
星期二, 9月 17, 2019

Baker-Polito Administration to Pursue Expansion of Boston Convention and Exhibition Center

Baker-Polito Administration to Pursue Expansion of Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Consolidation of Boston venues will enhance economic activity in both the Seaport and Back Bay; Hynes sale will ensure cost-effective financing of BCEC expansion

BOSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today announced plans to pursue an expansion of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) in South Boston, with the goal of consolidating the city’s major convention business in one dynamic location to ensure that Boston continues to be a major global event destination. The plan calls for the sale of the Hynes Convention Center in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood, which will open up a valuable parcel for redevelopment in the heart of the city and is part of a responsible financing plan for the BCEC expansion. 

The Administration plans to file legislation authorizing the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority (MCCA) to sell the Hynes property, with the proceeds of the sale set aside for the BCEC expansion project. The legislation will further authorize the MCCA to undertake the BCEC expansion, which is consistent with its master plan.

“Boston is a popular convention destination, and there has been market demand for larger, more flexible event space in recent years. This expansion will meet demand, unlock greater economic potential, and support the creation of new jobs,” said Governor Charlie Baker.  “Our plan will make Boston’s convention space more efficient and maximize new economic opportunities in both the Seaport and the Back Bay, benefiting the City of Boston and the Commonwealth.”

“This proposal will enable the BCEC to meet the changing demand for meeting and convention space in Boston without imposing an excessive burden on taxpayers, while at the same time making room for the creative transformation of a large and important section of the Back Bay neighborhood,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito.

“As Boston continues to serve as a regional hub for economic activity and growth, the state’s proposal presents a new opportunity to expand the Convention Center and bring a significant piece of land back to Boston, benefiting the South Boston Waterfront and city overall,” said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. “I look forward to discussing this proposal with the Legislature and staying engaged through this process as it moves forward.” 

The BCEC opened in 2004 and outperforms national occupancy figures for major market facilities. The plan for BCEC expansion has been optimized to serve the needs of the convention and tourism markets as they have evolved since the completion of the BCEC in 2004. The expanded BCEC, with greater variety of available spaces, will be positioned to capture greater market share for large multi-day conventions and shows and accommodate bookings that might otherwise have gone to the Hynes.

The Hynes opened in 1963, and was rebuilt in 1988. The facility is in need of major capital investments — estimated at nearly $200 million over the next 10 years just to maintain its current state. These construction projects, and numerous major construction projects on surrounding structures in the Back Bay, could be disruptive to ongoing use of the facility and prevent attracting future business. The Hynes is also limited in its ability to expand its market share, given competition for nearby hotel rooms.  At the same time, changes in neighborhood property uses and current market conditions have created value for the Boylston Street property, which could be put to more productive use through creative redevelopment. The proceeds of the sale will fund modernized, expanded, and enhanced facilities in the Seaport, serving convention business better and allowing Boston to continue to grow and evolve.

The plan will consolidate Boston’s large and small event business in a single, larger, more flexible space with an efficient and fiscally responsible approach. The legislation authorizes 200,000 square feet of additional space, which is expected to include a 100,000-square-foot exhibit hall; a 60,500-square-foot ballroom; and 44,000 square feet in additional meeting rooms.

The legislation includes a provision that would transfer an approximately 12-acre parcel of land located behind the current BCEC facility, not necessary for the expansion project, to the City of Boston.

MCCA employees who currently work at the Hynes would have the option of transitioning to the expanded BCEC.

“The Authority’s mission is to facilitate regional economic activity and we are excited at the opportunity to further strengthen the BCEC’s competitive position in the global meetings and events industry,” said John McDonnell, chairman of the board of the MCCA. “The proposed expansion will ensure that the MCCA is meeting the needs of our customers and continuing to attract high quality convention business to the BCEC, and Boston, for years to come.”

“When we contemplate major capital investments, our Administration’s priority is to pursue those projects in a fiscally responsible way that is a win-win for everyone,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan, a member of the MCCA board. “Financing a BCEC expansion with proceeds from the Hynes sale will ensure that the Commonwealth enjoys the benefit of modern convention facilities without imposing more debt on taxpayers over the long term, while acting as a catalyst for private investment.”

After a meeting of the Executive Committee of the MCCA Board today, the proposal will be presented for consideration by the full MCCA Board of Directors at its meeting scheduled for Sept. 19. The process began in August 2017, when the MCCA released a Master Planning and Feasibility Study RFP to determine future needs at the BCEC. The MCCA selected Populous Architects to lead the process, working in partnership with the MCCA’s Board of Directors and stakeholders.

