
星期四, 3月 26, 2020

Massachusetts Dedicates Former Hospital for Shelter, Treatment of Homeless Individuals

Massachusetts Dedicates Former Hospital for Shelter, Treatment of Homeless Individuals
Newton Pavilion building to be used for care of homeless residents

BOSTON – To ensure the care and safety of the Boston area’s homeless population during the COVID-19 epidemic, the Baker-Polito Administration today announced that a former Boston Medical Center hospital building will be temporarily reopened and used to meet COVID-19 related medical needs of area homeless residents.  

The building, known as Newton Pavilion, is currently owned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The new facility will be operated by a consortium of providers, including Boston Medical Center, Boston Healthcare for the Homeless, shelters including the Pine Street Inn, and the City of Boston’s COVID-19 response team.

“As we continue to urge residents to stay at home, it’s vitally important to provide for the safety of individuals who don’t have a place to call home,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We continue to take steps to protect the health and safety of all residents, particularly our more vulnerable residents including older adults, individuals with underlying health conditions, and individuals experiencing homelessness.”

“This action is a critical protection for the health care needs of individuals experiencing  homelessness, a population at high risk for the virus that needs a place to recover safely in cases of mild illness,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders. 

The facility will be able to be used as needed for a range of care needs, potentially including treatment of homeless patients who:

  • Are confirmed COVID-19 positive with mild symptoms who do not require hospitalization but do require isolation from the general population

  • Are symptomatic and awaiting test results who require isolation to avoid spreading infection to the general population

  • Post-discharge facility for COVID-19 patients who have been hospitalized but who don’t have a home to return to

  • Acute care for sicker patients, up to and including ICU care

Capacity of the facility can grow with demand to 250 beds, marking a significant increase in clinical capacity to treat homeless individuals who contract COVID-19.

"It's critical that we continue to support our most vulnerable residents, especially our homeless population," said Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "In Boston, we are putting in place measures to protect shelter guests and prevent the virus from spreading, including new facilities for screening, testing and isolating patients, and identifying additional overnight beds in the city. The reopening of the Newton Pavilion at Boston Medical Center will be essential to relieving stress on our health care system and increasing medical care for our homeless population as we continue to respond to this public health crisis." 

“This new facility will be a critical asset in our hospital’s and our community’s ability to care for Boston’s homeless patients affected by COVID-19 and in turn will help us prevent further spread of the virus,” said Kate Walsh, President and CEO of Boston Medical Center Health System. “We applaud and thank Governor Baker and his Administration for taking this crucial step and are grateful for the partnership of our fellow providers in this effort.”

“This is a huge step forward in ensuring that our patients and the City’s homeless community are able to get the care they will need and deserve in the weeks and months ahead,” said Barry Bock, CEO of Boston Health Care for the Homeless. “We’re ready and eager to work closely in partnership with our fellow providers to make this new facility a reality, and we’re so grateful to Governor Baker for his leadership in making this possible,”

“We are very grateful to the Governor and Secretary Sudders for designating this building as a site for homeless individuals during this crisis. This site will be crucial in helping contain the spread of this virus in our community,” said Lyndia Downie, President of Pine Street Inn. “I want to thank our partners in the fight, Boston Medical Center and Boston Health Care for the Homeless, for the work they are doing to get this building operational.”

