
星期四, 9月 09, 2021

北美洲舜裔篤親總公所副總理陳文浩辭世 享年68歲

             (Boston Orange) 北美洲舜裔篤親總公所副總理暨波士頓華裔退伍軍人會會長陳文浩,近年與癌症抗爭,97日在妻兒環伺中,安詳辭世,享年68歲。

              陳文浩於1952年出生,1966年從香港移民波士頓,在南端(South End)長大,青少年時學習武術。19731976年間,參與越戰,在海軍服役。退伍後進入Wentworth科技學院進修,並於畢業後在1979年加入Teradyne,擔任電機工程師,2018年退休,任職約40年間,曾多次奉派到韓國等其他國家支援公司海外業務。



陳文浩身後遺有結縭42年賢妻,與他一同在社區服務多年,現任紐英崙余風采堂主席的陳余寶愛,兒子Adam Chan,女兒Jennifer Chan,以及他們的家人。

              陳文浩的追思會將於912(週日)下午3點至7點,在永福殯儀館舉行,訂913日早上9點半至11點,在佛士曉墳場(Forest Hill Cemetery)安葬。

              陳家婉謝鮮花、奠儀,敦請有意紀念陳文浩者捐款支持華埠退伍軍人會,:  American Legion Chinatown Post 328 (in Memory of Man Ho Chan), 90 Tyler Street, Boston, MA 02111


It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of our Post Commander, Man Ho Chan. Man Ho was a member of the Vietnam War era. 

He was born in Hong Kong and grew up in the South End of Boston, Massachusetts and went to Boston English High School. He joined the US Navy in January of 1973 to December of 1975 and served as the Ship Serviceman Barber (SHB3) on board the U.S.S. Mount Vernon (LSD-39). In April 1975, during the Fall of Saigon, the USS Mount Vernon was one of the many ships that participated in Operation Frequent Wind, evacuating American civilians and refugees in Vietnam.

After the service, Man Ho came back to Boston and continued his education and graduated from the Wentworth Institute of Technology in 1979 and worked at Teradyne, Inc., for 39 years as an Electrical Engineer. 

He joined the American Legion in 2012 and was elected to Sgt-at-Arms (2013-2015), Jr. Vice Commander (2015-2017), Sr. Vice Commander (2017-2019), and then elected Post Commander in 2019 to the present. Man Ho participated and led many activities throughout the years, including our annual toy drives, Memorial Day flag planting, and our many parades. Him and his wife, Paula were very active in the Chinatown community, having been involved with several Chinatown organizations, including the Gee How Oak Tin Association of New England and the Shun Yi Association, among a few.

We are grateful for our Commander's service and for the many years he has dedicated to the Legion and to the Chinatown community. 

Fair winds and following seas, Commander. We salute you.



AG’s Clean Air Initiative Includes Information for Schools, Online Illegal Idling Reporting Form


BOSTON  Attorney General Maura Healey has reached a settlement with a New Bedford-based school bus company over allegations that its drivers excessively idled their buses at several New Bedford schools. As part of AG Healey’s Clean Air Initiative, the office also launched a new public information campaign about potential health hazards associated with illegal idling of motor vehicles, particularly diesel-powered school buses. Today’s announcement includes a new online tip form for residents to report incidents and a letter to public school officials with information about the state’s anti-idling laws and regulations.


“With the new school year starting, we want to make sure the public is aware of the serious dangers posed by emissions from diesel-powered vehicles and give our residents and our schools the tools they need to prevent and report illegal idling,” AG Healey said. “Our office, through the work of our Clean Air Initiative, is dedicated to protecting environmental justice communities in Massachusetts from air pollution hazards and will take action against companies that violate our laws. Protecting the health and safety of our residents, especially young children, remains a top priority.”

