
星期三, 9月 19, 2018

GBCCA太極班 9/30免費體驗課 10/14開課

大波士頓中華文化協會(GBCCA)太極班,邀張歡任教,訂10月14日(週日)早上11點開課,學費每堂10元,一期10堂,80元。上課地點在 437 Cherry Street, Newton, MA 二樓大廳。

Governor Baker Signs Bill Supporting Redevelopment of Historic Buildings in Salem

Governor Baker Signs Bill Supporting Redevelopment of Historic Buildings in Salem
City will acquire former Salem County Courthouse and County Commissioners Building

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker joined Salem Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, local legislators, city officials and members of the Baker-Polito Administration for a ceremonial bill signing ceremony for legislation authorizing the sale of two historic public facilities to the Salem Redevelopment Authority, which plans to return the buildings to beneficial public use.

“Our Administration has worked hard to identify opportunities to redevelop underutilized state assets through our Open for Business program,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “We are grateful to the Salem legislative delegation, Mayor Driscoll and the Salem Redevelopment Authority for working together with us to repurpose these beautiful buildings that served the region well for so many years.”

“We are pleased that these historic facilities will soon be serving the people of Salem in a new way,”said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “The redeveloped buildings will provide new housing and economic development opportunities for downtown Salem.”

The legislation, H. 4635, authorizes the state Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to sell the land that contains the Salem Superior Courthouse building and the County Commissioners building to the Salem Redevelopment Authority for $1. The buildings, located at 32 and 34 Federal Street, have been closed since the nearby J. Michael Ruane Judicial Center opened in 2012. Once the transaction is complete the Salem Redevelopment Authority will issue a request for proposals to redevelop the properties, which are located in the heart of downtown Salem. Net proceeds from any future sale of the property will be shared by the Commonwealth and the Salem Redevelopment Authority.

The historic buildings are located in the Federal Street District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Superior Court building dates to 1862, and the Greek Revival-style Commissioners building was built in 1841.

“This legislation is a result of the Baker-Polito Administration’s important partnership with cities and towns which is helping to revive properties that are no longer in use by the Commonwealth,” said Secretary of Administration and Finance Michael J. Heffernan. “All over Massachusetts we are working to ensure that the Commonwealth’s capital assets are being put to work in transformative ways.”

“This is an exciting moment for Salem and another milestone in the Baker-Polito Administration’s efforts to repurpose underutilized state property,” said Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash. “Through this legislation, we can now begin to reimagine and transform these historic courthouses into transit-oriented development that will enrich Salem’s downtown.”

“Salem Superior Court and the County Commissioners building are important historic landmarks,”said Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance Commissioner Carol Gladstone. “We are very pleased that this legislation provides a path forward, and we are proud to be working with the City of Salem on the redevelopment of these properties.”

“I would like to thank our legislators, the members of the Salem Redevelopment Authority, and our historic preservation partners who all worked so diligently to advance this legislation and make this day a reality. I also would like to express my gratitude to Governor Baker for his support of this important measure,” said Salem Mayor Kimberley Driscoll. “These former courthouses are in the heart of our downtown and, with their proximity to our commuter rail station, are part of our ‘front door.’ With their transfer to the SRA, we can begin the process to preserve and re-use them in a manner that will enliven our downtown, grow our economy, and strengthen our community, all while protecting two of our city’s most historically significant buildings. I look forward to moving forward in partnership with the SRA, community stakeholders, and our historic preservation allies in finding a suitable and successful future life for these critical properties.”

“I am very pleased that we were able to pass this bill to allow for the redevelopment of the Salem Superior Court and County Commissioners buildings,” said Senator Joan B. Lovely, Senate sponsor of the bill. “I look forward to this bill resulting in the preservation and restoration of these important historic landmarks.”

“This legislation will enable these architecturally and historically significant buildings to be preserved while allowing some modern use that serves our vibrant downtown,” said Representative Paul F. Tucker, House sponsor of the bill. “We are grateful to the Baker-Polito Administration working with partners from DCAMM, the Salem Partnership, preservationists, and elected officials to see this through and we are excited to see the next chapter written for these beautiful structures.”

About Open for Business

With the Commonwealth as the largest landowner in Massachusetts, Governor Baker in 2015 issued a challenge to state agencies across government to protect natural resources, create economic opportunity, build housing, manage these lands with professionalism and creativity, and generate appropriate revenue from leases and other partnerships. This program is called “Open for Business.”

Since the program’s launch in 2015, there are over 100 projects in 47 municipalities, across 1,000 acres, driving the production of more than 2,200 units of housing on state land. For more information on Open for Business, please click here.


