
星期三, 3月 07, 2018

華裔楊安澤參選美國總統 主張每人月發一千元

楊安澤(Andrew Yang)。(圖片取材自美國商務部網站)
(Boston Orange 周菊子綜合報導)美國歷史上的華裔總統候選人,在2017116日時,出現繼1964年鄺友良之後的第二人,現年43歲的為美國冒險(Venture for America)“創辦人楊安澤(Andrew Yang)。
            楊安澤打出的競選口號是人道優先(Humanity First)”,主張全民基本薪資(Universal Basic Income),或稱自由紅利(Freedom dividen),每月發1000元給每一個滿18歲到64歲的成年人,更是引人矚目。

紐約時報在這篇文章中指出,"全民基本薪資"並不是一個新概念,馬斯克(Elon Musk),祖柏格(Makr Zuckerberg),馬克安德森(Marc Andressen),全都表示過支持這種構想,著名的初創企業孵化器Y Combinator還在兩個州做這實驗,有3000人參加。楊安澤的主張,將須政府斥資2兆元來執行,約等於聯邦政府現有預算的一半, 希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)當年競選總統,也曾想提出類似主張,最終認為是令人興奮但不實際的想法而放棄。
            中外媒體都認為,已透露意願,有意二度參選的Bernie Sanders,二個月前已宣佈參選的馬里蘭州國會眾議員迪蘭尼(John Delaney),以及其他許多被點名的人,無論名氣或經驗,絕對都更佳,楊安澤的機會微乎其微。
            身為台灣移民第二代的楊安澤,已婚,有兩個男孩,在布朗大學唸的是政治,經濟雙主修,在哥倫比亞大學拿的是JD法律學位,但他當律師五個月就辭職,創辦Stargiving.com失利,進入醫療健保業MMF系統工作四年後,獲邀加入的Manhattan Prep2011年被Kaplan收購,他接著創辦為美國冒險,人生從此大不相同。
            ”為美國冒險2011年花20萬元,送40名研究生到五個美國城市的初創企業工作,到2017年時,年度營運費就增長為600萬元,腳印踏進18個城市。這些成績讓楊安澤在2012年被奧巴馬的白宮選為擁護改變者(Champion of Change)”2015年再被奧巴馬政府選為總統的全球企業家大使(Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship (PAGE)”。他也因為為美國冒險的工作,被表揚為快速公司(Fast Company)”所挑選的企業界100名最有創意者之一。
            根據紐約時報的報導,楊安澤除了"全民基本薪資之外,還有其他的大膽構想,包括把415日這繳稅日訂為全國假日,推出數位社交信用(digital social credits)”,為除絕腐敗,他建議把總統年薪從現有的40萬元提高為400萬元,也大幅提高其他聯邦政府官員薪資,同時禁止高官們演講收費,或卸任後接受報酬豐厚的私營企業工作。
 競選總部設在紐約的楊安澤,還寫有兩本書,聰明人應該打造事物(Smart People Should Build Things)",以及普通人的戰爭(The War on Normal People)”

星期二, 3月 06, 2018


Governor Baker, Lt. Governor Polito Urge Massachusetts Residents to Use Caution During Wednesday Snow Storm
Storm forecasted to create hazardous driving conditions for majority of the Commonwealth

BOSTON – In preparation for tomorrow’s winter storm, Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito are urging residents of the Commonwealth to plan ahead and use extreme caution.

“As we continue to assist the cities and towns impacted by last weekend’s storm, the Commonwealth is preparing for another significant winter storm to impact much of the state starting midday Wednesday,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration is asking everyone to exercise caution on the roadways as the snow will cause hazardous driving conditions, especially west of Route 128 and extending throughout Western and Central Massachusetts. Please monitor the weather forecast, plan ahead and call 211 if you have any questions.”

“A majority of the Commonwealth will be significantly impacted by this winter storm on the heels of last week’s brutal storm that many communities are still recovering from,” said Lt. Governor Polito. “Snow totals are estimated to be the highest in Western and Central Massachusetts, with snow falling heavily during the afternoon commute and creating dangerous conditions. Please plan your day and use public transportation when possible, leaving plenty of time for your evening commute if you must drive during the storm.”

