
星期一, 8月 30, 2021

波士頓選務局公佈選舉相關細節 郵寄投票須在9/8前寄達

         (Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓選務局今(30)日公佈為2021年市級選舉所做的準備,包括914日的初選,以及112日的大選,都可以郵寄投票或提早投票。波士頓市也在全市各地設置了20個選票箱,讓民眾投遞已經填妥的郵寄選票。





         Boston City Hall 

         City Hall Square, Room 241 

         Boston, MA 02201 

         傳真: 617-635-4483, Tel: 617-635-VOTE (8683)

         電郵: absenteevoter@boston.gov 


Early voting, ballot drop boxes both available


BOSTON - Monday, August 30, 2021 - The City of Boston’s Election Department today announced its preparations ahead of the 2021 Municipal Elections, including the availability of vote by mail and early voting for both the Tuesday, September 14, 2021 Preliminary Municipal Election and the Tuesday, November 2, 2021 Municipal Election. The City of Boston has also installed 20 ballot drop boxes across the city for voters to drop off completed vote by mail ballots. 

Applications for vote by mail ballots have been mailed out to every registered voter in Boston. Voters are asked to fill out the application, including their signature, as applications received without a signature will not be accepted. To be eligible to vote by mail in the Preliminary Municipal Election, applications must be returned to the Boston Election Department by Wednesday, September 8, at 5 p.m.

Vote by mail applications can be returned by U.S. mail with the prepaid postcard or in-person at the Boston Election Department, City Hall, Room 241.

If a registered Boston voter did not receive or lost their application, they can request a new ballot application by completing the form available on the City’s vote-by-mail website. The form can be sent to the City of Boston's Election Department, via mail, email, fax, or in-person. The Boston Election Department is located at 

Boston City Hall 

City Hall Square, Room 241 

Boston, MA 02201 

Fax: 617-635-4483, Tel: 617-635-VOTE (8683)

Email: absenteevoter@boston.gov 

Vote By Mail

The Election Department will send out vote by mail ballots as soon as the application requests are processed. Once a voter receives their ballot package, they should follow the enclosed instructions. It is important to sign the yellow ballot affidavit envelope. Unsigned ballot affidavit envelopes will cause a ballot to be rejected. To return ballots by U.S. mail, make sure to apply sufficient postage. While ballot package weight can vary, two First Class stamps is generally sufficient.

To be counted, ballots must be received by the Boston Election Department or in a ballot drop box by the close of polls on Election Day, Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 8 p.m.

Tracking Your Ballot

Boston voters can track their ballot request through the state's website. We will continue to mail ballots as applications arrive, until the application deadline of 5 p.m. Wednesday, September 8, 2021. 

Ballot Drop Boxes

The Boston Election Department has placed 20 ballot drop boxes around the City, including at both the first and third floor entrances of Boston City Hall. All drop boxes are monitored under 24 hour video surveillance. Drop boxes will also be available at each early voting location during the scheduled voting hours. To find a location of a ballot drop box, visit here.

In- Person Early Voting

Voters registered in Boston can vote during the early voting period from Saturday, September 4 through Friday, September 10, 2021, at any of the early voting sites. Hours and locations for early voting can be found here.

All early voting sites are equipped with electronic poll books for voter check in. Early voting locations are well staffed with poll workers and language interpreters, and fully accessible to voters with disabilities. 

Voting on Election Day

Polling locations for the Boston Preliminary Municipal Election will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 14, 2021. Ballots will be available in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese. Language assistance will be available on Election Day by translators at polling locations or by contacting the Election Department’s translation phone bank. Those interested in volunteering can apply to be a poll worker here

On the Ballot

The September 14, 2021 Preliminary Municipal Election includes eight candidates for the Office of Mayor, 17 candidates for Office of City Councilor at-Large and the following City Council Districts: District 4, District 6, District 7, District 9. The remaining districts are not required to have a preliminary election as there are already only one or two candidates running. 

