
星期六, 1月 04, 2020

Baker-Polito Administration Files $74.2 Million Budget Bill to Address Transportation, Infrastructure & Education Needs

Baker-Polito Administration Files $74.2 Million Budget Bill to Address Transportation, Infrastructure & Education Needs

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today filed a $74.2 million supplemental budget bill to address ongoing critical funding needs, including $18 million to support MBTA infrastructure and safety investments, $10 million for school improvements and $4.2 million for investments in clean drinking water. These proposals were previously proposed in bills filed by the administration for Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) and are now being refiled for Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20).

“This legislation will provide additional resources to enhance the safety of MBTA infrastructure, improve local schools and support testing for PFAS contamination in drinking water supplies,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We look forward to working with the Legislature to pass this bill into law and deliver these much-needed investments.”

“Our Administration is committed to supporting growth and development for our community partners throughout the Commonwealth,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “These meaningful investments support public transit, health care and education priorities in a responsible manner and provide needed funding for local municipalities across Massachusetts.”

The bill provides the MBTA with $18 million, which, with the $32 million authorized in the FY19 final supplemental spending bill, allows for a total of $50 million to support additional staff, contractors and other resources necessary to expedite the completion of critical capital projects, enable proactive inspections to detect and address safety and reliability issues before they impact service, and implement enhanced maintenance procedures to ensure the reliable operation of MBTA vehicles and infrastructure. 

The bill authorizes $4.2 million to test drinking water supplies for potential polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination. This testing will support state and local efforts to determine the scope of the problem and to identify best solutions, and supplements the $4.2 million authorized in the FY19 final supplemental bill.

The bill also proposes transferring $10 million to the Twenty-First Century Education Trust Fund. This request reframes Governor Baker’s 2018 recommendation that the Legislature transfer $50 million into a fund for school improvement. The recently enacted Student Opportunity Act established the Twenty-First Century Education Trust Fund “to address persistent disparities in achievement among student subgroups, improve educational opportunities for all students, share best practices for improving classroom learning and support efficiencies within and across school districts.” 

“The Commonwealth is expected to have sufficient revenues to finance these appropriations and measures in Fiscal Year 2020,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “This supplemental spending proposal continues the Baker-Polito Administration’s focus on improving public infrastructure, services and programs in a reliable and fiscally disciplined way.”

The supplemental spending bill also includes:

  • $16.3 million and a related authorizing section to ratify a recently concluded collective bargaining agreement
  • $12.3 million (for a total of $16.3 million including FY19 funding) for Safety Net Provider Hospitals to mitigate the cost of providing care to un- and underinsured patients
  • $5.4 million for service improvements for men who are civilly committed for substance use treatment under Section 35 of Chapter 123 of the General Laws 
  • $5 million to support high school students enrolled in Early College programs that give thousands of Massachusetts students, especially first-generation college-goers, access to college completion and career success
  • $3 million for the Community Compact program to support grants for cities and towns that have entered compacts with the Commonwealth to support public interests and develop mutual standards for governing effectively

In total, the supplemental budget bill consists of $74.2 million in supplemental appropriations, at a net state cost of $68.1 million. 


  (Boston Orange)中華民國僑務委員會為提升海外青年華語文能力及增進對中華民國臺灣之認識,推動海內外青年交流,每年均辦理海外青年華語文研習班活動2020預計開辦9個班期,各班期開課前6個月開始受理報名,額滿截止「第2期」及「第3期(暑期青少年班)則依地區配額分別受理報名,報名日期為2020年1月1日至2月28日止。
     相關活動訊息、表件可於僑委會網站(www.ocac.gov.tw/僑生服務/青年研習/華語文研習班)瀏覽及下載運用。或洽詢波士頓僑教中心617-965-8801 陳小姐。 (波士頓僑教中心提供)


五福軒業主Joanna (左一), Tina (左二)David (右二)將駐波士頓
台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐佑典 (右三) 與僑教中心主任歐宏偉 (右一
(Boston Orange) 波士頓僑教中心宣佈,僑胞卡大波士頓特約商家再添三家。即日起持僑胞卡到「五福軒(Imperial China Restaurant)」,Waltham Quincy的兩家「功夫茶 (KungFu Tea) 」分店,依序可享有現金消費9信用卡消費95折,以及持卡就95折的優惠。

「五福軒」地址:413 Worceter Road, Framingham, MA01701電話 (508)872-3939
nWalthamMoody St., Waltham, MA 02453電話(781) 373-1471      246     
nQuincyBeale St., Quincy, MA 02170電話(617) 481-0785

波士頓元旦升旗 強調世代傳承


(Boston Orange) 波士頓109年的元旦升旗典禮暨新春茶會,11日上午在波士頓僑教中心盛大舉行,約500餘人歡聚一堂,互祝新年新氣象,並同祈國泰民安,世界和平。
             駐波士頓臺北經文處處長徐佑典伉儷、牛頓市市長Ruthanne Fuller、牛頓市議員John Rice、波士頓僑務委員梅錫銳、蔣宗壬、中華公所主席陳家驊以及即將接任中華公所主席的鄭慧民等出席嘉賓一一致詞,祝賀僑胞鄉親新年快樂。
徐佑典照例在活動中表揚僑界協助辦理慶祝108年國慶活動有功團體和個人,頒給感謝狀,並送出僑務委員會2020 年月曆和僑務電子報手機拭布貼給所有出席活動者。


