
星期日, 12月 08, 2019

新英格蘭台灣商會年終尾牙 謝開明圖片輯

 (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)新英格蘭台灣商會日前在松竹梅餐廳舉辦年度尾牙,現任會長李以蕙安排豐富匯報,以及You&Me樂團的精采表演,和七,八十名會員,會友歡聚一晚,並祝賀吳亭縈(Tania Wu)接任新英格蘭台灣商會青年商會會長。
節慶類的有積極參與經文處,僑教中心及三佛中心,波士頓慈濟等僑界社團舉辦的凝聚僑心活動,包括元旦升旗,中華公所春宴 , 聲援台灣參與W H O,主辦台灣美食廚藝展,在牛頓台灣日擺攤,協助會員宣傳各自事業,為餐廳老闆提供諮詢等等。
知識性講座部分,有稅務修訂,房地產1031交易法,Jeffrey Williams的”中國特色企業管理”,和紐英倫客家鄉親會合辦的健康講座,和年輕人合辦的台灣電影節等。
 創業類活動,包括接待台北生技產業團,南港生技育成中心,為會員提供來自台灣故鄉的科技創業資訊,還和青商會合作舉辦A Pitch Day的創業競賽。
 歐陽露在報告時表示,今年的第32屆北美台灣商會第二次理事會議於10/31-11/3舉行,並在聚餐之餘,增加了包括專題演講,傳承,新科技提升企業,創新大賽等四個環節,為期半天的論壇活動,以吸引更多人,尤其是年輕人加入台商會。汪總會長會後決定,明年將把論壇擴大為一整天的活動,目前訂名為Select Taiwan Summit,要讓世界看到台灣。



新英格蘭台灣商會會長李以蕙夫婦和台灣世衛外交協會的Alisa Lin。

波士頓北一女校友會年會歡聚 李欣卸任 吳萍萍接會長


(Boston Orange)波士頓北一女校友會十二月七日中午在勒星頓市Sanyo餐廳舉行2019 年會。 今年年會席開八桌,有70多位校友及眷屬參加。 會場佈置著鮮明的波士頓北一女校友會橫幅,鮮花,氣球,聖誕裝飾將會場佈置得溫馨熱鬧。十二時會員陸續到齊,由會長李欣歡迎校友宣佈流程開場,邀請校友先享用二十多道樣式美味豐盛的自助餐。
餐後開始年會的節目。首先由龍熙平播放她製作的精彩流動幻燈片,簡介過去一年校友會活動。其中包括2018十二月年會時的校友歡聚,以及今年七月在愛克頓城的Nara 公園舉辦的露天野餐等的精彩照片。會長李欣謝謝龍熙平並宣佈會將此幻燈連結寄給校友。接著由校友合唱北一女校歌。然後在北一女橫幅前照全體校友的團體照。
隨後進行新舊會長的交接。李欣會長謝謝校友們熱烈的參與活動。也感謝2019的九位幹事們:吳萍萍,張冕,龍熙平,李建,林麗珠,施粲粲,林遊嵐,饒雨涵,李以蕙,以及前會長江佩蓉的支持。李欣介紹2020 的新會長將由多才多藝的吳萍萍接任。吳萍萍贈花感謝李欣會長在過去一年為校友們奔波提供無私的服務。吳萍萍新會長的展望是希望明年有更多的校友參加校友會,除了每年七月第二周的野餐會,她希望能辦更多的活動,也希望有更多的校友自願服務校友會。 
接著進行精采的歌唱節目。先由全體合唱‘當我們同在一起’帶動校友興奮的心情; 再由施粲粲帶領的小合唱團唱了兩首歌曲。小合唱團員分別是校友吳萍萍,徐宗玲,吳渝,嚴安莉,李芳苑以及他們的夫婿。兩首曲名,一首是依據唐詩人李白作品的「白雲歡送劉十六歸山」,歌詞以白雲象徵自由,脫俗,潔白的品格以及詩人響往灑脫的人生意境。第二首曲名是「如果明天就是下一生」歌詞令人反思你將如何度過今天。兩首歌皆由鋼琴伴奏,和音柔美,餘音繚繞。歌唱節目最後由吳萍萍的夫婿楊哲修帶唱卡拉OK,全體校友隨著音樂又唱又跳,欲罷不能。
最後是由張冕主持的遊戲節目。每桌一組,進行猜謎比賽。張冕出的是30道成語,每一道都由她在一張海報上手繪謎題,以圖形傳達語義,以字體傳情達意。比如,寫兩個「弓」字一個寫在右邊, 一個寫在左邊,打一成語, 謎底是「左右開弓」,猜謎別具心裁,極富創意。謎題一出,每桌爭先搶答,分秒必爭,熱鬧非凡,充分表現北一女必勝精神。30道謎題猜完仍有意猶未盡之感。 

