
星期二, 3月 27, 2018

于翔、徐鴻音樂會 3/31 喬登廳舉行

中華表演藝術基金會將在 2018331日星期六晚上八點,在紐英崙音樂學院喬登廳 (Jordan Hall)舉辦由梅紐因國際小提琴比賽首獎得主于翔及年青作曲家鋼琴家徐鴻共同演出的一場音樂會。

于翔是當今被認為最有才華的小提琴家之一,2010年梅紐因國際小提琴比賽,他驚人的技術和出色的才華,贏得了一致的好評和觀眾的熱烈響應。那次比賽他不只贏得首獎,同時也獲得巴赫和觀眾獎。從此不斷受邀到世界各地演出。 于翔不止獲得了梅紐因大獎他在邁克·希爾Michael Hill國際小提琴比賽及維尼亞夫斯基Wieniawski國際小提琴比賽裡最年輕的得主。2017他被著名的林肯中心室內音樂協(Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center CMS Two) 選為演奏家之一。

于翔已經出現在全世界各城市著名音樂廳裡,舉辦過許多場音樂會;其中包括柏林,巴黎,北京,新加坡,上海,奧克蘭,芝加哥,匹茲堡和波士頓。他也常出現在許多世界著名的音樂節演出,其中包括在瑞士的韋爾比耶Verbier音樂節,在挪威的卑爾根Bergen藝術節和美國芝加哥的拉維尼亞Ravinia音樂節,並出席了在德國的克龍貝格Kronberg 學院和在紐約帕爾曼Perlman音樂節。他曾與上海交響樂團,奧克蘭愛樂樂團,匹茲堡和休斯頓交響樂團,慕尼黑室內樂團和奧斯陸愛樂樂團合作。
出生於內蒙古,于翔從小就展現出過人的音樂才能。不到兩歲時,還不會說話的于翔,就能夠把電視上聽來的歌曲不走調地唱出來。他對音樂節奏的分辨可以準確得和精密儀器一樣。于翔十一歲,考入上海音樂學院,師從鄭靑老師。于翔獲得了新英格蘭音樂學院學士碩士和頗負盛名且非常難以取得的藝術家文憑。師從Donald Weilerstein, Miriam Fried Kim Kashkashian。目前他是新英格蘭音樂學院預校的小提琴教師。


徐鴻是2014年的吉爾摩Gilmore青年藝術家,2017年美國藝術與文學學院 (American Academy of Arts and Letters ) Charles Ives獎學金和2016年阿斯彭Hermitage獎的獲得者。 2017他被選為明尼蘇達樂團作曲家協會的七名參與者之一。他的作品一直獲得眾多榮譽,其中包括多項ASCAP Morton Gould青年作曲家獎和BMI William Schuman獎。徐鴻獲得柯蒂斯和茱莉亞音樂學院的學位目前他是茱莉亞學院的博士研究員。

莫扎特:E小調鋼琴和小提琴奏鳴曲作品 第21, K.304K300c
徐鴻:醚. 于翔所作(世界首演)中國表演藝術基金會贊助委約
貝多芬 :F大調小提琴和鋼琴奏鳴曲第5號,作品 24
薩拉薩蒂:卡門幻想曲,作品 25

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Boston sees success in shared growth across city; tackling inequity
BOSTON - Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today addressed the Boston Municipal Research Bureau announcing both new initiatives and gains in the growth of Boston's innovative economy, while highlighting the city's work in reducing inequality. From advancing Boston's goal of ending homelessness, to striving to provide a quality education from pre-kindergarten through college,  to urging employers equip Boston's diverse workforce with critical tools and training, Mayor Walsh reaffirmed his commitment to shared growth and increased opportunity for every Bostonian, as laid out in Imagine Boston 2030, Boston's citywide plan that aims to guide our growth to support our economy and expand opportunity for all residents.

"Boston will be at its best when all its residents have the support and opportunity they need to thrive," said Mayor Walsh. "We've been hard at work building an economy that works for everyone -- not just those at the top. While the work is not over, I'm proud that we've made progress in both building up our innovation economy and in reducing inequality. Establishing policies and a system that brings shared growth and success is critical for our city to reach its full potential. Our city is world-class because it works for the middle class."

