
星期五, 6月 04, 2021

麻州府撥款1900萬元 鼓勵民眾出門用餐購物

 Massachusetts Launches the “Let’s Go Out” Campaign to Support Local Restaurants and Encourage In-Person Dining


Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito joined Secretary Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy and Boston Mayor Kim Janey to highlight the “Let’s Go Out” marketing campaign, an effort to raise public awareness of the importance of supporting local restaurants throughout the Commonwealth.

On May 27th, the Baker-Polito Administration announced the launch of the “Let’s Go Out” campaign, an effort to raise public awareness of the importance of supporting local restaurants across the Commonwealth. The campaign is being led by the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT) in conjunction with the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development and industry partners. The launch of the $1.9 million campaign is timed to coincide with the lifting of public health restrictions in Massachusetts and is scheduled to run throughout the summer, through September.
The mission of the campaign is to amplify the importance of restaurants as an integral part of daily life and a key driver of economic activity for the Commonwealth’s downtowns and main streets. “Let’s Go Out” is an extension of the Administration’s “My Local MA” campaign that has been encouraging residents to shop, dine and stay local since last August.
“Our administration recognizes that the challenges created by the pandemic have made the last year tremendously difficult for the entire small business community, and especially for the restaurant industry,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We have been proud to provide more than $688 million in grants to help restaurants and other hard-hit small businesses navigate these challenges, and look forward to building on that support through the 'Let’s Go Out' campaign to ensure a strong recovery for restaurants across the Commonwealth.”
“Throughout the pandemic, restaurants have demonstrated their resilience and creativity to adapt their operations in response to the public health crisis, from increasing delivery and takeout options to embracing outdoor dining,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “As our nation-leading vaccination program allows us to reopen our economy, we are glad to launch this campaign to stimulate recovery throughout Massachusetts by encouraging residents to return to their favorite restaurants and the communities they call home.”
Campaign ads will capture the meaningful moments that play out in restaurants, such as celebrating special occasions, reconnecting with friends, spending time with loved ones, or meeting someone new. Following the economic impact of COVID-19 on restaurants and the transition of many customers to delivery and takeout alone, this summer presents an opportunity for consumers to get out and reengage with friends and family, around the food they love in an atmosphere that invites emotional connections.
“Throughout the pandemic, we’ve been pleased to launch a number of key initiatives among which include the largest-in-the-nation small business relief grant program, which directed about $224 million to the restaurant industry alone, funding to support modifications to public spaces to accommodate more and safer outdoor dining, and the successful ‘My Local MA’ campaign to encourage people to shop, dine, and visit locally,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. “With the ‘Let’s Go Out’ campaign, we’re doubling down on our call to the public to buy local by reconnecting with friends and family around the tables of their favorite restaurant, the new tavern down the street, and the café with the live music.” 
“As our restaurants reopen to capacity, it’s an exciting time for them to welcome back customers,” said MOTT Executive Director Keiko Matsudo Orrall. “The aim of the ‘Let’s Go Out’ campaign is to showcase the amazing diversity of restaurants we have across the state and encourage a return to in-person dining to support these businesses that are so critical to our economy. While there may be some changes at the restaurants, like new floor plans or contactless payment systems, the unparalleled experience of in-restaurant dining is essential to connection and community.”
The campaign, which will run through September 2021, will feature statewide coverage including display ads, digital billboards, posters, and radio spots, as well as billboards at Fenway Park. Additional billboards and display ads will be featured on highways and at Logan Airport, in partnership with MassDOT and Massport. A TV spot will also air on broadcast TV, including on NESN during Red Sox games in late summer. The campaign’s landing page, VisitMA.com/LetsGoOut, features campaign information and a growing restaurant directory.

 “As the Senate Chair of Tourism, Arts & Cultural Development, and a member of the Restaurant Promotion Commission, I heard first-hand from industry leaders about the challenges facing restaurants before the pandemic hit – and there were many,” said Senator Ed Kennedy, a member of the Restaurant Promotion Commission. “Restaurants are the places where we meet up with friends, hold business meetings, and celebrate special occasions. They are an important part of the Commonwealth’s economic vitality and the center of our social lives. The restaurant sector was devastated during the pandemic and those businesses that have survived now need all our support to remain viable. As we lift restrictions and begin to go out again, please remember to eat local and shop local.”

"If my family were still in the restaurant business and had to contend with something like COVID-19, I don’t know how we would have survived,” said Senator Julian Cyr, a member of the Restaurant Promotion Commission. “After a painful test of their creativity, hard work, and crisis response, the restaurant workers who make their lives on the Cape and Islands are ready to welcome residents from across the Commonwealth and beyond. I’m optimistic that we will take action soon to see restaurant promotion kick into high gear — just in time for our busy season to begin in full."