The study included a detailed marketplace analysis of the MCCA’s competitive set, local hotel inventory, BCEC historical performance and future booking commitments, and a comprehensive evaluation of existing MCCA facilities and land use. This was followed by an assessment of the BCEC’s current and prospective financial and operating conditions, anticipated future hotel demand, and potential funding sources to deliver a recommendation for a BCEC expansion program.

Once the legislation is enacted, the MCCA is expected to issue a Request for Proposals for the BCEC expansion project that would begin design of the expanded facility.

“Boston is a premier global destination in the convention industry and an optimized BCEC will ensure that we can deliver an outstanding experience for every customer,” said David Gibbons, Executive Director of the MCCA. “Boston attracts the industry’s best events not because we are the biggest, but because we are the smartest. This proposed expansion is just the latest example of a creative solution that meets our needs and sets the BCEC apart from our competitors.”

In 2015 the Baker-Polito Administration postponed the MCCA’s plans for a larger expansion of the BCEC which called for the state to borrow $1 billion to finance the project, without addressing the capital needs of the Hynes facility. The new proposal for an expansion is consistent with the MCCA’s current master plan, including the expansion components described above and opportunities to induce private hotel development proximate to the venue, and will require no new state borrowing.

星期日, 9月 15, 2019


故鄉食府及壽司屋業主秦敖倫 ()駐波士頓辦事處處長徐佑典
()及僑教中心主任歐宏偉 ()在二餐廳門口合影。
(Boston Orange)波士頓僑胞卡特約商店又多兩家餐廳了,麻州康可鎮的「故鄉食府Asian Gourmet」與「壽司屋Sushi House」甫簽約加入提供優惠行列。
位於麻州歷史古城康可鎮的「故鄉食府Asian Gourmet」,以及「壽司屋Sushi House」,日前加入僑胞卡特約商店,為持卡人提供現金付款九折(10 off),或信用卡消費九五折(5 off)的消費優惠。
兩家餐廳的地址和電話為794, Elm St., Concord, MA 01742 (978)369-8814 (故鄉食府)/978)369-8856(壽司屋)。(文稿資料及圖片由波士頓僑教中心提供)

紐英崙昭崙公所喬遷新址 (圖片)



星期六, 9月 14, 2019


                       (Boston Orange編譯)麻省理工學院投資管理公司(MITIMCo)913日公佈,該校用捐贈所得及其他來源資金,在截至2019630日的會計年度中,獲得8%的投資回報。
              MITIMCo 是麻省理工學院的一個單位,設立來管理及監管學校的捐贈基金,退休金及營運資金的投資。截至2019630日, MITIMCo管理的資產大約為259億元。





文協青少年國樂團錄取5名新團員 種子培訓10月啟動

(Boston Orange)大波士頓中華文化協會青少年國樂團今年錄取五名新團員,預定十月份開始培訓種子團員,歡迎愛好中國樂器者申請加入。
文協青少年國樂團每年甄試新團員。Jason Katz(大提琴), 梅子康 (笛子), 宣卉(琵琶), 李梓茗(琵琶),以及林詠绮(二胡)等五人,日前通過甄試,獲選成為新團員。

星期五, 9月 13, 2019

羅德島州龍舟賽暨台灣日慶20週年 波士頓台灣龍舟隊首次參賽奪亞軍


(Boston Orange)羅德島州龍舟賽暨台灣日97日慶祝20週年,盛況空前,不僅新添 6艘新龍舟,共31隊參賽,照例有中華民俗藝術工作坊表演,還有調升至5000元的冠軍獎,華航、長榮加碼贊助,各提供兩張的美國、台北來回機票等令人興奮期待的獎勵。
這由駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處與羅德島州黑石谷旅遊局,羅德島華人協會合作,在羅德島州普塔吉市(Pawtucket)普塔吉河畔(Pawtucket River)舉辦的羅德島州龍舟賽,今年除了波士頓台灣龍舟隊(BTBC)是首度組隊參加之外,還再次出現羅州政府隊,由羅德島州副州長麥基親自率領,隊員包括州務卿、參議員、市長等人,為比賽增加不少名人效應,許多看點,笑點。
當天一早,羅德島州政要包括副州長麥基 (Daniel Mckee)、州務卿郭比亞(Nellie Gorbea)、羅州州參議員穆蕾 (Melissa Murray)、普塔吉市長蓋比思(Donald Grebien)、克蘭斯敦市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)、中央瀑布市市長狄歐沙(James Diossa)、前任羅州檢察長柯馬丁(Peter Kilmartin),以及羅州藝術節主席Anthony Ambrosino,紐約台灣商會江明信會長等贊助單位及廠商都趕到會場,出席新龍舟點睛儀式,以及龍舟賽開幕式。
                    羅德島華人協會主席葉超,會長吳子平和羅德島州黑石谷旅遊局主任畢靈頓(Bob Billington)這三位"羅德島龍舟賽暨台灣日"的創始人眼見這活動跨過20週年的門檻,十分欣慰的表示,這是"眾志成城"的結果,既宣揚多元文化,促進地方繁榮,也推廣了國際交流,意義深遠。