Citing a survey released by the Hyams Foundation, Mayor Walsh spoke on the importance of continuing Boston's partnership with the Foundation and prioritizing equity in City initiatives and policies. The survey, released this morning, demonstrates the majority of Boston voters recognize that racism both needs to be addressed in the city and that having race dialogues will help race relations in Boston a "fair amount or a great deal." The City has been partnering with the Hyams Foundation to bring a series of race dialogues to neighborhoods, as a continuation of the work started to acknowledge systemic racism and work toward racial equity in Boston.

While Mayor Walsh emphasized Boston's commitment to tackling the realities of racism and income inequality in Boston, he also recognized the successes Boston has made in its fight against inequality. According to a new Brookings Institute report, inequality in Boston narrowed by 17 percent between 2014 and 2016. In addition, the report found average incomes at the lower end of the payscale grew by almost 19 percent since 2014.

Mayor Walsh shared significant milestones reached in other key areas that deliver opportunity to  residents across all of Boston's neighborhoods, including:

Affordable Housing
Building on his commitment to increase affordable housing, Mayor Walsh announced Boston  has made significant strides in stabilizing the housing market, accommodating population growth, and increasing affordability, while also reaching 98 percent of the City's production goal of creating 53,000 units of affordable housing by 2030.

Since the 2014 implementation of the City's housing plan, Housing A Changing City: Boston 2030, more than 17,000 new units of housing have been complete, with an additional 9,000 units currently under construction, and 26,000 units under review. Of the homes permitted, 19.2 percent have been set aside for low and moderate income families, and over 34 percent of Boston's rental units are restricted by income. In all, under Mayor Walsh's leadership, increased construction in Boston will supply the city's growing population with 52,000 new homes.

In addition to creating new housing units in the City of Boston, Mayor Walsh is working with 14 neighboring cities and towns to create a regional housing plan. The plan will address the housing needs of the Metro Boston area, with a focus on housing production, diversity, cost, location, design and increasing stability for the region's residents. The partnership will create a regional work plan, which will establish a regional housing production goal, along with specific strategies to achieve that goal throughout the 14-community region. Within the plan, the City of Boston will set new targets that reflect the growing population.

Workforce Development and Job Training
Announced in his 2018 inauguration, Mayor Walsh introduced the new Boston Hires campaign to strengthen and diversify the talent pipeline in Boston and provide more opportunities for all. Working in partnership with nonprofit partners and private employers, Boston Hires will work towards ensuring 20,000 low-income Boston residents are trained and placed in good-paying jobs by 2022. To accomplish this, Mayor Walsh is leading by example by committing to train and place Boston residents and Boston Public Schools graduates in good paying city jobs through a new program specific to municipal work, City Academy.

"Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) shares Mayor Walsh's commitment to assuring that Boston residents have access to good jobs that pay wages that help them support their families, offer benefits, and provide opportunities to move forward in a career," said Kevin Tabb, BIDMC's Chief Executive Officer. "We are delighted to be an Employer Champion in the Boston Hires initiative."

"We are excited to be a part of the City of Boston's BostonHires Program," said Steve Trumble, President and CEO of American Consumer Credit Counseling (ACCC). "At ACCC, we believe in giving back to the communities where we live and work. We also understand the financial struggles facing many Americans. By joining BostonHires, we have the opportunity to offer unemployed and underemployed residents with quality jobs that provide a living wage and valuable benefits."

During his speech, Mayor Walsh urged employers to get involved in Boston Hires and thanked Boston Medical Center, Beth Israel, American Consumer Credit Counseling, and East Boston Neighborhood Health Center, who have already made commitments to sponsor Boston residents and create opportunities for all.

Understanding that education is the greatest equalizer, Mayor Walsh continues to significantly improve access to education and close achievement gaps. This upcoming school year, 976 more children will be enrolled in high-quality pre-kindergarten, compared to five years ago.The City of Boston has made strategic investments in its budgets to expand the district's nationally recognized early education programming within its public schools, and also partnered with community-based organizations throughout the city to provide similar high-quality seats in these early childhood settings.

In working towards universal pre-Kindergarten (pre-K) for all children, Mayor Walsh has put forth a bill before the Massachusetts state legislature to fund universal pre-K using tourism taxes that are already being collected in Boston.

In the meantime, the City of Boston officially began building its citywide universal pre-K system this fall and has hired the City's first universal pre-K Director, initiated a partnership with UMass Boston to train community-based educators to implement early learning curricula based on BPS' materials, and launched a pilot to connect community-based classrooms to the BPS school choice system so that parents can choose the pre-K setting that works best for their family.