“Restaurants play an essential role in the local, regional and statewide economy,” said Representative Paul McMurtry, a member of the Restaurant Promotion Commission. “Not only in employing thousands of people, they are the center of community, socialization, and quality of life. Increased customer patronage and the continued support of the Legislature will strengthen the industry and assure a brighter future as we emerge from the pandemic.”
The “Let’s Go Out” campaign was developed in close collaboration with key industry stakeholders that offered their expertise and support, including the Massachusetts Restaurant Association, Mass Restaurants United, and members of the Restaurant Promotion Commission.
"Over the last year, restaurant owners and their staffs have shown great resilience and creativity as they invented new ways to engage with customers while dealing with important but difficult safety restrictions. The fact is, however, that in-person dining is critical to the health of the restaurant industry. With the ‘Let's Go Out’ campaign, Massachusetts is making it clear that they support restaurants, and are taking the issue seriously. The Massachusetts Restaurant Association is proud to be a part of this statewide effort," said Massachusetts Restaurant Association President and CEO Bob Luz.
For information, go to VisitMA.com/LetsGoOut.
The “Let’s Go Out” campaign will supplement My Local MA, the state’s marketing initiative to encourage residents of the Commonwealth to support their local economies by shopping at Massachusetts businesses and attractions. Launched in August 2020, the campaign was developed in response to the economic impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on small businesses and communities. The marketing outreach includes print, broadcast, billboard and digital ads, along with social media. The website LoveMyLocalMA.com features resources for businesses and consumers on how to get involved.
Last October, the Baker-Polito Administration released Partnerships for Recovery, the Commonwealth’s plan to help stabilize and grow the Massachusetts economy. The plan focuses on getting people back to work, supporting small businesses, fostering innovation, revitalizing downtowns, and ensuring housing stability. Through Partnerships for Recovery, the Administration awarded more than $688 million to support small businesses, with one-third of the total program funding benefiting the restaurant and bar industry, and has opened new grant programs to revitalize downtowns, support cultural institutions, enhance tourist destinations, and fund regional economic development projects.

星期四, 6月 03, 2021

耆英遇襲、餐館遭搶 華埠治安亮紅燈? 華埠居民會要求州市馳援

               (Boston Orange)波士頓華埠居民會62日晚在月例會中提醒亞裔耆英,出門小心,將聯絡社區組織,攜手要求州市政府提供援助,考慮安排交通工具,接送出門採購或辦事的亞裔耆英。


               波士頓華埠居民62日晚的月例會仍然在網上舉行,包括波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),波士頓市移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali,幕僚長張家燁,波士頓市人權辦公室代表等,共有50多人參加。

Annie 述說祖母在回家路上遇襲,要求州市政府設法保護人民安全。

經華人前進會邀請,Annie Chi當晚到會說明,她祖母住在南端/後灣區,523日傍晚六、七點出門,到附近的Walgreen購物,回程路上突然被人襲擊,並伸手搶她的錢包,由於錢包中有她祖父的醫療證件,她祖母擔心失去證件,影響巨大,因而緊拽錢包,不肯放手,襲擊者於是不斷毆打她祖母,都把她祖母打倒在地了,還繼續拳打腳踢,終於搶走了錢包,還好此時有路人經過,撥打了911電話,叫來救護車,把她祖母送進醫院。當晚十點多,他們接到醫院通知,才知道發生了這種事,全家人都為此深感不安與憤怒。她祖母來美已三十多年,還是第一次遇到這種情況,驚嚇不已的不明白為什麼會發生這種事。

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn(下),華埠居民會共同主席黃國威(右上),
華埠圖書館之友代表Heang Rubin(左上)報告永久館址預定在R1地段。
Annie Chi表示,雖然他們沒有證據能顯示這宗案件和仇恨亞裔有關,但鑒於最近在美國各地發生的一連串類似的亞裔耆英無故遇襲事件,他們家決定把此事經過上傳社交媒體,希望提醒亞裔民眾注意安全。

Annie Chi表示,他們和華人前進會合作,希望藉此事件,呼籲社區攜手向州市政府提出三點援助要求,一為製作並分發傳單,教導耆英如何保護自身安全;二為要求政府提供交通工具,接送耆英出門,到超市採購或就醫等;三為在街道,耆英住宅大樓安裝更多監視攝影機鏡頭,以期捕捉住事件發生經過,盡快抓捕犯案者。


