
星期三, 8月 25, 2021

With DESE Finally Introducing Needed Universal Mask Mandate for Schools, Danielle Allen Continues to Press Mass Gov and DESE for Routine Process for Masking Advisories

 With DESE Finally Introducing Needed Universal Mask Mandate for Schools, Danielle Allen Continues to Press Mass Gov and DESE for Routine Process for Masking Advisories 

“The Governor’s office and DESE need to deliver effective coordination across the whole Commonwealth by equipping our schools with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to keep everyone safe”

Cambridge, MA -- With public schools across Massachusetts returning to school in a week and DESE belatedly bowing to the realities of the Delta variant with a universal mask mandate for schools, gubernatorial candidate Danielle Allen is calling on Governor Charlie Baker and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to improve process around safety measures for students, teachers, and school staff amid the continued COVID spikes by instituting a routine process of advisories linked to triggers of safety protocols. 

Danielle Allen spearheaded a multi-disciplinary, cross-sector COVID response team that led to the Biden-Harris Pandemic Testing Board, an interstate compact to build out COVID testing resources, and Covid Collaborative guidance on infection prevention and control in K-12 settings that has been disseminated nationally, including through the US Dept of Education. She worked with the Cambridge Public School District throughout the 2020-21 school year to achieve a successful return to healthy and safe in-person teaching and learning.

Two weeks ago, Allen called on Baker and DESE to develop and implement a system of COVID alerts and advisories, similar to weather advisories, to communicate the levels of risk operative in the state, our communities, and our schools as those levels rise and fall over time, which would then trigger safety protocols in schools. Allen also called on the Governor’s office to develop model municipal ordinances and policies, linked to the alert system, to support coherent consistent response across the Commonwealth. Those advisories would trigger universal mask mandates and other measures like increased frequency of testing.

Now, Allen has released the following statement regarding the safety of our students and school personnel this fall: 

“As our teachers and school staff continue to adapt their COVID response protocols in the best interests of our students and school personnel, the Governor’s office and DESE need to deliver effective coordination across the whole Commonwealth by equipping our schools with the knowledge, tools, and resources necessary to keep everyone safe,” said Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Danielle Allen. 

In addition to a mask mandate for everyone in school buildings, we continue to need

  1. A routinized system of COVID advisories, similar to weather advisories, as I proposed earlier in August. These advisories would work to communicate the levels of risk operative in the state; when a COVID warning is in effect (as should currently be the case), school districts and other entities working with vulnerable populations would be mandated to require universal indoor masking and expected to implement other routine responses to the advisories to protect health and safety for all in the school community.

We also continue to need:

  1. An expansion of the vaccine mandate for state employees in the executive branch to apply to public school personnel.

  2. A Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) survey of all school buildings to assess ventilation, and further needs for upgrades.

  3. Ongoing free provision of pooled, screening testing for all schools.

  4. Ongoing provision of contact tracing for all schools.

  5. Technical assistance on developing ongoing infection prevention and control, strengthening health teams in schools, and partnering with community health centers.

With so much of the world unvaccinated, COVID variants and new waves will be an issue for the foreseeable future. With smart policy decisions and effective communication, Massachusetts can achieve ongoing pandemic resilience and set a leadership standard. Rather than force school districts, parents, educators, and students to make time sensitive, high-pressure decisions from scratch every few weeks, the Governor’s Office should proactively develop routine processes, in consultation with regional and municipal partners, DESE, and DPH, to keep students and school personnel safe, no matter where in the Commonwealth they go to school or work.



New senior housing development provides 46 affordable housing units for seniors on donated Boston Housing Authority land


BOSTON - Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey, South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation, Caritas Communities and the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) celebrated the grand opening of the O'Connor Way Senior Housing Development today in South Boston. The project has brought 46 one-bedroom units of affordable housing to South Boston using formerly vacant Boston Housing Authority land and Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) funds secured through the Boston Planning & Development Agency.                                                                                         

"I’m delighted to welcome the new residents of O'Connor Way Senior Housing,” said Mayor Janey. “As Boston residents age, many want to continue living in the city they’ve known and loved for their entire lives. This new development has replaced an empty lot with beautiful, affordable homes for seniors in our South Boston neighborhood."