The AG’s Clean Air Initiative is focused on tackling air pollution that disproportionately impacts environmental justice communities in Massachusetts that are already overburdened with environmental harm. Diesel exhaust can be carcinogenic to humans when inhaled from environmental exposures, and diesel engines are a source of fine particulate matter emissions, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and many other toxic compounds, as well as 40 other contaminants that are listed as hazardous air pollutants under the Clean Air Act. Inhaling diesel exhaust can cause cancer, aggravated asthma, lung damage, and other serious health problems and is especially harmful to children, whose lungs are not yet fully developed. The significant risks from idling vehicles are particularly prevalent in low-income and immigrant communities and communities of color in Massachusetts. According to AG Healey’s May 2020 brief on the environmental factors that compound COVID-19’s disparate impact on communities of color, long-term exposure to particulate matter has been linked to an increase in COVID-19 deaths.


Settlement with Tremblay’s Bus Company

The proposed consent decree, filed with the United District Court for the District of Massachusetts and pending court approval, settles allegations that Tremblay’s Bus Co., LLC (Tremblay) violated the Federal Clean Air Act, the Massachusetts Clean Air Act, the Massachusetts Air Regulations, and the School Grounds Idling Regulations when its bus drivers routinely allowed diesel-powered buses to idle unnecessarily for prolonged periods of time – often for more than 20 minutes – on school grounds in densely populated, environmental justice communities. According to the AG’s complaint, the company failed to take necessary precautions to prevent the illegal idling on school grounds, including proper training of its drivers, allowing the buses to emit air pollution that posed a health risk to children on the school grounds.


Tremblay has provided bus transportation in Southeast Massachusetts for more than 40 years and owns and operates more than 250 buses that transport children to and from schools. According to the AG’s complaint, Tremblay operates diesel-powered school buses and other vehicles to transport children to schools – many of which are located in environmental justice communities.


Under the terms of the settlement, pending court approval, Tremblay will pay a penalty of up to $120,000, including $100,000 that will be split equally between the Friends of Buttonwood Park and the Greater New Bedford Community Health Center. The Friends of Buttonwood Park will use the funds for tree planting in the Park and trail building by local community youth groups. The Greater New Bedford Community Health Center will put the funds toward pediatric asthma prevention, including through in-home programs for the hundreds of families with severely asthmatic children in New Bedford. Tremblay will also pay $45,000 to the AG’s Office for the cost of the investigation and fees.


Under the proposed consent decree, Tremblay also will be required to comply with state and federal clean air laws and regulations by avoiding unnecessary and excessive idling of school buses, to train its staff on anti-idling regulations, to install idling-monitoring devices on buses, to post “no excessive idling” signs at all Tremblay locations and on the dashboards of all company school buses, and to perform regular inspections of its facility.


This matter is being handled by Assistant Attorney General Brian Clappier and Deputy Division Chief Turner Smith of the AG’s Environmental Protection Division, with assistance from Jennifer Outman and John Flemmi of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.


Online Illegal Idling Form and Letter to School Officials


To help the public report incidents of potential illegal idling, the AG’s Office has created an online form to alert the office of idling that may warrant further investigation. Parents, school officials, and other residents who observe vehicles idling unnecessarily can anonymously report their observations to help the office identify violators of the Commonwealth’s important anti-idling laws and regulations. 


The AG’s Office also sent a letter to school superintendents across the state to inform them about the public health risks and laws limiting school bus idling. The letter notes that diesel exhaust contributes to air pollution that can cause serious respiratory and other illnesses. Diesel exhaust can be especially harmful to children, whose lungs are not yet fully developed.  Massachusetts laws prohibit school bus drivers from idling buses for longer than five minutes and within 100 feet of school grounds, with the exception of very cold or hot weather and where the layout of school grounds necessitates sequential, active loading.

