
星期二, 12月 11, 2018

波士頓市長為華埠聖誕樹亮燈 發"利市"大受歡迎

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh,後左一)和聖誕老人及小朋友們
                                            (Boston Orange周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓華埠今年的聖誕節點燈儀式很特別,不但陣仗歷年最大,搭了表演台舞龍,拉拒馬圈出臨時動物園,搭乘夢幻電車來點燈的波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)在現場派利市,還獲贈一把模型小提琴。
                                                  波士頓市長親自到市內各社區,為聖誕樹點燈,拉開節日序幕的活動,是前任市長萬寧路(Tom Menino)23年前創立的。現任波士頓市長馬丁華殊繼承了這歡樂傳統,交由波士頓市長辦公室旅遊,運動及娛樂辦公室主辦。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊,麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)發紅包時,圍觀人群討喜氣,紛紛伸手索要,現場氣氛頓時騷動,熱絡。
麻州眾議員黃子安(Donald Wong),波士頓消防局副局長黃瑞瑜,波士頓警察局A-1區警長梅志強(Ken Fong),昆士小學校長司徒玉英(Cynthia Soo Hoo)也特地到會場與民同歡。
波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)參加市議會以色列訪問團,當天未能出席,由妻子做代表向華埠民眾問好。
麻州眾議員黃子安(右一),麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz,左一)都來和波士
頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)一起與民眾同歡,慶聖誕。白衣者為











星期一, 12月 10, 2018

波士頓哲五講座談台港佔領街頭運動 (圖片)

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何明修,國立台灣大學社會學系教授。1973年出生於臺北市西門町,1995年於國立臺灣大學取得外國語言暨文學系學士,其後於2000年取得國立臺灣大學社會學研究所博士。研究範圍主要包括政治社會學、社會運動、勞動社會學、教育社會學以及社會學理論。曾任教南華大學、國立中山大學。著有《社會運動概論》(2005)、《綠色民主:台灣環境運動的研究》(2006)、Working Class Formation in Taiwan(2014)、Challenging Beijing's Mandate of Heaven: Taiwan's Sunflower Movement and Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement (2019)。目前在哈佛大學燕京學社擔任訪問學人。

星期六, 12月 08, 2018

MIT-CEO 駐波XLightelligence AI 深度對話 (圖片)

MIT-CEO組織者管越(後右一),韓烜(後左一),Lightelligence 的兩名創辦人沈亦晨(前左三),孟懷宇(前右三)和部分出席者合影。(周菊子攝)


曾入選富比士"30 Under 30"的沈亦晨,暢談公司創辦緣起。(周菊子攝)

【CEO炉边谈话|05】驻波X Lightelligence AI 深度对话
MIT CEO 联合驻波将于12月7号晚间6-8点在MT 举办一次围绕人工智能的深度对话。此次我们有幸邀请到了明星初创公司Lightelligence 的两位联合创始人:沈亦晨博士以及孟怀宇博士。Lightelligence 是一家利用光子代替电子进行深度学习计算的芯片初创公司。此次对话将会围绕人工智能,分享AI 芯片创业的心得与收获,分析现状,探究未来。机会难得,名额有限(20人),欢迎大波士顿地区对人工智能,半导体芯片感兴趣的朋友们参加!

MIT CEO & Zhubo will together hold a closed-door fireside chat about AI on Friday, Dec. 7th, 6pm - 8pm. Two of the co-founders of the very well-known Boston local startup Lightelligence: Dr. Yichen Shen and Dr. Huaiyu Meng will be our guest speakers. At this event they will cover topics related with Artificial Intelligence, and the emerging domain of AI semiconductor & chips, and analyze the current situation and share their future perspectives. We sincerely welcome students, professionals, faculties and VCs who have strong interest and/or work in this domain to join us. Because space is limited (only 20 slots available), only individuals with relevant background will invited to attend.