O'Connor Way Senior Housing was built on BHA land that had been vacant for over 50 years. The development includes 24 units that are subsidized using federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and 22 units made deeply affordable through project-based vouchers administered by BHA. 

"South Boston NDC is thrilled to have completed and occupied this affordable housing development for the elderly during this challenging time of the pandemic. Now, more than ever, we need to protect our most vulnerable residents and provide them with a safe place to live and thrive," said Donna Brown, executive director of South Boston Neighborhood Development Corporation. " We appreciate the strong support from the City of Boston through the Boston Housing Authority and the Boston Planning & Development Agency, as well as the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."

The $20.8 million project was funded in part through the Inclusionary Development Program (IDP) contributions from the 150 Seaport Boulevard and Pier 4 development projects built by Cronin Development and Tishman Speyer on the South Boston Waterfront, and financed by the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program. Other funders include MassDevelopment, Rockland Trust Corp., TD Charitable Foundation and the Charles H. Farnsworth Trust.

“Three years ago, it would have been difficult to imagine the beautiful community that is now standing here at O’Connor Way,” BHA Administrator Kate Bennett said. “Every unit in this new community represents a new opportunity for Boston residents to age in place with dignity and peace of mind. It is exciting to see such a creative idea come together and have such an immediate impact.”

“Caritas Communities is proud to be a partner in creating this deeply affordable and accessible housing for low-income seniors,” said Karin Cassel Mitterando, executive director of Caritas Communities. “This project aligns with our mission to prevent homelessness through housing with support for extremely low-income people – because everyone deserves a safe place to call home.”

The property includes a community room, a laundry room, management office, and a patio. The building is sustainable at a LEED Silver certifiable level.  The development has on-site property management and full-time resident support services from the South Boston Neighborhood House. 

波士頓不分區市議員選舉17人角逐 華人前進會26日介紹

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓市的市級選舉,即將於914日辦理初選,有意投票者,必須在今(25)日以前完成選民登記。華人前進會為協助選民認識候選人,將於26(週四)7點,在網上舉辦不分區市議員選舉說明會。




              由於身為不分區市議員的吳弭、第4區市議員的Andrea Campbell相繼於去年9月就宣佈了參選,不分區市議員Annissa Essaibi George和從第7區市議員,因身為市議會議長,在馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)到華府當勞工部部長後,繼位為代市長的Kim Janey,也相繼於今年二,三月宣佈參選市長,波士頓市今年的市長選戰,雖然不像當年萬寧路(Tom Menino)宣佈不再競選連任後,共有12人跳入選戰的熱鬧,今年的市長選戰,可是打得時間頗長,而且市長候選人論壇場次超多,不過各候選人在普羅選民中的知名度,卻似乎仍然不夠高。


              共有4席的波士頓市不分區市議員席位,出缺2席,包括另外2名競選連任的在位者,共有17人繳交了1500個支持者簽名,參加角逐。其中的James Reginald ColimonErin J. MurphyJonathan M. Spillane在紐英崙中華公所舉辦中秋節聯歡會時,都特地出席拜會,和選民見面。反倒是在位,要競選連任的2名不分區市議員,Julia Mejia和曾經與華埠關係很近的Michael F. Flaherty沒有出席。

              分區市議員部分,今年第1區的Lydia Marie Edwards,第2區的愛德華費林Ed Flynn),第8區的Prescilla Kenzie Bok,因為都無對手,將同額當選。第4區有多達9人角逐,第7區也有8人角逐,其餘的第359區各有23名參選人。


              826日及92日的網路會議網址為,http://us02web.zoom.us/j/83543055678,會議ID835 4305 5678,用手機可撥打1646558865683543055678#US