MassDOT’s snow and ice operations will be deployed as conditions necessitate. Crews are currently conducting preparation activities in advance of the winter weather and will be pretreating roadways with brine and Magnesium Chloride. MassDOT is also currently planning deployments of snowplows and spreaders and maintenance equipment.

In the worst storms, MassDOT’s Highway Division is able to utilize up to 700 personnel to perform snow and ice removal operations on more than 15,000 lanes miles of roadway throughout the Commonwealth. This winter, MassDOT will have approximately 4,200 pieces of state and vendor equipment available using over 150 depots and storage locations. This includes over 1,300 plow and spreader combos, 2,100 plows, and 460 front-end loaders.

Because of the timing of the storm, the MBTA is advising customers to plan ahead and allow for additional travel time on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. The MBTA will operate non-passenger trains overnight (early Thursday morning) to keep the tracks clear and to look for any trees or branches that pose a threat. MBTA emergency crews will be on standby throughout the storm to respond to instances of broken rail, issues affecting the power systems, potential switch problems, and any water-related issues that may occur. Power crews will continue to inspect overhead wires on the Blue and Green Lines, looking for ice buildup with ice cutters installed on Blue and Green Line vehicles designed to remove ice buildup on catenary wires. Increased staffing will be present throughout the system with snow-fighting equipment pre-deployed in key areas and snow-operating plans currently in place.

麻州前州長派區克露口風 2020可能參選美國總統

(Boston Orange 整理報導) 麻州前州長派區克(Deval Patrick)最近在堪薩斯市公共電台KCRU上坦言,正考慮是否2020參選美國總統。
派屈克自從2015年卸任州長,轉進私營企業貝恩資本(Bain)擔任執行董事(Managing Director)之後,就鮮少出現在公眾面前。
上星期他到堪薩斯市,出席一項名為派屈克之夜: 重新投資美國(An Evening with Deval Patrick: Reinvesting in America)”的活動時,坦言2020年參選美國總統在他的考慮之中。
美國前總統奧巴馬(Obama)的兩名顧問David Axelrod Valerie Jarrett都鼓勵派屈克角逐白宮席位。
            派屈克是麻州首名非洲裔州長,連任了一屆,然後於2015年加入在他之前擔任州長,共和黨籍的朗尼(Mitt Romney)所創辦的投資公司,貝恩資本。
不過十二月時,派屈克在週末跑到阿拉巴馬州,為民主黨參議員候選人Doug Jones助選。Doug Jones 後來打敗了Roy Moore
這個月,派屈克發出他將近三年來的第一個推特,宣傳他和民主黨籍前密西根州長Jennifer Granholm錄製的播客(Podcast),討論幫助減少科羅拉多州青少年生育,墮胎率的有補助生育控制計畫。


            BOSTON – Attorney General Maura Healey today appointed Eileen O’Brien to serve as the Attorney General’s appointee on the Massachusetts Gaming Commission, citing her extensive experience in criminal investigations and enforcement in the state.

Candidates for the Attorney General’s appointment to the Gaming Commission must have a background in law enforcement and criminal investigations. O’Brien, a Newton resident, has most recently served as the Director of the Audit, Oversight and Investigations Division of the Inspector General’s Office since 2013, where she oversees investigations into allegations of fraud, waste and abuse of public funds. Before that, O’Brien spent five years as Senior Trial Counsel for the Criminal Bureau of the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, working to investigate and prosecute matters including trafficking, embezzlement, and public corruption.

O’Brien also served in various positions within the Special Investigations and Narcotics Division at the AG’s Office, including chief of the division from April 2004 to July 2008. O’Brien will fill the position on the Commission held by Judge Lloyd Macdonald since 2015 following the retirement of Judge James McHugh. Judge Macdonald’s term expires this month.