麻州COVID-19確診病例飆升至2417宗 25人死亡 州長申請聯邦援助

             (Boston Orange編譯)新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)在麻州擴散速度驚人,今(26)日新增579宗,確診數躍升至2417例,死亡者再增10人,累計25人。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)直指這情況前所未有,影響深遠,他已透過聯邦緊急管理局請求美國總統宣佈麻州面臨重大災害,給予支援。
                  昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)在他的每日疫情會報中,告訴昆士市民,今日新增2人死亡,累計確診人數為43人,現有約100名昆士市居民自我隔離中。
             查理貝克在今日的疫情匯報中說明,由哈佛大學和麻省理工學院合作的博德研究院(Broad Institute)已同意和州政府合作,並從昨(25)日起加入為民眾檢測行列,預定週五開始報告檢測結果,估計每日可檢測2000例。目前麻州總共有21個實驗室參與協助檢測。
             麻州健康及人民服務長Marylou Sudders在會中表示,州政府正和本地醫學院院長們洽談,希望給剛畢業的人提供幾乎是自動的90天牌照,以增加可在第一線工作的醫療人員人數。
             Marylou Sudders也報告,州政府昨天已送出68套個人防護設備給地方機構,消防員,過去2週以來,他們和聯邦政府的緊急管理局已送出150套。另外他們送了10,000個拭子(swab)55個樣本站,週日時,他們也送出28,000個口罩。
             查理貝克表示,州政府擁有的牛頓亭(Newton Pavilion)會暫時重新開放,以在病毒大流行期間照顧等待檢測結果,以及已經確診的流浪漢。該場所約可安置250張床。(視頻來自麻州州政府網站)

麻省理工學院亞洲商務會議慶10週年 宏碁董事長陳俊聖傳授翻轉企業之道

              (Boston Orange 周菊子劍橋市報導) 麻省理工學院(MIT)史隆管理學院的亞州商務會議今年慶祝10週年,以橋接亞洲為主題,邀20多名講者,暢談投資,醫療健保,創新與消費趨勢。主講人宏碁董事長陳俊聖的經驗分享,提醒許多人,現代企管一大課題是如何翻轉企業。
              史隆商學院院長大衛·斯密特雷恩(David C. Schmittlein)為會議做開場致詞。他強調這會議的知識交流傳統與意義,更為今年會期遇上新型冠狀病毒全球肆虐,所有講者與參會者不懼威脅,仍然出席,大表感謝。
              宏碁董事長陳俊聖和Antler全球合夥人Martell Van Hardenberg當天先後為這場會議做主題演講。一個分享企業翻轉經驗,一個談從打造電商到製造創投。
MIT史隆商學院院長David C. Schmittlein致詞。(周菊子攝)
              Antler全球合夥人Martell Van Hardenberg的引人注目是他才24歲時,就和人合夥,於2012年創辦出Lazada,這個市場橫跨越南,印尼,新加坡,2016年被阿里巴巴以10億美元買走控股權,後來又加碼20億元發展的東南亞最大電商平台。
              Martell在會場中以投影片指出,2012年時,東南亞還是個困難重重的市場,物流服務不足,幾乎沒人在網上付款,零售業很分散,境內使用的語言更多達240種,市場太過分歧,各國流行的社交媒體各不相同,印尼用what’s app,馬來西亞,新加坡,越南用Youtube,泰國用wechat,菲律賓用facebookLazada打造的金流,物流服務,手機應用程式,卻逐一解決了品種,上網,信任等顧慮,達成包裹包裝的75%,運送的70%,都由他們來處理。Lazada的金融科技還解決了東南亞6個市場的語言差異問題,儘管那時約91%的東南亞人沒信用卡,居然有83%的人用貨到付款方式,在Lazada上購物。2016年阿里巴巴進駐後,更是把Lazada帶向數位經濟,創造出一批新一代企業家。
Intudo Ventures創始合夥人詹谷新(Eddy Chan)。專注
騰訊投資部執行總監Steven Fan。(周菊子攝)
由曾任沃爾瑪媒體集團資深市場主任,現為MIT史隆學者的張栖(James Zhang)主持的這場消費者趨勢論壇,講者有3A服裝公司創辦人暨執行長Anu ChadhaGrubMarket創辦人兼執行長徐敏毅,Grain創辦人兼執行長宋頌(Yi Sung Yong)Ducker Frontier常務董事Joel Backaler
              根據網路資料,GrubMarket是個以從農場到廚房(Farm to Kitch)”為理想,起家時在網路上把農產品直接賣給消費者,其後擴展至賣給超市等的公司,創立於2014年,在楊致遠、紀源資本相繼投資後,迄今已累計融資6400萬美元。
              這場會議的其他分場討論,投資部分由MIT全球經濟、實務教授Gary Gensler主持,講者有中金公司常務董事戚婷婷,騰訊投資部執行總監Steven FanIntudo Ventures創始合夥人詹谷新(Eddy Chan)
              醫療護理部分,由MIT醫藥駭客計畫(Hacking Medicine Initiative)教務主任Zen Chu主持,講者有德勤(Deloitt)顧問公司醫療護理策略合夥人Neal Batra,賽默飛世爾科技公司全球區域資深副總裁Syed Jafry,珠穆朗瑪峰(Everest)醫藥董事長何穎(Ian Woo)Interactive Scopes創辦人黃志忠(Jonathan Ng)
              創新部分,由Alariss共同創辦人暨執行長Joyce Zhang主持,講者有繭(Cocoon)資本執行合夥人William KlippgenIIT初創公司董事長Manoj Goel,一片(OnePiece) 共同創辦人暨執行長Vickey Li,螞蟻金服(Ant Financial)符合法規長Victoria Liu Edison
              消費者趨勢部分,由曾任沃爾瑪媒體集團資深市場主任,現為MIT史隆學者的張栖(James Zhang)主持,講者有3A服裝公司創辦人暨執行長Anu ChadhaGrubMarket創辦人兼執行長徐敏毅,Grain創辦人兼執行長宋頌(Yi Sung Yong)Ducker Frontier常務董事Joel Backaler


