
星期三, 12月 16, 2020


 市長 WALSH 宣佈,波士頓暫時回到重新開放計劃之調整版第二階段、第二步

波士頓市將採取新的措施來減緩 COVID-19 的傳播,並保證醫院的接診能力

波士頓 - 2020 12 14 日星期一 - 為了減少 COVID-19 的進一步傳播,以及其對波士頓醫療系統和基本服務的影響,市長 Martin J. Walsh 今天宣布,自 12 16 日星期三起,波士頓市將回到重新開放馬薩諸塞州計劃之調整版第二階段、第二步。馬薩諸塞州的其他市長和市級領導也在其所在城市和城鎮發布了和波士頓類似的限制命令,包括阿靈頓、布羅克頓、牛頓、薩默維爾和溫思羅普。

市長 Walsh 表示:「很遺憾,我們現在需要採取更嚴格的措施來控制波士頓的 COVID-19 疫情,並且非常緊迫的是,要確保我們的醫護人員有足夠的能力來照顧有需要的每一個人。」「我們希望在本地區減少傳播的機會,從而減少這種致死病毒的擴散,保留我們供關鍵服務的能力。我們將繼續鼓勵每個人承擔自己的責任,在前往任何公共區域或企業時遵循公共衛生指南,鼓勵雇主允許員工儘量在家遠程辦公。只要我們一起努力,我們就能夠控制好這個病毒、拯救更多生命,並最終強勢回歸到我們的正常生活。」

參閱波士頓公共衛生委員會 (Public Health Commission) 發布的「關於在波士頓市實施補充 COVID-19 限制的命令。」

2020 7 6 日以來,波士頓市一直處於重新開放馬薩諸塞州計劃第三階段、第一步。自感恩節以來,波士頓市居民中 COVID-19 病例一直穩定上升中,在 2020 12 6 日結束的那週,全市範圍內的陽性檢測率為 7.2%,比前一週的 5.2% 高。截至 2020 12 10 日,波士頓醫院成人非手術 ICU 病床的佔用率為 90%。回到調整版第二階段、第二步需要關閉第三階段指定的部分企業。對於私人和公共場所的聚會,室內人數不得超過 10 人,室外不得超過 25 人。

波士頓市的下述行業 12 16 日星期三起需要關閉至少三週:





室內娛樂和運動設施(18 歲及以下的青少年除外)










波士頓市以下行業可繼續營運,但必須遵守自 12 16 日起開始實施的下列限制,為期至少三週:

      辦公區域可繼續開放,但容納人數不得超過 40%。強烈鼓勵雇主允許員工儘量在家辦公。

      餐廳可繼續提供店內就餐,但需限於使用吧檯座位。將嚴格實施最多 90 分鐘的就餐時間,以減少聚集,並防止 COVID-19 的傳播。在任何日曆日,就餐的任何人在餐廳停留的時間不得超過 90 分鐘。不得進行助興活動,如撞球、飛鏢、冷知識問答。

      吧檯座位的使用需經在執照持有者提交吧檯座位計劃後,由波士頓許可委員會 (Boston’s Licensing Board) 審核和批准,並發放明確書面批准後方可使用。否則不可使用吧檯座位。

      針對 18 歲及以上人士的藝術、教育和生命科學的室內非運動教學課程可繼續進行,人數不得超過 10 人。

      用於聚會和慶祝活動的戶外活動場所,人數不得超過 25 人,包括公園、預訂區和其他第四階段未指定的戶外場所。

      戶外劇院和戶外表演場所可繼續營運,人數不得超過 25 人。


東波士頓街區健康中心 (East Boston Neighborhood Health Cente) 主席兼首席執行官 Manny Lopes 表示:「目前,我們需要使用公共衛生和醫療保健工具箱中的每一個工具,以緩解 COVID-19 的傳播。疫苗給予我們希望,但我們即將獲得的幫助並不表示戰鬥即將結束。10 個月以來,市長 Walsh 及其團隊一直關注資料的變化,並為了保障波士頓市居民的利益而採取各種行動。我贊成他繼續保持這一策略,並期待大家都行動起來,支援我們共同對抗 COVID-19


      口罩令:在所有公共場所,無論是室內還是室外,即使大家能夠與他人保持 6 英尺的距離,也需要佩戴口罩或布料面罩。


      在到達前填寫馬薩諸塞州旅行表,除非從公共衛生部 (Department of Public Healt) 指定的低風險州而來。

2021年1月14日 波士頓移民講故事




Immigrant storytellers share their personal stories and reflect on 2020

BOSTON - While 2020 challenged everyone, immigrants and refugees have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. On January 14, 2021, the City of Boston Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Advancement (MOIA) and the International Institute of New England (IINE) will host a free virtual performance of Suitcase Stories: Boston Immigrants Unpack 2020. During the program, Boston immigrants will share poignant, personal accounts from 2020 and their hopes for the new year.

