
星期二, 6月 18, 2019

趙小蘭投書 呼籲美國歷史寫入華裔鐵路工人貢獻


美國交通部長趙小蘭投書”Washington Examiner”,讚揚華裔工人在協助建造橫貫美國鐵路上的歷史成就,呼籲各界讓他們成為美國民間歷史的一部分。












It’s rare that life hands us the opportunity to add a positive narrative to the history books. But there was just such an opportunity recently, when I was given a platform at the 150th Anniversary of the Golden Spike to honor the 12,000 or more workers of Chinese ancestry who played a key role in building the first transcontinental railroad. These men, nearly 80% of the workforce of the Central Pacific Railroad, endured merciless, harsh, and dangerous conditions to build one of the greatest pieces of infrastructure in our country’s history. Digging and tunneling through the Sierra Nevada mountains with rudimentary tools, many lost their lives. But instead of gratitude for their sacrifice, state and federal laws were passed preventing men and women of Chinese ancestry from becoming American citizens or immigrating to the U.S.

So much has changed in the 150 years since. The Chinese exclusion laws have been repealed and our country has moved forward, becoming the diverse nation it is today. But for more than a century and a half, the Chinese American community has waited patiently for the contributions of the Chinese transcontinental railroad workers to be fully acknowledged and honored.

On May 10, 2019, proper recognition finally came. It was a reminder that as our country becomes more diverse, there is a tremendous hunger out there for the achievements of all the groups who helped make America great to be recognized and celebrated.

That’s a sentiment I hear more and more from the Asian Pacific American community, which is one of the fastest growing in this country. In just 50 years, Asian Pacific Americans have gone from approximately 1% to nearly 7% of our country’s population. They take pride in the fact that, with their emphasis on strong families, education, and hard work, Asian Pacific Americans are contributing much to the growth and strength of our country. Just look at the unemployment rate for Asian Pacific Americans: an astonishingly low 2.2%. Many Asian Pacific Americans find great comfort that someone in the president’s Cabinet looks like them and shares their journey.

Yet for all their success, Asian Pacific Americans can still feel uncomfortable. At the Golden Spike ceremonies, I heard from Asian Americans who felt that for too long their ancestors’ contributions have been relegated to a mere footnote in history. Popular culture does not always make the distinction between Chinese Americans (who were either born here or made the free choice to become American citizens) and Chinese nationals. Other Asian Americans are increasingly dismayed at quota systems designed to limit their children’s access to a first-class education. To a community that has experienced so many historical obstacles to becoming full-fledged Americans, these developments have the all-too-familiar ring of the past.

This administration is leading by establishing a special initiative, the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (of which I am co-chair) to help advance the economic empowerment of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. An executive order has also been issued affirming the principle that access to higher education must respect merit, and not diminish those who have sacrificed, invested in themselves, and achieved academic excellence. These actions address deep aspirations within the Asian Pacific American community.

But there is always more that can be done. Recognizing the seminal contribution of the Chinese transcontinental railroad workers is a good start to a more inclusive history. My hope is that their astounding achievement will become part of American folklore, known to every schoolchild and every American, in recognition of the vast and wonderful coat of many colors that makes our nation great.

Elaine Chao is secretary of transportation

星期一, 6月 17, 2019

Shannon Liss-Riordan receives first labor endorsements from six unions in her bid for U.S. Senate

Shannon Liss-Riordan receives first labor endorsements from six unions in her bid for U.S. Senate
Citing her long history of fighting for workers, and her track record of success, six IBEW locals announced their endorsement of Liss-Riordan today

Dorchester - Shannon Liss-Riordan, Democrat running for the U.S. Senate, received the first labor endorsements of the 2020 campaign for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts.  The endorsements come from members of the IBEW System Council T-6 which include IBEW Local 2222, IBEW Local 2321, IBEW Local 2322, IBEW Local 2323, IBEW Local 2324, and IBEW Local 2325.