Boston's Way Home
Mayor Walsh announced in his speech that Partners Healthcare, Suffolk, and Liberty Mutual have each given $1 million to the Boston's Way Home Fund, totaling $3 million to help Mayor Walsh's work to  ending chronic homelessness in the city of Boston.

Announced in his second inaugural address, the Boston's Way Home Fundhas a set goal of raising $10 million over the course of four years, with funds being used to create 200 new units of supportive, sustainable, long-term housing for chronically homeless men and women.

The fund was created in place of the traditional practice, where mayors and mayors-elect raise private funds for inauguration celebration costs. Instead, to mark his second inauguration, Mayor Walsh encouraged organizations and residents to learn more about the city's work to end chronic homelessness, and consider becoming involved in Boston's Way Home.   

In Mayor Walsh's January 2016 State of the City, he announced Boston had ended chronic veteran homelessness; to date, nearly 850 homeless veterans have been housed. In 2016, the City scaled up its efforts to end chronic homelessness; since January of 2016, 425 chronically homeless individuals have been housed, representing more than 3,000 years of homelessness ended.

Since its implementation, Boston's Way Home has also resulted in a complete redesign of the way Boston offers services to homeless individuals. Rather than counting on shelter as the solution to the issue, Boston has moved toward a housing-first model, where an individual's entrance into the shelter system is also their entrance to a path toward permanent, stable housing. Creating new permanent supportive housing is an important component of Boston's Way Home, the City's plan to end chronic homelessness. Permanent supportive housing combines subsidized rental housing with individualized support services so that people with complex issues can receive the assistance they need to stay housed. The services are designed to build independent living skills and to connect people with services such as community-based health care, help with mental health issues, substance use counseling, and employment services.

To view the Mayor's prepared remarks, click here.




The College of Arts and Sciences at University of Washington is getting ready to soon open a spectacular, modern research and instructional space called the Life Sciences Building (LSB), which will provide students with over 170,000 square foot of open and flexible lab space, to boost a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to research in the field of Biology.

The building has been designed by architects Perkins + Will, and it is a seven story construction – including two stories below grade, which has been envisioned as a benchmark project in terms of energy efficiency, innovation and onsite renewable energy.

The design targets LEED-NC Platinum Certification, and the deployment and usage of clean energy sources were a primary objective of the University´s Climate Action Plan for Sustainability.

University of Washington 1
In this sense, the UW-Solar student group, which consists of an interdisciplinary team within the University’s Urban Infrastructure Laboratory – ranging students from undergraduate to Ph.D. level, worked with Perkins + Will to design and install a combined 100 kW solar system, featuring an innovative vertical photovoltaic fin system installed on the South-West elevation of the building.

These PV fins are the first-of-its-kind in the USA and they are made of amorphous Silicon solar cells that capture the sunlight and converts it into clean electricity.

They are all-glass, semi-transparent, letting 20% visible light to pass thru the fin. A total of four different dimensions were required by the design team to meet the design intent.

While conventional glass or metal fins help the building from a passive standpoint, photovoltaic fins pay a multi-functional approach:

1. They work as a sun control device, helping decrease HVAC needs. The South elevation of the building is set to receive high solar radiation in summer and the photovoltaic fins will help shading the building and thus reducing the heat transfer.

2. They work as windbreaks in winter, boosting the insulation of the building.

3. They diffuse light and control glare, contributing to more comfortable daylight conditions.

4. Their solar cell coating filters 99% UV radiation, mitigating the interior’s aging.

5. They generate free and clean electricity, decrease the building’s carbon footprint, and contribute to LEED Certification. Also, they perform under low-light conditions.

6. They aesthetically blend with the rest of the architectural design. They do not look like traditional PV panels, but like conventional glass fins.

University of Washington 2

Each fin consists of a three-ply laminated, tempered glass, and it offers 3.15 Watts per square foot. They are frameless and were installed vertically, perpendicularly (90 degree angle) to the curtain wall. Concealed junction boxes and wires do perfect the architectural design.

Both the fin´s depth and the horizontal distance from fin to fin was carefully analyzed by Perkins + Will and Onyx Solar, to optimize the performance of the system and help preventing self-shading situations that could impact the output.