For more information on how to participate in this year's elections, please visit boston.gov/election


                     Ward 1 Democrats Endorse Michelle Wu for Mayor 

Boston, MA—  The Boston Ward 1 (East Boston) Democratic Committee has endorsed Michelle Wu for mayor. Wu, who has also been endorsed by Councilor Lydia Edwards, will be on the ballot September 14. The top two candidates for mayor will advance to a general election on November 2. 

This endorsement adds to Wu’s support among Ward Committees, where she has already earned the endorsement of the Ward 4 Democrats (parts of Back Bay, Fenway and the South End) and Ward 5 Democrats (Back Bay, Beacon Hill, Fenway, and Bay Village). No other candidate in the mayoral race has received the endorsement of any Ward Committee. 

“I’m honored and energized to stand with the Ward 1 Democrats in organizing to build community and transform what’s possible in politics and policy. The issues affecting East Boston are a microcosm of every challenge throughout our city, and I know that together, we can tackle our biggest challenges through building coalitions for bold, urgent leadership,” said Michelle Wu.

I’m excited about the work Michelle has already done to advocate for East Boston, where we have historically had to fight to be heard,” said ward committee chair Vicki DiLorenzo.

The Ward 1 Democrats endorsement adds to the Michelle for Mayor campaign’s enthusiastic coalition of multigenerational, multicultural grassroots supporters including leaders Senator Elizabeth Warren, Boston City Councilor Lydia Edwards, Boston City Councilor Liz Breadon, State Senator and Assistant Majority Leader Sal DiDomenico, State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Mike Moran, State Senator Julian Cyr, Representatives Tram Nguyen, Tommy Vitolo, Natalie Higgins, Vanna Howard, Maria Robinson and Andy Vargas; former State Representative and Assistant Majority Leader Byron Rushing; labor unions Teamsters Local 25, New England Joint Board of UNITE HERE!, Alliance of Unions at the MBTA, MBTA Inspectors Union Local 600, OPEIU Local 453; climate organizations Sunrise Boston, Sierra Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, 350 Mass Action; Progressive West Roxbury/Roslindale; Boston’s Ward 4 and Ward 5 Democratic Committees; and fellow municipal elected officials from across Greater Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For all of Michelle for Boston’s endorsements, visit michelleforboston.com/endorsements

星期日, 8月 29, 2021

口罩風波 - 市長候選人各有不同意見

             (Boston Orange 綜合編譯)還有14天左右就是波士頓市級選舉的初選日了,主要的5名波士頓市長候選人在許多議題上的看法大同小異,在打疫苗和戴口罩這事上,因為近來的疫情升溫,讓人更關注他們的態度

             波士頓代市長Kim Janey日前才宣佈,827日起,波士頓市室內的公共場合必須戴口罩,那天人們就發現一張她在北端(North End)一家餐廳內,微笑著,沒戴口罩的照片。批評之聲立刻響起。在波士頓環球報追問下,她的辦公室兩度追發聲明,解釋當時Kim Janey在餐館內用餐,她隨後立即戴上口罩,她不但鼓勵市民戴口罩,她自己甚至在戶外時也戴口罩。

             2名都是波士頓市議員的波士頓市長參選人,Andrea CampbellAnnissa Essaibi-GeorgeWCVB電視台的「記錄在案(On the Record)」節目中,卻闡述如果他們是市長,在疫苗和口罩上會採取不同做法。




星期六, 8月 28, 2021

第15屆波士頓牌樓電影節 華林派、麥寶禪武藝協會紛亮相

右起,波士頓市議員Ed Fynn, ACDC主任劉安琪,中華公所英文書記阮鴻燦,
             (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導)亞美社區發展中心 (ACDC)的第15屆波士頓華埠牌樓電影節,今(28)晚放映甄子丹主演的「葉問四:完結篇」,8點前的武術表演,也將由甄子丹母親所創辦的「麥寶嬋太極協會」和黃仁君中國武術中心攜手演出。
亞美社區發展中心行政主任劉安琪(Angie Liou)為活動開場致詞,說明去年因為新冠疫情取消活動,今年實在很高興見到那麼多大人,小孩都出來的那麼熱鬧。她說明,牌樓電影節是ACDC致力地方創生這大策略的一部分,ACDC既為地方建造可負擔住宅,也要藉公共裝置藝術等活動,讓波士頓華埠居民真正感受到這裏是他們的家。