“Eileen O’Brien’s many years of experience running complex criminal investigations into cases of fraud, public corruption, drug trafficking, and other offenses, and her stellar reputation in the law enforcement and legal community, make her an ideal appointment to the Gaming Commission at this critical time,” AG Healey said. “Having made a career out of protecting the interests of this state and our residents, I know that the Commission will benefit tremendously from her skills and perspective. I am grateful to Judge Macdonald for agreeing to take on the remainder of Judge McHugh’s term and lending his wisdom and judgment to the Commission over the last three years.”

“Eileen is an exceptionally hard working and gifted attorney,” said Inspector General Glenn A. Cunha. “She has made a significant contribution to protecting taxpayers and the public during her years in the Attorney General’s office and here at the IG’s office. Eileen will be an excellent addition to the Gaming Commission.”

O’Brien is a graduate of Northeastern University School of Law and Middlebury College. Following law school, she was a law clerk at the Massachusetts Superior Court and served as an assistant district attorney at the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office from 1997 to 2000.

In 2015, O’Brien received the Manuel Carballo Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Service along with the Inspector General’s Westfield State University Investigation Team. She has also previously received a Special Achievement Award from the New England Narcotic Enforcement Officers’ Association in 2004, and the Scott Harshbarger Award for Excellence in 2003.


AG’s Office Continues to Address Wage Theft in the Construction Industry; Assessed Nearly $2.5 Million in Restitution and Penalties in 2017

BOSTON – Three Massachusetts construction companies have been cited more than $180,000 in restitution and penalties for failing to pay the proper prevailing wage rate to employees for work performed on public works projects as well as other violations of state wage laws, Attorney General Maura Healey announced today.

The AG’s Office issued citations against One Way Painting & Roofing, Inc. and former owner Gerasimos Moschopoulos, LGR 1, Inc. and president Leonel R. Garcia and treasurer George A. Secchiaroli, and C&E Concrete Construction Co. and president Edward Krasner.

“These companies received taxpayer funds for construction projects in our communities, but failed to pay the wages required under state law,” said AG Healey. “Our office enforces these laws to ensure that all contractors meet their commitments to the public and can’t gain a competitive advantage by not following the law.”
The AG’s Office has prioritized addressing wage theft in the construction industry. In calendar year 2017, the AG’s Fair Labor Division issued 114 citations against 53 employers in the construction industry, for a total of nearly $2.5 million in assessed restitution and penalties impacting more than 650 workers.

Under the Massachusetts Prevailing Wage Law, contractors and subcontractors engaged in public construction projects must pay their employees a special minimum wage. The required wage rate is based on the occupational classification for the type of work the employees perform.

The AG’s Office issued three citations totaling $35,055 in restitution and penalties against Lynn-based One Way Painting & Roofing, Inc. (One Way) and owner Gerasimos Moschopoulos for the unintentional Failure to Pay the Prevailing Wage, Failure to Submit True and Accurate Payroll Records, and Violation of Earned Sick Time Law. The company has paid the restitution in full and has agreed to pay the penalty amounts in full.
The AG’s Fair Labor Division began an investigation after receiving a complaint from the Lowell Housing Authority indicating that One Way appeared to be paying employees a lower rate of pay as labor apprentices instead of roofers on the Garland House roof replacement public works project. Subsequent investigation confirmed that several employees were being paid at the incorrect prevailing wage rate. 

Additionally, the company, although it offered sick leave to employees, was not properly accruing the leave, nor was it accurately tracking use. One Way also failed to submit sufficient payroll records. The company has since come into full compliance with state labor laws.


The AG’s Office issued five citations totaling $110,046 in restitution and penalties against Lowell-based LGR 1, Inc. and the company’s president Leonel R. Garcia and its treasurer George A. Secchiaroli for Failure to Pay the Prevailing Wage, Failure to Submit True and Accurate Certified Payroll Records, Failure to Submit Weekly Certified Payroll Records to the Awarding Authority, Failure to Keep True and Accurate Payroll Records, and Failure to Furnish a Suitable Pay Slip.

The AG’s Fair Labor Division began an investigation into the company after receiving a complaint from a worker claiming he worked for LGR 1 on several Massachusetts public works projects and was not paid the prescribed prevailing wage rate for work performed within the roofer classification.