The AG’s Office suggests the following steps for schools to help reduce illegal idling:


  • Contact transportation providers and ask them to provide a copy of their anti-idling policies and monitor their compliance with those policies. If they do not have an anti-idling policy, insist that they establish one.
  • Limit students’ outdoor waiting time during drop off and pickup.
  • Provide information to teachers who often assist with school bus drop off and pickup.
  • Provide information to parents about the anti-idling laws and regulations in school newsletters.
  • Ask all bus companies to install dashboard stickers on their fleet of buses and street signage near idling hot-spots. Examples of anti-idling signs are available through the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.  

As part of the Clean Air Initiative, AG Healey in April launched an air quality monitoring project in Springfield in collaboration with the City of Springfield, Yale University, the Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts, Bay State Health, ReGreen Springfield, and other community organizations and members. The project includes 80 air quality sensors installed across Springfield – an environmental justice community with one of the highest rates of asthma in the country – and the levels of pollution found by the sensors will be available in real-time on a website in the coming months. The air quality data will allow residents to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves from exposure. 


The AG’s Clean Air Initiative is an effort of the Office’s Environmental Protection Division, led by Division Chief Betsy Harper and Deputy Division Chief Turner Smith, to tackle air pollution across the Commonwealth, particularly in environmental justice communities.

星期三, 9月 08, 2021

「波士頓環球報( Boston Globe)」刊外交部長吳釗燮聯合國案專文

「波士頓環球報( Boston Globe)刊外交部長吳釗燮聯合國案專文


76屆聯合國大會將於本(110)914日在紐約聯合國總部開議,為使國際社會確實瞭解將台灣納入聯合國體系的必要性,外交部吳部長釗燮特以「想像納入台灣更具韌性的聯合國體系」為題發表專文,並獲新英格蘭地區第一大報「波士頓環球報」(The Boston Globe)98日在紙本及網站刊登 (聯結為http://sponsored.bostonglobe.com/taipei-economic-and-cultural-office-in-boston-teco-boston/more-resilient-un-with-taiwan/ )













Gloucester Biotechnology Academy ribbon cutting 9/8

Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito joined Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy, Education Secretary James Peyser and local officials for a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute’s (GMGI) new Gloucester Biotechnology Academy, which was supported by a Workforce Skills Capital Grant awarded by the Administration last year.

星期二, 9月 07, 2021

陳樂宗晨興基金捐一億7500萬元 麻大醫學大學將改名冠陳姓


             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 麻州大學今(7)日宣佈,獲晨興基金捐款17500萬元,麻州大學醫學大學將改名為麻大陳氏醫學大學(UMass Chan Medical School),其麾下3研究所也將改名,依序改為陳曾熙醫學院,陳譚慶芬護理研究所,以及晨興生物醫藥科學研究院。

             麻州大學上星期才宣佈,該校羅爾分校校友Robert Donna Manning5000萬元,無限制用途捐款是共有5所分校的該學校系統有史以來的最大筆捐款,今日又宣佈了刻正慶祝建校50週年的麻州大學醫學大學,獲得15000萬元捐款,讓研究工作曾贏得諾貝爾獎的該校所獲捐贈款總額達到4億美元。

陳樂宗致詞,旁為麻州大學總校校長Martin Meehan,麻州州長查理貝克
(Charlie Baker)。(周菊子攝)
             麻州大學總校校長Martin T. Meehan ,麻州大學醫學大學校長Michael Collins,和晨興基金創辦人陳樂宗 (Gerald Chan) ,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),以及麻大校董會主席Robert Manning今早在位於州政府大樓旁的麻大俱樂部宣佈了這一大消息。

             今日下午4點,麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)將到麻州大學醫學大學所在的屋斯特(Worcester),和Michael Collins,以及陳樂宗,將再做另一宣佈。

右起,Charlie Baker, Martin Meehan,陳樂宗,Michael Collins,
以及Robert Manning (左一)。(周菊子攝)




                陳樂宗以1862年國會議員Morrill發起通過的「土地補助學院法(Land-Grant College Act)」,在每一州都撥出公家土地建農業,機械學院為例,指出是這樣的做法,才讓一般打工家庭的子女有機會和富裕人家小孩一樣,接受大學教育。