星期二, 9月 18, 2018




張雨諾(左)或國會議員Joseph Kennedy三世頒獎。(程源安提供)
                       (Boston Orange 周菊子勒星頓鎮報導) 同一名老師的學生,在2018這一年內,同時有8人獲得全美藝術與寫作學者金獎,2人獲得國會藝術比賽金獎。藝術畫室學生們的成就,讓人驚喜發現,麻州華人子弟中有這麼多小藝術家。
            兩名國會藝術比賽獎得主及作品,分別是菲利普中學(Phillips Academy)舒凱揚的吶喊(Cracked)”,沙朗(Sharon)高中的張雨諾的恍惚(Trace),依序由國會議員妮基桑加(Niki Tsongas),約瑟夫甘迺迪三世(Joseph Kennedy, III)512日頒給了獎狀。
八名全美藝術與寫作學者獎(Scholastics Art & Writing Award)的素描彩繪及油畫等兩類金獎得主,則有7人來自麻州,1人來自新罕布夏州,分別是王詩琪,范逸馨,周嘉馨,鄒奕鍇,陳茜華,張黎雅,徐秋旻,吳康成。
舒凱楊(右)獲國會議員Niki Tsongas頒獎。(程源安提供)

星期一, 9月 17, 2018


BOSTON - Monday, September 17, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh tonight will join residents to illuminate City Hall in orange and mark the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of Bostonians whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. The event will start at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall Plaza.

"Boston is home to a strong, proud Latino population that has made major contributions in every neighborhood and every aspect of our city life," said Mayor Walsh. "Celebrating Heritage Months is part of our commitment to making sure Boston remains a city of opportunity for everyone, and I'm proud to celebrate our incredible Latino community during this special month and all year long."

Bostonians are encouraged to join the month-long celebration by attending events throughout the CityOn Thursday, September 20, from 12 to 2 p.m., the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services will be hosting Salsa on the Lawn at City Hall Plaza to celebrate with music, food, and entertainment. Residents are also encouraged to attend the Mayor's Latino Coffee Hour on Saturday, September 22 from 3 to 5 p.m. in East Boston's Central Square.

"Events like the 'Latino Coffee Hour' and 'Salsa on the Lawn' are a great way for residents to meet and interact with each other as well as celebrate the Hispanic culture and appreciate what Hispanics have contributed to Boston and the United States," said Jerome Smith, Chief of Civic Engagement. "We encourage all residents of Boston to come and enjoy all the different programming we are creating in honor of this month."

This year, the Latinx Employee Resource Group (ERG), a network of employees within the City of Boston, are spearheading events during the month. The group is building on its mission to promote the diversity and professional development of its members.

"I am very proud of the work we have done to bring Employee Resource Groups to the City of Boston," said Danielson Tavares, Chief Diversity Officer. "The Latinx ERG is a great example of how the ERGs will play a critical role in the development of our workforce."

Community organizations are invited to submit their events in commemoration of National Hispanic Heritage Month here.


'Vote Early Boston' website will help voters find early voting locations

BOSTON - Monday, September 17, 2018 - Boston election officials today launched the "Vote Early Boston" website (boston.gov/early-voting) which provides voters with important information about the City of Boston's early voting initiative. "Vote Early Boston" begins Monday, October 22 and runs through Friday, November 2. During that time, registered Boston voters will be able to cast their ballots for the November 6 Election, at any early voting location.

"Ensuring all Boston voters are able to vote conveniently, and on their own schedule, is paramount to ensuring voter turnout," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "We have seen in past years the success of early voting, and I am proud that we'll be able to offer this resource again to our residents, in addition to all the other resources the City provides during election season."

"The City has gone above and beyond again by offering Boston voters many different options for early voting," said Pam Wilmot, Executive Director of Common Cause Massachusetts, a nonpartisan organization that led the campaign to enact early voting in 2014. "The many different days, locations, and hours will making voting more convenient and accessible for Boston residents and will facilitate participation while reducing long lines on election day. It's a great plan."

Unlike Absentee Voting, no reason is needed to vote early. Any Boston voter who wishes to vote early may at any early voting location.

During the early voting period, City Hall will be Boston's main early voting site, with voting daily during normal business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, City Hall will also be open until 8 p.m. for for early voting.

Early voting neighborhood "pop up" polling locations will also be available throughout the city on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 12 p.m. until 8 p.m., during the early voting period.

"Early Voting Weekend" will occur on Saturday, October 27 and Sunday October 28; there will be nine early voting locations - one in each City Council District - open on both days from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A multi-channel outreach campaign in several languages will be used to inform Boston Voters about Vote Early Boston 2018.

