
星期二, 2月 12, 2019


Urges residents to take caution, abide by snow regulations

BOSTON - Monday, February 11, 2019 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced preparations for tomorrow's winter storm. A wintry mix will begin at midday, from 12 - 1:00 p.m., with snow beginning to fall between 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday. The snow will continue throughout the evening, falling at a rate of an inch an hour, impacting evening commutes. Temperatures will begin in the low 30s, and steadily rise. Overnight, the storm has the potential to bring seven inches of snow to Boston. Wednesday morning, rain will begin between the hours of 2:00 - 4:00 a.m.

Due to the travel conditions, Boston Public Schools is cancelling all after-school activities tomorrow. School will remain open on Tuesday, and BPS plans to keep school open on Wednesday. However, officials will continue to monitor the forecast and notify students and families of any changes. BPS is notifying families of the decision to cancel Tuesday's after-school activities via automated phone call and other communications this evening.

In preparation of the winter weather, Boston Public Works will have 520 pieces of equipment pre-treating Boston roadways with salt. The Public Works Department currently has 38,000 tons of salt on hand.

When shoveling snow, residents are reminded not to throw snow onto the street, and to shovel out catch basins and fire hydrants. There is no parking ban or snow emergency in effect.

"We are encouraging residents to use caution when traveling, assist older neighbors and those who are disabled, and keep up with the shoveling of their property throughout the storm," said Mayor Walsh. "The City of Boston and our Public Works are prepared for all storms that come Boston's way, and we ask that residents and businesses do their part, including shoveling their sidewalks and walkways, to ensure safety for all. Please remember to abide by the snow rules, stay off the roads and be safe."

Residents are encouraged to sign up for emergency notifications through AlertBoston and utilize Boston's 311 call center for non-emergency related issues. To find out more information about resources and services available to residents, please visit boston.gov/snow

Rules on Clearing Snow
  • Property owners must clear snow, sleet and ice from sidewalks and curb ramps abutting the property within three hours after the snowfall ends or three hours after sunrise if it snows overnight. Failure to comply will result in a fine issued by Boston Public Works Code Enforcement.
  • Removal of snow, ice from a private property to the street or sidewalk is prohibited and will result in a fine issued by Boston Public Works Code Enforcement.
  • Do not throw snow onto the street.
  • Please  look here for information about fines associated with improper removal of snow.
  • As a reminder, no cars are allowed to park in Boston Public Schools parking lots during a snowstorm.

Safety Tips
  • Shoveling snow requires significant exertion; please be cautious and pay attention to any health symptoms. Stop if you feel chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheaded, nauseous/vomiting. Call 911 if those symptoms do not resolve quickly when you stop exertion.
  • Snow piles can make navigating intersections dangerous for walkers and drivers. Please take extra care when turning corners with snow piles that might limit visibility.
  • Pedestrians should use caution as visibility will be diminished due to blowing and drifting of the snow caused by high winds.
  • Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a concern during winter weather, especially with the use of generators. Residents should be sure to use their home heating systems wisely and safety, and have a working carbon monoxide detector on each floor of your home. Call 911 immediately if you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Sitting in a car while idling can be deadly if the tailpipe is blocked. Do not let children sit in an idling car while shoveling. Clear any household exhaust pipes of snow. For example, gas exhaust from heating system or dryer.
  • Remember to keep catch basins and fire hydrants clear.
  • Please check on neighbors, especially the elderly and disabled.
  • Have a contractor check the roof to see if snow needs to be removed. If roof snow can be removed from the ground with the use of a snow-rake, do so with caution. Avoid working from ladders and be mindful of slippery surfaces.

Public Libraries & Community Centers
Boston Public Libraries and Boston Centers for Youth & Families' community centers will be open normal business hours. Please check their schedules here.