Company Made High Volume Collection Calls, Attempted to Collect on Time-Barred Debts, and Created False and Misleading Affidavits to Use Against Consumers

            BOSTON – A national debt collection company has agreed to pay $2.25 million and change its business practices to resolve allegations that it used unfair and deceptive debt collection practices against consumers, including student borrowers, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

            The assurance of discontinuance, filed today in Suffolk County Superior Court with Transworld Systems, Inc., resolves allegations that the company violated the AG’s Debt Collection Regulations by making high volume calls to consumers, regularly attempting to collect on time-barred debts, and using false and misleading affidavits in an effort to collect private student loan debt on behalf of the National Collegiate Student Loan Trusts (NCT).

            “This company routinely violated state laws and regulations by harassing and misleading vulnerable, low-income consumers and student borrowers,” said AG Healey. “One of my office’s top priorities is to protect the economic security of Massachusetts residents, and we will take action against companies that engage in illegal debt collection practices.”

Transworld is one of the nation’s largest debt collectors and serves as the primary debt collector for private student loan debt held by NCT. The AG’s investigation found that Transworld excessively contacted consumers both at their homes and places of employment, in violation of the AG’s Debt Collection Regulations which prohibit more than two calls to a consumer’s home in a seven-day period. Debt collectors also cannot call a consumer at work or other non-residential number more than two times a month.

            Transworld frequently attempted to collect debts from consumers that were so old that the debt was “time-barred,” meaning that these debts were no longer legally enforceable through a lawsuit. Massachusetts debt collection regulations prohibit the collection of a time-barred debt unless the consumer is provided notice that debt is time-barred and that a consumer cannot be required to pay the debt through a lawsuit, which Transworld failed to do. 

Transworld created false and misleading affidavits to use as evidence against consumers in debt collection lawsuits related to NCT student loan debts. Transworld’s employees who signed the affidavits did not have personal knowledge of the facts in the affidavit or sufficient evidence that NCT owned the loans, despite attesting to that as fact. 

            In addition to the $2.25 million payment, Transworld has agreed to significant changes in its business practices, including preventing excessive calls, call attempts, or voicemails to consumers and requiring all law firms collecting on its behalf to take the same preventative measures. The company will also stop collecting on time-barred debt without providing the appropriate disclosures to consumers and will ensure that it does not produce false or misleading affidavits.

            The AG’s Office is dedicated to stopping illegal debt collection practices and encourages anyone with questions or concerns about debt collection practices to learn more about fair debt collection, call the AG’s consumer hotline at 617-727-8400, or file a complaint online

This matter was handled by Assistant Attorneys General Yael Shavit and Peter Downing, both of the AG’s Consumer Protection Division. 

波士頓提早投票9月10日截止 候選人們趕場忙

薩福克郡治安官Steven Tompkins(右起)為波士頓市長候選人吳弭(Michelle Wu)助選,2名
波士頓市不分區市議員參選人James (Reggie) Colimon和Will Dickson一起向選民拜票。
               (Boston Orange綜合報導) 波士頓市從94日起至910日辦理提早投票,接受親自出席或郵寄投票,只是遇上勞工節長週末,親自到投票站投票的人並不多。




            94日那天早上,因為吳弭(Michelle Wu)競選團隊安排舉牌助選活動,包括雷國輝,李超榮等社區人士,甚至萊克星頓鎮的單車隊都趕到現場,加入陣容,以壯聲勢。

              原本在華倫街(Warren) ABCD Thelma D. Burns 大樓投票站,和薩福克郡治安官Steven Tompkins會晤,一起在那兒街邊催票的吳弭,也特地趕回華埠,和這些支持者合影。