The investigation revealed that workers were not paid the Department of Labor Standards (DLS) prescribed hourly rate for roofers on two public works projects—Wareham’s Wastewater Treatment Plant Reroofing Works Public Works project and the Salem Housing Authority’s Roof Replacement at 27 Charter Street. The investigation further revealed the payroll records were not accurate as they did not list employee addresses, did not list the hourly rate actually paid to the employees and, on one occasion, listed deductions for fringe benefits that were not actually provided to the employees. Also, there were several weeks during which payroll records were either submitted to the awarding authorities late or not submitted at all. Pay slips were not provided to employees with their checks. 

The AG’s Office has received complaints in the past against a different roofing company, A C & R, Inc., owned by these two principals. The AG’s Office issued citations against that A C & R, Garcia, and Secchiarolia in 2010 and in 2011 which resulted in restitution and penalties being paid.


            The AG’s Office issued two citations totaling $35,285 in restitution and penalties against Rhode Island-based concrete company C&E Concrete Construction Co. and president Edward Krasner for Failure to Pay the Prevailing Wage and Failure to Submit True and Accurate Certified Payroll Records.

The AG’s Fair Labor Division began an investigation after a referral from Laborers Local #175 alleging that C&E was not paying its employees the prevailing wage for work performed on the Nicholson Stadium Clubhouse public works project in Methuen.

The investigation found that C&E listed on its certified payroll records that its employees were receiving the prescribed prevailing wage rate when in fact they were being paid significantly less. Employees were paid $13 to $25 per hour rather than the DLS prescribed hourly rate for laborers of $50.75. 

The investigation also revealed that the company’s certified payroll records were not accurate and falsely listed that employees were paid the prescribed prevailing wage rate and also listed fringe benefits for which C&E claimed a credit even though they weren’t provided to employees.

One Way Painting was handled by Assistant Attorney General Amy Goyer andSupervising Investigator Greg Reutlinger, both of AG Healey’s Fair Labor Division. The other cases are being handled by Assistant Attorney General Barbara Dillon DeSouza and Inspector Brian Davies on C&E and Inspector Joseph Drzyzga on the LGR 1 matter, all of Attorney General Healey’s Fair Labor Division.

Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace are encouraged to file a complaint at www.mass.gov/ago/wagetheftFor information about the state’s wage and hour laws, workers may call the Office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465 or go to the Attorney General’s new Workplace Rights website www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor for materials in multiple languages.

星期一, 3月 05, 2018


BOSTON - Monday, March 5, 2018 - On Saturday, Mayor Martin J. Walsh will join hundreds of Boston youth seeking employment through SuccessLink, the Mayor's Summer Jobs Program, at the Boston Centers for Youth & Families (BCYF) Youth Engagement & Employment (YEE) Youth Job & Resource Fair.

At the Job Fair, youth who have applied for a summer job through the online SuccessLink portal, or who are planning to, will have the chance to engage with agencies that are hiring youth. There will also be resource tables with important information and opportunities for teens, and interactive stations to help youth work on skills related to their employment search. Over 3,000 youth are employed each summer through the Mayor's Summer Jobs Program.

紐英崙至孝篤親公所迎新春 州長等嘉賓冠蓋雲集


後左起,陳毓禮,薩福克郡地方檢察官Daniel F. Conley,波士頓警察局局長伊凡斯( William B. Evans),麻州參議員賓加利(Joseph Boncore),麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),至孝元老陳仕維,聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano),紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)至孝篤親公所主席陳文棟,駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪,紐英崙至孝篤親公所主席陳文珊(周菊子攝)

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓報導) 紐英崙至孝篤親公所三月三日在帝苑大酒樓慶祝戊戌狗年新春,近千名宗親,僑胞和聯邦及州市政府政要聯歡。麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)不但親自出席拜年,還大秀利是小紅包,坦言珍惜華人社區帶給他的好運氣。