星期五, 12月 07, 2018

自由樹廣場耗資130萬元重建 剪綵現場幾無華裔居民

波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)為自由樹廣場啟用致詞。(周菊子攝)

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 波士頓中華貿易大樓前的自由樹廣場(Liberty Tree Plaza),歷經多年計畫,半年工期,耗資130萬元,124日終於由波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)剪綵啟用了。
             波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)在剪綵致詞時強調,這對波士頓華埠來說,是一個重要的日子。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin J. Walsh)為自由樹廣場啟用剪綵。(周菊子攝)
             不過,剪綵現場,除了華埠主街計畫的一名經理和董事之外,連一名華裔民眾也沒。出席的波士頓市府人員中,則有市長亞裔聯絡員徐丹晨,波士頓警察局A-1區警長梅志強(Ken Moy),以及一名新警察Steve Moy為華裔。
             1646年時,有一株榆樹栽種在這兒。1765年英國通過印花稅法,8月時負責收印花稅的Andrew Oliver的肖像,就被人掛上了這株榆樹,上面還附一句:”還有什麼會比看到一個印花稅收稅員被掛在樹上更讓新英格蘭開心?”
1765年時,美國爭取自由,反抗英國徵稅的自由之子(Sons of Liberty)”,就是從這兒開始示威遊行的。
            剪綵儀式除了波士頓市長致詞外,波士頓計畫及發展局(BPDA)局長Brian Golden,以及薩福克大學歷史教授Robert Allison也應邀致詞,講述自由樹廣場的翻修及歷史。
            波士頓市公園及休憩局設計及建築項目經理Allison Perlman透露,由於自由樹廣場的地底下,有許多地鐵管道,土地也屬MBTA所有,整建翻修因此大費周章,耗資總額遠比預期為多,超過100萬元。

波士頓警察局A-1區警長梅志強(Ken Fong,前右)和Steve Moy(中)

波士頓北一女校友會江佩蓉卸任 李欣接會長

(Boston Orange 周菊子貝德福市報導) 波士頓北一女校友會121日中午在貝德福市竹葉青餐廳舉行2018年會,江佩蓉交棒,李欣接任會長,70餘校友、眷屬,嘉賓,在候任會長吳萍萍主持的餘興節目中唱歌,成語接龍,玩白象禮物交換(Yankee Swap)”,還有抽獎,歡度一午。
不過更有趣的是江佩蓉等人設計,幫助跨世代校友認識彼此的 白象禮物交換(Yankee Swap)”,先從出席校友中抽出中獎幸運者,然後請在座校友猜這位校友最喜歡的是甚麼。根據Yankee Swap的遊戲規則,先抽中獎品者,可能被後來者換走自己手中的獎品,結果每個抽中獎品的人,都很滿意自己挑的獎品,沒人想換。主持人吳萍萍笑說,江佩蓉太會挑禮物了,每個禮物都讓人喜歡。

白象禮物交換(Yankee Swap)"時,台下起哄,催最後一個中獎
文協合唱團中的北一女校友演唱Belle Nuit及永遠的朋友。



                   (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙養生舞協會125日在中華公所大廳慶祝聖誕節,五、六十名學員全部化身聖誕老人,穿著一身白衣,頭頂紅帽,載歌載舞,歡樂非常。
盧善柔(左一)代表波士頓市議員Ed Flynn 致詞。旁為,
             波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)本人當天不能親至,特地派代表盧善柔到會場致意,說明議員的辦公室大門永遠為市民而開。
             紐英崙中華公所財政陳文浩,波士頓安良工商會會長伍輝民也都應邀做嘉賓,出席同樂。               紐英崙養生舞協會將於一月九日慶祝成立八週年。





New Sustainable Infrastructure Coming To 9 C40 Cities

New Sustainable Infrastructure Coming To 9 Cities As C40 Cities Finance Facility Announces Support For Transformational Projects