華埠提早投票站負責人Patricia Acourtney(右一)和陳寶萍(中)等人在投票站服務。(周菊子攝)
              95日這天,吳弭競選團隊在南波士頓D街的James F. Condon小學投票站前助選。舉牌志工中,一人是住在水前區的企業律師,一人是州政府精神健康部門社工,她們都說支持吳弭是因為她對環保議題,精神疾病的關注,以及她的相關政策撰寫之完善。

              這天連吳弭夫家親人都出動助選,遠從紐約來舉牌。住在南波士頓的華裔居民,吳泠怡和李敬嵐夫婦,則是開車經過James F. Condon小學,看到吳弭,興奮不已,趕忙下車打招呼,表示願意當義工助選。 


波士頓勞工節慶祝會變身討伐遊行 政要齊責萬豪酒店

波士頓代市長暨波士頓市長候選人金珍妮(Kim Janey)。(周菊子攝)

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導) 波士頓市今(6)日慶祝勞工節的最高潮,是 5名主要的波士頓市長候選人,2名聯邦參議員,1名聯邦眾議員等人,全都站上街頭,和「大波士頓勞工會(Greater Boston Labor Council)」一起,眾口一聲的譴責萬豪(Marriott)酒店。

                          在萬豪酒店的對面街上,一、二百名工會會員,十幾種競選標牌爭相湧動。「當我們抗爭,我們就贏(When we fight, we win)」,「如果我們得不到,就關閉它(If we don’t get it, shut it down)」的喊聲,在圍成好幾圈的人群中,更是震天的響。

波士頓市長候選人巴洛斯(John Barros)。(周菊子攝)

                     第一個發言的波士頓市代市長金珍妮(Kim Janey)向工會員工們說,她和大家團結在一起。她從第一天上任波士頓市第55任市長,就和酒店員工會晤,聽取他們所面對的困難。她譴責的說,「萬豪酒店無恥 (Shame on Marriott)」,大家要一起杯葛萬豪。她指出,酒店等娛樂業是波士頓市第三大行業,從業人員多半是移民,有色人種及婦女,她的政府誓與人民同在。

波士頓市長候選人吳弭(Michelle Wu)。。(周菊子攝)
                 約翰巴洛斯(John Barros)第二個發言。他稱許大波士頓勞工會以遊行示威來誌記勞工節,強調他和酒店員工站在一起,呼籲萬豪酒店做對的事(do the right thing),稱工會很重要,能助人脫貧成為中產階級,他父親就是很好的例子。他還指出,在馬丁華殊執政期間,他擔任經濟發展長,為波士頓市創造了14萬多個薪水很好的工作機會,一旦當選市長,他將和工會團結合作,繼續這樣為波士頓打拼。

吳弭(Michelle Wu)強調勞工節很重要,設定這天,就為感謝各行各業對社會的貢獻。她參選市長也是為了讓每個人都能享有應得的權益。她指萬豪酒店其實劣跡昭彰,這已經不是第一次,人們站在同一地點要求萬豪酒店做對的事了,從建築工地聘外地合約工,給不公平薪資,還沒福利,到現在又拒絕做對的事,實在讓人無語。她的競選陣營在萬豪酒店改正之前,絕不會在那兒花一分錢。吳弭還說,另一件該注意的事是,例如「優步(Uber)、來福( Lyft)Instacart等許多大科技公司正在進駐波士頓,甚至想要決定本地的勞工法,但「我可不這麼想」。

波士頓市長候選人Andrea Campbell。(周菊子攝)

Andrea Campbell說勞工節是要向那些為經濟發展貢獻心力的勞工致敬。她強調波士頓市是個有可能(possibility),有機會(opportunity)的城市,卻也是個可以讓人失敗的城市。她和她那29歲時就死在牢中的攣生兄弟,就是波士頓有如兩極雙城的最好例子。她做為一個在多徹斯特長大的窮女孩,得到了她弟弟所沒有的一切最好機會,包括好學校,好工作,好的良師益友。所以她要讓所有人跟她一樣,得到最好的,所需的一切。她還強調,慶祝勞工節之外,還要慶祝移民。如果有錢,她會要讓所有工人放一個星期的有薪假,好讓人們感受到,如果沒有移民,波士頓這個城市會跪倒在地。