華人前進會籲關注選區重劃 提議市級選區也重劃


             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 選區重劃對選出什麼樣的人來代表自己,可能有重大影響。華人前進會最近正連續舉辦教育性活動,解說美國政府的這一制度,希望地方民眾能進一步了解,積極為自己發聲。




84日的華埠居民會月例會中,陳玉珍還以普莉斯來(Ayanna Presley)當選為麻州第一個女性有色人種國會議員為例,指出那就是因為2010年人口普查,選區重劃後,麻州國會議員第七選區變成了少數族裔佔多數的選區。



           美國政府在談及選區重劃時,多半只談聯邦及州級政府,但選區重劃也可以有地方市鎮的選區重劃。陳玉珍在24日晚的會議中鼓勵居民考慮波士頓市內的選區重劃,包括華埠是否應該和南端區(South End)合併,或是和堡壘村,以及其他有許多華裔居住的老人屋聯合起來。



CAPAC Chair Statement on House Passage of the Budget Resolution

CAPAC Chair Statement on House Passage of the Budget Resolution 

Washington, D.C. — Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 220-212 to pass the $3.5 trillion budget resolution, This resolution provides instructions to House Committees to begin crafting legislative language for President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, which delivers on the promise of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and paves the way for investments in health care, education, paid leave, housing, climate change mitigation efforts, reducing the price of prescription drugs and a pathway to citizenship for immigrants living in the United States. CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) issued the following statement:

“At a time when our communities need it most, this transformative budget represents one of the most significant investments in AAPI workers, families, and communities that our country has seen in decades. At a time when Asian Americans have experienced the highest proportional surge in unemployment out of any racial group throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, this budget resolution opens the door for landmark polices that will ensure our community can thrive - like creating a national paid family leave program, expanding the Child Tax Credit, investing in small businesses, reducing prescription drug prices, and strengthening the care economy. Importantly, this resolution creates a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix our broken immigration system by providing a pathway to citizenship and addressing ways to keep our families together. There are more than 130,000 eligible AAPI DACA recipients, 15,000 active AAPI DACA participants, and 14,000 AAPI TPS recipients. Many of them are amongst the 2 million AAPIs who worked as frontline workers during the pandemic. Providing them with a path to citizenship would allow them to continue their lives in the country that they risked their health and wellbeing to serve during the pandemic.

“As Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I am committed to advancing sweeping, transformative legislation that will have real and lasting impacts on AAPI families. I look forward to working with my CAPAC colleagues to craft a Build Back Better bill that addresses to the needs of our communities.”


            (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合報導) 波士頓慈濟人文學校822日舉辦「麻州中文教師職涯資訊座談會」,內容涵蓋考證照,面試的準備,代課、兼職,全職老師在職責,資格,待遇或福利上的差異,為擴大中文教師人才鋪路。


              「麻州中文教師職涯資訊座談會」共邀6名老師,包括Arlington Gibbs初中鄭淳文、William Diamond Jonas Clarke中學陳佳蓓,Jonas Clarke中學莊珮娸、Martin Luther King郭靜如、Baldwin Early Learning Pilot Academy校長吳明真、Wayland中學張君芳等,從不同角度闡述麻州中文老師行業概況。

                         鄭淳文在「考證照的必要:如何考,怎麼準備,一次考過?」這講座中說明,在麻州當老師,要先考教師證照(License),有臨時(Temporary),暫時 (provisional teaching),初始(Initial teaching),以及專業等不同類別,分別有15年效期。要取得執照,得先通過考試(MTEL),以中文老師來說,要考的科目包括英文閱讀及寫作,中文聽讀理解力,語言學及語言結構,文化觀點,比較及聯繫,還有書寫表達。詳情可上麻州政府網站查詢: https://gateway.edu.state.ma.us/elar/licensurehelp/LicenseRequirementsCriteriaPageControl.ser

