
星期日, 6月 02, 2019

Secretary of Commerce Leads U.S. Delegation to El Salvador

Secretary of Commerce Leads U.S. Delegation to El Salvador
Secretary Ross and U.S. Government Officials Join the Inauguration of El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele
WASHINGTON – From May 31 to June 1, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross led a Presidential delegation to El Salvador to witness the inauguration of President Nayib Bukele, and to congratulate the Salvadoran people on the country’s success in a peaceful and democratic transition of power.
“The United States is committed to a strong relationship with El Salvador,” said Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. “Under President Bukele’s leadership, it is our sincerest hope that El Salvador will become a prosperous nation where all Salvadorans can reap the benefits of new investments and economic growth.”

In recognition of President Bukele’s focus on economic development and an emphasis on partnership with the U.S. private sector, President Donald J. Trump named Secretary Ross to lead the delegation that attended El Salvador's Presidential inauguration ceremony.
In addition to witnessing the inauguration, Secretary Ross participated in a bilateral meeting with the incoming President and Foreign Minister, Alexandra Hill, while also joining leading Salvadoran and U.S. business leaders to discuss improving the investment climate and increasing economic growth across El Salvador.

Secretary Ross’s delegation included U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador Jean Elizabeth Manes, Acting President and Chief Executive Officer of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) David Bohigian, and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Kimberly Breier.


新英格蘭台商會承辦 台灣美食國際巡迴展波士頓飄香 (圖片)




勒星頓鎮發生凶殺案 一華裔婦女慘死

(Boston Orange編譯) 49歲的勒星頓鎮居民Shen Cai,在530,週四凌晨12點半左右,被人發現死在白色本田(Honda)廂旅車的駕駛座上。警方已判定為凶殺案,但未逮捕任何人,還在進行調查中。
米斗塞郡(Middlesex)地方檢察官Marian T. Ryan表示,警方接到911報案電話,趕到現場,發現Shen Cai身上有多處鈍器重傷,已無生命跡象。目前案件在初步調查階段,警方並未把Shen Cai的丈夫列為嫌疑人。
Shen Cai的朋友是週二傍晚最後一次見到Shen Cai後,一直沒她的消息,擔心起來,分頭找了幾小時,竟在與Shen Cai家交界的Worthen路上,發現Shen Cai倒在自己的白色本田廂旅車駕駛座上,才立即撥打911電話報警。
根據檢察官辦公室,以及法庭資料,Shen CaiHongyan Sun2013年經共同朋友介紹而認識,二年後結了婚,Shen Cai也於2015年辭去在上海的國際餐飲公司Danone市場行銷經理職務,和女兒一起搬到麻州。那時另有兒子的Hongyan Sun還住在華森市。2016年,他們兩人在勒星頓鎮買了房子。然而去年九月,Shen Cai卻以不可挽回的歧異為由申請離婚。Shen Cai還曾告訴朋友,擔心自己的人身安全,並為此失約過兩次。
在他們十月份遞進法院的文件上,Shen Cai聲稱Hongyan Sun經常在語言上,情緒上虐待她,還做了其他的殘酷的事,有時候令她和女兒覺得不安全。
在離婚案中代表Shen Cai的律師Lei Reilley表示,由於沒有監護權的問題,他們兩人的離婚案重心放在財產分配上。在洽談案件期間,儘管Shen CaiHongyan Sun仍然住在同一棟房子裏,她沒發現Shen Cai面對來自她丈夫或任何人的人身攻擊威脅。
波士頓華人聖經教會的傳道張越剛,牧師潘達儒告訴波士頓環球報,Shen Cai201712月在該教會受洗,定期參加國語堂彌撒,以及週五晚上的查經班,和希望團契教友感情融洽。發生這事,實在太讓人震驚了,該會希望能盡力安撫Shen Cai的家人,朋友及團契成員。

