
星期二, 10月 15, 2019

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $7.2 Million to 143 School Districts to Improve School Safety

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $7.2 Million to 143 School Districts to Improve School Safety

FRAMINGHAM – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito hosted a roundtable discussion on school safety at Walsh Middle School in Framingham and announced $7.2 million in grants awarded to more than 140 school districts across the Commonwealth to upgrade school security equipment and technology to bolster public safety resources for students and staff.  

The grant funds will enable schools to upgrade and install crucial security infrastructure, including exterior door locks, surveillance video cameras, school site alarms, interoperable communications systems and active shooter detection systems. The grants are being awarded by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security in conjunction with the Executive Office of Education.

Superintendents and school officials, as well as public safety officials, discussed what they are doing to keep students safe. The Governor and Lt. Governor were joined by Education Secretary James Peyser, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner Jeffrey C. Riley, Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Undersecretary Benincasa Thorpe, as well as Framingham Police Chief Steven Trask and Framingham Fire Chief Joseph Hicks.

“These investments will provide much needed safety resources to our students and teachers in schools across the Commonwealth,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with school officials to understand how we can better protect our schools, and we are pleased to have worked with the Legislature to award this round of grants. We are hopeful that we can continue this discussion as we consider this year’s budget to build on these efforts in more communities.” 

“Our administration is grateful for the input and expertise from school superintendents, mental health experts and law enforcement officials that helped us develop a package of school safety initiatives,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “It is crucial we continue to give Massachusetts schools the resources and tools they need.”

The grant funding was included in a Fiscal Year 2018 supplemental budget proposed by the Governor and passed by the Legislature. The budget bill signed by the Governor also included $7.5 million in additional aid for school districts to hire social workers, mental health counselors and psychologists.

In July 2018, Governor Baker proposed wide-ranging school safety legislation that included funds to support school safety, strengthen mental health programs in schools and address substance misuse prevention, education and screening for students. Additionally, Governor Baker joined Lt. Governor Polito, Education Secretary James Peyser, Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders, and former Public Safety and Security Secretary Daniel Bennett in August 2018 and met with school superintendents, principals, and local police chiefs to discuss school safety and what could be done locally to keep students safer. 

“We must think about protecting our students and teachers from the threat of violence in the classroom,” said Secretary of Education James Peyser. “By strengthening student supports, as well as upgrading security measures, we aim to do more to keep Massachusetts students safe.”

 “A safe, secure learning environment is essential to student success,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Thomas Turco. “At a time when school violence is a major concern across the nation, these grants represent an important investment in children’s physical safety and educational development.”

“As a former superintendent and school counselor, I know the importance of getting additional dollars into both building improvements and student supports,” said Commissioner Jeff Riley. “We will continue to work with superintendents to help keep students safe.”

“We are honored to open our doors today in Framingham and to offer a warm greeting by our students and staff in celebration of this incredible investment,” said Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Robert A. Tremblay. “Schools only become safe and secure places when our students feel that they belong. In addition to implementing the necessary infrastructure supports, we emphasize the importance of relationships so that our students feel connected to their peers and the adults in our schools.”

吳弭倡議推動廢除波士頓計畫設計局(BPDA) 陸續召開公聽會

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導)廢除波士頓計畫及設計局(BPDA)?波士頓不分區市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)109日召集了一場民意聽取會,得到絕大多數民眾支持後,1015日晚6點半,將在東波士頓Ashley街青年會,和市議員Lydia Edwards攜手,以整頓波士頓的發展流程為題,舉行第二場公聽會。
公聽會現場擠滿了人。波士頓市議員米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty)
            波士頓市另一名不分區市議員米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty),以及刻正競選波市不分區議員席位的亞歷珊卓聖吉倫(Alejandra Nicole St., Guillen),也都到場支持。
亞歷珊卓聖吉倫(Alejandra Nicole St., Guillen)也出席。(周菊子攝)
            波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Marty Walsh)表示,早從他當初競選波士頓市長時,就已經批評波士頓重建局這機構了。他上任後,也極力推動改革,如今已第一次的制定了有每個社區參與,照顧到各社區獨特歷史的波士頓市成長指南。他誓言改善透明度,包括更新波士頓重建局網站,務求包括更多發展提案細節,他甚至把這機構的名稱從波士頓重建局改為波士頓計畫發展局。
            上星期,波士頓市議員Lydia Edwards遞出一法案申請,要重設類似波士頓重建局,每兩周審核數以打計中小規模項目的BPDA區域規劃上訴委員會。市議會議長Andrea Campbell為了剷除市政府內的詐騙及濫權,想要設一個總檢察官職位,