紐英崙中華專業人員協會換屆 蔡明機,康雅雰接任董事長、會長

紐英崙中華專業人員協會年終會長交接   謝開明圖片專輯




波士頓僑教中心年終座談僑務 感謝僑胞,僑團支持


(Boston Orange)波士頓僑教中心127日舉行「108年僑務年終工作座談會」,總結今年僑務活動概況,感謝僑胞支持,頒獎表揚支持各項活動的4名熱心僑領,僑胞及5個機構。
僑委會委員長吳新興為此特地發出感謝狀,由波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉敦請經文處處長徐佑典代表頒發。為108年臺灣青年海外搭僑計畫提供住宿家庭的郭競儒、馮文鸞、林瑩玉,提供參訪機會的Teratech 生技公司創辦人史美芳,以及紐英崙中華公所、大波士頓臺灣基督長老教會、紐英崙中華廣教學校、慈濟波士頓聯絡處、Idiil青少年夏令營等僑團。

首屆全球海外青年僑務論壇落幕 波士頓僑教中心跟進辦僑青座談

(Boston Orange) 波士頓華僑文教服務中心126日下午舉辦「僑社青年座談會」,臺美菁英協會波士頓分會、新英格蘭臺灣青商會、波士頓臺灣同鄉會及僑社青年共60餘人出席,從年輕人的觀點,暢談如何參與僑務工作,為僑社服務,加強僑青聯繫。
波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉表示,僑委會刻正積極搭建平台,培養年輕僑領承接僑社傳統,鼓勵僑社青年投入公眾外交,以民間大使身分,協助台灣爭取國際地位。歐宏偉也在會上介紹僑委會為服務僑胞所推出持僑胞卡到特約商店消費有優惠,以及今年推出的”i台灣窗口(i-Taiwan Window)”,為僑胞提供回台就業,以及赴台簽證、工作、居留條件放寬等資訊。他還介紹了僑務電子報,僑委會和僑教中心臉書粉絲專頁等,並鼓勵青年參與明年度舉辦之「元旦升旗」、「迎春聯合揮毫」、「牛頓臺灣日」等各項活動。

當天還有新英格蘭台灣商會青年商會創辦人Adrian Cheng,台美菁英會波士頓分會的Jerry,波士頓台灣人的臉書版主JC Fan,波士頓台灣人生物科技協會前會長鄭永志,台灣同鄉會會長林碧憶,推動台灣加入世衛組織的Alisa,新英格蘭台灣商會前會長歐陽露等人各自分享了各機構正在做的一些事,包括建立交流平台,鼓勵創業,分享資源,參加美國2020人口統計,拍攝個人視頻來鼓勵出席投票等等。

波士頓華埠和麻州高層走近 黃氏宗親為麻州副州長籌款


             (Boston Orange)麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)12月初再度踏足波士頓華埠,在黃氏宗親會和80多名支持者晤面,傾聽民意,笑納捐款,延續已45年的情誼。
黃周麗桃(左)和麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)。
             白莉朵原本是共和黨籍麻州屋斯特區(Worcester)眾議員,一連做了十年,接著在2010年參選麻州財政廳廳長,以993,127票成為當年共和黨籍參選者贏得票數最多者,但輸給民主黨籍的史蒂夫葛羅斯曼(Steve Grossman)2013年底,她參選麻州副州長,打敗民主黨籍參選者,時任麻州總檢察長的瑪莎柯克莉(Martha Coakley),順利當選副州長,和麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)成為非常合拍的拍檔。2018年,她和查理貝克攜手競選連任,以1,7181.341票,順利連任。
黃瑞瑜等人和麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito)(左二)

星期六, 12月 07, 2019

賽默飛基因療法勒星頓廠啟用 麻州長貝克剪綵

Governor Charlie Baker joins Representative Michelle Ciccolo and Thermo Fisher company leaders to cut the ribbon on the company’s new clinical and commercial gene therapy manufacturing site in Lexington on Dec. 4, 2019. [Joshua Qualls/Governor's Press Office]

