
星期二, 12月 18, 2018

麻州慶祝中車首2輛橘線地鐵交貨 中美貿易戰關稅仍是隱憂

(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導)麻州地鐵(MBTA)1218日慶祝新車準時交貨,二輛橘線出廠,訂2019年上路。若中美貿易戰引發的關稅問題不造成影響,404輛地鐵新車將從麻州春田市陸續交貨。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)麻州交通廳(MassDOT)廳長Stephanie Pollack MBTA代理總經理Jeffrey Gonneville,春田市市長Domenic Sarno中國駐紐約總領事館總領事黃屏,中車集團麻州公司新任董事長賈波,18日聯袂出席了新車出廠儀式。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker,中),和中國駐紐約總領事館總領事黃屏(前右)等人
麻州政府在前州長派屈克(Deval Patrick)任內的2014年和中國北車簽約,由中國北車設計、製造132輛紅線,152輛橘線,預計到2022年時,將為MBTA生產共284輛地鐵車廂,預算高達5.66億美元。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker,右起)和中國駐紐約總領事館總領事黃屏,中車春田
由於地鐵紅線車輛已營運40年,橘線也有30年,麻州州長查理貝克和地鐵代理總經理Jeffrey Gonneville都指出,有些車輛的里程數已超過200萬,更換新車根本是昨天就該做的事。新車陸續上路後,地鐵服務效率將可大為改善。
中國北車於2014年在前任麻州州長派屈克(Deval Patrick)任內和麻州政府簽約,2015年中國北車和中國南車合併成為中車集團,躍升全世界最大鐵路製造商,同年9月斥資9500萬元在麻州春田市建組裝廠,包括2240呎長的測試軌道,以及1200萬元買下,佔地40畝的Westinghouse電子公司舊址做組裝廠房。
中國駐紐約總領事館總領事黃屏(左起)和麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker,
和春田市市長Domenic Sarno同台慶祝中車製造的橘線交車。(周菊子攝)
根據中國日報(China Daily)”,中車集團還斥資1億美元在伊利諾州建新廠,和芝加哥交通局(CTA)13億元合約,建造840輛鐵路車,汰換約一半的芝加哥舊鐵路車。
今年3月,美國總統川普宣佈對進口鋼鐵和鋁,依序徵收25%10%的關稅後,中車集團憂慮未來營運可能受影響,游說動春田市長及麻州參議員等分別發信給美國聯邦貿易代表Robert Lighthizer等人,直言中車和麻州及加州洛杉磯均簽有約持續5年的合約,呼籲把鐵路車及巴士相關材料,移出301關稅法案的徵稅名單。
春田市長Domenic J. Sarno在回應關稅問題會否影響中車麻州公司的營運時,未正面回應,只強調希望中美貿易爭端能在雙方睿智處理下,順利解決。麻州州長查理貝克也只強調地鐵車輛更新迫不容緩,無論如何都必須繼續。
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)強調地鐵換新勢在必行。

Jeffrey Gonneville。(周菊子攝)

春田市長Domenic Sarno說明已發信給美國貿易代表


紐約新任總領事黃屏訪波士頓 晤老僑也會台僑

 Ron Mariano(左)和眾議員黃子安(Donald Wong)。

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 中國駐紐約總領事館的新任總領事黃屏,11月中旬到任後,16日抵波士頓,拜訪僑胞,17日和波士頓台灣僑胞餐敘,拜會麻州副州長等政要,18日赴春田市和麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)一起參加中國動車承做的橘線地鐵車廂推出儀式。
 Ron Mariano(左)和眾議員
黃子安(Donald Wong)。(黃子安提供)
               1116日時,黃屏在負責僑務的副總領事邱艦,以及領事鄭雷,程淼等人陪同下,一一拜會了黃氏宗親會,華人前進會,中華僑立學校等社團,並和新僑代表晤談,17日和台胞餐敘,拜會麻州副州長白莉朵(Karyn Polito),眾議會多數黨領袖Ron Mariano,少數黨領袖Bruce Tarr18日赴春田市參加麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)也出席了的中國動車橘線出車儀式。