波士頓市長候選人Annissa Essibi George 。(周菊子攝)
                        Annissa Essibi George說,勞工節是為了要感謝那些做了那麼多犧牲的人。她同時也想提醒大家,在屋斯特(Worcester)的聖文森(Vincent)醫院,護士們的爭戰還在進行中,也需要人們支持。她誓言為大家的更好明天奮鬥。這天讓她想到自己當年在波士頓大學當警衛的父親也是移民暨工會成員,盡其所能的養家糊口。她參選市長,就想要讓大家都能健康、平安,快樂的過日子。

                     勞工節這天,原本就一向都是政要齊聚的日子。今日大波士頓勞工會主辦的這場遊行、示威,還有2名聯邦參議員,伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)和馬基(Ed Markey)1名聯邦眾議員,Ayanna Presley出席發言。

聯邦眾議員Ayanna Presley。(周菊子攝)

                 Ayanna Presley表示很高興參加這正義行動,透露自己一度必須打三份工才能維持生活,其中一份工作就是在萬豪酒店當侍應生。她指出,2018年時聯邦儲備銀行的一份報告顯示,有40%的美國家庭,一旦遭遇意外,會連400元都付不出來的陷入負債狀態。她重提這事是因為她要讓大家知道,還有許多人面對著不公平、不正義,勞工運動勢將持續。

                  馬基感謝介紹他出場的波士頓教師工會會長唐佳宇(Jessica Tang),說老師和學生的安全都很重要。麻州不只是勇敢的城市,更是有頭腦的城市。他父親是工會領導,曾說,「你不能付錢買權利,你得爭取你的權利」,而「在這兒團結本地第26分會(Unite Here Local 26)」正是這樣在做。他說,萬豪酒店為人們提供著最好的服務,卻給自己的員工最不好的保護,這樣的行為必須中止,這就是大家今天在這兒的原因。

聯邦參議員Ed Markey。(周菊子攝)

                   伊莉莎白沃倫說,儘管大家都在稱讚前線工作人員為了人們的安全而犧牲奉獻,但同時前線工作人員卻在被人剝削,這樣是不對的。她也說,「Shame on you Marriott」,萬豪酒店不但對酒店員工不好,也不給建築合約工應有的薪資、福利。然而不只萬豪酒店,想要為股東賺錢的謀利醫院聖文森也在剝削護士。她還簡略提及其他個案,說「夠了,現在是抗爭打回去的時候」。

            遊行結束後,在柯普利廣場那兒,麻州總檢察長奚莉(Maura Healey),麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William Galvin),聯邦眾議員Jake Auchincloss,麻州州長候選人Danielle Allen,華人前進會主任陳玉珍和一位昆士市居民都先後站上講台發言。威廉蓋文呼籲民眾關注選舉權力議題,提醒民眾不要讓剝奪少數族裔、移民投票權益的法案通過。那位昆士居民在華人前進會的協助翻譯下,申訴自己與房東之間出現糾紛後,竟被昆士市衛生局以刑事罪控告,感到荒謬,氣憤。

聯邦參議員Elizabeth Warren。(周菊子攝)
麻州總檢察長Maura Healey。(周菊子攝)

麻州州務卿William Galvin (左)和波士頓不分區市議員候選人
James Colimon。(周菊子攝)

代表牛頓市等地的聯邦眾議員Jake Auchincloss。(周菊子攝)
波士頓代市長Kim Janey和第26工會華裔會員合影。

聯邦參議員Ed Markey和第26工會華裔會員合影。


波士頓不分區市議員參選人Jon Spillane。(周菊子攝)

波士頓市議員Lydia Edwards。(周菊子攝)

