
星期五, 7月 06, 2018

波士頓華埠慶祝美國生日 表揚華裔退休警察


                (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導)紐英崙中華總會和紐英崙廣東同鄉總會及港澳之友社七月四日在龍鳳酒樓表揚20名華裔退休警察,每人送給一塊”維護治安,功在保民”獎牌,並邀得近300社區僑領、民眾,一同感謝他們為保護民眾安全奉獻多年青春。
聯邦參議員卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano)(左)和波士頓經文處處長徐佑典
               慶祝會由蔡倩婷,陳余寶愛擔任司儀,先由陳余寶愛領唱美國國歌,為美國慶生,再由中華總會會長陳毓禮致歡迎詞,紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊,駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長余佑典,聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano),波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉等嘉賓一一致詞。
               獲表揚的20名警察來自五個不同單位,包括波士頓市府,麻州政府,中轉(Transit)部門,海關及邊境保護局(CBP),郡治安官辦公室(Sheriff)等。當晚出席的10人,包括警探梁國斌(Ben Leong),大會介紹為全麻州第一位華裔女警探Sharon Wong,警探陳鐵洲(Richard Chin),巡警陳煉康(Steven Chin),警探Homer Moy,警探James Moy,警司曾卓興(Robert Don),國土安全局海關及邊境保護局助理執行局長(Chief CBP Officer)胡振勝(Theodore Woo),巡警Vincent Moy,麻州警督余國華(Warren Yee)
波士頓市議員愛德華費林(Ed Flynn)也出席致意。(周菊子攝)
聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano)頒獎給退休警探陳鐵洲。(周菊子攝)
華裔退休警察們和(左起)司儀蔡倩婷,陳余寶愛合唱"Sweet Caroline"。(周菊子攝)


City wide soccer tournament will feature 16 flag-bearing nations competing in a World Cup-style tournament July 6-8, 2018
BOSTON - Thursday, July 5, 2018 - Beginning tomorrow, Mayor Martin J. Walsh will host the Boston Unity Cup, a city-wide soccer tournament designed to celebrate cultures and nationalities of Bostonians in a safe environment that promotes sportsmanship, collaboration and acceptance. 

The tournament will be comprised of 16 flag-bearing nations including: USA, Somalia, Haiti, Mexico, Angola, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nigeria, Chile, United Arab Emirates, Cape Verde, South Vietnam, Ireland, China, Brazil, and Italywho will vie for the first annual Unity Cup.
Additional activities for fans and families will feature youth soccer clinics, giveaways, a FIFA18 play station, ice cream, and more. This weekend event is free and open to the public for all who want to watch the games and participate in activities. All events will be held at Moakley Park.
WHEN:        Friday, July 6                      7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
      Saturday, July 7                  9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
      Sunday, July 8                    10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    Parade of Nations          3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    Cup Final                       4:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
    Trophy Ceremony          5:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

WHERE:     Saunders Stadium
      Moakley Park, 1005 Columbia Rd.

星期四, 7月 05, 2018



BOSTON - Thursday, July 5, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the City of Boston's Commission on Affairs of the Elderly today launched their Age and Dementia-Friendly Business designation, a new pilot program that encourages local businesses to make their spaces and services more inclusive for people of all ages. Today's announcement was held at Local 338 Bagels and Coffee in West Roxbury, one of nine organizations that received the designation today, which includes certificates and decals to mark their business as Age and Dementia-Friendly.

"In Boston, we are committed to making our city the most age-friendly city in America," said Mayor Walsh. "Part of that commitment requires us to be able to respond to the needs of our older residents to make sure they feel safe and supported in their community. Today as we celebrate the businesses who have committed to age-friendly customer service in their establishments, we are able to remark on all the progress made and accomplishments achieved in making Boston a better place for everyone to age well and live well."

Businesses who are eligible for the designation are ones that have taken steps such as ensuring they have respectful and patient staff, providing resting areas and non-slip flooring and using universal symbols, such as arrows. The nine other establishments receiving the designation include: Parkway Real Estate, Cryotherapy, West on Centre, Health Express, BCYF Roche Center, Human Harmonies, Milton Chiropractic and Bay State Physical Therapy, Recreo Coffee and Roasterie, and Parkway Hearing.

To qualify for the designation, businesses had to meet certain criteria, which includes improvements that would benefit older residents, such as accessible bathrooms, wider aisles, menus with larger font sizes, and better lighting. These important accessibility improvements have been shared through resident feedback gathered as part of the Age-Friendly Boston Action Plan, the City's blueprint to make Boston the best city to live for older adults within three years.