Nine cities will receive specialist financial advice and bespoke support from leading global experts to develop sustainable infrastructure projects from great ideas and plans into fully financed reality. The Colombian cities of Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Cali, Montería, along with Tshwane, South Africa; Quito, Ecuador; Curitiba, Brazil; Quezon City, The Philippines; and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, will receive support over the next two years from the C40 Cities Finance Facility. This support will allow the cities to prepare a financially sound business proposal for projects that they have identified as priorities to meet their ambitious visions of being world leaders in delivering sustainable and inclusive climate action. 
The support provided by a host of national and international experts will enable each city to develop high-quality infrastructure projects which fit the needs of its citizens. The initiative will also ensure the cities retain the skills and structures to produce a pipeline of sustainable infrastructure projects throughout the city. 
The C40 Cities Finance Facility selected nine cities following a rigorous and competitive process including a call for applications in early 2018, and a competitive process to select suitable projects. Support has been offered to cities in the sectors of transportation, energy and adaptation. The following cities have been offered support for their infrastructure projects:
Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Cali, Montería – The C40 Cities Finance Facility will help create Public Bikeshare Systems in four cities across Colombia. The project will make cycling more accessible and affordable, providing a healthy and safe mode of transport. 
Tshwane – The C40 Cities Finance Facility will help create a 17km bicycle spine through the city and support the construction of a combined heat and power biogas plant at the Zeekoegat waste water treatment works. 
Quito – The C40 Cities Finance Facility will help Quito electrify the Ecovía Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor. The project will improve air quality and provide greener, healthier streets for the citizens of Quito.
Curitiba – The C40 Cities Finance Facility will help install solar panels on four bus terminals and the deactivated Caximba Landfill in Curitiba. The project will pave the way for scaling up of rooftop solar projects across all public buildings and bus stops in Curitiba.
Quezon City – The C40 Cities Finance Facility will help install solar panels on 50 schools to provide reliable and undisrupted power supply to support disaster risk management for Quezon City. The project will build resilience to managing climate change related extreme weather events while increasing clean, renewable energy generation in the city.
Dar es Salaam – The C40 Cities Finance Facility will help reduce the vulnerability of the Msimbazi floodplain to extreme climate related flooding. The project will create much needed employment and protect the city’s most vulnerable citizens from extreme weather events. 
The announcement of support was made at the CFFactory – an international conference on cities, climate change, and finance – in Berlin. The conference is bringing together cities, urban practitioners, national governments, NGOs and financial institutions to explore solutions to financing challenges for cities; across developing and emerging economies. The CFFactory is co-hosted by the C40 Cities Finance Facility and Senate of Berlin from the 28th to 30th of November at the Berlin City Hall. 
“The mayors of the world’s great cities know what needs to be done to create the healthy, prosperous and sustainable cities of the future. Investors and global financial institutions need to step up and match the bold ambition being displayed by mayors”, said Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and Chair of C40. “I’m delighted that, with support from the C40 Cities Finance Facility, these nine cities will deliver the transformation that citizens are demanding for their communities.”
“The scientific evidence is now absolutely clear that we need urgent and radical transformations in our cities to prevent climate breakdown, said Mark Watts, C40 Executive Director. “The C40 Cities Finance Facility is so valuable because it helps unlock the finance needed to make great ideas on paper, a reality on city streets. The challenge now is to increase the speed and scale that these sustainable infrastructure projects are built, including in cities beyond the C40 network. That’s why we’re thrilled that three non-C40 cities in Colombia are included in the list of cities benefiting from CFF support today.”
“The CFF underscores the importance of development partnerships for an effective and truly transformative international cooperation” said Andreas Proksch, Director General, GIZ Sector and Global Programmes Department GIZ. “With an integrated and demand-driven approach we are enabling cities to access infrastructure finance and combat climate change, one of the defining challenges of our generation."


