
星期四, 4月 02, 2020

失業救濟美國申請人數破紀錄665萬 麻州181,062

(Boston Orange 編譯) 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)導致的全美各州陸續封城,關閉非必要企業,對美國整體經濟打擊之大,現正以申請失業救濟人數破歷史記錄,增加速度令人驚恐的形式浮現。全美申請失業救濟人數現已高達665萬,麻州也躍升至181,062
329日時,美國總統川普(Donald Trump)把社交安全距離準則展延至430日,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)則在331日宣佈,州政府對企業及學校的關門禁令,延長至54日。
許多人預測,到6月底時,美國失業率會攀升到10%,高盛(Goldman Sachs)經濟學家則認為,年中時,失業率會攀升到15%。聖路易聯邦儲備銀行董事長James Bullard甚至認為可能高達30%。波士頓聯邦儲備銀行執行長Eric Rosengren認為不會高到那種程度,但也不敢完全否決那種可能。有些人認為,麻州的失業率會比其他州高,因為麻州比其他州更早開始要求非必要企業關門。
根據HIS市場區域經濟學家Karl Kuykendall的說法,美國各州失業率差異將會很大,休閒旅遊業比重大的州,將受較大衝擊,內華達州,佛羅里達州的失業率可能會依序達到9.8%7.9%
由於聯邦政府首次准許自僱者,打零工者申請失業救濟,申請人數估計會更多。蓋洛普調查(Gallup poll)指出,2018年,美國有29%的工作人員以替代性工作安排為主要工作。

星期三, 4月 01, 2020

Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito Tour Field Medical Station Site At DCU Center

(From the governor's office)
WORCESTER – Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito today joined MEMA Director Samantha Phillips and Maj. Gen. Gary Keefe, Adjunct General of the Massachusetts National Guard, to tour the ongoing work to set up a new Field Medical Station at the DCU Center in Worcester. The field station, which can be configured to a maximum of 250 beds, is being set-up today via three tractor trailers.

The Baker-Polito Administration announced the launch of the new Field Medical Station yesterday, in anticipation of a surge in COVID-19 cases. Through the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, the Administration requested and received approval for this temporary medical facility, which will be used to treat lower acuity patients who still need monitoring. The Massachusetts National Guard is supporting the logistics of the ongoing set-up process.

UMass Memorial Medical Center will manage the facility, which will be staffed by a partnership including the City of Worcester, UMass Memorial, and others. UMass Memorial will lead the day-to-day running of the facility with support by state and local partners upon set-up.

Medical Stations, like the one being deployed to Worcester, are required to set up in facilities of at least 40,000 square feet to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and include beds, supplies, and a cache of medicine for basic care.

麻州確診人數再單日破千累計7738 新增33人死亡 波士頓1057 昆士市117 牛頓市94

麻州州長查理貝克(左)和副州長白莉朵(前右)到Worcester DCU醫療站
(Boston Orange 編譯)麻州新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)確診人數,41日新增1118人,從6620人增至7738人;死亡人數破百,一日新增33人,累計已122人。其中最年輕的是一名30餘歲,身體原本就有狀況的薩福克郡居民。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)和副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)(41)日特地到屋斯特(Worcester)250張病床的DCU田野醫療站視察,和麻州緊急管理局主任Samantha Phillips一起匯報疫情,再次強調,在減緩病毒傳播上保持社交安全距離的重要。
查理貝克也略述了在霍利奧克(Holyoke)”士兵之家發生13人死亡慘劇的概況,說明州政府已聘請曾任聯邦檢控官,現為執業律師的Mark W. Pearlstein做調查,弄清楚到底是怎麼回事。士兵之家也已交由西麻州意願執行長Val Liptak暫時接管。
根據約翰霍普金斯大學數據,截至今日下午5點,全球新型冠狀病毒確診人數已高達926千餘人,美國確診人數將近21萬,比義大利,西班牙整整多了一倍。全球死亡人數現高達46,413。根據西雅圖高中生Avi Schiffmann所做的統計圖表,美國已有4911人死亡,7617人痊癒。

DCU Center in Worcester to be Used as a Field Medical Station

BOSTON — In an effort to relieve pressure on the state’s health care system and provide additional medical capacity, the Baker-Polito Administration today announced that a field medical station with more than 200 beds is scheduled to be set up at the DCU Center in Worcester starting Wednesday.
In anticipation of a surge in COVID-19 cases, the Commonwealth, through the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, requested and received approval for the temporary field medical station, which will be used to treat lower acuity care needs.
“The DCU facility will be the first of three temporary field medical stations the Commonwealth is working to set up after requesting and receiving approval from the federal Strategic National Stockpile,” said Secretary Marylou Sudders who is leading the Massachusetts COVID-19 Response Command Center. “The Commonwealth is actively identifying other sites and partners for the two other facilities.”
The field station, which can be configured to a maximum of 250-beds, is scheduled to arrive for set-up in Worcester on April 1, via three tractor trailers. The DCU Center temporary field medical center will be used to treat lower acuity patients who still need monitoring.
"It’s up to all of us to do our part to help minimize the effects of COVID-19 throughout the Commonwealth. Worcester is uniquely positioned to have a facility in the DCU Center and the expertise of UMass to support a field medical station in the center of the state. The Baker Polito Administration has continually offered their support to many efforts underway in Worcester and we now stand at the ready to make all resources available in this time of crisis,” said Worcester City Manager Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
UMass Memorial Medical Center will manage the facility, which will be staffed by a partnership including the City of Worcester, UMass Memorial, and others. UMass Memorial will lead the day-to-day running of the facility with support by state and local partners upon set-up.
“The DCU Center already occupies a position of prominence here and its value to the region is about to increase exponentially,” said Eric Dickson, MD, president and CEO of UMass Memorial Health Care. “Our 14,000 caregivers are proud to join forces with Mayor Joseph Petty and the City of Worcester on this state-coordinated effort to expand the capacity of Central Massachusetts’ health care organizations to care for critically ill patients in our area.”
Medical Stations, like the one being deployed to Worcester, are required to set up in facilities of at least 40,000 square feet to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and include beds, supplies, and a cache of medicine for basic care.
“Logistics for this field medical station will be coordinated between the City, UMass Memorial Health Care, and state and local agencies,” said MEMA Director Samantha Phillips.  “MEMA continues to support the logistical needs of the Commonwealth’s coordinated response to COVID-19 and the COVID Command Center.”