星期六, 12月 28, 2019

勒星頓中文學校2019滑雪 50家庭歡渡三天兩夜

                    (Boston Orange)勒星頓中文學校(LCS) 2019年冬季滑雪活動,由於現任副校長陳伯淯,校長翁卓毅,兩名前任校長陳式儀、黃冠群和策劃小組的精心安排,50個家庭,196位學校家長、師生在新罕布夏州Bartlett 鎮的 Attitash 滑雪渡假中心,開心了三天兩夜。

122123日這幾天中,勒星頓中文學校師生和波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉,來自麻州的其他中文學校師生,以及僑界朋友們,白天滑雪、賞雪、跳Zumba、購物、游泳、洗三溫暖的各得其樂,晚上就不分老少的 匯聚,參加聯歡會。整整三天,參加活動的大、小朋友們,三五成群的在渡假中心各角落談天、說笑,天南地北的聊,此起彼落的笑。


這冬季滑雪活動還為小朋友們安排了電影之夜,放映「The Polar Express」,「Home Alone」,「Elf」等影片;為愛唱歌的朋友,另外安排了一個房間,放上專業卡啦OK視聽設備,準備了各個年代的國、台語歌曲,讓不同年紀的家長及大、小朋友們,各自抒發心聲。




陳伯淯很週到,還一一點名感謝幫忙籌辦活動的人,包括家長陳文斌與翁上千負責活動攝影;許順堯主任,Tony Kuo、陳式儀支援視聽器材;蔡孟儒提供 Zumba 課;王怡文、徐旻瑋、明順怡、吳宇懷、朱馨翎、何厚宜、黃玫如、徐依玲、蔡蓉、施心沛、葉鈺真、施宇昕、施宇皓、黃嘉琳、張美惠、黃冠群、鄧純芳等幕後英雄和許多學生、家長以及志工攜手合作,協助活動登記,禮物選購,包裝,運送,分發,設計晚會,安排才藝表演。她強調,活動順利圓滿,全靠許多學校及僑界大家庭成員熱心幫忙,歷任前校長的經驗傳承。(勒星頓中文文學校提供資料及照片)






BOSTON - Saturday, December 28, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture announced that applications are now open for the fourth round of Boston AIR, the City of Boston's artist residency program. Through this program, a cohort of artists will collaborate with the City of Boston to explore, analyze, and re-imagine City initiatives at the intersection of civil service, social justice, and artistic practice.  

"Artists-in-Residence implement projects that imagine and test new approaches to City of Boston policies, processes, and procedures with the help of various City departments," said Mayor Walsh. "This, in turn, helps to create a stronger and more equitable city."

Since the creation of the Boston AIR program in 2017, the City has had a total of 20 artists-in-residence. Previous years focused on examining City policies with a lens of resilience and racial equity, valuing proximity to people by pursuing an understanding of the impact of local government policy in the lived experience of Bostonians, and supporting collaborative and democratic creation of City policy, processes and practices. 

"As a writer, Boston AIR opened many doors for me. The opportunity to collaborate with other talented artists made me feel a sense of connectedness to other artists in Boston," said former Boston artist-in-residence Nakia Hill. "Boston AIR provided the resources for me to publish my first book of poetry Water Carrier and an intergenerational anthology I Still Did It. Now, that publication is available in Boston Public Library branches across the city--my city." 

Examples of past artists-in-residence include Karen Young, a Japanese taiko drummer who collaborated with the Age Strong Commission and worked with women at the Grove Hall Senior Center to form "Older and Bolder," an elder voice project that advocated for a safer crosswalk outside of the center. Another former artist-in-residence, Rashin Fahandej, collaborated with the Office of Returning Citizens and individuals ages 5-19 at the Blackstone Community Center in the South End to develop A Father's Lullaby, a multi-platform, co-creative project that highlights the role of men in raising children and their absence due to racial disparities in the criminal justice system in the United States. 

The following City of Boston departments are partnering on this round of Boston AIR: 
  • Mayor's Housing Innovation Lab
  • Mayor's Commission for Persons with Disabilities
  • Office of Emergency Management
  • Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC)
  • Mayor's Office of Recovery Services
  • Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement
  • Mayor's Office of Women's Advancement

"Boston AIR encourages City departments to take risks and think creatively about their programs and policies, as well as integrate creative expression into municipal work," said Kara Elliott-Ortega, Chief of Arts and Culture. "When we integrate artists into civic work we find ways to make Boston a better city for every resident."

Experienced artists ages 18 and over who work in all media are encouraged to apply. Each artist will receive a $30,000 stipend and up to $10,000 for project materials.

Building off of Mayor Walsh's record-breaking investment in Boston's arts sector, the City of Boston is investing $250,000 for the artist residency program, as well as an additional $200,000 FY20 investment in sustaining key grant making programs for individual artists.

The deadline to apply is January 22, 2020 at 5 p.m. Interested artists can apply here. Click here to see the summary video