華人前進會名譽主席李素影表示,Annie Chi祖母的遭遇,提醒人要告訴亞裔耆英們,出門別帶太多現金,重要文件也別放在錢包內,一旦遇到有人行搶,自己的人身安全最重要,別和搶匪爭奪,平日出門最好選在白天,並且約伴同型。

波士頓市移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali出席說明,該辦公室願意竭力協助華埠民眾。
波士頓市移民進步辦公室主任Yusufi Vali當晚特地出席,為Annie Chi祖母的遭遇表示抱歉之後,強調該辦公室竭力協助居民因應各種狀況。他的辦公室裏有好幾名亞裔員工,如遭遇狀況,但不願意向警察局報案,可以和她們聯絡,該辦公室也願意協助籌辦同伴計畫,期以保護耆英們的安全。

               波士頓市移民進步辦公室幕僚長張家燁表示,她能說廣東話,上海話,以及一點點國語,有需要的民眾,可以和她連絡。她認為Annie Chi提出的舉辦旁觀者或受害者工作坊,幫助民眾在遭遇狀況時做適當反映,是很好的意見。她也把她自己的電話,電郵,在網路會議的聊天室中,留給了出席民眾。


             波士頓市人權辦公室代表當晚也出席了會議。他透露,市府內的亞裔員工最近和波士頓市代市長Kim Janey開了一個多小時的會,討論了如何為亞裔提供援助資源。



               華埠圖書館之友代表Heang Rubin到會說明,和波士頓市府協商結果,華埠圖書館的永久館址,目前看來會在R1地段,待有進一步消息時,會再和華埠商量。


BTBA June webinar 6/5


波士頓公共圖書館6/8 劉仲岳講談新書"恆久掙扎 - 1880~2018"


Michael Liu — Forever Struggle: Activism, Identity, and Survival in Boston's Chinatown, 1880-2018

Michael Liu — Forever Struggle: Activism, Identity, and Survival in Boston's Chinatown, 1880-2018
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Online event


Join us for an online author talk with Michael Liu about Forever Struggle: Activism, Identity, and Survival in Boston's Chinatown, 1880-2018. This program, which will be moderated by Boston Public Library President David Leonard, is part of the BPL's Repairing America Series.

About Forever Struggle

Chinatown has a long history in Boston. Though little documented, it represents the city’s most sustained neighborhood effort to survive during eras of hostility and urban transformation. It has been wounded and transformed, slowly ceding ground; at the same time, its residents and organizations have gained a more prominent voice over their community’s fate.

In writing about Boston Chinatown’s long history, Michael Liu, a lifelong activist and scholar of the community, charts its journey and efforts for survival—from its emergence during a time of immigration and deep xenophobia to the highway construction and urban renewal projects that threatened the neighborhood after World War II to its more recent efforts to keep commercial developers at bay. At the ground level, Liu depicts its people, organizations, internal battles, and varied and complex strategies against land-taking by outside institutions and public authorities. The documented courage, resilience, and ingenuity of this low-income immigrant neighborhood of color have earned it a place amongst our urban narratives. Chinatown has much to teach us about neighborhood agency, the power of organizing, and the prospects of such neighborhoods in rapidly growing and changing cities.

To order this book from one of our local independent community bookstore partners, Trident Booksellers & Cafeplease visit this link to their website. Use the code BPLSHIP for free media mail delivery!

Michael Liu is coauthor of The Snake Dance of Asian American Activism: Community, Vision, and Power and former senior research associate at the Institute for Asian American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Born in Chinatown to working-class parents, Liu returned to Boston after graduating from Swarthmore College in 1970, and helped create social justice groups such as the Asian American Resource Workshop, the Chinese Progressive Association, the Boston Rainbow Coalition, and the Asian American Political Agenda Coalition. Liu holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from UMass Boston.

The Repairing America Initiative is the Boston Public Library's pledge to focus its 2021 programming and services on bridging the gaps that divide America. By prioritizing economic recovery, civic engagement, COVID-19 recovery, racial equity, workforce development, and youth engagement, the BPL is working to help Americans rise above the challenges they face.

Programming like this is enabled through the generosity of a variety of public and private funding. To learn more and support our programming, visit the Boston Public Library Fund website.

星期三, 6月 02, 2021

波士頓華埠土地信託會學習之旅 6/3


Join these upcoming events!


Join our CLT Learning Series!



