
星期二, 2月 06, 2018


中國體操小將洛杉磯首秀獲佳績 華人體育世家喜迎迓
這次來洛杉磯參加比賽的中國男子體操隊由孫赫然領隊, 兩名優秀青年教練王冠寅和程然, 五名青年隊員分別是蘇煒德、蒙志偉、戴智雄、謝晨屹、駱毅杰。
兩名教練都是原中國體操隊隊員,教練王冠寅是天津人,2009年獲得世錦賽雙槓冠軍; 程然是北京人,2014年體操世錦賽團體冠軍。
已經是一級運動員、廣西柳州的蒙志偉在本次比賽中獲得九級的鞍馬、單槓、吊環的三項冠軍。曾經在 “李寧杯”全國少年體操比賽中獲得團體、吊環、跳馬三項冠軍的駱毅杰是廈門人, 他在這次比賽中獲得了九級的全能、自由體操、雙槓的三項冠軍。
吳國年創造的兩個難新動作被國際體聯(FIG)命名:一個是鞍馬項目上的: 隔環轉體720度同時移三位。俗稱: “吳國年大爬”,E組難度。另一個是自由體操中的:直體後空翻一周半轉體180度接前滾翻,俗稱:“吳國年空翻”,為D組難度。該動作幾乎已經成為每名高水平運動員在比賽中必做的一個難度動作。吳國年98年來美國創辦大型體操俱樂部。 (AACYF洛杉磯訊)

燕京圖書館鼓勵學者使用館藏做研究 19獎助待申請

The Harvard-Yenching Library is pleased to announce its Travel Grant Program for the 2017-2018 academic year. The purpose of the grant is to assist scholars from outside the Boston metropolitan area in their use of the Harvard-Yenching Library’s collections for research. There will be nineteen grants of $600 each (seven in Chinese studies, seven in Japanese studies, and five in Korean studies) to be awarded on a merit basis to faculty members and to graduate students engaged in dissertation research. Priority consideration will be given to those at institutions where there are no or few library resources in the East Asian languages and no major East Asian library collections are available nearby. Please note that the awards must be used by September 30, 2018.
Applications for the travel grant, including a letter with your mailing address, a brief description of the research topic, and an estimated budget should be addressed to the following. You can send in your application either in paper form or as an email attachment.
The deadline for receiving applications is extended to February 15, 2018.
Note: Independent scholars and all levels of graduate students are also welcome to apply.
Contact Info:
James K. M. Cheng
Harvard-Yenching Library
Harvard University
2 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Contact Email:

星期一, 2月 05, 2018


           (Boston Orange) 羅德島州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)的父親馮廣運,23日傍晚因帕金森併發症辭世,享年89歲,訂27(週四)下午48點,在克蘭斯頓市的Nardolillo 殯儀館(1278 Park Avenue)舉行追悼會。
           他父親是為了美國夢才於1969年和他母親一起移民到羅德島州的。那時他母親懷有幾個月的身孕,稍後才在羅德島州普域敦斯市老舊的Lying-In 醫院生下他。後來也在那醫院生下他的兩個妹妹,Anna Arlene。當他父母開了廣運餐廳後,那餐廳就成了他們的第二個家。放學後,他父親會堅持要他先在角落餐桌把功課做完,才開始端菜,洗碗,招呼客人。那些年他跟在自己視為英雄的父親身邊,也學會了做菜。
           馮偉傑和家人感謝各界人士在他父親過世後給出的感言,讚語。星期三下午48點,在克蘭斯頓市1278 Park AvenueNardolillo殯儀館,將舉行追思會。星期四早上910點,也會在殯儀館內接待來悼念的人,然後在Johnson的高地紀念公園舉行葬禮。

Many of you remember my father, Kwong Wen, from the days of our family's restaurant. His lesson to me and my two sisters was simple - hard work makes your dreams come true. My father was the epitome of the American dream.
Born in Canton, China, he made his way to Hong Kong as a teenager, and spent his early years working as a welder. He fell in love and married my mom Tan Ping. When I traveled to China about two years ago with my wife, we went to several of his favorite places - including the Hong Kong Jockey Club to enjoy his beloved horse races.

But my father dreamed about the promise of America, and immigrated to Rhode Island with my mom in 1969. I was practically a stowaway as my mom was several months pregnant. I was born at the old Lying-In Hospital in Providence, and would be followed by my sisters Anna & Arlene.  When my parents opened up their restaurant, Kong Wen, it became our second home. After school, my dad would insist I do my homework in the corner booth before I began work bussing tables, washing dishes, & waiting on our customers. Over the years, I learned to cook at the side of my hero, my father. 