華林派師傅Bob Rosen和已長大的徒孫陳成熹。(周菊子攝)
在華埠公園舉行的牌樓電影節之外,在牌樓旁邊的司徒麗英公園那兒有些暫時放置,由藝術家與居民攜手完成的裝置藝術品,在綠茵苑(One Greenway)那兒有黃色鞦韆的故事亭,都是為了讓居民們對華埠更有歸屬感。

波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)也出席致詞,在劉安琪代做普通話翻譯中表示,要因應新冠疫情襲擊,最好的策略是合作,ACDC等機構就在領導這樣的工作。他將和ACDC等機構持續合作,在環保挑戰,可負擔住宅,反亞裔仇恨等許多方面繼續努力,要確保包括移民家庭的所有人都受尊重,有尊嚴的得到公平對待。

愛德華費林還特地介紹當晚到場的2名波士頓市不分區市議員參選人,Erin MurphyBridget Nee-Walsh,還有紐英崙中華公所英文書記阮鴻燦,董事陳家驊。

27日晚放映的是2020年拍成,由Bao Nguyen執導,講述李小龍生平的「若水(Be Water)」一片。放映前的演出由華林派師傅Bob Rosen率隊出馬,上場的還有他徒弟余翠梅的兒子陳成熹(Thomas Tran)。他笑說這是三代師徒同場演出。

              ACDC的牌樓電影節15年如1日,仍由麥寶嬋師傅的徒弟Jean Lukitsh策畫。明(29)晚將放映2018年的香港動作片,葉問外傳:張天志(Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy)」。查詢相關詳情,可上ACDC官網,https://asiancdc.org/events/fatg2021?fbclid=IwAR2czWQ8CG3-u9wpiXP56XP0GEXRGC-2khNWoLXMBxafahfHop7VZOfrnSE






塔醫中心: CDC建議七種人加打第三劑新冠疫苗





Patient Update


Dear Tufts Medical Center and Tufts Children’s Hospital Community:


On August 13, 2021 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided new recommendations for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for moderately to severely immunocompromised people. The CDC now recommends a third dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for these individuals.


Tufts MC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at 276 Tremont Street is now administering third doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to moderately to severely immunocompromised individuals. If you meet the following criteria, you are eligible for a third dose:


  • Are actively being treated for cancer
  • Have received a solid organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
  • Have received CAR-T cell therapy
  • Have received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system after a stem cell transplant
  • Have moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
  • Have advanced or untreated HIV infection
  • Are taking high-dose corticosteroids (i.e., the equivalent of 20 or more milligrams of Prednisone a day) or are taking other drugs that may suppress the immune response.


Why was an additional third dose recommended?

People who are moderately to severely immunocompromised are more likely to become very sick if they get COVID-19. They may also have a longer illness and may not get the same protection from two doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines as other people do. The available data suggests that they may receive more protection from a third dose of vaccine. 


If you are immunocompromised:


Do I need to get the same vaccine I got for the first two doses?

Yes, the third dose should be the same vaccine as the first two. Those who got Pfizer for their first two doses, should get Pfizer for their third and the same with Moderna.

What if I got the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine?

At present, there are no recommendations for an additional dose of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine.


When should I get a third dose of vaccine?

The CDC recommends that the third dose be administered at least 28 days after receiving the second dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. Please consult with the physician who prescribes your immunocompromising medication to best assess the timing for your third dose.


Are there side effects to the third dose?

