
星期三, 12月 08, 2021

Chamber Announces Ten Greater Boston Leaders as 2022 Pinnacle Award Honorees

Chamber Announces Ten Greater Boston Leaders as

2022 Pinnacle Award Honorees

The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce’s Women’s Network is pleased to announce the 2022 Pinnacle Awards, honoring ten remarkable female professionals in Greater Boston for outstanding achievement in business, government, and management. The Pinnacle Awards were formed by the Chamber’s Women’s Network to honor leading women for outstanding achievement in the workplace, demonstrated leadership that has made a difference, and a commitment to enhancing the quality of life in the region. The award is the most prestigious honor for female professionals in the region.

This year’s honorees will be recognized on Friday, January 28, 2022, 12:00pm – 1:30pm, at the annual Pinnacle Awards held at the Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport. Past honorees include Attorney General Maura Healey, Anita F. Hill, Sandi L. Fenwick, Vicary Graham, Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, Diane Hessan, Liz Cheng, and Courtney Scrubbs. View all past honorees by achievement here.

“Congratulations to the Pinnacle Award honorees. The Chamber’s Pinnacle Awards are one of the most exceptional honors in the Commonwealth, and it is made even more meaningful by the energizing celebration of our honorees. I am grateful for their significant leadership and contributions to business, government and non-profit sectors,” said James E. Rooney, President & CEO of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. “Our future is bright because our honorees and the empowering Women’s Network will continue to lead us forward.”

“Our Pinnacle Awards are a celebration of the best leaders and their long-standing influence on our region. Congratulations to this year’s Pinnacle Award honorees. It will be wonderful to celebrate their transformative leadership at our Pinnacle ceremony,” said Micho Spring, Chair of Weber Shandwick’s Global Corporate Practice and of the Chamber’s Board of Directors. 

“Congratulations to the 2022 Pinnacle Award honorees. I continue to be inspired by their unique contributions, commitment, and vision. Our honorees are not only advancing and leading the business community, but also shaping the future of the entire region,” said Susan Loconto Penta, Chair of the Women’s Network Advisory Board and Co-Founder and Managing Partner at MIDIOR.

The 2022 Pinnacle Award honorees are listed below:

Achievement in Entrepreneurship

Irene Li

President, Mei Mei Restaurant Group

Achievement in        Management - Private

Roxann Cooke

Consumer Bank Regional Director and Managing Director, New England & Philadelphia, JPMorgan Chase & Co

Achievement in        Management - Government

Secretary Rosalin Acosta

Secretary of Labor & Workforce Development, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Achievement in the Advancement of Women Professionals

Lisa Hughes

Anchor & Reporter, WBZ-TV/CBS Boston

Achievement in the Professions

Cheri Ruane, FASLA

Vice President | Landscape Architecture, Weston & Sampson Design Studio

Achievement in     Management - Nonprofit

Vikki N. Spruill

President & CEO, New England Aquarium

Achievement in Health Care & Life Sciences

Marcela del Carmen, MD, MPH

President, Massachusetts General Physicians Organization & Executive Vice President, Mass General Brigham

Achievement in Arts &  Education

Carole Charnow

President & CEO, Boston Children’s Museum

Emerging Executive

Falguni Desai

NA Brand VP Grooming, Procter & Gamble, and CEO & Managing Director, The Art of Shaving

Lifetime Achievement

Judy Habib

Founder & CEO, KHJ Brand Activation

The Greater Boston Chamber’s Women’s Network was founded in 1994 to promote and expand economic opportunities throughout the Greater Boston region for all women in business through shared leadership and expertise. The Women’s Network offers programs that provide career enrichment and development opportunities for women at all professional levels, spotlight the accomplishments of women, and promote the positive and transformative influence that women have within the Greater Boston region. 

Members of the press wishing to cover the 2022 Pinnacle Awards should RSVP to Casey Baines at cbaines@bostonchamber.com.

星期二, 12月 07, 2021

22比21 領先一票 雷國輝當選下屆紐英崙中華公所主席

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 選舉時,每一票都重要。紐英崙中華公所的下屆職員改選,再次見證民主社會制度中選票的神聖性。再次競選主席的雷國輝,這次以一票險勝,2221的從現任主席鄭慧民手中拿下二年前沒得到的寶座。











波士頓經文處、僑教中心感謝志工 介紹新版僑胞服務手冊


          (Boston Orange) 波士頓文教中心年終感謝志工,125日在波士頓龍鳳酒樓設宴款待,並利用機會,宣導「僑胞服務手冊」,匯報2022年重要僑務工作,籲請志工們呼朋引伴,繼續支持。








麻州參議員特別選舉 候選人辯論12/8

 第一薩福克和米德爾塞克斯州參議院區 - 特別選舉候選人論壇



点击直接加入 Zoom会议:


会议ID:  852 0728 1020



First Suffolk & Middlesex State Senate District - Special Election Candidates Forum

Dec 8, 2021 06:30 PM

Here is the Zoom link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-oNiFip2R36KdtNI5N_Fqw


            (Boston Orange) 波士頓市長吳弭 (Michelle Wu) 127日宣佈,Jascha Franklin-Hodge將出任波士頓市街道長 (Chief of Streets) ,訂明年1月上任,管理波士頓市交通局,公共工程局,以及下水道局等市府服務,以在全波士頓市打造更有效率,更安全,並注重環保的交通系統。


            Franklin-Hodge是開放移動基金會 (Open Mobility Foundation)的行政主任,該基金會協助城市與私營企業合作開發開源工具和數據標準,以支持新興移動技術的採用和監管,並共同努力建立安全、公平和可持續的交通系統。