星期六, 6月 01, 2019


左起,昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch),中華頤養院執行長Bill
Graves,董事陳秀英,麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz(,

(Boston Orange) 中華頤養院日前以型塑我們的未來為主題,在昆士市龍鳳酒樓舉行年會,表揚優秀員工,並頒發獎學金鼓勵員工進修。
中華頤養院董事長雷偉志表示,” ”型塑我們的未來這年會主題,既彰顯了該院經營重心,也闡釋了該院去年的成就,他們將在強有力的領導層,高效率的管理及臨床團隊合作下,以精心打造的計畫來繼續構建該院能力。
當晚出席嘉賓包括昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch),代表區域包括昆士市的麻州眾議員陳德基,以及麻州眾議會財政委員會新任主委麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)
中華頤養院執行長Bill Graves特地感謝他們支持耆英。
在年會上,中華頤養院還頒發了史立德學習中心中華頤養院基金會獎學金,持續鼓勵該院員工在專業上進修。得獎者包括持牌執業護士Kevin Liaw,資訊經理Quoc Thang,註冊護士Shirley Van;表揚Oi Lai LiYan Zhu LiuLang Rong Mei獲得食物供應安全證書。Oi Lai LiYu Xiu ChenYan Zhu LiuYan Hua HeBi Yu Liu Jie Yun Wu等人因為在加強個人護理,以及啟發優異團隊合作等方面的表現,獲得丁/穆加(Ting/Mugar)傑出領導力獎。
中華頤養院創辦於1985年,在2014年擴遷至昆士市華盛頓街288號,不但硬體設備大為改善,也持續贏得醫療護理及醫療補助機構的五星級評等,長年被美國新聞及世界報導評為全美十大最佳頤養院之一。查詢該院詳情可上網 www.southcovemanor.org。(資料來源:中華頤養院)
 South Cove Manor at Quincy Point to hold Annual Meeting
House Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz to be Guest Speaker
South Cove Manor at Quincy Point, a non-profit rehabilitation and care community, held its Annual Meeting and Dinner “Forging Our Future” on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at China Pearl Restaurant, 237 Quincy Avenue, Quincy.
Board Chair Richard Lui opened the meeting stating, “Our meeting theme ‘Forging Our Future’ speaks to
both our focus and our accomplishments of the last year. We have strong leadership, highly
effective management and clinical teams, and a detailed plan for continuing to build our organization’s capacity.”
Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch followed with welcoming remarks and State Representative Tackey Chan, 2nd Norfolk district, introduced the featured Guest Speaker, Aaron Michlewitz, State Representative, 3rd Suffolk district, and Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. President and C.E.O. Bill Graves thanked Chairman Michlewitz and Representative Tackey Chan for their support of quality care for frail and vulnerable older adults.
In addition to remarks by Chairman Michlewitz, highlights of the meeting included the Schlichte Learning Center/South Cove Manor Nursing Facilities Foundation Scholarships to support employees’ professional growth and advanced training. Scholarships were awarded to Kevin Liaw, L.P.N., Quoc Thang, I.T. manager, and Shirley Van R.N., and recognition was given to Oi Lai Li, Yan Zhu Liu, and Lang Rong Mei for achieving ServSafe certification in food safety, a program supported by the scholarship program.
Ting/Mugar Outstanding Leadership Awards were presented to Oi Lai Li, Yu Xiu Chen, Yan Zhu Liu, Yan Hua He, Bi Yu Liu and Jie Yun Wu for demonstrating leadership that advances personalized care and inspires excellence and teamwork.
Founded in Boston in 1985, South Cove Manor moved in 2014 to a new and expanded state-of-the-art campus at 288 Washington Street in Quincy. The new campus significantly expanded South Cove’s rehabilitation capacity and created a series of small resident communities for elders.
South Cove Manor at Quincy Point is a non-profit organization and multicultural community and its specialty is providing short term rehabilitation services to elders after a hospitalization or illness. South Cove Manor has consistently achieved a 5 Star rating from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services, the nation’s highest quality accolade for senior care, and been named as one of the country’s top nursing centers year after year by US News & World Report. www.southcovemanor.org. (From South Cove Manor)

