
星期三, 10月 27, 2021

葉超入列羅德島傳統名人堂 800餘入選者中首名華裔


     羅德島傳統名人堂會長Patrick T. Conley (左一)和引介人畢靈頓(Bob Billington,右)把入選勳章,獎座頒發給葉超(右二)。(周菊子攝)


James Diossa提供)
         (Boston Orange 周菊子羅德島州報導) 羅德島州華人葉超,1017日「名留青史」,成為羅德島州傳統名人堂成立55年來,第一位獲邀入列的華裔名人。


              來自香港漁村大澳的葉超,17日晚在羅德島州為華人發光發亮,由他的好友暨2016年羅德島州名人堂入選者畢靈頓( Bob Billington) 引介,成為羅德島州傳統名人堂成立迄今,獲選入堂,對羅德島州有巨大貢獻的800餘名人之一,更是其中的首2名華裔。

              當晚有10人獲邀加入名人堂,其中原籍菲律賓的William Oh醫師,應也是華人後裔。

              畢靈頓(Bob Billington)在引介致詞中指出,葉超對羅德島州最值得矚目的貢獻之一是做為地產發展商,把羅德島州普塔基市(Pawtucket)及中央瀑布市(Central Fall)內多個廢置多年的磨坊工廠大樓,翻修重建成公寓、商場,不但繁榮了羅德島州經濟,更改善了兩市市容。

(左起),現任羅州眾議員Barbara Ann Fenton 兩夫婦,
              根據羅德島州傳統名人堂的獲選名人簡介,葉超從加拿大溫哥華哥倫比亞學院取得學位後,兩袖清風的來到羅德島州,靠打工維生,慢慢累積財富。1976年他在中央瀑布市Dexter街開了「中國客棧 (China Inn)」餐廳,1985年搬到主街。生活穩定後,他就開始積極服務社區。



(右起),現任羅州眾議員Barbara Ann
Fenton Fung
葉超還成立了路加慈善基金會,在當地及國際間致力推廣人道主義及教育,資助慈善項目。5年前他還擴大該基金會的教育獎學金項目,經由威廉黑石(William Blackstone獎學金基金,發4000元獎學金給每一所黑石谷高中。

2020年,他識於微時,如今貴為羅德島州州長的Daniel McKee善用他的長處,聘任他和他的一生好友兼生意夥伴吳子平為羅德島州首任國際經濟大使。


葉超還進而指出,美國現在處於國內意見分歧,國際病毒侵襲的具挑戰性時刻,他相信大家可以藉由服務,彼此扶持,包容不同意見來度過難關,就如美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)在就職典禮時的演說,美國故事不是取決於任何一個人,或一些人,而是我們所有人。他希望大家能心手相連,一起努力為下一代,以及那些幸運的,以羅德島為家的人,把羅德島州變成更好的地方。

因為葉超的關係,當晚出席者政要雲集,不但羅德島州州長Daniel McKee夫婦親自出席,曾參選羅德島州州長的前任克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑,現任羅州眾議員Barbara Ann Fenton 兩夫婦,以及許多羅德島州的參眾議員也都應邀到場。駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長孫儉元、倪雪娥夫婦,波士頓僑教中心主任潘昭榮,中華民俗藝術工作坊團長張昆、黃美晴夫婦等都應邀從波士頓趕往出席祝賀。



WH OPE & WHIAANHPI AA and NHPI Stakeholder Briefing

Wednesday, October 27: 4 PM ET

WH OPE & WHIAANHPI AA and NHPI Stakeholder Briefing

Join us on Wednesday, October 27th at 4 PM ET for our WH OPE & WHIAANHPI AA and NHPI Stakeholder Briefing. This briefing will feature updates from the WH PPO, HHS, and Department of Education, in addition to updated Child Tax Credit information.