To date, the side effects reported after the third dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine were similar to what people experienced after receiving doses 1 and 2. Pain at injection site was the most commonly reported side effect. Most symptoms were mild to moderate and resolved within 3 days.


Can I stop wearing masks and social distancing if I get the third dose?

While the third dose of the vaccine may provide added protection, it is still recommended that you continue to wear a mask indoors in public spaces, anywhere that physical distancing by 6 feet is not possible, and continue to avoid crowds.


Where can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Tufts Medical Center’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

276 Tremont Street

Hours: Monday to Friday from 8 am – 5 pm.

Appointments are encouraged and can be booked electronically at tuftsmcvaccine.org.

For additional locations, please visit Mass.gov.


Do I need to bring a note from my doctor to get my third dose?

You do not need a doctor’s note to receive a third dose, but you will need to attest to being immunocompromised. You should also bring your CDC COVID-19 vaccine documentation.


Do I need a third dose or a booster if I am not immunocompromised?

The CDC does not recommend an additional third dose for any other population at this time. If you are fully vaccinated, there is nothing else for you to do at the moment. We will continue to keep you informed of any changes should there be further recommendations for booster shots or additional doses of the COVID-19 vaccine for people who are not immunocompromised. While booster doses are not recommended at this time; you may have seen in the news that guidance regarding booster doses is expected to be released soon. We will continue to keep you informed as more information becomes available.


What is the difference between an additional dose and a booster dose?

  • An additional “third dose” of vaccine is administered when the immune response following a primary vaccine series is considered to be insufficient. For example, in immunocompromised patients.
  • A booster dose is recommended after a primary vaccine series when the initial immune response is likely to have waned over time.


Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe.


Gabriela M. Andujar Vazquez, MD

Attending Physician

Director, COVID-19 Vaccine Program

Associate Hospital Epidemiologist

Associate Director, Antimicrobial Stewardship

Division of Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases


星期五, 8月 27, 2021


TAAF Releases Statement and Rapid Response Toolkit in Advance of COVID-19 Origins Report From the White House 

Anti-Hate Toolkit Launched to Protect AAPI Communities and 

Highlight Proactive Measures for Addressing Hate

WASHINGTON, DC, August 24, 2021 — The Asian American Foundation ("TAAF"), a convener, incubator, and funder for the Asian American and Pacific Islander ("AAPI") communities, today shared a statement and launched its Anti-Hate Rapid Response Toolkit (the “Toolkit”) in advance of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 origins report (the “Report”).

The White House is expected to release this week the findings of a 90-day review on the origins of COVID-19. The Report is likely to include information from the Intelligence Community and the National Labs that could bring us closer to determining the origins of the virus. The White House Report arrives on the heels of the August 3 report on the origins of COVID-19 from the ranking Republican member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul.

TAAF is deeply concerned that the debate over the origins of the pandemic — and some of the rhetoric driving the debate — could further fan the flames of anti-AAPI hate. Sonal Shah, President of TAAF, released the following statement in response to the Report’s release:

“Regardless of the findings of the White House report or any other, we cannot let the public health crisis continue to give way to a crisis of hate in AAPI communities. TAAF appreciates the Biden administration’s willingness to be as thoughtful as possible with the release of its forthcoming report, as it is incumbent on every public official at every level to understand that AAPI communities continue to be blamed and targeted for the pandemic. TAAF refuses to stand by as our communities are consistently attacked at alarming rates, and so we are putting the full weight of our nascent organization behind providing meaningful solutions for combating hate.”

TAAF has worked closely with the Biden administration and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (“CAPAC”) to raise awareness in advance about how the White House Report might be used to perpetuate anti-AAPI hate — which has been on the rise throughout the pandemic. The White House is also hosting a series of convenings with policy experts, TAAF grantees, local elected officials, and faith leaders who are working to better protect AAPI communities through policy solutions, solidarity, and allyship. 