 Antler全球合夥人Martell Van Hardenberg當年創辦了東南亞最大電商

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Federal Disaster Request and Other COVID-19 Response Efforts

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Federal Disaster Request and Other COVID-19 Response Efforts

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced a new request to the federal government for a Major Disaster Declaration, in addition to other actions to sustain the Commonwealth’s response to COVID-19.

Major Disaster Declaration Request: Governor Baker today submitted a request to the federal government for a Major Disaster Declaration for Massachusetts. If approved, this declaration would provide the Commonwealth additional federal assistance beyond what was included in the Emergency Declaration declared by President Trump on March 13, 2020. The disaster declaration request includes a request for FEMA’s Public Assistance Program, which would make financial assistance available to cities and towns, state agencies, and certain non-profits statewide. The disaster declaration request also requests FEMA’s Individual Assistance Program including Disaster Unemployment Assistance and Crisis Counseling Assistance to help support residents in need during this unprecedented incident.

New Public Health Orders: The Department of Public health has issued three emergency orders to support the health care system’s response to COVID-19:
  • Pharmacy Practice: To ensure pharmacists are able to fully support the health care system’s response to COVID-19, this emergency order makes several changes regarding pharmacy practice, including expedited approval for pharmacists licensed in other states to practice in Massachusetts, and allowing the remote processing of prescriptions by pharmacy technicians. Read the Order
  • Determination of Need: This emergency order exempts health care facilities from the requirement that they submit a Notice of Determination of Need for certain activities that will support their response to COVID-19. Read the Order | Read the Guidance
  • Nurse Staffing: To ensure hospitals have the flexibility they need to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, this emergency order exempts hospitals from certain nurse-staffing requirements, while requiring that they must ensure that staffing levels remain adequate to meet patients’ needs, and staff is trained and competent to meet the needs of their patients. Read the Order

Permit Order: Governor Baker today is issuing an emergency order that provides that a permit will not expire or lapse during the state of emergency for most permits issued by agencies within the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. The order also pauses deadlines for these agencies to decide or hold hearings on permit applications. The clock on those deadlines will resume 45 days after the end of the emergency. It also ensures that no permit is automatically issued because an agency is unable to make a decision on a permit application during the emergency.