The PV fins were tested to UL standards and they are set to start generating power as soon as the electrical interconnection is completed. The lobby of the building will feature a dashboard that will let students and visitors learn from the system, and monitor the energy production on real time. They will be able to compare the building’s energy demand against the renewable energy sources onsite, and explore the model.

The photovoltaic fins are highly visible from Pacific Avenue, which will help raising student and visitor awareness about sustainability and innovation.

南灣鎮中心進展順利 麻州長波市長齊到祝賀

右起,波士頓市議員(Frank Baker),波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin
Walsh),EDENS 執行長Jodie W. McLean,EDENS波士頓執行總監
Brad Dumont,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlei Baker),波士頓市議員
Annissa Essaibi George。(周菊子攝)
         (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓綜合報導)波士頓市多徹斯特區(Dorchester)的南灣鎮中心(South Bay Town Center)拓展計畫,第一期住宅大樓預定今夏竣工。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker),波士頓市長馬丁華殊(Martin Walsh),以及發展商EDENS執行長Jodie W. McLean等人,326日近午,在已啟用的南灣新AMC影院舉行致詞儀式,作為慶祝。
EDENS 執行長Jodie W. McLean,EDENS波士頓執行總監Brad Dumont。
南灣鎮中心(South Bay Town Center)拓展計畫是個早在20168月就已獲波士頓市計畫發展局(BPDA)批准的土地發展項目,總開發金額約2億美元,一旦全部竣工,大約72萬平方公尺的土地,將蓋出56層高大樓,包括475個住宅單位,其中62個為可負擔住宅,以及130個旅館房間,約1095個停車位,12萬平方呎零售面積,6萬平方呎有12個螢幕的電影院。
其中的AMC電影院,以及Starbuck, Nike, Foever 21 Red等至少四家零售店鋪已開張營運,Wahlburgers也預定四月份開張。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊表示,南灣鎮中心可算是多徹斯特區歷來規模最大的一個發展計畫,把多徹斯特,南波士頓,洛士百利,南端這四個鄰里都銜接了起來,勢將重振這地區的經濟。他很感謝麻州政府撥給1218000元的麻州工作(MassWorks)”補助金,讓波士頓市府得以斥資鋪一條從表面路(Surface Road)到企業街(Enterprise Street)的新路,在水電設施上做了新連接,鋪了新的人行道,改善了麻州大道上的景觀,不但增加了地方上的公共安全,也讓人行道路連接,交通流動更順暢。南波士頓,麥特潘地區的居民也將受益。
            在南灣鎮中心項目之外,2017年麻州政府共撥出7443000元給波士頓市的三項發展計畫。其中300萬元給Olmsted Green West 第三期基礎工程建設,那兒蓋了151個可負擔住宅,250萬元給了MassRobotics,把Channel12號改建成二層樓的MassRobotics創新中心,估計可支持該公司創造3000個工作機會,吸引來10億元的風投資金。還有725000元給了Madison Melnea基礎建設項目,在Whittier街蓋76個可負擔住宅單位,其中33個給收入非常低的住戶。
波士頓市長馬丁華殊。(From Mayor's Office Photo by John Wilcox)
               EDENS執行長 Jodie W. McLean表示,重視社區是該公司的傳統。他們很高興這個土地發展項目,內容多元,不但可為地方上帶來450個永久性工作機會,1600個建築工作機會,還可為地方政府增加大約500萬元的淨稅收,以及62個可負擔住宅。
               慶祝儀式由EDEN的波士頓執行經理(Managing Director)Brad Dumont主持,波士頓市議員Fred Baker很激動的打趣表示,他們為推動這發展計畫努力了很久,總算在他和市長是好朋友,市長和州長是好朋友這一關連一關的關係下,推動成功。
               波士頓市不分區市議員Annissa Essaibi George也出席同慶。

波士頓市長宣佈300萬元啟動金 蓋200戶永久性扶助之家


Community partners step up to aid City's effort to create 200 units of permanent supportive housing for Boston's chronically homeless individuals

BOSTON - Tuesday, March 27, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced in his speech to the Boston Municipal Research Bureau that Partners Healthcare, Suffolk, and Liberty Mutual have each given $1 million to the Boston's Way Home Fund, totaling $3 million to help Mayor Walsh's effort in ending chronic homelessness in the city of Boston.