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Transition at the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development

Baker-Polito Administration Announces Transition at the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito announced the departure of Housing and Economic Development (HED) Secretary Jay Ash, and introduced current HED Assistant Secretary for Business Growth, Mike Kennealy, as incoming Secretary. A press conference will be held in the State House on Wednesday afternoon and incoming Secretary Kennealy will be sworn in on Friday, December 28th.

“From day one, Jay has worked tirelessly with members of the Legislature, local officials and private companies to enhance economic development, housing and the life sciences industry in Massachusetts,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration will always be particularly thankful for his work to help reduce the number of homeless families living in hotels and motels, from over 1,500 to less than 40, and his focus on achieving economic growth across the entire Commonwealth. We thank Jay for his public service, wish him well in the future and look forward to welcoming Mike to the cabinet.”

“Massachusetts cities and towns have had a tremendous partner and collaborator in Secretary Jay Ash throughout our administration’s first term,”said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Drawing upon his successful career as Chelsea city manager, Jay has a keen understanding of municipal concerns and has helped local leaders build stronger communities. From the substantial reach and impact of MassWorks to the development of new tools to prepare underutilized sites for development and create collaborative workspaces, Jay has been a driving force in economic growth. I join Governor Baker in wishing him all the best and look forward to working alongside Mike going forward.”

“I am proud of what we have accomplished together to grow and strengthen Massachusetts’ economy over the past four years as we worked to empower communities to achieve their economic potential, ensuring prosperity could be shared across the Commonwealth,” said Secretary Jay Ash. “Governor Baker and Lieutenant Governor Polito led by example, engaging local and state officials and our vibrant business and nonprofit sectors in an active dialogue, and we followed by identifying opportunities for investment and areas where we could create more support. It was an honor to visit over 200 cities and towns over the last four years. I have been energized and inspired by the ingenuity and tenacity of our municipal, community and business leaders, and I am grateful to Governor Baker and Lieutenant Governor Polito for asking me to serve in this capacity. Incoming Secretary Mike Kennealy is uniquely qualified and played an instrumental role in our first term achievements. Finally, I would like to thank the talented and committed professionals in EOHED and across the administration, who have been generous with their time and talent, and totally committed to the Commonwealth.”   

“It has been an honor to serve as Assistant Secretary for Business Growth under Secretary Ash, Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito over the last four years and I am excited to take on the role of Secretary,” said incoming Secretary Kennealy. “I have been inspired by the ingenuity and drive in our diverse communities and companies and I look forward to working with the Administration, Legislature, local officials and members of the non-profit and private sectors across the Commonwealth to grow Massachusetts’ nation-leading innovation economy and continue to make progress on important issues like affordable housing and homelessness.”

Under Secretary Ash’s leadership, the Baker-Polito Administration conceived and pursued an economic development strategy entitled “Opportunities for All,” to bring vitality to communities, prosperity to people and growth for businesses in all regions of the Commonwealth. Key accomplishments include:

• Transitioned over 1,400 homeless families out of hotels and motels, from 1,500 in 2015 to under 40 today.

• Partnered with the Legislature to pass two billion-dollar economic development packages in 2016 and 2018, the $1.8 billion housing bonding bill and a $623 million life sciences bill to ensure our continued leadership in this sector on a national and global basis.

• Delivered $12.5 million in state funding to the Berkshire Innovation Center in Pittsfield, a state of the art facility that will have the potential to serve as life sciences hub for the region.

• Supported Worcester’s revitalization, including the redevelopment of the Canal District with a recently-announced $35 million infrastructure and HDIP affordable housing investment, made in conjunction with Pawtucket Red Sox relocation, announced in August.