星期五, 12月 06, 2019



Special Olympics Massachusetts to field team of fundraisers surrounding the B.A.A. 5K
BOSTON, Mass. – The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) today announced that Special Olympics Massachusetts has been named the Official Fundraising Partner of the B.A.A. 5K. Using the power of sport to bring people together, Special Olympics Massachusetts will feature a fundraising team at next year’s B.A.A. 5K, to be held on Saturday, April 18 – two days prior to the 124th running of the Boston Marathon. 
First run in 2009, the B.A.A. 5K annually features 10,000 participants from around the globe running through Boston’s Back Bay neighborhoods, starting and finishing at Boston Common. It is the first race of the B.A.A. Distance Medley, a three-race series which includes the B.A.A. 5K, B.A.A. 10K, and B.A.A. Half Marathon.
“We are delighted to welcome Special Olympics Massachusetts into the B.A.A. family, and look forward to a meaningful partnership surrounding our B.A.A. 5K,” said Tom Grilk, Chief Executive Officer of the B.A.A. “Special Olympics provides the opportunity for so many to experience the benefits of active lifestyles and the thrill of athletic competition – two virtues that are on full display at the B.A.A. 5K.”
As Official Fundraising Partner, Special Olympics Massachusetts will feature a team of 100 runners fundraising through the B.A.A. 5K. Runners who commit to fundraise for Special Olympics Massachusetts will be official members of their Xtra Mile team – training, fundraising and Experiencing Inclusion leading up to and throughout race weekend.  Xtra Mile team members will receive exclusive gear, VIP engagement opportunities, and more. 

“Special Olympics is so proud to be counted among the partners of the Boston Athletic Association,” said Mary Beth McMahon, President & CEO of Special Olympics Massachusetts. “The clear synergy of our organizational missions makes this a no brainer. We cannot wait to see Special Olympics athletes and supporters on the course of the B.A.A. 5K. The funds raised through this incredible partnership are critical to the growth of our organization. We’re excited to see what the future holds.”

As a leader in providing inclusive sports and athletic competition and training across the commonwealth, Special Olympics Massachusetts uses the power of sports to bring people together. Special Olympics Massachusetts believes that everyone, regardless if they have an intellectual disability or not, deserves to be a fully included member of their community. When given the opportunity to succeed, athletes with intellectual disabilities have the power to change perceptions in all aspects of life.

Special Olympics provides opportunities for individuals to participate in athletic programming from the time they are two years old through adulthood. In addition to sport-specific training, Special Olympics offers fitness training in conjunction with partners throughout Massachusetts to help ensure athletes of all abilities are given the opportunity to get and stay fit.
The B.A.A. 5K annually serves as a kick-off to Boston Marathon weekend. More than 75,000 athletes have finished the B.A.A. 5K since its inception in 2009, including participants from 83 countries and all 50 states in 2019. Registration for the B.A.A. 5K will open on January 15 at www.baa.org.
The B.A.A. 5K welcomes athletes of all abilities to experience the joy of racing on Boston Marathon weekend. The race route starts on Charles Street adjacent to Boston Common and the Boston Public Garden, runs along the Commonwealth Avenue Mall, up Hereford Street and down Boylston Street before crossing the Boston Marathon finish line en route to the finish on Charles Street. 
For more information about the B.A.A. 5K, please visit www.baa.org.  

星期二, 12月 03, 2019

紐英崙中華公所選舉結果出爐 鄭慧民當選新屆主席

Boston Orange 周菊子報導)紐英崙中華公所2020-2021年新屆職員選舉,123日晚8點多開票,藝聯慈善社主席鄭慧民以票之24票當選新屆主席。其餘職位當選者為中文書記馮武成,英文書記阮鴻燦,財政余寶愛,核數張青梅。

Governor Baker Announces 10:00 AM Delayed Start Time for Non-Emergency Executive Branch State Employees on Tuesday

Governor Baker Announces 10:00 AM Delayed Start Time for Non-Emergency Executive Branch State Employees on Tuesday

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker is announcing a 10:00 AM delayed start time on Tuesday, December 3rd for all non-emergency state executive branch employees as road crews and public safety officials respond to the ongoing winter storm. The Administration continues to urge everyone to plan ahead and use public transportation when possible and check www.MBTA.com/winter for updates.  