Brings in average of $100k a week since opening Senate account, $650k total for quarter

Boston, MA --- Citing strong momentum from Congressman Joe Kennedy III’s announcement of his U.S. Senate run, Kennedy for Massachusetts announced that it had raised over $650,000 this third fundraising quarter. On average the campaign brought in $100,000 a week since Kennedy opened his Senate account at the end of August, raising over $400,000 in the past month.

Kennedy ended September with $4.2 million cash on hand. A previous recipient of corporate PAC money, Kennedy took the No Corporate PAC pledge in early September before getting in the Senate race. Additionally, he has called for a People’s Pledge to keep dark money out of the primary election. 

“I’m humbled by all of the support we have received in the early days of this campaign, giving us the resources we need to travel across the Commonwealth and highlight the voices and places that our current system takes for granted and leaves behind,” said Congressman Kennedy. “From Boston to Springfield, Gloucester to Fall River, I look forward to earning the trust of voters across Massachusetts over the next several months.”

Since announcing his bid for Senate, Congressman Kennedy has prioritized showing up for the people and places that our government, policies and institutions have long let down. Over the past several weeks, he has visited food pantries, homeless shelters, community health centers, affordable housing complexes, and sat down with young men involved in the criminal justice system, immigrants, veterans, and local fishermen to champion the people he believes should be at the heart of the Commonwealth’s fight. 

星期一, 10月 14, 2019

2019諾貝爾獎完整揭曉 經濟獎花落麻州

              (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)2019年的諾貝爾獎,從107日到14日,陸續宣佈,今(14)日宣佈的是經濟諾貝爾獎,花落麻州, Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo Michael Kremer等三名得獎人,分別是麻省理工學院和哈佛大學教授,在全球扶貧上開創出新方法。
              Banerjee Duflo兩夫婦同是麻省理工學院教授,Kremer是哈佛大學教授。他們三人經常一起做事。
              其中在法國巴黎出生的Duflo,今年46歲,是諾貝爾經濟獎有史以來最年輕的得獎者。她也是該獎第二位女性得主。第一位得經濟諾貝爾獎的女性是2009年得獎的Elinor Ostrom
              瑞典皇家學院表示,由於這些諾貝爾得獎者的研究,直接發生了有500萬名兒童在學校獲得補救性輔導的結果。Banerjee Duflo,以及其他人,經由他們的貧窮行動實驗室(Proverty Action Lab)”這研究中心,發明工具來改善教育結果。
              Abhijit Banerjee的母親,Nirmala Banerjee也是一名經濟學家。她在印度位於Kolkata的家中說,兒子試著把經濟從理論部分帶開,但用理論來瞭解這世界。
              Abhijit Banerjee今年為印度的反對黨,國會黨做顧問,在五月的全國選舉前,提出給貧窮者提供金援。他也批評Modi政府的政治干預統計數據,以及從經濟中取走現金的一個項目。
              經常用推特的印度總理Narendra Modi,並未就Abhijit Banerjee的得獎立即發表反應。
              諾貝爾經濟獎的正式名稱是紀念Alfred Nobel瑞典銀行經濟科學獎,是1968年時,由瑞典中央銀行,Riksbanken,而不是由諾貝爾獎創辦人所設,但普遍被認為是諾貝爾獎的一部分。次年才選出了首位得獎者。
              2019年的諾貝爾和平獎,得主是埃塞俄薩比亞總理Abiy Ahmed Ali,文學獎得主有兩人,波蘭作家Olga Tokarczuk,奧地利作家Peter Handke,化學獎得主有三人,鋰電池領域的John B. GoodenoughM. Stanley WhittinghamAkira Yoshino,物理獎得主有三人,改變人類對宇宙演化及地球地位認知的James Peebles,以及發現第 一顆太陽系外行星飛馬座51b”Michel MayorDidier Gueloz。生理或醫學獎得主有三人,讓人們更了解細胞與氧氣之間關係的William G. Kaelin Jr.Sir Peter J. RatcliffeGregg L. Semenza
              個人得過2次諾貝爾獎的有4人, L. Pauling,居里夫人(M. Curie)J. BardeenF. Sanger等。
              歷年來最年輕的得獎人是1997年的和平獎得獎人,時年17歲的Malala Yousafzal。華裔最年輕得獎人,是1957年,31歲時得物理諾貝爾獎的李政道。