  • Register Here:



Thursday, October 28: 4 PM ET

WH OPE & WHIAANHPI Filipino American History Month Virtual Event

To close out the month, on Thursday, October 28th at 4 PM ET, the White House Office of Public Engagement and the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders will host a Filipino American History Month event. The virtual event will be open to the public and will feature a panel with Air Force Undersecretary Gina Ortiz Jones and Erika Moritsugu, a panel with Filipino American Biden-Harris appointees, a panel with representatives from community organizations, and other speakers. This programming will also be recorded and uploaded to WHIAANHPI YouTube for future viewing.

  • Register Here:



Thank you!



Krystal Ka‘ai (she/her)

Executive Director

White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders



“Too often politicians come along with empty promises and then leave our communities behind. Not me.”

BOSTON, MA — Annissa for Boston today released a new ad, “I DON’T PLAY POLITICS”, with a media buy that includes broadcast, cable, streaming services, and digital platforms. 

The :30 second spot, “I DON’T PLAY POLITICS,” highlights Essaibi George’s commitment to deliver real results for every community in Boston. The ad centers both her bold vision and the bold actions she’ll take as Mayor to fix our affordable housing crisis, fight for those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and tackle the inequities that exist in Boston Public Schools. 




Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC Applauds Nomination of Jessica Rosenworcel for Chair and Gigi Sohn for Commissioner to the Federal Communications Commission

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC Applauds Nomination of Jessica Rosenworcel for Chair and Gigi Sohn for Commissioner to the Federal Communications Commission

Washington, D.C.—On Tuesday, President Biden nominated Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to be permanent Chair of the Federal Communications Commission. Rosenworcel would become the first woman to lead the FCC. President Biden also nominated Gigi Sohn to be a Commissioner of the FCC, which would make Sohn the first openly LGBTQ individual in the position. 

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC issues the following statement:

“We applaud and wholeheartedly support Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn on their nominations, which will add more diversity and representation to the Commission.

Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel has been committed to leading the FCC in the interest of underserved communities throughout her tenure as a Commissioner and as Acting Chairwoman since 2012. She has worked closely with Asian American and other community leaders and advocates to bridge the digital divide that affects our most vulnerable populations. Under Rosenworcel’s leadership, the FCC has expanded broadband access and equipment for students, patients, and low-income families; provided resources and toolkits in many Asian languages; supported expanding coverage mappings and data policies to better understand the needs of underserved communities; and promoted progressive policies to increase diversity in television and other media.

Gigi Sohn is a Distinguished Fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy, a Benton Senior Fellow & Public Advocate, and cofounder of Public Knowledge. In her role as counselor to then-FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, she advocated for stronger consumer protections and rights, fair and affordable access to broadband and telecommunications services, and competitive innovation.

We call on the Senate to confirm Jessica Rosenworcel and Gigi Sohn swiftly. The confirmations of Rosenworcel and Sohn will build a FCC that is better equipped to effectively protect consumers and implement more equitable policies for all of our communities.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice - AAJC leads the Asian American Tech Table with OCA National Center. On August 23, 2021, we endorsed Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel for the permanent Chair position, and submitted a letter to President Biden, urging for her nomination.”


Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC has a mission to advance the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all. Advancing Justice | AAJC maintains robust government engagement at all levels on issues of telecommunications, technology, and media. Advancing Justice | AAJC’s work focuses on ensuring that the principles of opportunity, fairness, and equity are protected online. 

SEIU Local 509 Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor

 SEIU Local 509 Endorses Michelle Wu for Mayor

Boston, MA— SEIU Local 509 endorsed Michelle Wu for Mayor today, an important endorsement from a union representing thousands of workers in human services and education across the city and state. Citing her proven track record of advocacy for racial, economic and social justice, SEIU Local 509 said that Wu is the best candidate to lead Boston and champion issues of importance to members and their families.