Helping the Homeless
  • If you see homeless individuals out in the cold who appear immobile, disoriented or underdressed for the cold, please call 911. Please ask them if they need assistance.
  • The Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) operates two emergency shelters at 112 Southampton St. and 794 Massachusetts Ave. open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • BPHC is working closely with a network of shelter providers to ensure there is adequate shelter, food, and a warm respite from the cold.
  • Street outreach teams providing recovery services, including the Engagement Center behind 112 Southampton St., remain operating as normal during winter weather.

Residents are encouraged to sign-up for AlertBoston to receive emergency alerts and to call 311, download the BOS:311 app, or tweet at @BOS311 with questions or concerns. Follow @CityofBoston and visit boston.gov/snow for the latest updates.

哈佛大學中國問題專家馬若德(Roderick MacFarquhar)教授辭世

Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)著名中國問題專家,也是哈佛大學Leroy B. Williams歷史及政治學教授,曾任哈佛大學費正清中心主任的馬若德(Roderick MacFarquhar)210日辭世,享年88歲。
                    哈佛大學費正清中心主任宋怡明(Michael A. Szonyi)211日發出簡短通告,說明馬若德的家人將私下舉行告別式。公開的悼念儀式將在適當時候舉行,哈佛費正清中心會參與協辦,向這位偉大的學者致敬。
             1955年到1961年間,他曾擔任"每日電訊(Daily Telegraph)”,周日電訊報記者,專注報導中國。1963年到1965年,他也為BBC報導。19591968年間,他是"中國季刊(The China Quarterly)的編輯,在19651968年間,也是牛津大學聖丹東尼學院的駐外地學者。那之後他當過紐約哥倫比亞大學,英國皇家國際事務學院的研究學者。1971年,他和人合作,創辦了BBC世界服務台的”24小時欄目。
             他曾經和費正清合著劍橋中國史15卷的中華人民共和國史下卷,中國革命內部的革命 1966-1982”
             他出版的文化大革命的起源(The Coming of the Cataclysm 1961-1966 (1997)”一書,則在1999年為他贏得了Joseph Levenson書獎。

新英格蘭華裔專業人士慶豬年 美國總統候選人楊安澤致詞


          (Boston Orange 周菊子伯靈頓鎮報導) 10屆新英格蘭華人專業人士春節聯歡晚會/專業交流論壇,29日晚在伯靈頓萬豪酒店,以五場專業講座,一場晚會表演,華裔美國總統候選人楊安澤出席致詞,波士頓市長代表頒表揚狀,和數百佳賓同慶已亥豬年新春。
          晚會表演由楊雨晴任總導演,楊洪芳任總監製,和楊湛萍,陸德禮,張引,何敏濤等十幾人的工作團隊,排出16項節目,從舞蹈,視覺燈光藝術,混合武術表演,合唱,對話,交際舞,京劇片段,魔術,內容十分豐富。其中燈光藝術讓不少人驚嘆,螢光棒居然可以在空中舞弄出恭賀新年的中文字樣,交際舞表演者Andrew Escolme舞技之精湛,也讓台下許多人稱讚。患有自閉症的王睿萌和Guy Chiapponi,孔學君對唱”Sweet Caroline”,也十分感人,但最叫人驚訝的是,擁有240個專利,創辦的波士頓生物醫藥公司(Boston Biomedical)2012年被日本住友集團以26億美元收購的李嘉強,竟然也上台,和小朋友胡皓研壓軸演唱一曲難忘金宵
麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham)。(周菊子攝)
            當晚有不少嘉賓出席。中國駐紐約總領事館科技參贊邢繼俊上台致詞,說明今年是中美建交40週年,也是中國建國70週年。美國各州飛往中國各城市的直航班機也陡增至300多。受邀但未克出席的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)派出亞裔聯絡員徐丹晨到會,送上表揚狀。此外還有麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham),羅德島州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung),香港貿發局美洲首席代表周瑞𪊟,麻省理工學院機械工程系主任陳剛,加斯林糖尿病中心首席科學家金良城,美國華人聯合會會長薛海培等人。(圖片已於11日發表)

