
星期三, 9月 12, 2018

9/21 "幸福路上"放映會 導演魏德聖將出席

“Does our dream always come true as we expected?”

NEACP, TAA-Boston, and TAP are bringing you one day showing, 《幸福路上》“On Happiness Road” with a special guest to Boston on Friday, Sept. 21, 2018.

"Forty years of Taiwanese history comes under review in this tender and powerful nostalgic tale of the search for happiness. After the death of her grandma, Chi, a New York-based woman returns to her homeland in Taiwan. Her reunion with family, classmates, and forgotten memories trigger a self-introspection about what she left behind. It covers her upbringing during Taiwan's period of instability under martial law to present-day political realities".

What is happiness? Will Chi find her own happiness?

This movie is directed by HsinYin Sung, and voiced by Lun-Mei Gwei, Te-Sheng Wei, Po-Cheng Chen and Hui-Zhen Liao. Globally recognized award includes the Grand Prize of the“17th Tokyo Anime Award Festival” (Japan), the Official Selection of the “41th Annecy International Animation Film Festival” (Canada), the Wide Angle Section of “the 22th Busan International Film Festival" (South Korea), the Closing Film of the “54th Golden Horse Film Festival” (Taiwan), and the AniMovie Award of the “25th Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film” (Germany).

Come join this tear-jerking movie and find your own “Happiness Road”!
Language: Mandarin, Taiwanese Hokkien
with English subtitle

星期二, 9月 11, 2018

羅州臺灣日萬人參與 徐佑典處長感謝支持

羅州臺灣日萬人參與  徐佑典處長感謝支持
                   駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處與羅德島州黑石谷旅遊局,8日在羅州普塔吉市(Pawtucket)普塔吉河畔(Pawtucket River)聯合舉辦「2018年羅德島州龍舟賽暨臺灣日節慶」(Rhode Island Dragon Boat Races & Taiwan Day Festival),吸引逾萬名觀眾前往,觀賞龍舟賽、跳繩與吃餃子比賽、欣賞中華民俗技藝表演、體驗臺灣童玩與手工藝創作,熱鬧非凡。
                到場嘉賓包括羅州羅州州長羅曼朵(Gina Raimondo)、羅州副州長麥基(Daniel Mckee)、聯邦眾議員西西里尼(David Cicilline)、羅州州務卿嘉比亞(Nellie Gorbea)、羅州參議員柯帝(Marc Cote)、羅州財政廳長馬克力尼(Seth Magaziner)、普塔吉市長蓋比思(Donald Grebien)、克蘭斯敦市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)、前州務卿布朗(Matt Brown)、商務廳官員Katherine Therieau及羅州藝術節主席John Baxter等。
                 今年共有來自北美各地的30支隊伍,角逐頭獎5000美元,盛況空前,其中包括第一支由旅居新英格蘭地區臺灣僑胞及留學生組成的「波士頓臺客隊」隊,比賽成績十分出色。龍舟賽最後由Ohana New England隊贏得冠軍及獎金5000美元;規模盛況空前。另中華航空及長榮航空亦連續五年贊助相關趣味競賽,並分別提供首獎之參賽人往返美國-臺北之機票。

麻州州長查理貝克競選連任 華裔支持者上街頭舉牌助陣

法蘭克叔叔已成為麻州長查理貝克最喜歡的華人。(圖片來自Paul Chan 臉書)


所有圖片來自Eye on Quincy, by Betty Yau.

昆士市長柯奇(Tom Koch,中)和麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker, 左二)等政要未公園啟用剪綵。