"SEIU Local 509 is proud to endorse Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston. Our union is stronger when we fight for the issues that impact our communities at the worksite and beyond it, from the right to affordable housing to the right to a healthy environment. With a history of advocating for economic, racial, and social justice, Michelle is a leader who shares our values and vision for justice. We look forward to working with her to achieve that vision in the city of Boston," said Peter MacKinnon, MSW, LCSW  President - SEIU Local 509

"I am excited to support Michelle Wu for Mayor of Boston. As a social worker, I have seen firsthand what happens when communities don't have the resources needed to thrive. Michelle is committed to fighting for the urgent issues we are facing - racial justice, workers' rights, and climate justice among them. I know Boston can count on her to continue to be an advocate for the issues that matter," said Cokiena Fuller, DCF Social Worker, SEIU 509 Vice President

From providing social services to our elders to serving in educational settings throughout the city, SEIU Local 509 has led the way for working families in Boston. I am honored to be endorsed by SEIU Local 509 and look forward to continuing to partner with them to fight for fair wages, safe conditions and a Boston for everyone,” said Michelle Wu.

SEIU Local 509 represents nearly 20,000 human service workers and educators throughout Massachusetts. Their members work in Boston’s care centers, clinics, homes, schools, and universities. Local 509 members are united in our mission to raise living standards for working families while improving the quality and affordability of the services we provide.

SEIU Local 509’s endorsements add to an enthusiastic multigenerational, multicultural coalition of grassroots supporters, including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Mayor Kim Janey, Sheriff Steve Tompkins, Suffolk County Register of Probate Felix Arroyo Sr., Boston City Councilors Ricardo Arroyo, Liz Breadon and Lydia Edwards; State Senators Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, Sonia Chang Diaz and Julian Cyr; State Representatives Assistant Majority Leader Mike Moran, Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz, Jay Livingstone, Adrian Madaro, Vanna Howard, Natalie Higgins, Liz Miranda, Tram Nguyen, Maria Robinson, Andy Vargas, and Tommy Vitolo; former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; former State Transportation Secretaries Fred Salvucci and Jim Aloisi; former MBTA FMCB Chairman Joseph Aiello; former Boston City Councilor Tito Jackson; former State Representative Charlotte Golar Richie; labor unions 1199 SEIU, 32BJ SEIU, North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of UNITE HERE!, UAW Region 9A, Laborers Local 22, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; climate organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Boston’s Ward 1, Ward 4 and Ward 5 Democratic Committees; The Boston Guardian; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit michelleforboston.com/endorsements.

Sonia Chang-Díaz earns statewide endorsement from 15,000-member Neighbor to Neighbor MA

Sonia Chang-Díaz earns statewide endorsement from 15,000-member Neighbor to Neighbor MA

Neighbor to Neighbor is the first Massachusetts statewide organization to back a candidate for Governor in the 2022 race

BOSTON, MA - Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts, a grassroots organization of over 15,000 members, has announced its endorsement of State Senator Sonia Chang-Díaz (D-Boston) in her bid for Governor. With local chapters in communities from Boston to Springfield, Neighbor to Neighbor is the first statewide organization to back a candidate in the 2022 Governor’s race.

"Neighbor to Neighbor is one of our state’s strongest community organizations leading the fight for real change," said Chang-Díaz. "Their members know what it takes to organize and win for working people — and they’ve shown it time and again from generational education funding and criminal justice reform to electing progressive candidates across our state. I’m so proud to have their support and partnership as we build this multiracial, multigenerational movement."

"Our members see themselves in Sonia, in her fight, in her story, in her vision," said Eliud Alcala, Chair of the Neighbor to Neighbor Action Fund. "She earned our trust by being with us in the trenches. We knew we could always count on her, not just to fight for us, but to listen and work together. We are very excited, and inspired by her candidacy for Governor and what her leadership could do for working families across the state."

Neighbor to Neighbor’s backing is the latest in a string of Massachusetts endorsements Chang-Díaz has racked up since announcing her campaign. Last week, Chang-Díaz’s campaign announced it had earned 25 endorsements from progressive state legislators, city councilors, and school committee members across the state.

"I am excited that Neighbor to Neighbor MA has endorsed Sen. Chang-Díaz for governor of Massachusetts," said Andrea Nyameke, Associate Director of Neighbor to Neighbor. "I have worked alongside Sen. Chang-Díaz over the years and have seen how she has centered the voices of folks in her district, as well as Neighbor to Neighbor members, and is always ready to lead on important issues impacting communities all over the Commonwealth."