After owning the restaurant for over thirty five years, my parents finally retired. To stay healthy during his early years battling Parkinson's, he would be seen walking all over Garden City, every morning, with his adored daughter Arlene. Neighbors would wave and look out for them both. After several illnesses, he required around the clock care at The Cedars, where the love and attention he received was second to none.

All my parents ever asked for was for the opportunity to succeed. They knew that in America, the options were endless, & the only requirement was hard work. They worked tirelessly seven days a week for decades. I am so proud of their story, their bravery, and their devotion to ensuring their children had a better life.

His passing this weekend only hardened my resolve to reinvigorate this state, which they chose to start their new life in America, as the land of opportunity for the next generation. In his memory, we fight harder & recommit this movement to make Rhode Island the place that people want to come to in order to live out their American dream.
My family and I appreciate the overwhelming kind words of support so many of you have sent since his passing on Saturday. A public remembrance and wake will take place at Nardolillo Funeral Home on 1278 Park Avenue in Cranston on Wednesday, from 4-8 PM. We will also be receiving visitors Thursday morning from 9-10 AM at Nardolillo Funeral Home, followed by a procession and graveside service in Highland Memorial Park, Johnston.

Thank you for your support,

Allan Fung

假冒中領館電話詐騙 一僑胞損失140餘萬美元

(Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導) “中國總領事館絕不會用電話索要個人信息,要求轉帳 駐紐約中國總領事館234兩日在波士頓舉辦了兩場說明會,提醒僑民,接到電話別輕信,已有人被騙了140餘萬元。
               由於歹徒使用無差別電腦自動撥打,用網路改號軟件把來電顯示訊息,改成中領館或其ㄙ他正式機構的電話號碼,才讓許多受害者因此誤信了歹徒。馬超建議僑胞們採行三不政策,不聽,不信,不轉帳。他也說明,中領館絕不會主動要求僑胞辦理護照,提供證件資料,更不負責處理個人財務,包括銀行卡或包裹。他鼓勵僑胞與總領館保持密切聯繫,關注總領館為信 chinaconsulate_ny,登陸總領館網站http://newyork.china-conslate.org,或撥打總領館的24小時領是保護與協助專線212-695-3125
               中國總領館也提醒僑胞,凡是在電話中聽到不要與家人、朋友聯繫,以保證安全等不合理的要求或建議,應該立即掛斷電話。接到陌生人來電,通知有親友遭遇交通意外,或是親人意外身亡,最好通過其他渠道核實後再處理。由於年長,獨居者或年輕的學生最容易受騙,中領館也籲請僑胞提醒身邊親友不要輕易上當。               (Boston Orange 周菊子波士頓整理報導) “中國總領事館絕不會用電話索要個人信息,要求轉帳 駐紐約中國總領事館234兩日在波士頓舉辦了兩場說明會,提醒僑民,接到電話別輕信,已有人被騙了140餘萬元。

               由於歹徒使用無差別電腦自動撥打,用網路改號軟件把來電顯示訊息,改成中領館或其他正式機構的電話號碼,才讓許多受害者因此誤信了歹徒。馬超建議僑胞們採行三不政策,不聽,不信,不轉帳。他也說明,中領館絕不會主動要求僑胞辦理護照,提供證件資料,更不負責處理個人財務,包括銀行卡或包裹。他鼓勵僑胞與總領館保持密切聯繫,關注總領館為信 chinaconsulate_ny,登陸總領館網站http://newyork.china-conslate.org


AG HEALEY FIGHTS FOR RULE TO LET WORKERS KEEP THE TIPS THEY EARN Joins Coalition of AGs in Submitting Comments to the U.S. Department of Labor
BOSTON – Joining a coalition of 17 attorneys general, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey today expressed her opposition to the Trump Administration’s proposal to rescind a rule that allows employees to keep the tips they earn. 
The attorneys general today submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) regarding its plan to repeal a 2011 rule clarifying that gratuities are the sole property of employees, and that employers cannot retain any portion of an employee’s tips. Under the Trump Administration’s proposed rule change, employers would be allowed to pocket tips earned by employees who are paid the federal minimum wage.