星期四, 11月 28, 2019

第二屆安徽(合肥)僑夢苑海外創業賽 麻省理工光伏組件項目奪魁


二名二等獎、三名三等獎的得獎團隊,依序為麻州大學波士頓分校王超團隊、新加坡南洋理工王輯亮團隊、紐約地區侯平團隊等6個團隊。其中第二名和第六名都有兩隊同分,美東賽區組委會決定發出四個三等獎。參加合肥總決賽的二個名額,將於 12月初由合肥組委會確認。
新加坡南洋理工王輯亮團隊的 “高性能大數據文檔系統”,在數據文檔的生成、轉換、優化、存貯、管理等領域擁有多項國際和國內專利,已贏得不少全球及中國大客戶。

星期三, 11月 27, 2019

Governor Baker Announces Plan to Keep Vaping Product Ban in Place Until December 11th, Signs Legislation Placing New Restrictions on Vaping, Tobacco Products

Governor Baker Announces Plan to Keep Vaping Product Ban in Place Until December 11th, Signs Legislation Placing New Restrictions on Vaping, Tobacco Products
While emergency regulations to ban all vaping products remains in place, DPH will promulgate new regulations for vaping restrictions

BOSTON – Governor Charlie Baker today announced the Baker-Polito Administration plans to keep the temporary ban on the sale of all vaping products in place until December 11th and signed legislation placing new restrictions on the sale of e-cigarette and nicotine vaping products and flavored tobacco products. The administration also announced that the Department of Public Health (DPH) will begin drafting new regulations related to the sale of vaping products that will be presented on December 11.

The new law, An Act Modernizing Tobacco Control, includes a number of restrictions on the sale of tobacco products, including limiting the sale of flavored nicotine vaping products to licensed smoking bars where they may only be smoked on-site. The legislation signed today also grants DPH new authority to regulate the sale of nicotine vaping products, to ensure the public is informed about the potential dangers of vaping and to implement other provisions of the law in order to protect the public health.

In the interest of public health, the ban on the sale of all vaping products will remain in effect until December 11, 2019 to permit DPH and the Public Health Council time to consider and adopt implementing regulations.

“In light of the growing health crisis associated with e-cigarettes and vaping, our administration implemented a temporary ban on the sale of e-cigarette and vaping products to provide time for legislative and regulatory bodies to better understand what's making people sick and act to protect the health of Massachusetts residents,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Today, as we sign this new legislation implementing new restrictions on vaping and tobacco products, we are also keeping the temporary ban in place as the Department of Public Health develops permanent regulations that will ensure risks are known to consumers, clarify what interventions DPH can take to address clear risks identified by the developing science, and ensure sellers are not skirting the new law and selling to kids.”

“It is essential our young people have the opportunities to safely grow up in the Commonwealth, and we have made strides in the prevention of youth nicotine and taken bold action in the face of a growing, deadly public health risk,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Today e-cigarettes are the most commonly used form of tobacco by youth in Massachusetts. This legislation will further restrict the sale of nicotine containing products to minors, providing the opportunity for them to live healthy, safe lives.”

On December 11, 2019, the Public Health Council will convene at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider regulations in accordance with the new law to:

·       Require the posting of signage in any location where vaping products are sold to warn customers of the dangers of severe lung disease associated with vaping products and more generally advising of the health risks of vaping.

·       Specify the authority of the Commissioner of DPH to prohibit the sale of a designated vaping product on a determination that the product causes vaping-related lung illness or poses a substantial risk to public health. 

·       Strengthen state and local enforcement, including by specifying procedures by which DPH or local Boards of Health may inspect retail locations and the products they are selling for compliance with the law, and providing for penalties for violations.

·       Establish how retailers and manufacturers must comply with the law's requirement that vaping products with nicotine content of more than 35 mg/ml may only be sold in 21+ establishments.

·       Require vaping products to be placed behind the counter in all non-age restricted retailers (e.g., convenience stores).

“To protect Massachusetts residents from the emerging public health risk posed by vaping products, this administration acted to temporarily ban the sale of vaping products to allow public health experts and lawmakers to identify the best path forward, and this temporary ban remains in effect,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “Our goal remains the protection of public health. The continuation of the temporary ban provides a brief period to develop regulations that provide clarity and explicit guidance to local law enforcement and boards of health, consumers, and retailers.”

“As a physician and commissioner of the Department of Public Health, I continue to recommend that people not use any e-cigarette or vaping products. These products are not safe,’’ said Public Health Commissioner Monica Bharel, MD, MPH. “Massachusetts has a long history of smoking cessation programs, and I want residents to know that help is available to quit.”