“Receiving these endorsements from the working men and women of six IBEW locals, especially this early in the campaign, means the world to me,” saidShannon Liss-Riordan.  “I have always fought alongside working people, taking on big challenges, and I am so proud that the working people of the IBEW Council T-6 are standing with me. I am blown away by their willingness to back an outsider who believes that we need to break the cycle of politics in Washington.”

“Shannon’s long history of taking on powerful corporations, and winning, is the kind of experience our members need fighting for them every day in the United State Senate,” said Myles Calvey, President ot the IBEW System Council T-6 and Business Manager of IBEW Local 2222.  “We are proud to offer the first labor endorsement of a candidate for U.S. in Massachusetts.”

This endorsement comes just four weeks after Liss-Riordan launched her campaign for the United State Senate.  The IBEW locals in the System Council T-6 represent over 5,000 telephone workers in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.

星期日, 6月 16, 2019

波士頓華埠獅子會謝如鍵再任會長 紐約法拉盛7獅來賀


            (Boston Orange 周菊子報導)獅子會麻州第33K分區波士頓華埠分會615日晚在帝苑大酒樓舉行職員就職典禮,包括7名到賀的紐約法拉盛分會嘉賓,共約二百人歡聚一堂,慶祝謝如鍵四年後再度出任會長。
             謝如鍵從阮鴻燦手中接過傳承的明燈後表示,四年前他首度出任會長,和華埠獅子會同伴們合作愉快,這次再度出馬,他要引述史上第一個獲得文學學士學位的盲聾人海倫凱勒(Helen Keller)的話,獨力為小,聚眾成城(Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much)”。他竭誠希望,波士頓華埠獅子會成員繼續攜手,發揮助人為快樂之本精神。
             當晚的就職典禮由即將上任的第33區區長(District Governor)Dawn Rice-Norton,內閣秘書William Donnellan主持。新一屆幹部有會長謝如鍵,副會長三名,依序為伍國光,謝佩儀,李典儒,秘書丁慧明,財政余麗媖,核數關美玲,公關林淑明,會員余梅艷玲,總管(Lion Tamer)蔡倩婷,聯絡(Tail Twister)趙娟。
                今年波士頓華埠獅子會就職典禮的一大特點是有7名來自紐約法拉盛的獅子會會有到賀。該會會長,航空企業工程師廖本卿透露,該會近百名會員大都來自台灣,但會員中的Jack Xia是廣東人,和波士頓華埠獅子會熟稔,於是牽線連起兩會情誼。他們這趟來波士頓,要為以後的合作打基礎。(更新版)

星期六, 6月 15, 2019


            (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)中華廣教學校614日晚在喜臨門大酒樓舉行年度籌款晚宴,頒獎表揚司徒玉英,李壽泮、李曹秀萍伉儷,陳宣享、陳溫劍英伉儷,10名優秀學生,宣佈董事會選出候任正副董事長,感謝數百名捐款者支持,學校營運已由赤轉藍。
              昆士小學前校長黃伯勳在介紹現任校長陳玉英時指出,陳玉英也是廣教學校校友,早在6歲時,就想當老師,志願堅定不移,在萊斯利學院(Lesley College)唸的也是小學教育系。畢業後在昆士小學執教10年,還曾於2013年獲選為波士頓市年度教育者之一。黃伯勳以她為例,鼓勵廣教學校學生們求學路上要有夢。