63日:傍晚6:30 8:00


我們將探討社區土地信託如何能促進社區治理:在那裡和怎樣做決策,以及由誰做決策? 居民和董事會成員在領導社區土地信託方面扮演什麼角色?請加入我們一起聆聽該領域的領導者的經驗:屋倫社區土地信託


Learn about CLTs!

The Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network (GBCLTN) is holding a Summer Learning Series. This is an opportunity for peer learning, discussion and community-building.


June 3rd:  6:30-8pm 

We will explore how Community Land Trusts promote community governance:  Where and how are decisions made, and who makes them?  What roles do residents and board members have in leading the CLT? Join us to hear the experiences from a leader in the field:  Oakland CLT.


Using a model of community control, Oakland Community Land Trust in California removes land from the speculative market so that it serves communities of color and low-income residents forever 


Register for sessions here


在线参与或致電到 +13017158592,,85025124684#



Support our work to stabilize Chinatown!

Chinatown CLT is part of a growing movement for community control of land as a way to stabilize working class neighborhoods with permanently affordable housing and shared neighborhood spaces.  



Anyone can become a member of Chinatown CLT if you agree with our mission and pay $5 annual dues. Chinatown residents are voting members; non-residents are supporting members.



Chinatown Community Land Trust


E: participate@chinatownclt.org



關於Dennis White Kim Janey: 仔細思考後,我會做決定

Statement from Mayor Kim Janey on the Hearing for Dennis White

I held the hearing for Dennis White this morning, providing an opportunity for him to present any additional information. I will make a decision after careful deliberation.  

      (Boston Orange)波士頓代市長Kim Janey今(2)早發出聲明,表示停職中的波士頓警察局局長Dennis White是否該解雇,「仔細思考後,我會做決定」。

       Dennis White在今年2月1日匆促上任波士頓警察局局長僅約2天,就因1990年代的家暴案,由當時即將離任的波士頓市市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)處以停職調查。    

    獨立調查機構的報告出爐後,波士頓市代理市長Kim Janey有意召開聽證會,以作為是否解雇Dennis White的參考。Dennis White立即入秉法院,申請禁制令,但法院及其後的上訴法庭,都駁回了Dennis White的要求。波士頓市長Kim Janey今早10點半,發出二行字的聲明,簡單表示,今早她舉行了一場聽證會,給Dennis White機會陳述額外資訊。她將在仔細思考後,做出決定。但並未給出時間


麻州州長繼續鼓勵注射新冠疫苗 6/1 (Video)

 Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito will join Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders to highlight a new mobile vaccination program at select Market Basket locations.

$800k Awarded for Two Residential Facilities for Adolescent Mental Health/Substance Use Treatment

 $800k Awarded for Two Residential Facilities for Adolescent Mental Health/Substance Use Treatment


New facilities will double the number of beds available for youth


BOSTON (June 2, 2021) – The Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) and the Department of Public Health (DPH) today announced $800,000 for two new residential treatment facilities for adolescents with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.


The grant recipients, the Center for Human Development in Chicopee and Lowell House in Reading, will provide critical residential treatment services for young people in Eastern and Western Massachusetts, with a combined capacity of 39 treatment beds.


“These awards are part of our ongoing investment in life-saving addiction treatment programs, especially for young people struggling with mental health concerns and substance use,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “The supports and services offered by inpatient treatment programs can often be the most effective option for many teens dealing with addiction and their families.”


“DPH is committed to ensuring that adolescents receive developmentally appropriate mental health and addiction treatment,said Public Health Commissioner Monica Bharel, MD, MPH. “These treatment facilities will provide evidence-based care, intervention, and peer supports that in some cases cannot be solely provided in the teen’s home environment.”


The programs are designed to reflect the developmental needs, attitudes and interests of their adolescent populations and will provide mental health services, help address primary health concerns, support learning skills needed to maintain recovery and transition toward more independence, and identify resources for effective aftercare planning.


The Center for Human Development will have a 15-bed capacity serving males ages 13 to 17, and Lowell House will have 24 beds for a gender inclusive (co-ed) population ages 13 to 17, doubling the number of youth treatment beds in the state. Both facilities will provide supervision 24 hours a day, seven days a week in a residential setting licensed by DPH’s Bureau of Substance Addiction Services.


The grant award will continue until 2030, with $400,000 distributed to each program annually. The program is funded through a combination of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) block grant and state funding.


“This award will ensure that youths have access to the integrated mental health and substance use disorder treatment they need,” said Deirdre Calvert, Director of DPH’s Bureau of Substance Addiction Services. “DPH is dedicated to supporting young people in their recovery from substance use and ensuring their access to behavioral healthcare.”