
星期一, 3月 16, 2020



BOSTON - Monday, March 16, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a series of updates relating to construction activity, the Boston Public Library system, and the Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF). As a reminder, all Boston Public Schools will be closed starting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17 until Monday, April 27, 2020. Should the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency improve on a faster timeline than expected, Mayor Walsh and BPS Superintendent Brenda Cassellius will look into reopening schools before April 27 if that is what is best for Boston's school communities.

"COVID-19 is one of the greatest public health challenges our city has ever faced, and the steps that we take now to mitigate its spread are critical for the wellbeing of our residents," said Mayor Walsh. "We understand these steps are disruptive for our daily lives, and I want to remind everyone that this is a citywide effort that requires everyone to do their part to help us keep our city strong and resilient. I thank all of our residents, especially our first responders and medical staff, our educators, and everyone who is making a difference." 


Effective tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17, 2020 the City is suspending all regular activity at construction sites in Boston. Employers should maintain the necessary crews to keep their sites safe and secure, keep any materials from blowing away, and prevent trespassing. This work needs to be completed in the next week, by Monday, March 23, 2020. After sites have been secured, skeleton crews will be permitted for the remainder of this suspension to ensure safety. The only work that will be permitted moving forward will be emergency work, which will need to be approved by the City of Boston's Inspectional Services Department. 

That essential work includes:
  • Emergency utility, road or building work, such as gas leaks, water leaks and sinkholes;
  • New utility connections to occupied buildings; 
  • Mandated building or utility work;
  • Work at public health facilities, healthcare facilities, shelters, including temporary shelters and other facilities that support vulnerable populations; 
  • Work which ensures the reliability of the transportation network; 
  • Other work necessary to render occupied residential buildings fully habitable.
In addition to the list of essential construction projects, the City will, on a case-by-case basis, review requests for exceptions to the temporary construction moratorium.  These may be granted by the Commissioner of Inspectional Services for building-related work or the Commissioner of Public Works for street-related work. These will be granted if they support increased public health and safety.  

This policy is effective as of March 17 and will be reviewed at regular intervals. New projects cannot be started at this time, unless they meet the criteria above.  Any currently permitted and active construction project must be in a secure situation by Monday, March 23. This policy only applies to projects permitted by the City of Boston.  


As of 6:00 p.m. today, all branches of the Boston Public Library (BPL) system are closed until further notice including the central library in Copley Square. During this time, BPL will expand automatic renewals, and allow people to keep their books and other materials for an additional 15 weeks, instead of the standard three weeks. 

All late fines will be waived until May 1, 2020 and library patrons will have until October to renew their library card if it is set to expire. In the coming days and weeks, BPL will increase online services, including ebooks, downloadable movies, audio books, and other information resources.

As a part of the City's school closure plan, Chromebooks are being distributed to every student who needs them. Students will be encouraged to make use of the BPL's vast collection of resources during this time. 


All BCYF pools, gyms and fitness centers are closed. By this Wednesday, March 18, 2020, all BCYF programming will be suspended. Only select BCYF centers will be open for youth meal distribution during school closures. For a list of meal distribution locations, go to boston.gov/coronavirus.

To protect Bostonians and their families from the spread of the virus, residents are reminded to practice caution: wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol; avoid shaking hands; cover your coughs and sneezes; clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces; and avoid close contact with people who are sick. If you think you might be sick, please call your doctor or 311 to be connected to the Mayor's Health Line. Residents are also reminded to practice social distancing: keep your distance from others (6 feet apart); avoid crowded places. 

Residents are asked to not call 9-1-1 unless you are experiencing a medical emergency. The City and BPHC will continue to provide updated information on bphc.org and boston.gov/coronavirus


麻州設立1000萬元小企業復原貸款金 最高可貸75,000

麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)與參眾議會議長連袂宣佈
(Boston Orange編譯)查理貝克政府今(16)日下午4點多宣佈,撥款1000萬元,設立小企業復原貸款基金(Small Business Recovery Loan Fund),支持受新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)打擊的小企業。
把填妥的申請表用電子郵件寄到mgcc@massgcc.com,在寄件主旨欄註明: 2020小企業復原貸款基金(2020 Small Business Recovery Loan Fund)

Baker-Polito Administration Announces $10 Million Small Business Recovery Loan Fund
Small businesses impacted by COVID-19 will have access to capital assistance

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced economic support for small businesses with a $10 million loan fund to provide financial relief to those that have been affected by COVID-19.