「美食之家」加入僑胞卡特約商店 6月1日起提供消費優惠

       (Boston Orange)位於波士頓北郊Swampscott的「美食之家Swampscott Gourmet Garden」餐廳為響應中華民國僑務委員會發行的「僑胞卡」,決定加入海外特約商店的行列,將從今年61日起提供持卡人5%10%的消費優惠,希望能讓更多僑胞鄉親感受到政府的用心與美意。

該餐廳店東徐小玲表示,「美食之家」成立以來,秉持中式及日式精緻美食的優良傳統,僑胞鄉親經常前來品嚐道地的中式與日式風味的餐點,也吸引不少主流社會各界人士前來用餐;徐小玲說,在獲知僑委會於海外發行「僑胞卡」,且在波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉的鼓勵下,「美食之家」成為波士頓地區第19家「僑胞卡」特約商店,並訂於61日起提供現金付款九折(10 off)或信用卡消費九五折(5 off)的優惠服務。
「美食之家Swampscott  Gourmet Garden」地址430 Paradise Rd., Swampsott, MA 01907,電話:781-599-1780 (圖與文:僑教中心提供)

星期五, 5月 31, 2019

波士頓龍舟節6/9慶祝40週年 76隊參賽

Boston Orange)波士頓龍舟節今年(2019)慶祝40週年。 69(週日)中午12點至下午5點,將有76隊龍舟分成10組在查理士河畔競賽。三名龍舟賽創始人都將出席盛典。
波士頓龍舟節籌委會主席汪剛柳表示,由於今年是波士頓龍舟節的40週年,各界參賽格外熱絡,共有76個龍舟隊參賽,分成集團、金融、醫保、大學、中國大學校友、社區、俱樂部、女子,以及癌癥幸存者等10組,在Weeks 步行橋和西方大道(Western Ave)大橋之間的查理斯河競比。主要贊助機構及企業包括香港駐紐約經濟貿易辦事處、中國龍泉市、道富銀行、哈佛格林健保(Harvard Pilgrim Health Care)、東方銀行(Eastern Bank)、華人醫務中心等。
查詢波士頓龍舟節詳情,可上網:www.bostondragonboat.org,或撥電話:(617) 259-0286,發電子郵箱:info@bostondragonboat.org

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Housing Choice Bill in Worcester

Baker-Polito Administration Highlights Housing Choice Bill in Worcester
Local leaders endorse legislation that aims to support communities statewide in their goals to increase new housing production

WORCESTER – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy joined Worcester City Manager Edward M. Augustus Jr., City Councilor Candy F. Mero-Carlson, local business, health care, and education leaders and state legislators to highlight An Act to Promote Housing Choiceslegislation filed by Governor Baker in February that calls for targeted zoning reform to advance new housing production in Massachusetts and support the Administration’s goal to produce 135,000 new housing units by 2025.

Today’s event at Edge at Union Station, a transit-oriented, 82-unit student rental housing development that received $1.7 million in Housing Development Incentive Program credits, celebrated Worcester’s efforts to spur housing production, including allowing multifamily housing in several districts, inclusionary zoning that requires affordable units in certain new developments, the adoption of an Adaptive Reuse Overlay district to allow existing buildings to be converted into housing, and administering of a rehabilitation program through the housing office to preserve existing units in good condition. These efforts earned Worcester designation as a Housing Choice Community in 2018.

Leaders from UMass Memorial Health Care, Quinsigamond Community College, Realtor Association of Central Massachusetts and the Pawtucket Red Sox joined the city in endorsing the Housing Choice bill. On May 14th, the Joint Committee on Housing heard testimony from state and local officials and advocates, including support from the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce. 