Organizations are encouraged to contact the Boston Election Department if they would like to host non partisan events or activities to promote early voting locations. Interested groups should contact us at election@boston.gov or 617-635-3833.

For a full schedule, please visit boston.gov/early-voting.


(Boston Orange) 紐英崙昭倫公所為慶祝先祖姜太公3229歲生日,宗親首長們912日下午在波士頓華埠泰勒街會址匯聚,上香,祝禱。駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長徐佑典和新聞組長施維鈞也到場祝賀。




'Vote Early Boston' website will help voters find early voting locations

BOSTON - Monday, September 17, 2018 - Boston election officials today launched the "Vote Early Boston" website (boston.gov/early-voting) which provides voters with important information about the City of Boston's early voting initiative. "Vote Early Boston" begins Monday, October 22 and runs through Friday, November 2. During that time, registered Boston voters will be able to cast their ballots for the November 6 Election, at any early voting location.

"Ensuring all Boston voters are able to vote conveniently, and on their own schedule, is paramount to ensuring voter turnout," said Mayor Martin J. Walsh. "We have seen in past years the success of early voting, and I am proud that we'll be able to offer this resource again to our residents, in addition to all the other resources the City provides during election season."

"The City has gone above and beyond again by offering Boston voters many different options for early voting," said Pam Wilmot, Executive Director of Common Cause Massachusetts, a nonpartisan organization that led the campaign to enact early voting in 2014. "The many different days, locations, and hours will making voting more convenient and accessible for Boston residents and will facilitate participation while reducing long lines on election day. It's a great plan."

Unlike Absentee Voting, no reason is needed to vote early. Any Boston voter who wishes to vote early may at any early voting location.

During the early voting period, City Hall will be Boston's main early voting site, with voting daily during normal business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, City Hall will also be open until 8 p.m. for for early voting.

Early voting neighborhood "pop up" polling locations will also be available throughout the city on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 12 p.m. until 8 p.m., during the early voting period.

"Early Voting Weekend" will occur on Saturday, October 27 and Sunday October 28; there will be nine early voting locations - one in each City Council District - open on both days from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A multi-channel outreach campaign in several languages will be used to inform Boston Voters about Vote Early Boston 2018.

Organizations are encouraged to contact the Boston Election Department if they would like to host non partisan events or activities to promote early voting locations. Interested groups should contact us at election@boston.gov or 617-635-3833.

For a full schedule, please visit boston.gov/early-voting.

星期日, 9月 16, 2018

波士頓台灣同鄉會野餐 200餘人歡聚

TAA Boston 提供,Photo credit: Chuanhsi Chang 及 Po-Yung Chang
呼,上星期六波士頓台灣同鄉會年度烤肉大會圓滿成功,超過二百個人共同歡樂。這個星期五幸福路上電影在波士頓播放 (同鄉會. NEACP. TAP 聯手合辦),放映廳三百個人整個滿座,早鳥票都還沒截止就賣光了,候補的人有多達百人想買票,整個活動相當成功而且有效率。
這一切可以這麼順利,全部得歸功於團隊幹部們還有許多志工們無償且非常熱心且有責任的付出。回想起在數個月前,活動策劃一開始只是一個電話會議 (同鄉會烤肉)或是一個圓桌討論 (電影活動),大概擬出個方向與時程,接著有無數的討論把許多細節與流程搞定,比方說場地去哪找 (只要有辦過大型活動的人都知道場地是最難搞的). 美宣海報的製作. 宣傳的時程與方式. 票要怎麼賣 (要有小孩的票?要有家庭的票?)連帶的是要怎麼收費,要用 eventbrite 還是 paypal,要連到誰的銀行帳戶. 會不會有稅的問題等一大堆大大小小的事情得確認,而最近又是新工作每天弄到晚上八九點後還得想著許多活動上的環節。
這所有細節的背後其實都必須遵循著一個基本原則:我們不能超支,如果真的超支了,我們得有能力募款來填補缺口。我們的賣票收入必須要能夠在負擔了電影公司派來的人的所有交通. 食宿費用及公播費後, 還可以有足夠的經費可以應付所有活動該有的開銷,可想而知這是有許多風險的,更別提所有的幹部志工們都是全職的學生或是已經在工作了,大家都很佛心且熱情地為社群付出。
而令人氣餒的是在電影播放的前幾天收到通知說所有的文宣產品或是志工穿的活動衣服必須經過電影公司同意允許使用,如果有販售物品得另外收取權利金,要我們尊重著作權。我們無償地在幫社群服務. 幫電影公司宣傳,卻被貼了一個會動歪腦筋在活動上謀取利益的標籤,經過反應後的回應大意是: 我們沒有義務慰勞志工,如果活動有問題可以取消播放。當下覺得又好氣又好笑,電影公司真的天真以為要打進美國市場很簡單而且在美國的台灣人在為工作打拼之餘會想動電影活動歪腦筋,只想趕緊把活動圓滿完成,實在沒時間爭來爭去。