In advance of the Report, TAAF launched a digital Anti-Hate Rapid Response Toolkit on Monday designed to equip the public, local officials, activists, and advocacy groups with culturally competent education and up-to-date safety resources for addressing anti-AAPI hate. TAAF moved quickly to build its Toolkit thanks to the input of several of its partners so that communities have access to the resources they might need to proactively address anti-AAPI sentiment in their communities or to respond to any incidents that may occur. TAAF continues to call on public officials to keep the safety of AAPI communities in mind as they investigate what led to the global health crisis. TAAF’s Toolkit provides victims of hate incidents and their allies with a comprehensive checklist of action items. It also includes guidance for individuals and community leaders to take action against anti-AAPI hate through engaging with public officials, the media, local law enforcement, and other key stakeholders. The toolkit is available on TAAF’s website. 

TAAF and Stop AAPI Hate also collaborated to create, “Documenting Anti-AAPI Hate Codebook”, a joint effort to standardize how anti-AAPI hate is described and recorded. The Codebook also launched Monday and offers standards and recommended best practices for community-based data collection of anti-AAPI hate incidents. This resource provides key definitions and seeks to build trust, transparency, and accountability for improving anti-AAPI hate data quality. The Codebook is available on the TAAF website

波士頓市公共場合室內必須戴口罩規定 今(27)日起生效


波士頓華埠牌樓電影節今(27)揭幕 放映李小龍「若水」 ACDC駐地實驗室啟動

             (Boston Orange)亞太裔藝術(API Art)"綠路徒步遊(Greenway Walking Play)"活動,邀民眾在今晚,8月27日,週五晚6點,到波士頓華埠牌樓集合,徒步走到杜威(Dewy)廣場,全程約5英里,約6點半時,開始和劇作家Rosanna Yamagiwa Alfaro討論越來越多的反亞裔美人犯罪事件。

              亞美社區發展協會(ACDC)和包氏文藝中心合作,今年第3度推出駐地實驗室(Residence Lab)”,訂827(週五)下午58點,在蘿絲甘迺迪綠路上的司徒麗英公園啟動。




                     (Boston Orange) 
(ACDC)的波士頓華埠牌樓電影節,今年(2021)跨入第15屆,預定 82729(週五至週日),一連舉行3日,將於每晚5點半入場,7點半歡迎式,8點開始放映影片。

               今年選映的三部影片,都是功夫片,依序為「若水(Be Water)」,­「葉問四:完結篇(Ip Man 4: The Finale)」,「葉問外傳:張天志(Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy)」。

              「若水(Be Water)」是ESPN的紀錄片系列之一,2020年拍成,由Bao Nguyen執導,長1小時45分鐘,以李小龍在香港2年拍4部劇情長片這期間的稀有檔案,近距離訪問,以及李小龍留下的親筆文字為重心,探討諸如種族身分,代表性等問題。ACDC得以放映此片,要感謝ESPN免費提供。影片使用語言為英語。

「葉問四:完結篇(Ip Man 4: The Finale)」是2019年拍成的香港功夫片,長1小時47分鐘,由葉偉信執導,甄子丹、鄭則士等人主演,袁和平擔任動作指導。影片以李小龍在舊金山開設武館,邀請葉問到訪觀賽為梗,編出許多故事。這部片使用的語言為廣東話,有英語及中文字幕。

「葉問外傳:張天志(Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy)」這部片是2018年的香港動作片,長1小時47分鐘,由袁和平執導,張晉、戴夫·巴蒂斯塔及柳岩主演,楊紫瓊、東尼嘉及元華特別演出。故事描述咏春派傳人張天志(張晉飾)挑戰葉問,卻被打敗後,如何走出陰霾,用傳統功夫對抗外國商人毒販。影片使用語言為普通話,有中英文字幕。

查詢相關詳情,可上ACDC官網,https://asiancdc.org/events/fatg2021?fbclid=IwAR2czWQ8CG3-u9wpiXP56XP0GEXRGC-2khNWoLXMBxafahfHop7VZOfrnSE。 (轉載8月7日稿)