The legislation signed today restricts the sale of vaping products with nicotine content over 35 milligrams per milliliter to licensed, adult-only retail tobacco stores and smoking bars. Non-flavored vaping products with a nicotine content of less than 35 milligrams per milliliter may be sold in retail stores generally licensed to sell tobacco products, including convenience stores, gas stations, and other retail outlets.

Beginning on June 1, 2020, the sale of all other tobacco products that have a characterizing flavor (e.g. menthol cigarettes and flavored chewing tobacco) will also be restricted to licensed smoking bars where they may be sold only for on-site consumption. In addition, the new law imposes a 75% excise tax on the wholesale price of nicotine vaping products (in addition to the 6.75% sales tax), which also takes effect June 1, 2020.

"Vaping companies have taken a page right out of the Big Tobacco playbook – marketing to kids, breaking age verification laws, and minimizing the health risks of these addictive products,” said Attorney General Maura Healey. “If we are going to stop the youth vaping epidemic, we need to change the laws on the books. I thank the Governor and the Legislature for making this a priority, and I credit the young people who have been advocating for a healthier future.”

“While we continue to learn more about the dangers of vaping, it is absolutely our responsibility to prevent marketing of vaping products, which we know to be harmful, to our children.” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka (D - Ashland).“We must also make it less appealing for young people to take up smoking, which often leads to a lifetime of addiction, serious health consequences, and death.  By increasing access to smoking cessation programs, we are reaffirming our commitment to our residents in their efforts to quit smoking and tobacco products altogether. I would like to thank Senator John Keenan and everyone who worked so hard to move this issue forward.”

“Massachusetts moved quickly to act on behalf of the children of the Commonwealth to modernize our laws that regulate tobacco,” said House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D - Winthrop). “This bill bans all flavored tobacco and makes it easier for people to access the tools they need to quit tobacco use. This nation-leading step will save lives. I hope other states will follow our example in combatting this public health crisis with comprehensive legislation.”

“The current youth vaping epidemic is the result of age-old industry tactics used to target kids,” said Senator John Keenan (D - Quincy). “We had made great strides in Massachusetts at decreasing the number of youth smokers, but with the introduction of e-cigarettes and the variety of flavors available, we lost decades of progress. With this bill, we are telling Big Tobacco they can never again use flavors to target kids in Massachusetts. I’d like to thank Governor Baker, Senate President Spilka, Speaker DeLeo, my partner in this fight Representative Gregoire, and the young people who spoke up about this issue to protect their generation. My hope is that as we listened to the brave voices of the young people in Massachusetts, other states will do the same and pass legislation to prevent youth nicotine addiction.”

“Today marks yet another step that Massachusetts will take to protect our children and the overall public health of the Commonwealth.” said Rep. Danielle Gregoire (D - Marlborough). “On this day, we take the final step to make this bill a law, further demonstrating that we will no longer afford big vape and big tobacco the opportunity to hook another generation on nicotine.“

On September 24, 2019, Governor Baker declared a public health emergency in response to the outbreak of severe lung disease associated with e-cigarettes and vaping products. DPH subsequently instituted emergency regulations which prohibit the sale of all vaping products in Massachusetts. 

The state’s Cannabis Control Commission has also quarantined THC-based vaping products, except for a specific carve-out for devices exclusively to vaporize marijuana flower for medical use patients.

The cause of e-cigarette- or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) remains unknown and is under investigation at both the state and federal level. Massachusetts clinicians are asked to report to DPH any individual experiencing otherwise unexplained progressive symptoms of shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, cough, or weight loss, of any severity, and an abnormal chest imaging study, who also report vaping within 90 days before the onset of symptoms, and are to ask patients to retain any vaping devices and products.