星期五, 6月 14, 2019

波士頓龍舟賽慶40週年 華人青年會風暴直覺隊奪冠


               (Boston Orange 周菊子麻州綜合報導)波士頓龍舟節在2019年的69日慶祝40週年,盛況空前的有75隊分9組參賽。其中華人青年會(CYPN)最搶鋒頭,不但報名三隊全部晉級,風暴直覺隊(Storm Instinct)更以15167的佳績,奪得總冠軍。校友隊組共11隊參賽,清華大學水清隊以18937的成績贏得冠軍。
            波士頓龍舟節今年為慶祝40週年,特地把三名創辦人,現為波士顿兒童博物館副館長的Leslie Swartz,以及Nancy StaoMarcia Iwasaki邀到現場,回顧歷史。
             早於1982年有杭州市和波士頓市結為姊妹市的浙江省,也趁今年是中美建交40週年,由同時期在麻州米爾頓鎮(Milton)福布斯屋博物館(Forbes House Museum)舉辦青瓷巡迴展的龍泉市出席致賀。龍泉市委常委諸葛春杰還代表該市送給波士頓龍舟節籌委會一艘,照龍泉傳統龍舟造型訂製的龍舟模型。
            出席開幕式,和龍舟節籌委會主席汪剛柳,副主席陶凱一起參加龍舟點睛儀式的嘉賓,除前述各人外,還有中國駐紐約總領館文化參贊李立言,香港駐紐約經濟貿易辦事處傳媒及公共關係總監廖珮賢,劍橋市市長Marc McGovern,麻州眾議員陳德基。
             龍舟節現場的文化表演節目,和往年一樣多采多姿,有大波士頓中華文化協會,華林派少林功夫學校,菲律賓協會,ADA舞蹈學校,天使表演藝術會,Jae Hun Kim跆拳道學院,創意藝術學校,劍橋中國文化中心,新英格蘭太鼓機構的組織輪流上場演出。
             今年參賽隊數最多的是俱樂部組,共14隊,冠亞季軍依序為華人青年會風暴直覺隊(Storm Instinct),波士頓一隊(Boston One),華人青年會風暴Valor隊。在這一組中,最特別的是波士頓台灣人組成,首次參加波士頓龍舟賽的BTBC隊,雖然未擠進前3名,但18561的成績,也相當優秀。
             隊數次多的是金融組,道富集團(State Street),東方銀行,美國銀行,Wellington管理四海個派出兩隊。道富集團金龍隊以114626奪分組冠軍。
             社區組有8隊,冠亞季軍依序為Next One113951,廣教學校的114秒,221,華美福利會的115210。參賽的其他社區組織有NOVA,北美體育聯會,波士頓華埠社區中心(BCNC),給划不好奬小孩的船,以及大波士頓中華文化協會青年隊。
             女子組有5隊,冠軍為華人青年會的神祕風暴(Storm Mystic)隊,112142

首屆波士頓台灣影展售票近千張 籌委會眾志成城


       (波士頓訊)波士頓台灣影展已經於五月二十七號閉幕,活動圓滿成功。影展期間,共售出近千張票卷,第二天更緊急加開當日票供觀眾購買。此外,額外販售的交流餐酒會,更有二百三十位來賓共襄盛舉,大大超出原本預估的一百五十位 ; 觀眾問券回饋,滿意度更達到99%。影展的成功,歸功於每一位為影展付出的志工、贊助的朋友、與會的電影工作人員以及熱情參與的觀眾。




SSP named James Beard Foundation Impact Program Sustainability Partner

SSP named James Beard Foundation Impact Program Sustainability Partner

New York, United States: June 13, 2019: The Sustainable Shrimp Partnership (SSP) is today pleased to announce they have been named a James Beard Foundation Impact Program Sustainability Partner.

“Chefs and restaurants drive trends around seafood, and therefore we have a responsibility to promote the most sustainable seafood options available,” said Katherine Miller, Vice President of Impact for the James Beard Foundation. “SSP are experts on the complex seafood supply chain and recognize the benefits of sustainable aquaculture, which is why we are pleased to have them as a Sustainability Partner and have their support in increasing education and awareness of responsible farming practices among our growing network of chefs and restaurant professionals.”

The James Beard Foundation is one of leading global sustainable food advocacy organizations, which has built a platform for chefs to support the promotion of sustainable and high quality foods, and asserted the power of gastronomy to drive behavior, culture, and policy change around food.

“The James Beard Foundation is the perfect partner for SSP as we share the same values in driving change in the seafood sector to promote the benefits of sustainable practices for both the product and the environment,” added Pamela Nath, SSP Director. “By becoming a James Beard Foundation Impact Partner we are able to connect with chefs and culinary experts all over the US to raise awareness of sustainable practices, the benefits of quality over costs, and work with the Foundation to deliver high quality, sustainable shrimp products to their network.”