“Our administration has worked hard to address Massachusetts’ housing crisis with more than $1 billion of investments in the affordable housing ecosystem while leveraging a variety of tools to advance thousands of new, market-rate units,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We will continue to advocate for the passage of our Housing Choice legislation to modernize the Commonwealth’s zoning laws and deliver the housing necessary for families, workers and businesses to keep thriving.”

“I am happy to be here in Worcester to recognize a community that is demonstrating leadership on delivering housing to its residents, particularly at this critical juncture as statewide production of new units per year has fallen below half its 1980’s levels,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Governor Baker and I believe strongly in encouraging best practices through targeted programs such as Housing Choice grants, and I congratulate Worcester on taking a proactive approach to the acute housing shortage facing our Commonwealth.”  

The legislative proposal will enable cities and towns to adopt certain zoning best practices related to housing production by a simple majority vote, rather than the current two-thirds supermajority. While this legislation will lower the voting threshold to change zoning for all communities in the Commonwealth, it does not require cities and towns to make any of these changes. With the proposed simple majority threshold, municipalities that pursue rezoning efforts including those enabling transit-oriented or downtown-oriented new housing, would gain approval if they achieve more than 50 percent of the vote, as opposed to the current super majority of more than 66 percent. Massachusetts is currently one of only a few states to require a supermajority to change local zoning.

Zoning changes that promote best practices for housing growth that would qualify for the simple majority threshold include:

                 Building mixed-use, multi-family, and starter homes, and adopting 40R “Smart Growth” zoning in town centers and near transit.
                 Allowing the development of accessory dwelling units, or “in-law” apartments.
                 Approving Smart Growth or Starter Homes districts that put housing near existing activity centers.
                 Granting increased density through a special permit process.
                 Allowing for the transfer of development rights and enacting natural resource protection zoning.
                 Reducing parking requirements and dimensional requirements, such as minimum lot sizes.

This legislation also includes a provision, added by the Joint Committee on Housing last session, that would reduce the voting threshold for a special permit issued by a local permit granting authority to a simple majority vote, for certain multi-family or mixed-use projects with at least 10 percent affordable units in locations near transit or, in centers of commercial activity within a municipality.

“Massachusetts is home to the country’s best-educated workforce, but also its most expensive housing,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy. “Our Housing Choice legislation would empower the production necessary to reduce housing costs, delivering relief to families while helping retain talent and securing economic growth. We look forward to working with our partners in the Legislature to make sure it passes this session.”

The legislation is part of the administration’s Housing Choice Initiative, which provides incentives, technical assistance, and capital grant funding to encourage new housing production that meets the long-term needs of the Commonwealth’s growing, and aging, population. Worcester has received

“Our families, seniors, workforce, individuals with disabilities, and vulnerable populations have diverse housing needs, and today’s market is not meeting them. Housing that our residents can afford is a crucial resource and An Act to Promote Housing Choices will create the tools we need to promote new housing development for those across incomes,” said Acting Undersecretary of Housing and Community Development Jennifer Maddox. “We are proud of the coalition we’ve built in support of this legislation and the investments we’ve made in affordable housing, community development, and public housing to benefit the many communities which contribute to our strong, inclusive Commonwealth.”

“This proposed legislation allows for local flexibility in our zoning policies which is another tool in the toolbox,” said Worcester City Manager Ed Augustus. “We thank Governor Baker, Lieutenant Governor Polito, Secretary Kennealy and the entire Administration for prioritizing local decision making in its Housing Choice legislation.”

“The Governor’s Housing Choice bill does so much to encourage growth by reducing parking limits, increase density, and transit oriented development,”said Worcester City Councilor Candy F. Mero-Carlson. “The goal of this bill and the many others in the legislature right now is to address the conjoined issues of traffic congestion, a lack of construction outside of our urban centers, and of course housing affordability.”