Announced in his second inaugural address, the Boston's Way Home Fund, a partnership with Pine Street Inn, has a set goal of raising $10 million over four years, with funds being used to create 200 new units of supportive, sustainable, long-term housing for chronically homeless men and women.

"In Boston, we are committed to making sure that every person has a place to call their home and build a better life, and the Boston's Way Home Fund will help do just that," said Mayor Walsh. "I thank Partners, Suffolk, and Liberty Mutual for stepping up and helping their community by tackling chronic homelessness. I encourage everyone to learn more about the Boston's Way Home Fund, and invite organizations and individuals to join us as we move closer to our goal of ending chronic homelessness in our city."

Partners Healthcare, Suffolk, and Liberty Mutual join Bank of America, which launched the fund in January 2018 with a leadership gift of $250,000.

"The leaders of Mass. General, Brigham Health, and Partners HealthCare are supporting Mayor Walsh's vision to end chronic homelessness because accessible housing and services are the single most effective way to improve the well-being of homeless individuals," said Peter Slavin, President of Massachusetts General Hospital. "The Mayor's plan is among the most important strategies we can deploy to improve the overall health of the Boston community."

"Suffolk is an organization that prides itself on making a positive difference in our local community," said John Fish, Chairman and CEO of Suffolk. "By creating an additional 200 units of affordable housing in the City of Boston, Mayor Walsh's Boston's Way Home Fund is a wonderful way to give back and help our most vulnerable neighbors in a time of need. We are excited to play a role in ending chronic homelessness, and look forward to seeing the success of Boston's Way Home."  

"We applaud the Mayor's deep and long-term commitment to ending homelessness," said David Long, Liberty Mutual Insurance Chairman and CEO. "By investing in this partnership, we're paving a way for people who are homeless today to gain a sturdy foundation, so they can move onto promising futures. We're very hopeful that our gift will get Boston one step closer to ending chronic homelessness."

"All of us at Pine Street Inn are very grateful to the Mayor for starting the Boston's Way Home Fund," said Lyndia Downie, President and Executive Director of Pine Street Inn. "We want to express our deepest thanks to Bank of America, Partners Healthcare, Suffolk, and Liberty Mutual for their help in getting the fund started and helping to end homelessness in Boston."      

While traditionally mayors and mayors-elect raise private funds for inauguration celebration costs, Mayor Walsh instead encouraged organizations and residents to learn more about the city's work to end chronic homelessness, and consider becoming involved in Boston's Way Home. Mayor Walsh's personal message from Inauguration Day can be found here.  

In his January 2016 State of the City address, Mayor Walsh announced Boston had ended chronic veteran homelessness; to date, nearly 850 homeless veterans have been housed. In 2016, the City scaled up its efforts to end chronic homelessness; since January of 2016, 425 chronically homeless individuals have been housed, representing more than 3,000 years of homelessness ended.  

Since its implementation, Boston's Way Home has also resulted in a complete redesign of the way Boston offers services to homeless individuals. Rather than counting on shelter as the solution to the issue, Boston has moved toward a housing-first model, where an individual's entrance into the shelter system is also their entrance to a path toward permanent, stable housing.

Creating new permanent supportive housing is an important component of Boston's Way Home, the City's plan to end chronic homelessness. Permanent supportive housing combines subsidized rental housing with individualized support services so that people with complex issues can receive the assistance they need to stay housed. The services are designed to build independent living skills and to  connect people with services such as community-based health care, help with mental health issues, substance use counseling, and employment services.

By definition, chronically homeless individuals have barriers that create challenges to remaining housed. These barriers can include physical disabilities, substance abuse issues, and mental health issues, among others. Without additional assistance, some chronically homeless men and women are not able to maintain their homes.  

To learn more about Boston's Way Home, click here.


(Boston Orange 周菊子整理報導) 麻州汽車監理處(RMV)(26)日起受理申辦可做為真實身份證(Real ID)的新駕照,以因應202010月起的法規變化,亦即麻州居民也必須持護照或真實身份證,才能進入聯邦政府所擁有大樓,或搭乘國內班機。

麻州汽車監理處表示,人們可以選擇,辦理只在麻州適用的基本駕照,或者是辦理可用作聯邦身份證,持以登機或進入聯邦大樓,人稱"真實身份證(Real ID)"的駕照。