Ensuring Access to Personal Care Attendant Services: The Administration worked with the advocacy community and union partners to implement solutions to ensure access to Personal Care Attendant (PCA) services for individuals with disabilities and older adults during this public health emergency. MassHealth created a hotline through MassOptions for MassHealth members to call if they are in need of services, and updated its policies to streamline the hiring process and allow more flexibility for PCAs to work more hours

MassUndocuFund for COVID-19 Relief要籌款100萬元協助失業無證件移民

(Boston Orange 編譯)新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)造成失業潮,無證件移民礙於身分,無法申請失業救濟,可能遭受更大衝擊。麻州非牟利團體MassUndocuFund for COVID-19 Relief正設法籌募100萬元,以資助這大約275000名無證件移民。
餐館機會中心(Restaurant Opportunities Center),麻州正義的工作(Massachusetts Jobs with Justice)Matahari婦女工人中心,以及一份公平工資(One Fair Wage)等機構,因而攜手成立MassUndocuFund for COVID-19 Relief,希望籌款100萬元,幫助這些無證件移民度過難關。
查詢相關資訊可上網了 massundocufund.org


                  (Boston Orange 編譯) 在新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)衝擊下,全美申請失業救濟人數已超過330萬人,比1982年的紀錄還高。麻州也有將近148000人申請,演繹著疫情對人類社會可能在經濟上造成比在健康上更大的傷害。
             目前麻州已有1838人新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)確診,15人死亡。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)為降低病毒廣泛傳播的可能,315日時宣佈,317日起所有餐館禁止堂食,中小學停課,聚會不得多於25人。許多餐館因此相繼歇業,申請失業救濟的人數就此每日攀升,並造成在314日至321日這短短7天內,就有將近15萬人的海量失業救濟申請(這數據未經季節性調整)


(Boston Orange編譯)波士頓警察局發言人25日表示,又有3名警察確診,加上之前的1人,現在有4名警察染患新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)了。
波士頓警察局發言人,偵查警官(Sergeant Detective) John Boyle表示,這四名男性警察都在居家隔離中,不需要住院。
John Boyle並未說明這4名警察是誰,或在哪個部門工作,但表示這3名警察和之前確診的那名警察沒有任何接觸。警察局正在調查有沒可能他們是在工作時感染了病毒。

星期三, 3月 25, 2020



Dashboards provide up-to-date information about COVID-19

BOSTON - Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Building on his commitment to keeping residents of Boston informed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the launch of two data analytic dashboards that allow Boston residents to easily track the number of cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Boston and throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The dashboards are part of a suite of digital tools available to residents, which include a  texting service available in six languages, online City services, and frequently updated resources and factsheets available on  boston.gov/coronavirus.

The first dashboard includes a day-by-day breakdown graph of the spread of COVID-19 in Massachusetts, and tracks daily updates from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for the number of COVID-19 cases. 

The second COVID-19 dashboard  includes information specific to the City of Boston, including total daily cases, recovered cases, and total cases over time. The dashboard also tracks the levels of testing done throughout the United States. Together, these dashboards reflect up-to-date information about the status of coronavirus in Boston, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the United States as a whole. 

"Ensuring residents have accurate, up to date information about the coronavirus is critical during this challenging time," said Mayor Walsh. "These dashboards are another resource for residents to gather information and stay informed as we follow public health guidelines to keep ourselves and each other safe." 

This data is updated when public data is released by the  Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH). The CDC updates their numbers each afternoon, Monday-Friday, and the MDPH updates their numbers each afternoon. The dashboards were created by the Department of Innovation and Technology's Citywide Analytics Team

Additional resources and information about COVID-19 is available on boston.gov/coronavirus. Resources available on boston.gov and through City departments, including support for small businesses; free meals for Boston students; free toiletries for Boston students; emergency childcare centers -- including 27 centers in Boston -- support for older residents; information on homeless shelters; transportation options for healthcare workers; resources for those in recovery or those who have a substance use disorder; and mental health resources. 

For additional questions or programs, please visit  boston.gov/coronavirus or call 3-1-1, Boston's 24-hour constituent hotline. Text BOSCOVID to 99411 to receive text alerts on a regular basis, available in six languages.