"I'm really excited that Neighbor to Neighbor has endorsed a candidate that has experience as an educator, an activist, and as a seasoned State Senator," said Jeannette Rivera, Neighbor to Neighbor member. "Not only is Sen. Chang Diaz qualified to be our next Governor, she has consistently fought alongside us on important policy changes and upholds values that Neighbor to Neighbor is built upon. Values like; Imagination, Integrity, Abundance, Solidarity, Love and Gratitude. I believe Massachusetts deserves a Governor that embodies these qualities and has such valuable experience."

Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts is a progressive organization of working class, multi-racial, and multi-ethnic people working together to build political and economic power to improve the quality of lives in local communities. The organization has been instrumental to electing progressive leaders at the local, state, and federal level in recent years.




Partnership will expand workforce development for young adults and returning citizens in fields that address environmental challenges


BOSTON - Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today announced a partnership to provide career development opportunities for young people who are unemployed or underemployed, in green jobs and careers that help prepare for the impacts of climate change. This partnership will be led by the City’s Environment Department and Office of Workforce Development, in collaboration with the Office of Public Safety, Department of Youth Engagement and Employment, and Boston Centers for Youth & Families. The initiative will be championed by the Green Jobs Community Advisory Board, a group of public and private leaders in business, education, and workforce development, committed to expanding green career opportunities for Boston youth and residents. 

“I have spent the majority of my career advocating for equity and opportunity for Boston’s youth,” said Mayor Janey. “The green jobs program serves the dual purpose of creating job opportunities for our young people while protecting our city and enhancing quality of life for all residents. I am proud of the creation of this pilot and I look forward to seeing how all of its members grow and succeed in the green economy.” 

The priority of this pilot program is to support Boston communities that have been hit particularly hard by the socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by creating an equitable recovery and growing job opportunities that fight climate change. The City of Boston’s green jobs program is inspired by the Philadelphia PowerCorpsPHL model that builds opportunities for young people by tackling pressing environmental challenges and developing the skills required to secure meaningful work. The program was designed with “earn and learn” practices to ensure that members enter and succeed in career pathways. Members go through specifically tailored phases, in a field of their choosing, that embed service and equity, as well as direct connections to job openings. The program will also offer connections to continuing education opportunities, including through the City’s Tuition Free Community College program.

“Climate change poses significant threats to Boston residents like sea level rise, extreme heat and air pollution. Yet, it presents us with an opportunity to create meaningful work to combat these issues for many of our most vulnerable residents,” said Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, Chief of Environment, Energy and Open Space. “Our new green jobs partnership will empower disconnected young adults and returning citizens through developing critical skills that will make our city more resilient.”  

“Investing in green jobs for our residents is a triple win for Boston,” said Trinh Nguyen, Director of the Office of Workforce Development. “It means we are supporting skills training and careers for residents, having the City as a critical employer partner, and helping us reach our environmental goals.” 

Over the coming months, the City of Boston will identify and hire an Executive Director charged with implementing an ambitious training program to move residents into green jobs after program completion. With support from the Executive Director, the City of Boston will determine training pathways with the most pressing needs and significant potential to protect the environment. The City of Boston will identify and welcome community partners and non-profits who would like to engage in this work. 

“Boston is definitely putting its best foot forward with this initiative,” said Kevin McCaskill of Boston Public Schools and the Green Jobs Community Advisory Board. “Providing access to green career opportunities for our underrepresented youth will be a community benefit.”

This initiative builds on the Janey Administration’s commitment to protecting the environment and growing opportunities in the green economy. The Fiscal Year 2022 operating budget for the Cabinet of Environment, Energy and Open Space included $1 million for green jobs. An additional $3 million with funding from the American Rescue Plan was authorized by the City Council in July 2021 to grow the program. The City’s Environment Department convened a group of stakeholders to create a Community Advisory Board that focused on developing an investment plan driven by community needs and values. This summer, the City of Boston launched a request for information on the future of green jobs and shared a request for proposals for catalyst grants for green and mobility job training.