Ampls Plus Fund合夥人李躍進。(周菊子攝)
Liz Knight表演視覺燈光藝術。(周菊子攝)
王睿萌和Guy Chiapponi,孔學君對唱”Sweet Caroline”。

星期一, 2月 11, 2019

紐英崙中華專業人員協會和11社團攜手迎新春 慶豬年

(Boston Orange 周菊子勒星頓鎮報導) 紐英崙中華專業人員協會29日和11個社團聯袂慶祝豬年新春,百餘人歡聚,享用中式自助餐,認識新朋友,動腦、猜謎、抽獎。
201929日在勒星頓鎮Sanyo-Asian Cuisine舉辦的慶祝春節猜謎餐會,就邀約了台大,成大,師大,北一女,建中等五個校友會,大波士頓中華文化協會,華夏文化協會,新英格蘭中文學校協會,紐英崙客家鄉親會等四個文化,鄉親團體,以及新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會,玉山科技協會等共11個社團共襄盛舉。

昆市已亥豬年聯歡會 市長拜年 人氣鼎盛

               (Boston Orange 周菊子昆士市報導)昆士市由亞協服務中心(QARI)主辦,210日在北昆士高中舉行的第31屆農曆新年慶祝會,昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)和州市政要與川流不息,數以千計的來自各方民眾,同慶已亥豬年新春。
昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch)(中)和華林功夫太極學校創辦人
            210日的豬年慶祝會,和往年差不多的,北昆士高中體育館是主會場,早上11點祥龍舞動拉開序幕後,由美國第42童軍及昆市女童軍主持升旗典禮,莊建豪和昆士市長柯奇,麻州眾議員陳德基,韓國領事Yonghyon Kim致詞,感謝贊助者,華林派醒獅賀歲後,娛樂表演活動揭開序幕。
            昆士市長柯奇表示,目前昆士市發展順利,市府還正在和南岸醫療系統(South Shore Health System),以及Brigham醫療協商,要建一座大醫療樓,由這兩個機構攜手經營。此外,南岸醫療系統還計畫於今夏在興國街1495號設立初級醫療服務(primary care practice)
            1240分開史的表演節目,包括少兒中國舞蹈,德國城鄰里中心樂隊演奏流行搖滾樂,MIT亞裔舞蹈隊表演K-Pop,種子音樂青年團演奏小提琴,Eastern Nazarene學院輕唱團表演,見聞旅行社主持財神派利是,Just Felice表演魔術,茉莉花舞蹈團,樂舞族,中國文化聯繫者和王氏青年會青少年舞蹈團,新星社區藝術學校表演少兒舞,中國古典舞,兒童拉丁舞等舞蹈。洪家舞獅學校表演打鼓。
            期間,伍國光主持亞協唱歌達人活動後頒獎,表揚優勝者,超級打砸兄弟(Super Smash Brother)宣佈電遊比賽優勝者。
剛上任諾福克郡治安官的Jerry Jerry McDermott(中)和


麻州企業發展署助理署長范文南(Nam Pham)也來拜年。



Super Smash Brother的電競遊戲是新流行。(周菊子攝)
亞協服務中心董事之一David Zou為APIA Vote百選民登記
昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch,右)和他的連襟,麻州參議員
John Kenan(左)笑說,自己都是昆士市的當然義工。
昆士市唯一的華裔女市議員梁秀婷(Nina Liang,左)和

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $7.74 M in Anti-Gang Funding

Baker-Polito Administration Awards $7.74 M in Anti-Gang Funding

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Secretary of Public Safety and Thomas Turco announced the release of $7.74 million in competitive Senator Charles E. Shannon Jr., Community Safety Initiative (Shannon CSI) Grant Program funds to communities and local partners to bolster their efforts to combat gang violence. The awards were made to 15 sites made up of 27 cities and 13 research partners through the Shannon Community Safety Initiative, which targets gang violence in the Commonwealth. With today’s announcement, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded more than $33 million through the program since taking office.