The Age and Dementia-Friendly Business designation is one of the action items included in the plan, which is marking its one year of completion through the new Age-Friendly Year 1 Achievements Report which shares the successes made over the last year in making Boston an age-friendly city.

Highlights of Year 1 Completed Action Items Include:
  • Launched interactive restrooms map  of all city-owned public restrooms as a resource for older residents.
  • Curated an Employment Guide with current workforce training programs and career development opportunities for older workers.  Included as an action item, the Elderly Commission committed to identifying and addressing the barriers to employment for people over 50 in our city.
  • Designed front-facing City staff training to educate employees on the unique needs of older adults, including those with dementia.
  • Developed a pilot senior Civic Academy a five-session course where residents of diverse backgrounds and neighborhoods of the city came together to learn about municipal, state, and federal policy and how to become effective advocates.
  • Launched Age and Dementia-Friendly Business designation to encourage local businesses to make their spaces and services more inclusive for people of all ages.
"During the first year of the implementation process, I am very impressed by the dedication of the Elderly Commission staff and other City of Boston staff," said 66-year-old South End resident Roger Tepe, who is and advisory member of the Age-Friendly workgroup. "Significant progress is already underway. I am very hopeful as a senior living in Boston about where the Age-Friendly Plan is heading."

"These accomplishments reflect the wisdom and input of community voices from all neighborhoods across the city," said Nora Moreno Cargie, president of Tufts Health Plan and vice president for corporate citizenship at Tufts Health Plan. "Boston's commitment to making the city work for all residents will ensure vibrant, livable, accessible neighborhoods."

Jan Mutchler, Director of the Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging at UMass Boston and Age-Friendly Boston partner, said, "We are delighted with the progress made by the City during its first year carrying out the Age Friendly Boston Action Plan. The leadership in the City, and the partnerships established to make this initiative successfully, are impressive. UMass Boston Gerontology is proud to be an ongoing partner in this effort.

In 2014, Mayor Walsh signed onto the World Health Organization's (WHO) network of Age-Friendly Cities, through their United States partner AARP, and launched the Age-Friendly Boston Initiative. Under Mayor Walsh's leadership, the Elderly Commission formed a partnership with UMass Boston Gerontology Institute, supported by a grant from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation, to conduct research based on the guidelines set forth by the WHO. Grounded in community feedback, the plan identifies recommendations and action items the City will take to enhance the quality of life for Boston's older adult residents.

Developed in partnership with AARP, the Tufts Health Plan Foundation and UMass Boston, the 75 action items in the Action Plan were developed through 25 listening sessions, featuring engagement from over 4,000 older residents throughout Boston. The Action Plan is organized around eight key life domains, or main concerns.

The complete Age-Friendly Boston Action Plan and Year 1 Achievements Report are available at: www.boston.gov/age-friendly.

About Age-Friendly Cities

The guiding principle of an Age-Friendly society focuses on designing livable communities that promote good health, strong civic participation and clear communication. That means safe, walkable streets; offering better housing and transportation options; improving access to key services and providing opportunities to be socially engaged. It means sustaining economic growth and enabling happier, healthier residents.

星期三, 7月 04, 2018


波士頓市長Martin Walsh 出發遊行前先接受採訪。(周菊子攝)



波士頓市長Martin Walsh(左二)率領遊行隊伍出發。(周菊子攝)

波士頓市議員Ed Flynn也來遊行。

波士頓市長Martin Walsh(左)向遊人揮手。(周菊子攝)


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星期二, 7月 03, 2018

CAPAC Members Chu, Takano Denounce Trump Administration’s Decision to Rescind Obama-Era Guidance on Campus Diversity

CAPAC Members Chu, Takano Denounce Trump Administration’s Decision to Rescind Obama-Era Guidance on Campus Diversity

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Trump administration announced it will rescind Obama-era policy guidance that encourages elementary and secondary schools and colleges to promote diversity on their campuses. Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Chair Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) and CAPAC Education Taskforce Chair Rep. Mark Takano (CA-41) released the following statements:

Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), CAPAC Chair:

“The Trump administration’s announcement is a disgraceful setback to campus diversity. This decision dismantles non-binding, Obama administration guidance that took steps toward ending school segregation. CAPAC has long supported efforts to promote diversity in employment and education, including the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, which upholds the use of race as one of many factors that colleges and universities may consider in their admissions process. At the same time, we have always made it clear that we do not support the use of unconstitutional, upper-limit quotas to cap educational opportunities for specific racial or ethnic populations in the admissions process.