                        陳佳蓓闡述如何「從代課老師到兼職老師」,用情境舉例,讓人更清楚代課老師所面對挑戰,再說明有意代課者,可上網www.STEDI.org接受技能培訓,再到自己有意任教校區的網站輸入”Substitute Teacher-District Wide (SY2021-2022),來查察機會。以波士頓公校系統為例,代課一天67小時,薪資約為154172元左右。至於當半職,或稱兼職老師,好處是不需要處理行政事務,如上課時間排在相鄰時段,課後可離校,醫療保險等福利並不會減半,還可以同時在兩個學校當半職老師,加起來也等於一個全職。

其他幾位老師,莊珮娸講「私立 VS 公立 :中文老師怎麼找適合自己的職場」,指出有意申請當公校老師者,可在School Spring這網站註冊登記,到私立學校當老師,可到Carney Sandoe & Associates去登記,就可以收到職位通知;郭靜如談「專職教師  V.S. 老師助理」。吳明真講「麻州中文教師職場面面觀+ 教職薪資與財務遠景」;張君芳談「萬事俱備的下一步:如何準備面試」。





莊珮娸講「私立 VS 公立 :

郭靜如談「專職教師  V.S. 老師助理」

Boston Athletic Association Partners with Maurten as Exclusive Gel Nutrition Sponsor of the Boston Marathon & B.A.A. Half Marathon

Boston Athletic Association Partners with Maurten as Exclusive Gel Nutrition Sponsor of the Boston Marathon & B.A.A. Half Marathon

Maurten Gel 100 & Gel 100 CAF 100 To Be Available on Boston Marathon Route

BOSTON—The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.), organizer of the Boston Marathon, has partnered with Maurten to enhance participant nutrition and fueling at the Boston Marathon and B.A.A. Half Marathon. Maurten, the Swedish-based hydrogel sports fuel company, and the B.A.A. have agreed to a multi-year partnership which designates Maurten as an Official Sponsor, Exclusive Gel Nutrition Partner, and Official Hydrogel provider of both signature B.A.A. events.

“We at the B.A.A. are always looking for ways to enhance our participants’ race experience, especially in the area of nutrition,” said Tom Grilk, President and C.E.O. of the B.A.A. “We are proud to partner with Maurten, as both of our missions focus on the promotion of athletic excellence, health, and fitness.”

Maurten’s caffeinated and non-caffeinated Gels, Gel 100 and Gel 100 CAF 100, will be available in three locations along the Boston Marathon course (miles 11.6, 17, and 21.5) and one location at future B.A.A. Half Marathons. Maurten will also be featured throughout event programing, including in race training clinics. Boston Marathon and B.A.A. Half Marathon participants and followers will receive tips on best nutrition practices to prepare for long-distance running through digital campaigns led by Maurten.

“We’ve always said that we support the best runners in the world. That wasn’t entirely true, since we haven’t had the chance to support all Boston runners out there. So, we’re very happy that that’s about to change and that we level the playing field by making sure all runners in Boston, not only the elite, gets access to the same hydrogel based fueling technology,” said Olof Sköld, C.E.O at Maurten.

Maurten and its hydrogel based sports fuel line has revolutionized fueling in endurance sports. The Swedish company set out in 2015 to find a way to minimize the risk of gastric distress while consuming carbohydrates during races and in training. Today, Maurten is an official sponsor of other world-class endurance events including the Berlin Marathon and IRONMAN, and also supports numerous professional athletes including U.S. Olympian Molly Seidel, world record holder Eliud Kipchoge, and Boston Marathon champions Worknesh Degefa, Des Linden and Geoffrey Kirui. The latter two athletes will compete as part of the John Hancock Professional Athlete Team at the 125th Boston Marathon in October.

Maurten can be found for purchase online at maurten.com and through running specialty stores.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Boston Marathon was moved from its traditional date of the third Monday in April to Monday, October 11. The fall race will feature a field size of 20,000 participants, as well as a rolling start for the first time. The in-person race will be complemented by a virtual race, which will be held from Friday, October 8 through Sunday, October 10. For the 36th year, John Hancock will serve as principal sponsor of the Boston Marathon.