波士頓僑界慶ROC建國107年 10/6升旗、遊行 10/7晚宴

波士頓僑學界慶PRC成立69週年 9/29遊行 9/30晚宴

星期六, 9月 15, 2018


            BOSTON – As communities in the Merrimack Valley cope with the aftermath of the devastating fires and explosions yesterday, Attorney General Maura Healey is offering resources and advice to residents in need of support.

            “The state’s first priority is to ensure the safety of the Merrimack Valley, assist fire victims, and restore power and gas to residents,” AG Healey said. “While state and federal safety regulators determine the cause of these explosions, my office will serve as a resource for homeowners, renters, and all residents trying to rebuild and recover from this disaster.”

Tips for Homeowners Who Suffered Damage

  • If your home has been damaged or destroyed, it is important that you make a list as soon as possible of valuable items in your home (furniture, jewelry, electronics, cash, etc.). This will help complete claims paperwork later.
  • Keep all receipts for any money you spend related to this emergency, such as hotel bills, monies paid to hospitals, replacement clothing or baby supplies, etc.
  • If possible, document any damage with pictures or videos and do not dispose of any damaged items unless instructed otherwise.
  • Use reasonable means to save and preserve property that has not already been destroyed. For example, if possible, board or tarp open areas exposed to the elements to prevent water damage.
  • Public adjusters may attempt to contact you and offer to handle your insurance claim on your behalf. Public adjusters are supposed to act as your representative in dealing with an insurance company in exchange for a percentage of your insurance settlement. There is no requirement that you hire a public adjuster to handle your claim, but if you decide to enter into an agreement with a public adjuster, please read the contract carefully before signing it.

Tips for Displaced Renters

  • Many renters in the region may be unable to safely occupy their homes for days or weeks, depending upon the extent of the damage. Some housing may be permanently uninhabitable.
  • Renters should contact their landlord and notify them in writing about the extent of damage to rental units.
  • Residents may want to document damage with photographs from their unit, if the unit can be entered safely.
  • If units are uninhabitable, renters should discuss alternate housing that the landlord can provide or withholding rent while the renter finds other housing.
  • Renters should review the terms of their leases to hold informed conversations.
  • All rental housing in Massachusetts must meet state standards for health and safety.

Make Smart, Safe Charitable Contributions to Support Victims

  • Never give to a charity you know nothing about. Well-established charities with experience in disaster relief, community foundations, or organizations established with support from government agencies are generally a good choice. One example is the Lawrence Emergency Fund of the Essex County Community Foundation.
  • If you are contributing over the internet, make sure that the website you are visiting belongs to a legitimate and established charity.
  • Most crowdfunding sites are not charities and many typically take a percentage of your donation as a fee.
  • Ask lots of questions. How much of the money goes to the charity and how much to a professional fundraiser? Ask if your contribution is tax deductible and what the charity intends to do with any excess contributions that might remain after the victims’ needs are addressed.
  • Beware of social media posts or emails soliciting donations to copycat organizations or fake websites.
  • Do not give your personal or financial information to anyone soliciting money.
  • Never pay by cash. Pay by check or credit card and make a check out directly to the charity, not the fundraiser or any other individual. Specify, on the check and in writing, whenever possible, the purpose of your donation.
  • Visit the Donating to a Charity page on the AG’s website. 

For more information or assistance, contact the Attorney General’s Consumer Advocacy & Response Division’s Consumer Hotline at 617-727-8400. They are open from Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.