• Partnered with Springfield on six projects designed to revitalize its downtown revitalization, including the October announcement of the $2.5 refurbishment of the Paramount Theater, a lynchpin project for the city.

• Played an important role in Lynn’s economic revitalization as a member of the Lynn Economic Advancement and Development (LEAD) Team – launching a number of commercial and housing projects, including Gateway North residences, which opened in 2018.

• Served on Governor Baker’s Workforce Skills Cabinet (comprised of EOLWD, EOHED, EOE secretaries) and drove the creation of 7 regional workforce plans, over $50 million in Skills Capital Grants and the launch of the first registered tech apprenticeship program in the state.

• Helped facilitate expansions from leading companies like GE, Kronos, MassMutual, MilliporeSigma and Siemens.

About Mike Kennealy:

In early 2015, Mike Kennealy joined the Baker-Polito Administration as Assistant Secretary for Business Growth in the Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development. As Assistant Secretary, Kennealy has played an integral role in advancing the administration’s strategy for job creation and business development across the entire Commonwealth and has provided leadership in key sectors, including serving as co-chair of the board of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center.

Kennealy combines a successful track record in the private sector with a strong commitment to the public good. He began his career in private equity at TA Associates, a Boston-based firm. In 1997, he joined Spectrum Equity, a private equity firm founded in 1994 with offices in Boston and San Francisco. During his more than 15 years at Spectrum, he helped grow the firm to become an established market leader with nearly $5 billion in assets under management and investments in over 100 high-growth internet, software and information services companies. After his career in private equity, Kennealy spent two years as Special Advisor to the Receiver at Lawrence Public Schools, where he worked with the state-appointed superintendent/receiver on strategic and financial initiatives to support the school district’s turnaround plan.

Kennealy and his family live in Lexington, Massachusetts, where they have been highly involved in town government, education and youth sports. He has served on the Board of Trustees of St. John’s Prep in Danvers since 2009 and currently serves as Chairman, and he serves on the Board of Visitors for The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences at Dartmouth College. 

Kennealy received a A.B. in Government from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.


CRANSTON, RI -- The City of Cranston is proud to announce that we have been recognized by another national organization as the best place to live in Rhode Island. MONEY Magazine just released its annual ranking of “The Best Place to Live in Every State” and Cranston is the #1 place to live in Rhode Island. In selecting Cranston, MONEY cited our growth as the second largest city and its “impressive 6.3% increase in jobs since 2010.” This isn't the first time Cranston has attracted national attention for the quality of life enjoyed by its residents. Previously, the city was named a Best City to Live in America by 24/7 Wall Street for three years in a row beginning in 2014. Here’s the link to this year’s ranking: http://time.com/money/5479244/this-is-the-best-place-to-live-in-every-state/.
Mayor Allan Fung thanked MONEY Magazine for highlighting and recognizing what Cranston residents already know. Mayor Fung stated, “I’m extremely pleased that we are again being recognized for being a great place to live. Over the past decade, my administration and our team of dedicated employees have worked hard to improve our resident’s quality of life as well as balancing it with a great business climate. We will continue to provide the best service for all of our citizens, business owners, and those who visit our great city.


中華藝術協會聖誕趴 十二月壽星徐佑典同歡

(Boston Orange整理報導)紐英崙中華藝術協會(ACAS)1215日在屋本市(Woburn)會址慶祝聖誕節,辦年終感恩派對,200多名師生、家長歡聚,還為312月壽星提前過生日。


星期一, 12月 17, 2018



Governor Charlie Baker Appoints Jerry McDermott as Norfolk County Sheriff

Governor Charlie Baker Appoints Jerry McDermott as Norfolk County Sheriff

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker announced the appointment of Jerry McDermott as Norfolk County Sheriff to serve out the remainder of former Sheriff Michael Bellotti’s term. With over 30 years of experience in the public and private sectors ranging from a Boston City Councilor to Co-Founder of a Substance Abuse Task Force, Jerry McDermott most recently served as Chief of Staff at the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM). His appointment as Norfolk County Sheriff is effective December 24, 2018.