“The City of Worcester is booming, and we are all rightfully proud of the tremendous strides our city has made in recent years,” said Eric Dickson, MD, President and CEO of UMass Memorial Health Care. “But with growth comes challenges. We at UMass Memorial recognize that many of our patients struggle to find affordable housing that is safe and healthy. This is due in part to rent increases and a limited supply of available properties. With this new legislation, which calls for increasing construction of both market rate and affordable housing, the Housing Choice Act will be instrumental in alleviating housing insecurity in our city. It is also a great opportunity for all of us here to rally around a cause that will uplift our neighbors.”

“At Quinsigamond Community College, students frequently mention housing as a barrier to their education, with some having to choose between paying the rent and taking classes,” said Luis Pedraja, President of Quinsigamond Community College. “An Act to Promote Housing Choices is the right bill at the right time to add much needed housing inventory to our community. Worcester’s tremendous growth, and its future, will rely on our ability to attract and retain future leaders to the area where they can live, learn, and work.”

“Worcester is a great place to live and work but there aren’t enough homes to meet the demand,” said Tracey Fiorelli, President, Realtor Association of Central Massachusetts. “The housing choice act is the type of program that can help us start producing the housing we desperately need in a  collaborative and effective way.“

“We are thrilled to be joining the vibrant communities of Worcester and Central Massachusetts, and stand fully behind the Housing Choice legislation,” said Dan Rea, EVP of Real Estate Development and Business Affairs for the Pawtucket Red Sox. “Empowering Worcester to expand its housing stock will ensure residents and businesses have the opportunity to be part of an exciting live/work/play area, and help us realize our vision of Polar Park as part of a bustling downtown for decades to come.”

“The number one concern we hear from our 2,000+ members at the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce is access to and retention of a skilled workforce,” said Vaske Gjino of the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, who had previously testified in support of Housing Choice on May 14th. “At current rates, our housing supply will not keep up with our growth in employment and population. We believe it is critical for the workforce in our community to have access to a housing stock that is diverse and affordable to a wide range of income levels.”

“Massachusetts currently has some of the highest costs for housing in the country which makes it harder for families to pursue their housing goals,” said Senator Michael O. Moore. “Supporting the growth of an expanded housing market, and helping to ensure families have a place to call home, is critical to local economic development and the revitalization of neighborhoods. Thank you to the Administration, and to officials in the City of Worcester, for their ongoing support and prioritization of housing initiatives here in heart of our Commonwealth.”

“In the City of Worcester and across the Commonwealth, we see that the existing housing stock is no longer meeting the demands of our growing economy and communities,” said Representative Mary Keefe. “By providing new tools and capital incentives for municipalities, the Housing Choice Initiative sets us on the right path to address housing shortages. I look forward to continue working with City officials, the Baker administration, and my colleagues in the Massachusetts Legislature to ensure that housing production remains affordable and accessible to all who need it.”

“Housing Choice supports our growing economy and population by providing more affordable and sustainable housing options for residents, while simultaneously supporting the environment,” said Representative James O’Day. “I am proud that Worcester has been a leader in housing development, and I will continue to support initiatives that make housing a priority in our community. Access to affordable housing provides a family with the security and stability necessary to pursue education and career goals, which supports their ability to lead full, productive lives.”

The Baker-Polito Administration has shown a deep commitment to increasing the production of housing across income levels. Since 2015, the administration has invested more than $1 billion in affordable housing, resulting in the production and preservation of more than 17,000 housing units, including 15,000 affordable units. In 2018, Governor Baker signed the largest housing bond bill in Massachusetts history, committing more than $1.8 billion to the future of affordable housing production and preservation. The Baker-Polito Administration has also advanced the development of more than 11,000 mixed-income housing units through the successful MassWorks Infrastructure Program, reformed the Housing Development Incentive Program, and worked with communities to implement smart-growth development and planning efforts.