The $10 million Small Business Recovery Loan Fund will provide emergency capital up to $75,000 to Massachusetts-based businesses impacted by COVID-19 with under 50 full- and part-time employees, including nonprofits. Loans are immediately available to eligible businesses with no payments due for the first 6 months. Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC) has capitalized the fund and will administer it.

“As our administration continues to take steps to protect the health and safety of residents, we recognize the hardships facing the small businesses that create the foundation of the state’s economy,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This recovery loan fund is a new resource to help small businesses address emergency needs due to the disruption caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Small business owners and their employees are our neighbors and our friends, and their enterprises play vital roles in our communities, and we are committed to helping them cope with the impacts of COVID-19,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “As we announce this small business recovery loan fund, we will continue to work with the Legislature and our federal partners to find ways to effectively provide assistance during this public health emergency.”

“Our office remains in regular contact with the state’s business community to provide updates and receive feedback as the administration continues to expand its comprehensive COVID-19 response,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. “These new recovery loans complement other resources like the state WorkShare program and federal Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, as well as legislative efforts by the administration to support impacted workers.”

“MGCC is committed to helping support the Commonwealth’s small businesses through this time,” said Lawrence Andrews, President and CEO of MGCC. “We are proud to offer this fund as it serves our mission to save jobs and promote economic development. All processing and funding will take place online through MGCC staff.”

How to Apply:

Please complete the application found on MGCC’s website, EmpoweringSmallBusiness.org

Completed applications can be sent via email to mgcc@massgcc.com with the subject line “2020 Small Business Recovery Loan Fund”.

MGCC can be reached by email: mgcc@massgcc.com

Loan Fund Details:

·        Who Qualifies: Open to Massachusetts-based businesses impacted by COVID-19 with under 50 full- and part-time employees, including nonprofits (negative impact must be verifiable).
·        Terms and Conditions: This fund is being offered with no payments due for the first 6 months, then 30-months of principal and interest payments and no prepayment penalties.
·        Businesses can apply for loans up to $75,000.

About Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation:

MGCC is a quasi-public corporation of the Commonwealth that saves and creates jobs at small businesses, often minority and women-owned businesses, by providing financial services and managerial assistance. MGCC also promotes economic development throughout the state, focusing on Gateway Cities and low- to moderate-income communities. MGCC works with traditional financial institutions to make challenging loans bankable, working with community development corporations and other non-profits to provide financing for job-producing projects, and assisting a wide range of small businesses to find the growth capital they require. Since 2010, MGCC has served over 7,400 small businesses, and positively impacted more than 19,200 jobs with customized working capital financing commitments totaling over $122,000,000. For more information, visit EmpoweringSmallBusiness.org

MBTA17日起縮減服務班次 渡輪停航

            (Boston Orange 編譯)餐館之後,輪到地鐵。MBTA宣佈317日起,渡輪停航,地鐵及大部分巴士將縮減班次,照週六時刻表營運。
巴士的班次會更少些,包括銀線巴士,不過遠程快車路線將保持平日的服務班次。渡輪服務將停止,所有通勤火車(commuter rail)也將縮減服務班次。查詢相關資訊可上網 mbta.com/coronavirus

國際學生最多的東北大學 一學生感染新型冠狀病毒

(Boston Orange 編譯) 東北大學校方週日晚發信通知學生及教職員,一名學生新型冠狀病毒檢測呈陽性,成為該校首名COVID-19推定陽性患者。

星期日, 3月 15, 2020

麻州COVID-19病例增至164宗 45宗確診 108宗和Biogen會議有關

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Emergency Actions to Address COVID-19

            (Boston Orange 編譯)麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)今日(315)下午6點宣佈,從317日起,所有公私立中小學停課三週,民眾聚會限25人以下。
            中小學: 317日至46日暫時停止教育性營運。
            幼兒教育及托兒服務: 遵循EEC/DPH指導原則,視實際情況決定。
            高等教育: 繼續展開遠距學習
            聚會及餐館: 麻州長查理貝克發出緊急命令,限制聚會人數不可超過25人,並自317日起至46日止,禁止在餐館或酒吧內用餐,喝酒。



Baker-Polito Administration Announces Emergency Actions to Address COVID-19
Governor announces emergency on three week school closures, prohibiting gatherings of 25 of more

BOSTON – Today, the Baker-Polito Administration announced a three-week suspension of school operations for educational purposes at all public and private elementary and secondary (K-12) schools in the Commonwealth beginning Tuesday, March 17, and a series of new guidance and legislation in response to COVID-19.

“Our administration is taking these rapid steps to protect the health and safety of our residents to mitigate the spread of COVID-19,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We know that a lot of the measures we are putting into place, including mandatory school closures and prohibiting gatherings of 25 people or more, will cause disruption in people’s day to day lives. With the steps we are taking today, we can ensure residents can still access key state services while taking necessary precautions to limit the spread of COVID-19.”