“Jerry McDermott has the leadership skills, experience and knowledge to serve as Norfolk County Sheriff,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “With over three decades of service to communities across the Commonwealth, Jerry has focused on building partnerships with local and state agencies as a Boston City Councilor and successfully co-founded the Allston-Brighton Substance Abuse Task Force leading initiatives to combat drug and alcohol abuse. I am confident that he will serve the people of Norfolk County with integrity.”

“Jerry McDermott’s professional accomplishments and commitment to the people of Norfolk County and the Commonwealth have prepared him well to serve as Sheriff,”said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “I look forward to partnering with him to meet the needs of the cities and towns across Norfolk County.” 

"I am honored that the Governor and Lieutenant Governor have put their trust in me to serve as Norfolk County Sheriff,” said Jerry McDermott. “I'm looking forward to working with the professional law enforcement team, local officials and community leaders involved in the recovery community. There is a great deal of work to do in lowering the recidivism rate and enhancing initiatives focused on successful re-entry programs.”

About Jerry McDermott:

Jerry McDermott brings with him 30 years of experience in the public and private sector. He was named Chief of Staff at the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) in March of 2018. Prior to joining DCAMM, Jerry handled Community Relations & Economic Development for Eversource. He was the State Director for former United States Senator Scott P. Brown. He also served as Executive Director of the South Shore Habitat for Humanity. Before running the Habitat affiliate, Jerry served as a Boston City Councilor from 2002-2008. As a Councilor he ran the Committees on Ways & Means, Post Audit & Oversight and Historic Preservation. He also served as co-chair of the Allston-Brighton Substance Abuse Task Force, spearheading initiatives in the community to address drug and alcohol abuse though education, prevention and awareness such as a Youth Drug Summit, Boston’s first Teen Alcoholics Anonymous group and a Parent Drug Survey used to understand the community’s perspective of drug abuse. During his time on Council, McDermott worked with colleagues to lead the development of the first sobriety high school and he fought against the overprescribing of OxyContin. McDermott resides in Westwood with his two daughters.

NECINA 人工智能會議 (圖片)

星期日, 12月 16, 2018

MIT-CEO講座 王淮分享從臉書到線性資本

             (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) MITCEO創業講堂1210日請到世界經濟論壇2018全球青年領袖之一的王淮,分享他在臉書(Facebook)工作,創辦線性資本(Linear Capital)期間各學到的五堂課,直言未來三到五年是投資人工智慧企業的黃金期。
最近才完成第三期融資,募得5億元人民幣加7000萬元美金,如今手頭上有三個美元基金,2個人民幣基金,共管理15億元以上人民幣資產的線性資本,在創辦人王淮和張川領導下,有意專注投資以數據為基礎,人工智慧導向,可商樣化運作的企業,希望在未來三到五年內,把線性資本打造成中國最好的數據智能(Data Intelligence)基金,為促成中國在未來10年出現至少10家百億美金規模的企業服務公司盡力。
MITCEO 創業講堂,線性資本。(現場PPT)
            於是王淮陸續成為臉書第二個華裔工程師,第一位華裔研發經理,在臉書初創時期的每個人都一手包攬身邊所有事的團隊氛圍中,從社交廣告、新聞源(Newsfeed),做到支付安全(Payment security),一待就是五年,臉書的用戶也從2000萬人暴增過八億。根據網路資料,臉書用戶人數,現在已經有22.3億人,幾乎是全世界人口75.3億的三分之一了。