波士頓榮光聯誼會緊急徵召中華民國退徐役軍,,,國民兵及認同中華民國之僑民加入波士頓榮光聯誼會支援波士頓區民國107(2018) 年度愛國遊行活動:
十月六日雙十國慶千人大遊行: 由波士區傳统僑社,郊區社團,各學校及廣大僑民共襄盛舉. 由中國城牌樓集合(9:30)行經市區後舉行昇旗典禮. 並有各式舞龍, , 武術表演等文化活動
十一月十一日波士頓區美國退伍軍人大遊行: 由本區美退伍軍人組織辦理. 歷年本會係唯一受邀請之外國單位. 本區各退伍軍人單位均組隊参閱,另有各現役軍人及預備軍官團支援. 環遊市區中心後在市府廣場集合. 本會隊伍著印有中華民國國旗之本會背心及國徽船形帽在中美两國國旗引導下展示國威並向主流社會增取認同.
有意者請聯絡: 馮臺甲  781-380-3903 Email: taichiafng@gmail.com
                               陳世隆 781-271-0368 Email: newmast37@hotmail.com
                               石家孝 508-366-2024 Email: ray_shih2011@yahoo.com

星期五, 9月 14, 2018


The Children’s Health Award Recognizes a Multi-Agency Partnership to Encourage Lead and Copper Testing in Public Schools

BOSTON – The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust’s Lead in Drinking Water Assistance Program received the Children’s Health Award from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The award recognizes the programs efforts to encourage more public schools and day care centers to test for lead and copper in their school drinking water.

“We are honored to receive this award from the EPA recognizing the hard work done to ensure safe drinking water for our students,” said Treasurer Goldberg, chair of the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust. “I am proud to work collaboratively to provide our schools and day care centers the funds they need to test water in their buildings.”

“It is an honor to receive this environmental merit award on behalf of the Baker-Polito Administration from EPA recognizing the important work that has been accomplished to protect the health of thousands of students and school staff,” said MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg. “This program has been a success thanks to the collaborative efforts of our partners at the Clean Water Trust, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the Departments of Elementary and Secondary Education and Early Education and Care, and the Department of Public Health.”

The program is designed to encourage more schools to perform lead and copper testing with the help of experts at MassDEP. Under current federal laws, testing in schools is voluntary and this program is designed to help schools implement effective testing programs and take water samples and to educate them about how to address elevated levels.

The testing program was funded last year with $2.75 million made available by the Baker-Polito Administration and Treasurer Goldberg through the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust.

Since the launch of the program, more than 150 communities received technical assistance and more than 800 school buildings had plans to map out all fixtures to be tested. In addition, nearly 56,000 water samples were collected from about 32,000 faucets, fountains and other fixtures in schools.

The EPA's Environmental Merit Awards Program has honored teachers, citizen activists, business leaders, scientists, public officials and others who have made outstanding contributions on behalf of the region's public health and natural environment. The Massachusetts Lead in Drinking Water Team were among 28 recipients across New England honored for their work to protect New England's environment.



BOSTON - Friday, September 14, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced the members of the 2019 Mayor's Youth Council, a group of 85 high school-aged youth committed to improving their communities and empowering other young people in the City. The Mayor's Youth Council (MYC) advises Mayor Walsh and members of his administration on policy and programming and were selected following an extensive application and interview process.

"I'm pleased to welcome our newest members of the Youth Council," said Mayor Walsh. "Boston's young people have a unique voice and perspective in our City and I look forward to gaining the feedback and advice of our youngest advisors."
Members of the MYC come from all across Boston and attend a variety of public, parochial, private and alternative schools. The MYC is a year-round commitment, and members devote eight to 13 hours a month to meetings, impact and service projects and engagement. The number of youth representing each neighborhood is based upon census data that indicates where young people live in Boston.

"Youth have the potential to be powerful agents of change," said Chief of Health and Human Services, Marty Martinez. "Through the Mayor's Youth Council, our young people will amplify the voice of Boston's youth and catalyze positive change throughout the community."

MYC representatives form issue-centric subcommittees based on input from youth and Mayor Walsh's cabinet structure. The current committees include: Arts & Culture, Education & Youth Lead the Change, Civic Engagement, Workforce & Economic Development, and Public Health & Safety. Twelve directors and deputy directors were voted in by their peers to lead the Council's committees.
"I feel very privileged to serve on the council because it gives me the opportunity to share my ideas and opinions on how to improve Boston," said Donna Gee, 16, of the South End. "I'm also meeting new people, and working on projects and developing a plan to involve the community."

In the past year, members of the MYC have worked on a variety of issues related to public safety, participatory budgeting, and civic engagement. The MYC provided feedback to the MBTA on their 5-year transportation plan and to the City's Go Boston 2030 transportation plan; guided the community input process for how the City of Boston spends $1 million of the City budget through "Youth Lead the Change"participatory budgeting; and led many discussions around current issues and events.

"I'm really excited to be serving again," said Matthew Wang, 17, of Dorchester. "I didn't know what to expect last year but I learned that we have a power that I didn't know we had. I'm excited to work on issues important to me like exploring pushing back school start times and creating more after school programs for schools."