星期六, 10月 12, 2019

波士頓不分區市議員,昆士,摩頓市長 在位者連任機會大


            (Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 2019是市級選舉年,波士頓市只選市議員,昆士市,摩頓市兩名市長都競選連任,都面對強勁對手,115日的大選,將會出現什麼結果,各方關注。
             波士頓市的不分區市議員選舉,從924日的初選結果來看,3名在位者,吳弭,米高法拉提(Michael Flaherty),艾妮莎艾賽比喬治(Annissa Essaibi George),得票率都超過13%,大選時可當選連任,幾無疑義。
聯邦眾議員普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley) 1010日公開表示,支持吳弭,艾妮莎,以及兩名挑戰者,亞歷珊卓聖吉倫(Alejandra Nicole St., Guillen),梅吉雅(Julia Mejia)等4人當波士頓不分區市議員,或將影響部分選情。
             昆士市在位市長柯奇(Tom Koch),今年56歲,從2008年上任迄今,已在位10年多,今年一旦當選連任,再做4年,將成為昆士市有史以來在位時間最長的市長。
             昆士市今年的市級初選在910日舉行,出席投票極低,只有不到6000人出席投票。市長選舉部分,今年有3人參選,115日的大選,將由得票率高達65.2%的在位市長柯奇,和得票率19.4%Brenda Ryan對決。
             摩頓市的初選,在917日。只有第八選區和學校委員會辦了初選。115日的大選,從2012年當選,連任迄今的市長葛帝生(Gary Christenson),將和曾連任四屆摩頓市第3區市議員的馬修森(John Matheson)競爭。
在初選結果中,4名在位市議員,現年34歲,當過市議長,競選第4度連任的吳弭一馬當先,得最高票,26,622票,得票率19.41%2015年之前是東波士頓高中老師,現在競選第3度競選連任的艾妮莎得第二高票,18,993票,得票率13.85%。現年50歲,曾於2000年到2010年擔任市議員,也當過市議長,其後和韓裔,也是波士頓市首名亞裔市議員的尹常賢搭檔參選波士頓市長,和當時在位的市長萬寧諾(Tom Menino)競爭失利,2014年才重回市議會的米高法拉提,得第三高票,得18,766票,得票率13.68%
因普莉斯萊(Ayanna Pressley)當選為聯邦眾議員,遞補成為在位波士頓市議員,曾經多次參選波士頓市議員,現年79歲的艾爾莎佳里森(Althea Garrison),初選時僅得9,720票,得票率7.09%,比挑戰的亞歷珊卓聖吉倫,11,910 票,得票率8.68%,以及梅吉雅(Julia Mejia)10,799票,得票率7.87%都低。
自稱是獨立無黨派候選人的艾爾莎,日前在波士頓社區發展行動(簡稱ABCDAction for Boston Community Development)”主辦的不分區市議員論壇中,竟然批評吳弭,說她假裝為民服務,做的事卻不見得對大眾好,尤其是吳弭提議要把居民停車證費用,當作稅來收。
109日晚,在南端一教堂舉行的波士頓市不分區市議員論壇,則是由保留,收回,重建波士頓(Remain, Reclaim, Rebuild Boston)”主辦。在艾爾莎之外,其餘七名候選人都出席了論壇,並一一回應了"控制房租(rent control)"計畫,區域極發展等四個問題。
1022(週二)5點半到8點,MPDC(Madison Park Development Corp.)將在洛士百利(Roxbury)The Dewitt Center,再舉辦一場波士頓市不分區市議員論壇。
這場論壇將有3名主持人,其中一人為City AwakeJustin Kang