What: Suitcase Stories: Boston Immigrants Unpack 2020

When: January 14, 2021 from 7-8:15pm

Where: Zoom and Facebook Live

“Even though we can’t be together in person as much as we’d like, we’re still finding ways to connect,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “There’s something very powerful about storytelling. Through sharing stories we get to know each other better, and in Boston, community is everything.”

“For years to come people will tell their stories of 2020. It’s especially important to hear from immigrants and refugees who have been on the front lines to gain a greater appreciation of our shared experiences as neighbors and to understand situations unique to immigrant communities,” said MOIA Director Yusufi Vali.

The event will feature storytellers from countries including Brazil, Haiti, Iran, and Senegal. Expected tellers include: Maedeh Marzoughi Ardekani from Boston Medical Center, Miriam Morales, co-owner of Recreo Coffee & Roasterie; and Natalícia Tracy, Executive Director of the Brazilian Worker Center.

“The pandemic is only one of many topics from the past year, said creator and director of Suitcase Stories Cheryl Hamilton. “The show will also feature wonderful moments from new additions to families and acts of kindness within communities.”

Suitcase Stories: Boston Immigrants Unpack 2020 is on January 14, 2021 from 7-8:15 pm. The event is free and those who wish to attend live on Zoom need to sign up online. The event will also be livestreamed on MOIA’s Facebook page.



Joins Coalition Reminding White House Counsel to Comply with Presidential Records Act and Federal Records Act


            BOSTON – Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey today joined a coalition of 15 attorneys general in calling on the Trump Administration to comply with its legal obligations and take all necessary steps to preserve and maintain presidential records, including tweets, notes of private conversations and emails from private servers.


            “From day one, this Administration has acted like it’s above the law,” AG Healey said. “With the new administration set to take office in less than one month, we are calling on the White House Counsel to remind the President and his staff of their legal obligation to maintain and preserve all records.”


            The letter  reminds White House Counsel Pat Cipollone that President Trump and all White House staff must comply with the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act. The two federal laws govern how presidential administrations, their agencies and departments must preserve and manage records. The letter asks the White House Counsel to confirm compliance with the laws before the inauguration of President-elect Joseph Biden on Jan. 21, 2021.


            According to the letter, White House Counsel issued a memorandum in February 2017 reminding all White House personnel of their obligation to preserve and maintain all presidential records in accordance with the law. The memorandum noted “willful destruction or concealment of federal records is a federal crime punishable by fines and imprisonment,” and that these obligations were reiterated to staff in September 2017. The letter also notes that President Trump has shown “an utter disregard for his recordkeeping obligations” under the law throughout his presidency, including when he rips up notes at the end of meetings and when he tweets and then deletes the tweets.


            It has been widely reported, as noted in the letter, that Senior Advisor Jared Kushner communicates with other administration officials as well as foreign officials through WhatsApp and that Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump uses a personal email account to send emails concerning White House business. The letter also points out that President Trump has reportedly concealed details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin, including on at least one occasion taking possession of the notes of his own interpreter and instructing the linguist not to discuss what had transpired with other administration officials.


In addition to Massachusetts, and led by New York, the letter was also signed onto by the attorneys general of Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia.



             (Boston Orange 綜合報導)波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh((16)日下午4點在芬紐廳(Faneuil Hall)開記者會,宣佈緊急風雪令,指出積雪可能高達913吋,有些地方甚至會高達15吋,風勢也會高至時速45英里。