Jorge O. Elorza簽署合作協議後握手。(鄭義提供)

            (Boston Orange 周菊子報導) 美國羅德島州普域敦斯市(Providence)和中國廣東省珠海市124日在普域敦斯市市政大廳簽署企業及友誼協議,結為姊妹市。
Jorge O. Elorza簽署合作協議。(鄭義提供)
2015年,羅德島州布萊恩特(Bryant)大學和北京理工大學珠海學院合作,在珠海市設立布萊恩特學院,首先推出會計系時,普域敦斯市市長Jorge O. Elorza就曾於10月份應邀,率領包括該市經濟發展主任Mark Huang的訪問團,和布萊恩特大學校長梅恪禮(Ronald K. Machtley)等一行人到訪珠海市,並與珠海市簽署了一份合作協議。

Mayor Elorza Welcomes Delegation from Zhuhai, China

Cities of Providence and Zhuhai, China sign ‘Cooperation & Friendship Agreement’
Mayor Jorge O. Elorza joined city officials and a delegation from Zhuhai, China to sign a ‘Cooperation & Friendship Agreement’ this afternoon at Providence City Hall.
The agreement marks the beginning of a ‘Sister City’ relationship between Zhuhai and Providence. In the agreement both cities agreed to foster economic and trade growth while giving priority to education, science & technology, culture and health services.
“I am excited to embark on this new partnership between Providence and Zhuhai, China,” said Mayor Elorza. “I look forward to working with the Zhuhai Municipal Committee to explore cultural and economic opportunities for cooperation between our two cities.”
The visit was organized with the support of Bryant University and local economic and cultural partners.

星期四, 12月 06, 2018

Governor Baker Swears in New Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

Governor Baker Swears in New Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito held a press conference announcing the appointment of Thomas Turco to be the next Secretary of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. Turco is preceded by Dan Bennett, who served in the Baker-Polito Administration for four years and led the department to key reforms, such as the turnaround at Bridgewater State Hospital, law enforcement efforts to combat the opioid crisis and the implementation of comprehensive reforms at the Massachusetts State Police. 

For more information on the appointment of Secretary Turco, click here.

About Secretary Thomas Turco:

Thomas A. Turco, III began his career as a probation officer at the Florida Department of Correction in 1988. Over the course of his career he served in multiple counties and was promoted in 2003 to Chief Probation Officer of Worcester Superior Court, where he supervised the operations of the probation department for Worcester County. In this role, he developed and implemented policies, procedures and rules established by the Commissioner of Probation and the Trial Court. He also collaborated with community organizations and agencies to promote crime prevention and remediation.

In 2015, he was appointed by Governor Charlie Baker to be Undersecretary of Criminal Justice in the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. In this leadership position, he provided direction to the Department of Correction, Parole Board and the Sex Offender Registry Board while serving as a liaison to the County Sheriffs.

On April 8, 2016 Governor Baker appointed Turco Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Correction, an agency that operates sixteen (16) correctional facilities, employs over 4,500 staff, and has an annual budget of $626 million and an inmate census of over 8,500 inmates.

Commissioner Turco holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Western New England College. He is a graduate of the Florida Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Training Academy. He is also an active member of the American Correctional Association (ACA) and the Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA).

星期三, 12月 05, 2018



                     (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)美國期中選舉剛結束,波士頓市議員選戰立馬揭幕。波士頓市移民促進局(Immigrant Advancement)局長桂蓮(Alejandra St., Guillen)(125)日宣佈參選波士頓市不分區市議員。
             波士頓市不分區市議員普莉西萊(Ayanna Pressley)今年九月在民主黨初選中打敗在位20年的卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano)時,就已確定了將當選聯邦眾議員。她空出來的波士頓市議員席缺,依照波士頓市選舉法的特殊規定,將由2017年選舉時,得票數排名第五的候選人,Althea Garrison遞補。
現年78歲的公開變性者Althea Garrison,曾擔任麻州眾議員,其後十數年間幾乎年年參選,卻從未當選,現在終於將重返政壇。她在2017年的波市不分區市議員選舉中得18,253票,得票率6.87%
桂蓮(Alejandra St., Guillen)在臉書上宣佈了她參選的消息。她的同性配偶,所創辦公關公司去年獲得小企業行政局(SBA)表揚為年度最佳小企業的Josiane Martinez,也在臉書上高興的表示為她驕傲。
在她已經製作,推出的競選網站上(https://www.alejandraforboston.com/about),她介紹自己出生,成長於波士頓市使命山(Mission Hill),畢業於波士頓拉丁學校,取得衛斯雷恩(Wesleyan)大學經濟及非美研究學士,城市學院(City College)的教育碩士學位,參加過市年(City Year),在紐約和波士頓公校當過老師,後來擔任你聽到了嗎 (¿Oiste?)”,這拉丁裔公民及政治組織的主任,致力推廣經濟正義,選舉改革,直接影響社區的公共政策等活動。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh)2014年首度參選時,她助選有功,獲邀入閣,取代萬寧諾市長(Tom Menino)時期的陳清音,成為新波士頓人辦公室主任。該辦公室在馬丁華殊當選連任後,改名為移民進步局