“The Shannon Initiative is a successful program that allows the Commonwealth to partner with local communities and make a serious impact to prevent youth violence and gang activity,” said Governor Baker. “We are pleased to announce today’s recipients and look forward to working with everyone involved on another successful year of continuing Senator Shannon’s legacy of improving the lives of young people all across Massachusetts.”

“Our municipal and local partners are on the front lines of combatting the gang violence that threatens the safety and well-being of everyone in their communities,”said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “It is our honor to partner with them and members of the Legislature to support a program that helps get young people back on track and makes our communities safer.”

“For the last 13 years, Shannon funding has allowed the Boston Police Department to decrease youth and gang violence in the City of Boston with the support of community based non-profit groups and city led initiatives,” said Boston Police Commissioner William Gross. “In addition, Shannon funds boost community based policing efforts in the city, which are a cornerstone of the department. Thanks to Governor Charlie Baker, Lt. Governor Karyn Polito, and Secretary Thomas Turco for their investment in the Senator Charles. E. Shannon Community Safety Initiative for Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.”

The grants provide funds to communities that demonstrate high levels of youth violence and gang problems, a comprehensive plan to work with multi-disciplinary partners and a commitment to coordinated prevention and intervention strategies. Funded strategies include social intervention and opportunity provision programs, as well as gang task force personnel costs and overtime.

“We are proud to join with these communities and partners each year to help provide the tools necessary to make a serious impact on youth violence and gang activity,”said Secretary Turco. “Disrupting illegal activity makes these communities safer and helps young people redirect their lives in a positive direction.” 

“Shannon grant funding is critically important to the City of Lowell and has been essential in helping the City have a real positive impact on public safety,” said Maryann Ballotta, Public Safety Research and Planning Director for the Lowell Police Department. “This funding has enabled us to develop a strong multi-disciplinary approach to gang and youth violence by focusing on prevention, intervention and suppression strategies. We are grateful to the Governor and his administration for their support.”

The grant program is named after the late Senator Charles E. Shannon of Winchester. Senator Shannon represented Massachusetts’ Second Middlesex district of Winchester, Woburn, Somerville and Medford from 1991 until his death in 2005 from leukemia. Prior to serving in the legislature, he had spent twenty years on the Lexington Police.

For 2019, the following municipalities and research partners were awarded a total of $7,741,913.

Shannon CSI Grant Sites:

·       Boston (incl. Brookline) - $1,559,014.18
·       Brockton - $544,527.37
·       Fall River - $420,636.00
·       Fitchburg (incl. Gardner) - $220,000.00
·       Haverhill (incl. Methuen) - $185,334.80.
·       Holyoke (incl. Chicopee) - $434,981.27
·       Lawrence - $224,000.00
·       Lowell - $581,262.41
·       Lynn - $222,133.63
·       Metro Mayors Coalition (incl. Cambridge, Chelsea, Everett, Malden, Quincy, Revere, Somerville, Winthrop) - $434,786.07
·       New Bedford - $618,844.95
·       Pittsfield - $197,964.94
·       Springfield - $786,025.70
·       Taunton (incl. Attleboro) - $86,316.55
·       Worcester - $656,525.14

Local Action Research Partners (LARP):

·       Clark University - $49,995.15
·       Community Resources for Justice - $49,941.65
·       Institute for Community Health - $49,970.00
·       Kelley Research Associates- $45,540.00
·       Northeastern University - $50,000.00
·       North Shore Community College - $28,573.00
·       Salem State University- $44,157.00
·       Sean Varano $42,212.50
·       University of Massachusetts, Amherst - $49,751.47           
·       University of Massachusetts, Boston - $50,000.00
·       University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Haverhill/Methuen Site) - $29,709.61
·       University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Lawrence Site) - $29,709.61
·       University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Lowell Site) - $50,000.00