陳毓禮,聯邦參議員伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren),波士頓不分區
市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)。(周菊子攝)
聯邦參議員伊莉莎白沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)照例由她的麻州在地主任劉偉陪同,在開席前到場,寒暄,握手,簡短致詞後離席。
與麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)。(周菊子攝)
其他的出席嘉賓還有聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano),麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz),賓加利(Joseph Boncore),麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),代表波士頓市長出席的波士頓警察局局長伊凡斯(William Evans),波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu),愛德華費林(Ed Flynn),艾華姿(Lydia Edwards),波士頓公校總監張欽棠,波士頓教師工會會長唐佳宇,已宣佈不再競選連任的薩福克郡地方檢察官丹康利(Dan Conley),波士頓消防局局長Joe Finn,波士頓消防局副局長黃瑞瑜,波士頓警察局A-1區警長梅志強(Ken Fong),駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪,波士頓僑教中心主任歐宏偉,波士頓僑務委員蔣宗壬,梅錫銳。波士頓前市長夫人Angela Menino





聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano)今年競選連任面對波士頓市議員

麻州參議員陳翟蘇妮(Sonia Chang Diaz),賓加利(Joe Boncore)。

前排左一,波士頓警察局局長William Evans。後排左麻州眾議員麥家威
(Aaron Michlewitz),薩福克郡地方檢察官Dan Conley。(周菊子攝)
麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz)致詞。(周菊子攝)
波士頓市議員吳弭(Michelle Wu)抱著小女兒致詞。(周菊子攝)
波士頓市議員吳弭(左啟)介紹市議員同事Lydia Edwards, Ed Flynn。



後左起,陳毓禮,薩福克郡地方檢察官Daniel F. Conley,波士頓警察局局長伊凡斯( William B. Evans),麻州參議員賓加利(Joseph Boncore),麻州眾議員麥家威(Aaron Michlewitz),至孝元老陳仕維,聯邦眾議員卡普阿諾(Mike Capuano),紐英崙中華公所主席陳家驊,麻州州長查理貝克(Charlie Baker)至孝篤親公所主席陳文棟,駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪,紐英崙至孝篤親公所主席陳文珊。(黃定國攝)

Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus outraged

Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus Reacts to Boston Globe “Trooper involved in shooting has history of racist online posts” Article 

The MBLLC is outraged by the remarks made by Massachusetts State Police Trooper Matthew Sheehan as detailed in the Boston Globe. Working to ensure a more bias-free police force in Massachusetts remains a top priority for the MBLLC. The offensive and disparaging comments expressed by Trooper Sheehan reaffirms the great need for these efforts. The departmental review of officer level data called for in our racial profiling legislation is precisely aimed at preventing officers like Trooper Sheehan from flying under the radar. 

Trooper Sheehan’s bigoted and sexist sentiments raises majors concerns for the diverse communities he is responsible for protecting. We hope the State Police administration investigates these findings and maintains a zero tolerance policy against hate speech and discrimination. We also request an immediate meeting with the administration.

星期日, 3月 04, 2018

昆士市風雨過後持續救災 3/5 正常上課

Evening Storm Update

Beginning tomorrow, March 5, there will be trash collection in flood-impacted areas every day for the week. Curbsides may not be totally cleared tomorrow, but will be picked up over the course of the week. Hazardous materials such as lead-based paint cannot be accepted, but the City will schedule a special drop-off day.
Quincy Public Schools will be open Monday, March 5.
Heavy equipment crews will continue to clean debris from impacted areas, and crews on Sunday assisted state partners to ensure that Quincy Shore Drive will be open for the morning commute on March 5.

National Grid is gradually restoring power to impacted areas. There are multiple crews working in the City of Quincy, but power in some areas may not restored for at least another 24 hours and likely longer.
A shelter is now open at St. Thomas Aquinas Hall in Houghs Neck, directly adjacent to the earlier shelter at Atherton Hough School.
The Department of Public Works is continuing to assist homeowners in pumping out flooded homes. Call 617-376-1910 for assistance.
Residents with structural and infrastructure damage to their homes are encouraged to contact the Inspectional Services Department for assistance. A special hotline is available at 617-908-2144.
Engineering teams began an expansive review of infrastructure damage across the City and that process will continue in the coming days.
Governor Charlie Baker joined Mayor Koch today to tour some of the most impacted areas of the City, and the City is working with Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency with goal of securing federal disaster relief for the City.