             王淮在侃談自己的經歷時,總結他的臉書經驗有五,一,只和最好的人一起工作;二,你的人生是過去選擇的結果,每7年下一次大賭注;三,在任何可以的時候接受挑戰並成長;四,抱持是的,你可以(Yes, You can)”的態;,五,學會做艱難的決定。
            經營線性資本三年,王淮也總結了五點經驗,一,學會看清自己,要了解自己的興趣和影響。二,靠譜是一個時間涵數    ,要懂得有熱情(passionate),能堅持(persistent),具專業技能與態度(professional),前後一致(consistent),要果斷(Cruel),該開除人時就要動作快,別當老好人,還要讓別人信得過(Creditble)。三是少就是聚焦,聚焦就是多。四是要坦然面對不確定,並從中獲利,要懂得判斷並重複。五,生命太短暫,要做點大事,並欣欣向榮。
                    這天主持MITCEO的曹圳表示,MITCEO希望聚波士頓英才而連之,還要連心連手(connect minds and connect hands),共創事業。目前該組織也正在招新,希望更多有理想,有幹勁的人加入服務行列。(圖片已於12月11日發表)

星期五, 12月 14, 2018


Income tax rate to drop to 5.05% on Jan. 1
Tax revenues sufficient to trigger automatic reduction

(Boston Orange)麻州稅務局1214日宣佈,麻州的B部分個人所得稅將從201911日起調降0.05個百分點,從5.10%降為5.05%
麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)表示,經濟走強,政府管理財政細心,使麻州納稅人得享應有的紓解。州政府很高興能夠宣佈明年起,納稅人辛苦賺來的錢,可以多放一點進自己口袋。


BOSTON - The Massachusetts Department of Revenue today confirmed that the required revenue metrics have been met to ensure the state’s Part B income tax rate will drop on January 1, 2019 from the current 5.10% to 5.05%.

“A strong economy and careful management of the Commonwealth’s finances have created the conditions for Massachusetts taxpayers to get a much-deserved break,”said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are pleased that next year we will see taxpayers be able to keep more of their hard-earned money.”

“Next year the income tax rate will be the lowest it has been in decades, which will provide welcome relief to workers across the Commonwealth,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Massachusetts taxpayers deserve the boost that this rate reduction will deliver.”

A state law enacted in 2002 provides the statutory mechanism to lower the Part B individual income tax rate, based on certain revenue milestones. The legislation replaced a tax rate reduction schedule that had passed by ballot initiative in November 2000.

“I was pleased to receive confirmation from the Department of Revenue that the revenue trigger had been met. This reflects steady revenue growth and a nice break for taxpayers,” said Administration and Finance Secretary Michael J. Heffernan.

 The law provides that for each tax year in which certain inflation-adjusted baseline revenue growth requirements are met, the income tax rate will be reduced by increments of 0.05 percentage points until the rate reaches 5%.

Part B income includes wages, salary, and many other forms of income, including self-employment income; business, professional and farm income; S corporation distributions; and rental income from personal property. The rate associated with Part B income is also applied to several other income categories, including interest and dividends and most long-term capital gains.

There are five revenue tests that determine whether a rate reduction is required, beginning with growth in revenue over the previous fiscal year, and including a series of four additional growth measures. If any one of the incremental tests is not met, the rate reduction does not proceed. With DOR’s certification of the most recent revenue measure, all five tests in 2018 have now been met.

The rate reduction was last triggered on Jan. 1, 2016, when it dropped from 5.15% to 5.10%. Previous reductions included:
o   Jan. 1, 2012 (rate reduced from 5.3% to 5.25%)
o   Jan. 1, 2014 (rate reduced from 5.25% to 5.2%)
o   Jan. 1, 2015 (rate reduced from 5.2% to 5.15%)

The state budget for Fiscal 2019 accounted for the income tax rate change, which is projected to reduce tax revenue by approximately $84 million in Fiscal Year 2019 and approximately $175 million in Fiscal Year 2020.

If revenues in 2019 are sufficient to trigger a further rate reduction, the Part B income tax rate will drop to 5% for the 2020 tax year.