“The legislation our administration is filing will help ease burdens on cities and towns regarding municipal governance as they work to keep their residents safe,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We look forward to working with the Legislature to swiftly enact these bills to help provide our cities and towns with relief.”

The bills and guidance that Governor Baker outlined today include the following:

Schools in the Commonwealth

Elementary and Secondary Schools: suspend educational operations from March 17 until April 6. Full order available here.

Given the evolving data regarding cases of COVID-19 and out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of children and school staff, the Governor is ordering a 3-week suspension of school operations for educational purposes at all public and private elementary and secondary (K-12) schools in the Commonwealth (not including residential and day schools for special needs students), beginning Tuesday, March 17 and continuing until Monday, April 6. The suspension of educational programming would not necessarily affect the availability of school buildings for the provision of food or other essential non-educational services. As April 6 approaches, the administration will provide additional guidance.

During this period it is critical that students and their families, as well as school staff, stay home as much as possible. If an individual needs to leave home, it is essential to strictly follow social distancing guidelines by avoiding crowds, canceling social gatherings, and maintaining a safe separation of at least 6 feet from others. Restricting access to school buildings will have little impact on public health if these best practices are not followed in good faith.

Although schools must suspend in-person educational operations, staff should be planning for how best to equitably provide alternative access to student learning opportunities during this period and potentially beyond. Equally important, school personnel should develop plans for ensuring to the greatest extent possible that families have access to essential non-academic services for their children – especially involving special education and food services for students who are most vulnerable. 

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) will work in partnership with schools and districts to develop strategies and resources to sustain learning and vital services throughout this closure period. Already, DESE has received a partial waiver from the U.S. Department of Agriculture providing greater flexibility regarding food service in certain districts with higher concentrations of low-income students and is actively pursuing additional waivers for the remaining schools and districts.

Early Education and Care:  follow EEC/DPH guidance regarding closure based on actual cases

The suspension of educational operations at K-12 schools will inevitably affect the provision of pre-school and childcare services. Although we are not ordering the closure of childcare programs at this time, we are strongly urging childcare providers to strictly observe guidelines that are being issued by the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) and the Department of Public Health (DPH), which call for temporary closures based on actual direct or indirect exposures to individuals with COVID-19. 

At the same time, EEC will prioritize the maintenance and expansion of childcare capacity serving front-line healthcare workers and first-responders across the state.

Higher Education: continue to move towards remote learning

With regard to higher education, the Department of Higher Education and DPH strongly recommend that colleges and universities, both public and private, continue to pursue strategies to reduce the need for students to be on campus, including suspending in-person classes and implementing institution-wide programs to shift to remote learning, technology enabled solutions, and other tools to allow students to successfully complete course and degree requirements. Institutions should also pursue strategies to reduce the need for faculty and staff to be on campus by maximizing remote work opportunities, while maintaining essential on-campus services, especially for residential students who cannot safely return home.  Additional guidance will be forthcoming.

Gatherings & Restaurants: Governor Baker issued an emergency order limiting gatherings to 25 individuals and prohibiting on-premises consumption of food or drink at bars and restaurants, beginning on March 17 and effective until April 6. The full order is available here.

Executive Branch Employees: All non-emergency state employees working in Executive Branch agencies should not report to their workplace on Monday, March 16th and Tuesday, March 17th. Employees who are designated by their managers as emergency for the purposes of coronavirus planning should report to work as well. Those employees will be contacted by their managers this evening. During this period, the administration will work to expand alternative work arrangements for the executive branch workforce and further develop plans to continue to provide essential state government services.

Health Care: The Department of Public Health issued guidance today that includes the following:

  • All commercial insurers, self-insured plans, and the Group Insurance Commission are required to cover medically necessary telehealth services related to COVID-19 testing and treatment. The full order is available here.

  • Insurers must do this without requiring cost-sharing of any kind – such as co-pays and coinsurance – for testing and treatment.

  • Additionally, insurers cannot require prior authorization for these services.

  • All assisted living residences are to ban visitors to protect the health of residents and staff. This is in addition to the federal guidance issued on Friday that bans visitors to nursing homes and rest homes.

  • All hospitals operated by the Department of Public Health or the Department of Mental Health are to screen all visitors and restrict visitation if individuals show any indication of illness.

  • Hospitals must cancel non-essential elective procedures.

  • Authorizes licensed pharmacies to create and sell hand sanitizer over the counter.

Registry of Motor Vehicles: The Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) will extend the renewal timeline of certain credentials to reduce the need for customers to physically visit an RMV service center for in-person transactions. The full order is available here.