星期二, 8月 24, 2021

CAPAC Chair Statement on House Passage of John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

CAPAC Chair Statement on House Passage of John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act


Washington, D.C. — Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 4, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, introduced by Congresswoman Terri Sewell (AL-07). This bill protects voters from discrimination by restoring key protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) which were gutted by the Supreme Court in the 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision and the 2021 Brnovich v. DNC decision.

CAPAC Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27), an original cosponsor of this legislation, issued the following statement:

“Today, I was proud to vote to restore and strengthen voting right protections that empower our federal government to fight against racist disenfranchising laws of the Jim Crow era and ensure that all Americans have a fair opportunity to cast their ballot. Last year, we saw Asian American and Pacific Islander voter turnout increase from less than 2.8 million in 2016 to around 4 million in 2020. This skyrocketing participation of AAPI voters means our community is increasingly becoming the key constituency across the nation.

“However, in the first five months of 2021 alone, nearly 400 voter restriction bills were introduced across 48 states. That is why voter suppression laws meant to make it harder to vote are such a threat to AAPIs and all communities of color. At a time when recent census data show that AAPIs are the fastest growing racial group in the country, H.R. 4 is an opportunity for Congress to uphold the sacred right to vote for all. I cast my vote today in loving memory of my friend and former colleague John Lewis, who was unwavering in his fight to protect the right to vote as a touchstone of our democracy. I urge our Senate colleagues to swiftly pass this bill so we can get it to the President’s desk and ensure every American’s voice is heard.”

星期一, 8月 23, 2021



For the first time, Bluebikes will be made available in Hyde Park.


BOSTON - Monday, August 23, 2021 - Mayor Kim Janey today announced the first locations for bike share stations in Hyde Park. The new stations will provide eco-friendly transportation options along the Hyde Park Avenue corridor into Cleary Square. Additional stations will be added in Mattapan and Dorchester as part of this year’s expansion.

“I’m proud to bring public bike share to Boston’s vibrant Hyde Park neighborhood,” said Mayor Janey. “Bluebikes provides affordable and sustainable transportation, linking Boston’s residents to work, school and public attractions across the city. I am looking forward to the continued expansion of BlueBikes in all of Boston’s neighborhoods.”

After conversations with neighborhood residents and community leaders, the Boston Transportation Department identified eight new locations for Bluebikes stations in Hyde Park, as well as four additional locations in Mattapan and Dorchester:

1.  Butler Trolley T Stop.

2.  Morton Street at Gallivan Boulevard

3.  Shops at Riverwood

4.  Ross Playground

5.  Metropolitan Avenue at America's Food Basket

6.  American Legion Highway at Hyde Park Avenue

7.  Hyde Park Avenue at Arlington Street

8.  Hyde Park Library

9.  Cleary Square

10. Truman Parkway at Fairmount Avenue

11. Cummins Highway at Blue Hill Avenue Station

12. Cummins Highway at Itasca Street


“I thank all of our neighbors who helped us select these locations,” said Greg Rooney, Commissioner of the Boston Transportation Department. “I look forward to seeing more people visit Hyde Park’s businesses and open space.”

Discounted 30-day and annual passes are available to residents of the Metro Boston region who participate in public assistance programs, such as SNAP, or otherwise have eligible incomes. The cost for a 30-day pass is only $5 and a full-year pass is available for $50. Both passes provide unlimited access to nearly 4000 bikes and trips up to 60 minutes are included in the price. People who reside in transitional housing or are experiencing homelessness can buy an annual pass for only $5.

A celebration of bike share in Hyde Park is planned for September 30 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in Cleary Square. A specially-designed bike that celebrates the 54th Regiment and Meigs Field will be unveiled at the event. Installation of the new stations is expected to begin in September, pending permitting. More information about the planning process and an interactive map of the planned locations can be found at boston.gov/bike-share-expansion.