波士頓公校週四將暫停發放餐食,在華盛頓公園購物廣場,以及海德道(Hyde Park Ave)1432號的這兩個新冠病毒檢測站,也將暫時關閉。





Residents urged to take caution and abide by snow regulations; City-sponsored meal distribution sites & some COVID-19 testing sites closed on Thursday
BOSTON - Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today declared a snow emergency ahead of the forecasted winter storm. Total snow accumulations may range between 9 to 13 inches, with the potential to up to 15 inches in some areas, and winds as high as 45 mph are expected. Residents are advised that a parking ban is in effect starting at 6:00 p.m., when vehicles parked on the street will start to be towed. The City is urging residents to abide by snow regulations and all commuters to utilize caution when traveling during the Thursday commutes. Dry weather paired with colder temperatures and wind chill are anticipated on Thursday and Friday following the storm.
"Boston hasn't seen a sizable snowstorm since March of 2019 -- over 21 months ago. I am urging everyone to be ready and prepared," said Mayor Walsh. "I ask all our residents and workers to be alert and remain cautious on our roads and sidewalks. Our Public Works Department (PWD) will be working hard to pre-treat and clean our roads during this snowfall, and I thank them for their hard work. We are asking residents and businesses to do their part by staying safe, shoveling their sidewalks, walkways, catch basins, and fire hydrants, and looking out for one another as neighbors. The City of Boston will continue to share updates throughout the storm."
  • A snow emergency has been declared. A parking ban is in effect starting today, Wednesday, December 16 at 6:00 p.m. All vehicles parked on a posted snow emergency artery will be towed beginning at 6:00 p.m. today. Residents can find a list of discounted garages here and begin parking at participating garages starting at 4:00 p.m. today.
  • Trash and Recycling pick-up is cancelled citywide on Thursday, December 17. Neighborhoods with a Thursday and Friday pick-up schedule will be delayed by one day. Residents are encouraged to download the  Trash Day App
  • Starting at midnight, Street Sweeping is cancelled until further notice. 
  • All Boston Public Schools (BPS) school buildings will be closed. All students, including students who were scheduled to report for in-person learning, will attend classes online for a partial day that will end 2.5 hours earlier than the regularly scheduled dismissal time. There will be no in-person learning on Thursday.  
  • As indicated in signage posted in BPS school parking lots, parking is not allowed during snowstorms. Vehicles may be towed if they are parked in BPS parking lots this evening.
  • All BPS meal distribution sites will be open today Wednesday, December 16 until 6:00 p.m. instead of Thursday, December 17. Other meal sites in the City will also be closed on Thursday, December 17. They will be open today to distribute extra meals. Residents are encouraged to check with their meal site for hours. 
  • The City-sponsored mobile COVID-19 testing sites at Washington Park Mall and 1432 Hyde Park Avenue will be closed on Thursday. For other updates on testing site availability and closures, please check hours of operation here
Boston City Hall and all City departments will be closed on Thursday, December 17. Boston Public Library locations will be closed, including BPL To Go services. Residents with appointments scheduled on Thursday, December 17 will be contacted by City departments to reschedule. All Boston Centers for Youth & Families are closed and in person programming is cancelled. 

The Public Works Department will have equipment to pre-treat Boston's roads prior to the snowfall starting and has the ability to put over 600 pieces of equipment on City streets. The Public Works Department currently has 44,000 tons of salt on hand.

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is in constant contact with the National Weather Service to receive detailed forecasts for the City of Boston and ensure City departments have plans in place to handle the forecast. Residents can sign up to receive AlertBoston notifications by phone, text, or email. Residents can call 311 for non-emergency related issues.