Governor Charlie Baker Announces Attorney Mark W. Pearlstein to Investigate Holyoke Soldiers’ Home

Governor Charlie Baker Announces Attorney Mark W. Pearlstein to Investigate Holyoke Soldiers’ Home

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker announced that the Governor’s Office has hired Attorney Mark W. Pearlstein to conduct an independent investigation of the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home and the events that led to the recent tragic deaths from COVID-19 within that facility.

The investigation will focus both on the events inside the facility that led to the tragic deaths of veterans in the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home, and on management and organizational oversight of the COVID-19 response in the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home.

About Mark W. Pearlstein

Attorney Mark W. Pearlstein has substantial experience in the investigation and trial of complex white-collar criminal cases and other government enforcement matters. He practiced as a federal prosecutor in Boston's U.S. Attorney's Office, where he served as chief of the Office's Economic Crimes Unit from 1994 to 1996 and was the First Assistant U.S. Attorney from 1996 until 2000, where he supervised the Civil and Criminal Divisions of the U.S. Attorney's Office. Currently, Attorney Pearlstein is a partner at McDermott, Will & Emery where he concentrates his practice on white-collar criminal defense, defense of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission actions, complex commercial litigation, arbitration and internal investigations. A 1979 graduate of the University of Michigan, Attorney Pearlstein earned his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1983

MAYOR WALSH, CITY OF BOSTON HIGHLIGHT 2020 CENSUS DAY Residents are encouraged to fill out the U.S. 2020 Census

BOSTON - Wednesday, April 1, 2020 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today highlighted the importance of the U.S. 2020 Census, and encouraged residents to complete the Census, and ensure all Boston residents are counted in this national survey as part of a national awareness campaign on Census Day. 

"April 1 is Census Day, a key time as we encourage all residents of Boston to fill out the U.S. 2020 Census," said Mayor Walsh. "For Boston to be counted and get the resources and representation we need, we need every community to complete this important survey. We're working to make sure everyone gets counted -- because in Boston, everyone counts." 

The Census is a constitutionally required nationwide survey. It's conducted every 10 years by the U.S. Census Bureau to count the population of the United States. The data collected by the Census: determines the number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives; informs redistricting, defining congressional districts, state legislative districts, and local city council districts for the next 10 years, and directs more than $675 billion in federal funding to states and cities.

In mid-March 2020, residents should have received an invitation to participate from the Census Bureau with instructions on how to fill out your form. For the first time, residents can respond to the Census online or by phone in 13 different languages.

All Census data is protected by federal law. It is a crime for any personal responses to be shared outside the Census Bureau and they cannot be used against people by any government agency or court.

Residents can learn more about how to fill out the Census at boston.gov/2020-census. The City of Boston has launched Boston Counts 2020, the City's effort to support an equitable and complete count in the next U.S. Census.

星期二, 3月 31, 2020


             (Boston Orange 編譯)波士頓醫療中心(Boston Medical Center)(31)日透露,為減少新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行造成的財物損失,將遣散700名,大約10%的員工。執行長也將放棄至少一個月的薪水。
             由於新型冠狀病毒的流行,州政府早前規定不准人們做非必要,有選擇性的手術,治療,以減少病毒傳播機會,也留出空位給感染病毒的病人。麻州各醫院業務營收大幅降低,波士頓醫療中心執行長Kate Walsh表示,做這決定,其實很痛苦。
             Kate Walsh還說,為刪減開支,2017年時,基本年薪為120萬元的她將放棄至少一個月的薪資,其他高層員工也將在未來三個月減薪。
             週一時,貝斯以色列拉赫(Beth Israel Lahey)醫療系統執行長Kevin Tabb博士表示,他將領半薪三個月,其他高層人員會減薪20%
             麻州最大的獨立醫師集團Atrius Health也宣佈了遣散和暫扣薪資聲明,但為向外公佈人數。

COVID-19確診人數 麻州6620 新增33人死亡 波士頓確診938 新增1人死亡

(Boston Orange編譯)麻州的新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)確診人數今(31)日陡升至6620,新增868人。死亡人數更驚人,一下子增加33人,累計達到89人。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)宣佈,非必要企業須持續關門至54日,民眾仍應儘量待在家裏,群聚不可超過10人。
關於霍利奧克(Holyoke)士兵之家一事,麻州健康及人民服務署署長Marylou Sudders表示,州政府已派遣門診小隊去做徹底檢查及診治。該院的所有住民及職工,都以確診,州政府已為院民親屬設立了一條查詢熱線,413-552-4763
昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)將動用100萬元市府可負擔住宅基金,用以援助室內餐飲酒店業員工,在店鋪關門時間延長期中,保住他們的住屋。市府將研擬適當條文。