  • Effective this week, the RMV will implement a 60-day extension to the current expiration date for Class D, Class DMs, ID cards, and Learner’s Permits within the RMV system. All customers with expired/expiring credentials physically dated between March 1, 2020 and April 30, 2020, will continue to have an active status within the RMV system until sixty (60) days after the expiration date printed on their credential.

  • This extension does not apply to vehicle registrations. Most vehicle registrations can be renewed online at Mass.Gov/RMV.

  • This deadline extension will not apply to customers with Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDLs) or those whose end of stay in the United States is the same as the expiration date on their driver’s license, ID card, or Learner’s Permit. 

  • Customers eligible for this extension should wait to visit an RMV Service Center or AAA office (if a member of AAA), to renew until after the State of Emergency has been terminated.

Unemployment Assistance: The Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) and the Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA), in coordination with the US Department of Labor (USDOL), are taking a series of actions to assist workers and employers.

For current unemployment claims:

  • All requirements regarding attending seminars at the MassHire career centers have been suspended.

  • Missing deadlines due to effects of COVID-19 will be excused under DUA’s good cause provision.

  • All appeal hearings will be held by telephone only.

The Department of Labor issued guidance to the states instructing state agencies to apply existing law flexibly. Under the DOL guidance, DUA may now pay unemployment benefits if a worker is quarantined due to an order by a civil authority or medical professional or leaves employment due to reasonable risk of exposure or infection or to care for a family member and does not intend to or is not allowed to return to work. The worker need not provide medical documentation and need only be available for work when and as able.

To assist individuals who cannot work due to the impact of COVID-19, the administration is filing emergency legislation that will allow new claims to be paid more quickly by waiving the one week waiting period for unemployment benefits.

EOLWD and DUA are also filing emergency regulations that will allow people impacted by COVID-19 to collect unemployment if their workplace is shut down and expects to reopen in four or fewer weeks. The following conditions apply:

  • Workers must remain in contact with their employer during the shutdown.

  • Workers must be available for any work their employer may have for them that they are able to do.

  • An employer may request to extend the period of the covered shut-down to eight weeks, and workers will remain eligible for the longer period under the same conditions described above.

  • If necessary, DUA may extend these time periods for workers and employers.

Employers who are impacted by COVID-19 may request up to a 60-day grace period to file quarterly reports and pay contributions.

The pending federal legislation proposes further relief including additional money for unemployment benefits, and relief to employers for charges related to unemployment benefits paid due to COVID-19.

Municipal Governance Legislation: Governor Baker announced a package of legislation to help address challenges to municipal governance resulting from the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, including potential delays in holding Town Meetings and adopting Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) municipal budgets. Provisions in the proposed legislation include:

  • Amend existing statute authorizing Moderators to postpone Town Meetings by thirty days. State statute currently permits postponement for “public safety emergency,” and the legislation would add “public health emergency” as a second reason for postponement.

  • Permit local Select Boards to postpone Town Meetings beyond the statutory June 30 deadline when the Governor has declared a state of emergency and conditions prevent the completion of a Town Meeting.

  • Permit local Select Boards to temporarily adopt lower quorum rules. This would be an opt-in provision to allow a town-by-town determination, and it would enable Select Boards to designate the quorum level. Numerous towns have existing low quorum provisions in their by-laws.

  • Permit continued month-to-month spending into FY21 by towns based on the prior fiscal year budget with approval of the Division of Local Services during states of emergency. The month-to-month authorization would continue so long as a state of emergency prevents the adoption of a budget. Cities have similar authority under existing state law.

  • Permit towns to access their free cash balance for FY21 spending with approval of the Division of Local Services. This would be based on the July 2019 certified balance and could continue until an FY21 budget is adopted.

  • Permit municipal spending from revolving funds at the level set by their Fiscal Year 2020 appropriation until an FY21 budget is adopted.

  • Authorize a three-year amortization period for deficit spending incurred as a result of COVID-19 crisis. The default rule would require an FY21 tax rate to provide for one-year amortization and this change would follow the 2015 precedent for snow removal costs.

Boston Marathon: Governor Baker also filed legislation designating September 14, 2020 as a legal holiday to support the rescheduled 2020 Boston Marathon. Earlier this week, Governor Baker joined Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh and marathon officials to announce that the Boston Marathon was being rescheduled from April 20, 2020 to September.

The Administration will continue to update the public on further developments and individuals are encouraged to consult both the Department of Public Health and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention websites for the most up to date information.

The latest information and guidance regarding COVID-19 is always available at mass.gov/COVID19.