Rules on clearing snow:
  • Property owners must fully clear snow, sleet and ice from sidewalks and curb ramps abutting the property within three hours after the snowfall ends or three hours after sunrise if the snow ends overnight. Curb and pedestrian ramps to the street should be cleared fully and continually over the duration of the storm to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities. If a storm will last over an extended period of time, property owners are asked to continually check ramps abutting their property for compliance. 
  • Removal of snow, ice from a private property to the street or sidewalk is prohibited. 
  • Failure to comply with the rules can result in fines issued by PWD's Code Enforcement Division. Fines associated with improper removal of snow can be found here.
Caring for vulnerable populations:
  • If you see homeless and vulnerable individuals out in the cold who appear immobile, disoriented or underdressed for the cold, please call 911.
  • The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) coordinates a city-wide network of emergency shelters, outreach providers, city agencies and first responders to assist those in need of shelter.
  • Boston's emergency shelters are open 24 hours and will accept any person in need. Men can access shelter at the 112 Southampton Street Shelter, and women should go to the Woods-Mullen Shelter at 794 Massachusetts Ave. BPHC and the City work closely with shelter providers in the city to ensure that no client is without shelter, food, resources, and a warm respite from the cold.
  • The City brought over 200 beds for the winter spread throughout sites in Brighton, Mission Hill and downtown. Additionally, the City worked with the State to add additional capacity in locations surrounding and outside of Boston.
  • The BPHC Engagement Center is open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. In addition to providing an indoor heated space, it offers a range of basic amenities and comfort items, such as clean bathroom facilities, water, coffee, and light snacks.
  • During extreme cold weather, street outreach teams operate with extended hours and provide mobile outreach vans on the streets in the evening and throughout the day.
Safety tips:
  • Keep catch basins and fire hydrants clear. For a map of catch basins and fire hydrants, visit hereYou can assist in keeping hydrants clear of snow so the Boston Fire Department can access them quickly in case of emergency.
  • Shoveling snow requires significant exertion; please be cautious and pay attention to symptoms. Stop if you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheaded, nauseous/vomiting. Call 911 if those symptoms do not resolve quickly.
  • Snow piles can make navigating intersections dangerous for walkers and drivers. Please take extra care when turning corners with snow piles that might limit visibility.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning is a concern during winter weather, especially with the use of generators. Residents should use their home heating systems wisely and safely, and have a working carbon monoxide detector on each floor of the home. Call 911 immediately if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Sitting in a car while idling can be deadly if the tailpipe is blocked. Do not let children sit in an idling car while shoveling. Clear any household exhaust pipes of snow like gas exhaust from the heating system or dryer.
  • Have a contractor check the roof to see if snow needs to be removed. If roof snow can be removed from the ground with the use of a snow-rake, do so with caution. Avoid working from ladders and be mindful of slippery surfaces. 
Dress for the weather:
  • Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, residents are required to wear face masks or cloth face coverings in all public places, whether indoors or outdoors, even where they are able to maintain 6 feet of distance from others. 
  • Wear several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing.
  • Outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent.
  • Wear mittens over gloves; layering works for your hands as well.
  • Always wear a hat and cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs.  
  • Dress children warmly and set reasonable time limits on outdoor play.
  • Restrict infants' outdoor exposure when it is colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
Watch for signs of frostbite:
  • Signs of frostbite include loss of feeling and white or pale appearance in extremities such as fingers, toes, ear lobes, and the tip of the nose. If symptoms are detected, get medical help immediately.
Watch for signs of hypothermia:
  • These include uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion. If you or someone you know shows any of these symptoms, get in touch with a healthcare provider immediately. If symptoms are severe, call 911.
Heating safety:
  • Never try to heat your home using a charcoal or gas grill, the kitchen stove, or other product not specifically designed as a heater. These can cause a fire or produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide very quickly. 
  • Have your heating system cleaned and checked annually.
  • Install and maintain smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home. Carbon monoxide is an invisible gas produced whenever any fuel is burned. Common sources include oil or gas furnaces, water heaters, fireplaces, stoves, and some space heaters. It has no smell, taste, or color. It is a poison and is deadly.
Emergency home repair resources: 
  • Income-eligible homeowners and Boston's residents over age 60 can receive assistance with winter emergencies and repairs, such as fixing storm damage, leaking roofs, furnaces and leaking/frozen pipes. For assistance, residents should call the Mayor's hotline at 311 or the Boston Home Center at 617-635-HOME (4663).   
  • A grant up to $5,000 is available for income eligible homeowners over age 60 to ease unexpected financial burdens caused by an emergency situation with their home.
  • In addition, the Mayor's Seniors Save program helps income eligible Bostonians over the age of 60 replace old, inefficient heating systems with a brand new heating system even before a catastrophic failure occurs during the cold winter months. Older adults can also call 311 or the Boston Home Center at 617-635-HOME (4663) to be connected with a City staffer to provide additional details.   
For more information, please visit the Winter in Boston guide and follow @CityofBoston on Twitter.

麻州州長匯報風雪來襲 請民眾小心,盡量留在家中

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)籲請民眾盡量別出門。(周菊子攝)
             (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)和州府團隊昨天才繼續勸州民,沒事少出門,別群聚,今(16)天又提醒州民,大風雪今晚來襲,最好儘量待在家裏。



  麻州交通廳廳長Stephanie Pollack提醒民眾查




麻州副州長白莉朵(Karen Polito)。(周菊子攝)
             麻州交通廳廳長Stephanie Pollack表示,為避免2015年地鐵(MBTA)被嚴重破壞的情況再發生,地鐵已投資了一億多元來避免天氣糟糕導致服務中斷。相信MBTA已為今冬做好準備。


麻州州務卿指責Robinhood金融遊戲化應用程式 吸引人交易股票手法不恰當

 (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州州務卿威廉蓋文(William Galvin)15日指控羅賓漢金融公司(Robinhood Financial LLC)把應用程式遊戲化,不恰當的擴大吸引了沒有股票交易財務技能的客戶,卻並未適當的加強其支援客戶能力。

威廉蓋文的辦公室要羅賓漢金融公司(Robinhood Financial LLC)聘用一名外界顧問來檢視其行銷策略及程序,並密切注意其架構。



威廉蓋文辦公室證券組投訴羅賓漢公司的行動,是威廉蓋文九月開始實施麻州信託規則(Massachusetts Fiduciary Rule)後的第一宗執行案。





星期二, 12月 15, 2020

波士頓北一女校友換屆 吳萍萍卸任 張冕接會長


            ((Boston Orange 周菊子麻州報導)波士頓北一女校友會日前換屆,在校友夫婿技術支援的網路會議中,會長吳萍萍交棒,張冕接任。2020團隊跨入2021繼續服務。