Since the state began mandating the reporting of vaping-associated lung injuries on September 11, DPH has received 278 reports from clinicians of suspected vaping-associated lung injuries, 164 of which meet the criteria for investigation by DPH.  DPH has completed review of clinical records and made case determinations for 132 patients. A total of 82 cases (26 confirmed and 56 probable cases) have been reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As of November 6, 3 people are confirmed to have died of vaping-associated lung injury, including a woman in her 60s from Hampshire County who vaped nicotine, a woman in her 40s from Middlesex County who vaped nicotine, and a man in his 50s from Worcester County reported vaping both nicotine and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

As a result of the vaping ban, the Commonwealth has implemented a statewide standing order for over-the-counter nicotine replacement products that allow adults to access products like gum, lozenges, and patches as a covered benefit through their insurance without requiring an individual prescription.  The Massachusetts Smoker’s Helpline (1-800-QUIT NOW) has doubled free over-the-counter nicotine replacement products from 4 weeks to 8 weeks, once a person receives counseling by phone.  The legislation signed today requires health insurance plans (including the GIC and MassHealth) to cover smoking cessation counseling and FDA-approved products without cost-sharing.

Individuals who are vaping are encouraged to call the Massachusetts Smokers’ Helpline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit makingsmokinghistory.org or Mass.gov/QuitVaping to connect to treatment.

Information regarding today’s announcement is available at Mass.gov/VapingEmergency. The site will continue to be updated.



BOSTON - Tuesday, November 26, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today joined Councilor Kim Janey and members of the Boston City Council as he signed "An Ordinance Establishing Equitable Regulation of the Cannabis Industry in the City of Boston." The ordinance is the result of collaboration from many stakeholders, and makes Boston a model for how to create a system that fosters racial equity and inclusion in the new marijuana industry and ensures benefit to all the City's communities. With this ordinance, Boston is the first city in the United States to formally prioritize diverse applicants who are looking to participate in the marijuana industry. 

"This ordinance ensures those who have been impacted hardest by the War on Drugs will benefit most from this economic opportunity." said Mayor Walsh. "I am proud to sign this legislation that will increase transparency and accountability, and support diverse and local ownership in this new industry. I want to thank Councilor Kim Janey for her collaboration throughout this process and I look forward to continuing our partnership that is creating bold progress and change as the cannabis industry grows in Boston." 

The Walsh Administration has prioritized equity since the beginning of this new industry, and has approved 14 host community agreements in 10 different neighborhoods with marijuana businesses seeking to open in the City of Boston, which includes three state-certified empowerment candidates. Boston was the first city in the state to sign an agreement with an economic empowerment state-approved applicant, representing the city's national leadership in creating racial diversity in the cannabis industry.

"Together, we are taking a major step forward in creating a process that promotes equity, clarity, transparency, and accountability. And one that prioritizes small, local companies with diverse ownership from communities disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs," said Councilor Kim Janey. "I want to thank Mayor Walsh for his commitment to creating a fair and equitable process and I look forward to working with him, my colleagues on the Council, and the many advocates and entrepreneurs, as this new industry rolls out in our city."

The ordinance defines the criteria that qualifies an applicant to be an "equity applicant" based on the majority of its ownership and gives preference to people who reside in areas impacted hardest by the war on drugs, Boston residents, people of color, and people with low incomes, among others. Based on this, the City will maintain an equal or greater number of equity applicant licensees to licensees that do not qualify as equity applicants. 

The ordinance also establishes a new Boston Cannabis Equity Program to support equity applicants throughout the process of establishing a cannabis business. The program will offer technical assistance related to business operations, workforce development, legal compliance and other best practices to ensure a successful business plan. 

In addition, the ordinance establishes the Boston Equity Fund to administer and support the Equity Program. This fund will make resources and technical assistance available for equity applicants and licensees to establish and operate a cannabis business in the City of Boston. The Mayor will also establish a Boston Cannabis Board, an independent board charged with reviewing all applicants for a marijuana license. 

Other important pieces of the legislation include an online registry for applicants and licensees with information about their existing or proposed establishment and a map of proposed applications and for residents to access and to ensure businesses are good neighbors in our communities. 

The City has been accepting applications to establish marijuana businesses following its legalization and has conducted an extensive community engagement process for proposals. After signing host community agreements with the City of Boston, businesses go through the State's Cannabis Control Commission process, which ultimately approves businesses. To date, two medical marijuana sites are open for business and two recreational sites have passed the state approval process and are making preparations for their respective openings. Boston's first recreational marijuana business is expected to open before the end of the year.

In an effort to bring further transparency to the industry and remove any potential conflicts of interest, in September, Mayor Walsh signed an executive order that prohibits City of Boston employees of their immediate family members from participating in a marijuana business that is currently seeking, or intends to seek approval from the City of Boston or its agencies. 

To learn about the process involved in setting up a marijuana business in the City of Boston, please visit https://www.boston.gov/establishing-marijuana-business-boston 