“The Obama-era guidance rescinded today did not promote the use of racial quotas. Instead, it encouraged schools and colleges to consider race as one of several factors to promote campus diversity in a way that is consistent with current law. These policies enrich the quality of our education institutions. In fact, Asian American and Pacific Islander students – particularly within the Southeast Asian and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community – have directly benefited from these efforts.  

“The Trump Administration decision to rescind this important guidance doesn’t change the fact that policies that promote diverse learning environments are still constitutional. CAPAC will continue to oppose the divisive actions of this Administration and fight to promote transparency, diversity, and opportunity for all.”

Congressman Mark Takano (CA-41), CAPAC Education Taskforce Chair:

“The decision announced by the White House to rescind crucial Obama era guidance on affirmative action is disgraceful. Not only is this part of a larger effort to undermine and undo affirmative action policies in admissions completely, it is also another attack by this Administration on diversity and equal opportunity at our nation’s colleges and universities. From eroding Title IX protections to gutting regulations to hold for-profit institutions accountable, the Trump Administration once again proves they are not on the side of students.”

Governor Baker Signs Bill Strengthening Commonwealth Gun Laws

Governor Baker Signs Bill Strengthening Commonwealth Gun Laws
Provides pathway to keep guns away from dangerous individuals

BOSTON – Today, Governor Charlie Baker signed H.4670, An Act Relative to Firearms, which will allow household members, or others in close relationships, and local law enforcement to file an extreme risk protection order (ERPO) petition with the court to remove firearms from dangerous individuals.

“Massachusetts’ gun laws are a model for the nation, and creating an additional pathway to keep guns away from people unfit to possess them will make our laws even stronger,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “This law creates a responsible way to help prevent gun deaths and suicides while protecting individuals’ second amendment rights.”

“Our administration is committed to keeping our communities safe, and this legislation will give people an additional way to raise concerns if they are worried about a loved one possessing a firearm,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “We appreciate the Legislature’s work to pass this bill and the collaboration from law enforcement and key stakeholders to build upon the Commonwealth’s strong laws.”

Once an ERPO petition is filed, a hearing must be held within ten days, and if the court finds that an individual poses a risk to themselves or others, the court can order the immediate surrender of all weapons and the individual’s firearm license. An ERPO can last up to one year.

The bill preserves the right of local police departments to continue to revoke or suspend firearm licenses based on a lack of suitability.

“With the passage of this legislation, Massachusetts once again leads the nation with the strongest and most effective gun laws in the country,” House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo (D-Winthrop) said. “This bill will prevent senseless tragedies and help keep Massachusetts’ children safe. I am sincerely grateful to Representative Decker, who tirelessly championed this bill, and would like to recognize the students who raised their voices on this life-saving measure.”

“This common-sense legislation gives family members the tools they need to help loved ones, and to prevent suicide and gun deaths,” said Senate President Harriette L. Chandler (D-Worcester). “Massachusetts’ nation-leading gun safety laws are made stronger by this bill. I appreciate the hard work of the advocates who fought for this, especially the thousands of young adults who spoke up about this issue.”

“This bill, by providing another tool to protect our residents and communities from gun violence, will save lives,” said Senate Majority Leader Cynthia Stone Creem (D- Newton). “By passing this law, we are answering the call of so many students, residents and advocates for a safer future.”

“We must do all that we can to keep our communities safe, and that includes keeping guns out of the hands of those who pose a risk of endangering themselves or others,”said Senator Karen E. Spilka (D-Ashland), Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. “I’m proud to join with my colleagues in the Legislature to stand up for public safety in the Commonwealth.”

“Securing due process and safeguarding rights are of critical importance in this public safety law,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester). “At the same time, it facilitates access to mental health and crisis intervention services for those who need them.”

“Massachusetts continues to lead the nation with the lowest gun fatality rates and the most sensible gun laws. This is yet one more step in ensuring that people have an additional avenue to help protect themselves and their family members when harm is apparent and imminent. I continue to thank Speaker DeLeo, who has forged this path — starting in 2014 — and now stands with us today,” said Representative Marjorie C. Decker (D-Cambridge).

“This legislation provides a tool for families to protect loved ones from harming themselves or others by preventing them from accessing a firearm in a crisis. I believe we have managed to strike a critical balance between public safety and due process.  I am incredibly proud to have been able to play a small part in crafting a policy that I firmly believe will save lives.” said Representative Harold P. Naughton, Jr. (D-Clinton), chair of the Joint Committee on Public Safety & Homeland Security. “I would like to thank Speaker DeLeo for his incredible national leadership on this bill and for his commitment to firearm safety. Thank you also to my colleagues in the House for their support in passing this important measure.”