波士頓不分區市議員候選人Said Abdikarim (右)。(周菊子攝)

麻州州長參選人Danielle Allen(中)和她的競選團隊。(圖片來自推特)

星期一, 9月 06, 2021



Report Shows More Than $8 Million in Restitution and Penalties Assessed in Fiscal Year 2021; More than 10,500 Workers Assisted by AG’s Office

Maura Healey(Right) and Michelle Wu at a labor day event。
(Photo by Chutze Chou)
BOSTON – As part of her continued efforts to protect workers and their families in Massachusetts, Attorney General Maura Healey today issued her sixth annual Labor Day Report on the office’s efforts to combat wage theft and other forms of worker exploitation. The report shows that in fiscal year 2021, the office assessed more than $8.1 million in restitution and penalties against employers on behalf of working people in Massachusetts.

             “On Labor Day, we celebrate and honor all the workers across Massachusetts who have continued to work hard and persevere during a year of great uncertainty,” said AG Healey. “My office remains committed to upholding workers’ rights and enforcing our state laws to ensure every employer is providing its employees with the workplace rights and benefits to which they are entitled.”

             The Labor Day Report details the activities of the AG’s Fair Labor Division in fiscal year 2021, which runs from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. During this time, the Fair Labor Division ordered employers to pay $5 million in restitution and $3.1 million in penalties to employees; more than 10,622 employees were impacted as a result of the AG’s enforcement actions.

             The COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing economic crisis has remained a prominent issue for many working families across Massachusetts and continued to be a part of the AG’s focus through fiscal year 2021. The Fair Labor Division continued its work to ensure workers had access to wages and paid sick leave. An online multilingual FAQ page helped to provide up-to-date information regarding employee rights and employer responsibilities during the ongoing pandemic.

             The Fair Labor Division prioritized wage theft in the construction industry in fiscal year 2021. In total, $1,985,000 in penalties and restitution were assessed against 115 employers in the construction industry. In one case, the AG’s office cited a Lowell asbestos company for more than $564,000, which included restitution for 32 employees, for failing to pay wages and overtime, failing to maintain an earned sick time policy, and payroll records violations. The Division undertook efforts to help make the construction industry more inclusive and racially diverse, including collaborating with external groups on a training initiative about the state’s laws that require a diverse workforce on public construction projects. More than 500 public purchasing and industry representatives have since been trained on statutory workforce participation goal obligations.

 In fiscal year 2021, the Fair Labor Division’s efforts to enforce Massachusetts’ child labor laws remained a focus. In one notable case, the AG’s office cited a management company that operated 10 Dunkin’ locations in the Boston area for $120,000 in penalties after an investigation revealed more than 1,000 violations of the state’s child labor laws.

               The AG’s Office also continued to protect the rights of workers in the cleaning and janitorial services industry who are especially vulnerable to exploitation. In total, the division was able to secure nearly $300,000 in restitution and penalties and assist over 950 employees. In one case, Number One Solution LLC, a cleaning company based in Southborough, was required to pay $154,000 in restitution and penalties to resolve allegations of wage theft, failure to maintain an earned sick leave policy and for not producing accurate records.

             On National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, AG Healey launched an educational video and training materials, including a digital toolkit, to assist in detecting and reporting the signs of labor trafficking. The materials were also made available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese. The office also continued to work with city and community partners in order to implement trainings on the materials and distribute them to communities across the Commonwealth.

             The AG’s Fair Labor Division is currently made up of 50 attorneys, investigators, intake and support staff. Forty percent of the Division’s employees speak at least one other language, including Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. The Division is responsible for enforcing state laws regulating the payment of wages, including minimum wage, overtime, prevailing wage, and earned sick leave. It also protects employees from exploitation and wage theft through strong partnerships and community education.

             Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace can call the office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465. More information about the state’s wage and hour laws is also available in multiple languages at www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor. (From AG's office)