed for years to come.


The Boston YWCA Building was constructed between 1927-1929 and has served as the YWCA’s headquarters for nearly a hundred years. In addition to housing, offices for Beacon Residential Management will occupy space on the first floor of the building. All the other cultural and educational organizations currently in the building, including the Lyric Stage Theatre Company, the Snowden School, a City of Boston charter school, Viga Restaurant, Honovan Tailor, the Resource Connection, and the YWCA’s offices will remain.  


“This project is a great example of public and private partners coming together to deliver a unique asset to the neighborhood by maintaining a cultural institution and providing a solution to homelessness: housing with services for our most vulnerable neighbors,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are pleased to support Beacon Communities and Pine Street Inn on this dynamic project that will benefit hundreds, and we are eager to continue working with local partners to create new housing and pursue innovative projects across the state to meet the diverse needs of our Commonwealth.”


Beacon Communities, in partnership with Mount Vernon Company, will own the new development. It will be managed by Beacon Residential Management Limited Partnership. The re-development expands affordable housing in a high-cost neighborhood. Through a service partnership with the Pine Street Inn, the resulting community will comprise one of the largest supportive housing communities in Boston.  


“The Mount Vernon Company was instrumental in securing and reimagining this important property as supportive housing for Boston’s most vulnerable”, said Bruce A. Percelay, Chairman of Mount Vernon Company. “As a Boston resident and business owner, I see the need for this type of housing every day. 140 Clarendon Street is a victory for all of Boston's residents as we work to make sure that everyone living here has a home and the services they need to succeed. We were proud to be a part of building this new community."

“We have truly appreciated the collaboration of our public and private partners, keeping the focus on advancing the City and State’s housing policies with thoughtful and creative problem-solving to help us bring this project together,” said Dara Kovel, Beacon CEO. “We are so excited about our partnership with Pine Street Inn, which is the first of its kind on this scale.”


“Pine Street Inn is thrilled to partner with Beacon Communities to provide permanent housing for over one hundred individuals experiencing chronic homelessness,” said Pine Street Inn President & Executive Director Lyndia Downie. “This partnership is a huge step forward in our efforts to provide every person with a safe, stable place to live, ensure they receive the services they need, and ultimately end homelessness in Boston.”


In 2003-2006, the YWCA undertook a major rehabilitation of the property and created 79 affordable single room occupancy (SRO) and one-bedroom apartments, 39 market-rate apartments, and a 66-room budget hotel. In honoring that legacy of the building, the Pine Street Inn and the Beacon Companies will now use the property to continue serving those in need. Deeply rooted in a commitment to social justice and serving others, these two organizations joined together to combine Beacon Communities housing development expertise with the Pine Street Inn’s well-known track record for providing extensive support services to homeless individuals. This innovative partnership was created with the help of funding from the State of Massachusetts and the City of Boston. 


“They say that it takes a village, and that is certainly the case at 140 Clarendon Street. This project combines federal subsidies provided by BHA, services, and management provided by community-based nonprofits, and development funding provided by the state, the City of Boston, and the private sector. It’s an incredible group of partners,” said BHA Administrator Kate Bennett. “Most importantly, this redevelopment effort will give hundreds of families a safe and affordable place to live in the Back Bay neighborhood.”


Financing for 140 Clarendon includes $6,000,000 of funding from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development; MassHousing is providing a $37.2 million permanent loan, a $20.3 million bridge loan, and $500,000 in Capital Magnet Fund financing; the City of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development is providing $8,039,955 of funding; Bank of America is providing a Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit and Historic Tax Credit equity in the amount of $43,975,833; and the Commonwealth is providing $23,575,000 of State Low Income Housing Tax Credit equity.


"MassHousing is excited about the 210 households who will soon have quality, affordable rental homes in the heart of the Back Bay," said MassHousing Executive Director Chrystal Kornegay. "This collaborative effort between Beacon Communities and all the project partners will not only breathe new life into this historic building but will create housing stability for all those who will call 140 Clarendon home."

“Affordable housing development is a team sport, and the cooperation and dedication to make this project happen is an incredible testament to the strong affordable housing ecosystem in Massachusetts,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. “Today’s project is the result of creative strategies to provide vital services to the most vulnerable among us, and I’m excited we can support this innovative approach that furthers our efforts to combat homelessness and address our lack of affordable, supportive housing that is needed to help people succeed across Massachusetts.”

The rehabilitation of the building will be completed to the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Historic Preservation and the development is utilizing Federal Historic Tax Credits. Construction is expected to be completed in 2024. 


About the Department of Neighborhood Development (DND)

The Department of Neighborhood Development is responsible for housing people experiencing homelessness, creating and preserving affordable housing, and ensuring that renters and homeowners can obtain, maintain, and remain in safe, stable housing. The department develops and implements the City of Boston’s housing creation and homelessness prevention plans and collaborates with local and national partners to find new solutions and build more housing affordable to all, particularly those with lower incomes. For more information, please visit the DND website.


About the Boston Housing Authority


The Boston Housing Authority (BHA) is a public agency that provides subsidized housing to low and moderate-income individuals and families. In addition to conventional public housing communities throughout Boston, BHA offers rental assistance programs. BHA receives federal and state funding to provide housing programs to individuals and families. BHA’s mission is to provide stable, quality affordable housing for low and moderate-income persons; to deliver these services with integrity and mutual accountability, and to create living environments that serve as catalysts for the transformation from dependency to economic self-sufficiency.