As part of their role as Impact Partner, SSP commit to offering products which meet the highest environmental and social standards – all SSP branded farmed shrimp meets the Aquaculture Stewardship Council Standard, plus due to their extensive natural based farming approach is also free of antibiotics and fully tracable.  SSP will also support the ongoing education of the culinary community in sustainable seafood choices, by contributing to many of the James Beard Foundation events including: Sustainable Seafood Issue Summits and Culinary Labs. (From SSP)

Chelsea Soldiers’ Home Awarded $100 Million to Replace Long Term Care Facility

Chelsea Soldiers’ Home Awarded $100 Million to Replace Long Term Care Facility

BOSTON – The Chelsea Soldiers’ Home has been awarded $100 million from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to replace its long term care facility. The grant will reimburse the Commonwealth of up to 65% of construction costs for the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home. The Baker-Polito Administration has secured the funds to rebuild the facility.

“Today marks another milestone for the redevelopment of the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “It is our duty to care for those who stood up and served this nation, and our obligation to ensure that their sacrifices are not forgotten. This funding allows us to move forward in that commitment.”

“Receiving this grant demonstrates Massachusetts’ strong relationship with veteran organizations on both the state and federal level,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “This award helps the Chelsea Soldiers’ Home continue its efforts in providing care to our veterans with honor, dignity and respect.” 

Governor Baker announced plans for the new long term care Community Living Center (CLC) in May of 2017 and a groundbreaking was celebrated in October of 2018. During the construction, the facility will remain fully operational. The new facility will have 154 private rooms to care for veterans. The project is anticipated to be completed in 2022.

“We appreciate the financial commitment and collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders. “We are building a state of the art facility that will care for our nation’s heroes.”

“Massachusetts continues to lead the nation in its care for Veterans. The VA’s grant helps us continue to care for our elder population of Veterans throughout the Commonwealth,” said Department of Veterans’ Services Secretary Francisco Ureña. “We’re looking forward to the great things to come for the campus and its members.”

The Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea first opened its doors to Massachusetts veterans in 1882 and offers Residential and Long Term Care programs to eligible Veterans in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The campus offers Independent Living and Long Term Care services; serving approximately 300 Massachusetts Veterans daily. The Soldiers’ Home in Chelsea operates with a staff of 310 employees, whose mission is to provide the highest quality of personal health care services to Massachusetts Veterans with Honor, Dignity, and Respect.  Chelsea is surveyed annually by the Federal Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”). It is also fully accredited by The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.

"反送中" 40香港人波士頓街頭靜坐抗議

Around 40 Boston Hongkongers Sat-in in the middle of Downtown Crossing

Standing in global solidarity with Hong Kong’s current protest around the Legislative Council, around 40 Boston Hongkongers follow the student and worker strike to sit-in on Wednesday at the pedestrian zone in Downtown Crossing. They all dressed up in black attire and white ribbons. They laid out their banner to collect signatures from pedestrian and distribute leaflets to draw people’s attention on the issue.

Joining us were U.S. citizens and HK students from different colleges, including Boston University, Emerson College, Boston College, Berklee School of Music, Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. We all live in different cities.

On June 9th, more than a million people took the streets of Hong Kong in peaceful opposition to the newly proposed amendment, joining demonstrators in 29 cities across the world in global solidarity. However, later that evening, unarmed protesters in Hong Kong were violently attacked with tear gas bombs and pepper spray at the hands of the Hong Kong Police. Ignoring the obvious opposition to the proposed law, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam refused to withdraw the extradition amendment and announced the second reading of the bill on June 12th.

As we watch events unfold on the news, it’s easy to feel hopeless and helpless to see our city and our fellows to be crushed under the heel of a government that seeks to curtail freedom in exchange for control. We don’t a bright future of HK if this law is passed, but we can be certain that the basic principles of liberty will not be served by a government that seeks to undermine inalienable human rights. (From organizer)