(Boston Orange)中華表演藝術基金會將於928(週六)8點,假紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall),為紐約時報譽為技巧輝煌洞察敏銳潛力無限的鋼琴家徐洪舉辦鋼琴獨奏會
目前武漢音樂學院擔任鋼琴系主任,同時也是武漢 BIG HOUSE當代藝術館音樂總監徐洪自幼酷愛音樂12以專業總分第一名考入武漢音樂學院附中,接著進美國伊斯曼音樂學院,茱莉亞音樂學院就讀,師從著名鋼琴大師羅文泰爾攻讀鋼琴碩士2008年榮獲朱麗亞音樂學院鋼琴最高獎亞瑟魯賓斯坦大獎,並考取難度極高的朱麗亞音樂學院藝術家文憑。
徐洪曾在多項重大國際鋼琴比賽中獲得大獎,包括2006加拿大赫尼茲(Honens)2001年美國吉娜巴考兒(Gina Bachauer)2004年希爾頓海德(Hilton Head)等。英國泰晤士報稱他為值得強烈推薦的鋼琴家BBC音樂雜誌和國際鋼琴雜誌(IPQ)等媒體稱他是一顆正在冉冉升起的明日之星
徐洪曾與多世界一流指揮大師合作演出如阿什肯那齊Vladimir Ashkenazy),普列特涅夫(Mikhail Pletnev),塞金(Yannick Nezet-Seguin),馬克艾爾德爵士Sir Mark Elder等。最近幾年還有倫敦愛樂,曼切斯特哈雷交響樂團,中國國家大劇院管弦樂團邀請他到多個亞洲國家,以及英國巡迴演出。
徐洪還和世界上的許多著名音樂團體,包括英國 BBC管弦樂團,俄羅斯國響樂團,葡萄牙國響樂團,猶他交響樂團,美國羅切斯特愛樂樂團,加拿大卡爾加里愛樂樂團,馬其頓國家愛樂樂團,香港管弦樂團合作過,演奏足跡遍及世界各大音樂廳,包括如倫敦皇家節日大廳,巴比肯中心,威格摩廳,葡萄牙聖卡洛國家大劇院,馬德里卡那爾大劇院,美國肯尼迪中心,卡內基音樂廳,蒙特利爾藝術中心,首爾國家藝術中心,中國國家大劇院,人民大會堂,香港文化中心,台北兩廳院等等。
2010,徐洪回到母校武漢音樂學院工作,迄今的教學成績備受肯定,已有學生在連續兩屆的 CCTV 鋼琴大賽、以及美國伊斯曼國際鋼琴比賽、美國希爾頓海德國際鋼琴比賽等重大比賽中獲獎。
徐洪不但曾在美國奧柏林音樂學院,舊金山音樂學院,紐約大學,波士頓大學,休斯敦大學,倫敦聖三一音樂學院等舉辦鋼琴大師班天時,也應意大利阿爾瑪菲(Amalfi Coast)國際鋼琴音樂節,佩魯賈音樂節,北京國際音樂節(BIMFA)和美國加州北岸國際音樂節等地邀請,前往執教
MOZART: Sonata No. 7 in C Major, K. 309                       
MOZART: Sonata No. 12 in F Major, K. 332         
LISZT: from Années de Pélerinage I: Suisse                                
    Les Cloches de Genève: Nocturne                      
LISZT: from Harmonies poétiques et religieuses                                   
            Benediction de Dieu dans la solitude S173.3   
SCRIABIN: Sonata No. 3 in F-sharp minor, Op. 23