            Franklin-Hodge也是宜居街道聯盟 (LivableStreets Alliance)很活躍的董事,曾是哈佛大學甘迺迪政府學院的訪問學者,關注移動科技及公共政策,也是私營企業的移動力及智慧城市顧問。

          在那之前,他是藍州數位(Blue State Digital) 的共同創辦人,主管該公司工具部門的研發及營運,也是在奧巴馬總統的2008年級2012年競選中,籌得10億元的籌款,電郵及選民關係平台。



Franklin-Hodge will work to create a more sustainable and equitable City transportation system


BOSTON - Tuesday, December 7, 2021 - Mayor Michelle Wu today announced Jascha Franklin-Hodge will serve as the City of Boston’s Chief of Streets. In this role, Franklin-Hodge will support the Boston Transportation Department, Public Works Department, and the Boston Water and Sewer Commission to deliver exceptional city services, and build a more efficient, safe, and environmentally-conscious transportation system throughout Boston.

“Safe, healthy, vibrant neighborhoods depend on connecting our communities to Boston’s opportunities and possibilities,” said Mayor Wu. “I’ve had the chance to work alongside Jascha in City Hall and in the community. I’m thrilled he’ll be returning to City Hall with his expansive vision, organizational expertise, and commitment to delivering change.”

The Chief of Streets oversees the City's Public Works and Transportation Departments, which plan, design, maintain and manage Boston's streets. The Chief will also serve as a liaison to the Boston Water & Sewer Commission, and will work closely with departments focused on housing, planning, and economic development. Franklin-Hodge will work to implement Mayor Wu’s transportation goals, including free-fares on MBTA bus routes, safer street design in every neighborhood, and a connected network of low-stress bicycle routes. He will officially join the Mayor’s cabinet in January.

“Under Mayor Wu’s leadership, we have the opportunity to reshape our transportation system to make getting around Boston more convenient, address historic and ongoing inequities, and improve safety, especially for our most vulnerable road users,” said Franklin-Hodge. “I’m honored and excited to rejoin the City as Mayor Wu’s Chief of Streets, and to serve alongside the talented teams at the Boston Transportation Department and Public Works as we do this important and urgent work.”

Franklin-Hodge is the Executive Director of the Open Mobility Foundation (OMF). Led by local governments, including Boston, this foundation helps cities collaborate with the private sector to develop open source tools and data standards that support adoption and regulation of emerging mobility technology, and work together towards a safe, equitable, and sustainable transportation system.

He previously served as the City of Boston’s Chief Information Officer from 2014 to 2018, and led the City’s Department of Innovation and Technology. He managed a team responsible for the City’s efforts to build exceptional, user-centered digital services, harness data to improve transportation and quality of life, deliver secure, reliable technology for every city department, and improve access to the Internet and technical skills training for city residents. 

Franklin-Hodge is an active board member of the LivableStreets Alliance, an advocacy organization dedicated to improving Boston’s transportation system, unlocking access and opportunity for the region’s residents, and creating streets that are vibrant, safe, people-centered public spaces. 

He has been a Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School, focused on mobility, technology, and public policy, and a consultant to the private sector on new mobility and smart cities.

Previously, Franklin-Hodge co-founded Blue State Digital (BSD) where he oversaw the development and operation of the BSD Tools, a fundraising, email, and constituent relationship platform that raised over $1B and powered the digital presence of President Barack Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns. 

Franklin-Hodge studied computer science at MIT. He lives with his husband and two young kids in Jamaica Plain, and mostly travels by bike and public transit. 

波士頓華埠退伍軍人會收集兒童玩具 下週末繼續

左起,黃國麟、陳志航,鄧健民,波士頓市議員Ed Flynn,馮武成,余國華等人在華埠牌樓前收集兒童玩具。(黃周麗桃提供)

              (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)波士頓華埠退伍軍人會在波士頓華埠牌樓前收集兒童玩具,希望在聖誕、新年期間,為貧困兒童帶來歡樂的活動,繼1245兩日之後,將於1112兩日的早上10點半至下午2點半繼續。


              波士頓華埠退伍軍人會舉辦這一慈善活動已有多年。4日那天啟動時,波士頓市議員愛德華費林 (Ed Flynn) 也特地到場打氣,嘉許華埠退伍軍人會的義行。



              5日那天,華埠退伍軍人會成員在收集兒童玩具活動結束後,轉往菲利普廣場,迎接波士頓市長吳弭開進華埠的聖誕假日列車。該會前會長司徒文信利用機會,請吳弭市長支持該會籌建華裔退伍軍人紀念碑的活動。司徒文信表示,建造這一紀念碑,可促使更多人重視華裔對美國的建立、穩定、繁榮也有巨大貢獻,就像不遠處的南端(South End)已在吳弭市長協助下,建有波多黎各退伍軍人紀念廣場一樣,希望華裔退伍軍人也能有個美麗的紀念地點,藉以懷想先人,也彰顯華裔對美國的貢獻。




             (Boston Orange ) 波士頓猶太人外展組織Chabad於12月5日傍晚,在波士頓柯普利廣場舉行點亮燭台儀式,邀得麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)親自點燃巨型燭台。
             麻州眾議員Jay Levison,代表波士頓市長吳弭(Michelle Wu)的波士頓市議員Kenzie Bok也都出席儀式,並登上升降機,點亮燭台。
             波士頓Chabad指出,燭台是世界各地偉大的國際自由象徵之一。 它慶祝人類自由的偉大節日之一——燈節。
            在 Copley 廣場的波士頓 Chabad 是該機構一年一度的燭台照明活動,也是全球燭檯燈慶祝活動的一部分。