僑委會2019月曆寄達波士頓 僑教中心出動美女團宣傳

【僑務委員會2019月曆 展現臺灣傳統節慶風貌】

波士頓黃氏宗親會改選 黃光沐、黃仁宇出任2019主席

波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)出席。
(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導)年關將至,大波士頓各姓氏僑團紛紛辦理幹部改選,為迎新新的一年做準備。黃氏公所在百餘名宗親出席投票中,選出新任主席黃光沐,連任主席黃仁宇。
               黃氏公所是在1125日辦理幹部改選,還請來波士頓市第二區市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),波士頓市長亞裔聯絡員徐丹晨出席做見證。角逐主席職位的,包括黃瑞高有三人,投票結果黃光沐從年近90的黃國瀚手中接下主席大位,黃仁宇連任。
波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)出席,黃氏婦女部主任

機要室主任的陳銘俊,黃氏2015,2017, 2018主席黃國瀚,

Michelle Wu's research says transportation affects students' performance

City Councilor Michelle Wu Releases Report on Youth Transportation Challenges
Responses from nearly 300 Boston students highlight transportation barriers affecting youth
access to education, opportunity
BOSTON - Today Boston City Councilor At-Large Michelle Wu announced the results of a
grassroots research initiative conducted by her office this past summer to survey hundreds of
Boston students about their transportation needs and preferences. The Boston Youth
Transportation Project research was led by a policy fellow in Councilor Wu’s office, Lily Ko of
Tufts University’s Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning program . The project analyzed
how transportation options are affecting Boston high school students, and assessed youth
attitudes regarding various modes of transportation in light of the City of Boston’s climate
change goals.
“We often talk about transportation challenges from the perspective of employees and the
economy, but it’s important to highlight just how significantly transportation challenges are
shaping the lives of Boston youth,” said Councilor Wu. “Transportation costs, unreliability, and
safety concerns are major barriers for our students as they seek educational, social and
economic opportunities across the city. We must take policy action, because the health and
prosperity of our society and economy depend on this next generation of leaders having
opportunities to thrive.”
The research explored factors related to youth transportation experiences, such as the Boston
Public School policy for students to be eligible for a subsidized transit pass, called an “M7 pass,”
MBTA fares and service reliability, Transportation Network Company services like Uber and
Lyft, preferences between various transportation modes and links to opportunities for jobs,
household income, education and social interactions.
“The findings revealed that there are young people who cannot access opportunities available to
them, and worse, that their transportation experiences put them at risk for discipline with
educational and transit authorities, limit their learning and earning potential, produce social
apprehension, affect relationships with their parents, and reduce their ability to meet basic
needs,” the report concludes. “These issues were not only exacerbated by the city’s M7
walkzone policy, but also by the lack of reliable public transit service.”
Transportation accounts for between 25-33% of the City of Boston’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Boston’s climate plans include a goal to reduce emissions from transportation by 50% from
2005 levels by 2030.
“Their strong preference for car use and increasing familiarity with TNCs indicate that much
work still has to be done before future generations will shift away from the “car is king” mindset,”
said author Lily Ko. “This suggests that progress on improving this biking environment should be
made more aggressively than in the 15 year plan proposed by Go Boston 2030. Otherwise,
there is indication from our youth that Boston’s congestion issues will become exponentially
worse. At the same time, public transit must become a more competitive option.”
The full report is available at: http://bit.ly/BostonYouthTransportation2018 .