            “When customers pay tips, they expect that money to go to workers,” said AG Healey. “This proposed rule change allows employers to keep all the tips for themselves, tricking customers and depriving low-wage workers of the wages they earn.”
According to the Economic Policy Institute, repealing the rule could result in employers taking up to $5.8 billion of workers’ earned tips. USDOL, which is spearheading the rule change, reportedly decided to shelve an economic analysis that highlighted the billions in gratuity earnings that workers could lose.
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employers are required to pay their employees the federal minimum wage. Employers can meet this requirement either by paying employees the full federal minimum wage – currently $7.25 per hour – or by paying a lower cash wage, no less than $2.13 per hour, and making up the difference with the tips that the employee earns. The latter practice is known as a “tip credit.” The Trump Administration’s proposed rescission of the 2011 rule would allow employers who pay employees $7.25 per hour to claim the employees’ tips for any purpose.
Massachusetts law does not permit employers to share any portion of an employee’s tips, and the proposed change will not legally impact the rights of Massachusetts service employees.  However, the rule may cause confusion among employers and employees alike and may result in improper tip retention by employers.

AG Healey’s Fair Labor Division is responsible for enforcing the prevailing wage, minimum wage, payment of wages, overtime, tip pooling, child labor, and Sunday and holiday premium pay laws.

The Division regularly enforces the Massachusetts tip payment statute. Since January 2015, the Division has taken enforcement action against 19 employers for violating the state’s tip payment law. In all, employers were cited more than $700,000 in restitution and penalties. Last year, the Division cited aCohasset inn for inaccurately reporting tip amounts on payroll records and for failing to pay the correct service rate to at least one employee. In 2016, the AG’s Office cited a Worcester restaurant owner for illegally retaining tips that should have been distributed to the service staff. 
Workers who believe that their rights have been violated in their workplace are encouraged to file a complaint at www.mass.gov/ago/fairlaborFor information about the state’s wage and hour laws, workers may call the Office’s Fair Labor Hotline at (617) 727-3465 or go to the Attorney General’s new Workplace Rights website www.mass.gov/ago/fairlabor for materials in multiple languages.
The attorneys general of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and the District of Columbia sent today’s joint letter

波士頓台灣人運動協會打乒乓聯誼 帶"臺灣動起來"

        (Boston Orange 周菊子牛頓市整理報導) 波士頓臺灣人運動協會24日在波士頓僑教中心聯誼打乒乓球,特地邀駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處處長賴銘琪夫婦擔任開球嘉賓,作該會推廣「臺灣動起來」的啟動儀式。



BOSTON - Monday, February 5, 2018 - Mayor Martin J. Walsh today announced a Request for Information (RFI) to inform the City of Boston's approach to potential litigation against pharmaceutical companies and other entities contributing to the opioid crisis. The City seeks to gather information from qualified law firms, universities, think tanks, hospitals, governmental entities, researchers, and any other interested parties to help inform the City's approach for developing best practice legal and other strategies to recoup public money in the form of damages arising from the City's use of its public services to combat the resulting opioid crisis.

The RFI asks that interested applicants evaluate the financial, social, and other costs caused by the reckless dissemination of opioids and the misleading information about the safety and purpose of their use.

"The pharmaceutical industry is the main offender and sustainer of the opioid crisis," said Mayor Walsh. "They were irresponsible in their practices and turned their heads the other way to increase profits, causing irreversible devastation to our families and significant damages to cities nationwide. In Boston, we are addressing the opioid crisis from every angle, from creating the first municipal recovery office to investing in more services and building a state-of-the-art recovery facility on Long Island. We, like so many towns and cities across the country, have invested the time, money and resources. Now is the time to finally hold the pharmaceutical industry responsible."

Based upon the responses received, the City may enter into an agreement for legal services with a qualified attorney or law firm. The City may also choose to explore other contracts, projects and remedies to address this growing public health crisis. The goals of any litigation or other endeavor shall be to recoup public money in the form of damages arising from the City's use of its public services to respond to the opioid epidemic; and create long-term solutions including rehabilitation services and support networks for all impacted residents of the City of Boston and their families.

Having been in recovery for over 20 years, Mayor Walsh understands firsthand how easily addiction can take hold and how difficult it can be to recover. In his first term, Mayor Walsh made expanding access to recovery services in Boston a priority by creating the Office of Recovery Services to study substance use in Boston and lead the city's strategy around substance use disorders, addiction and recovery. This is the first and only municipal recovery office in the nation.

In addition, Mayor Walsh mandated the life-saving medication naloxone (Narcan) be carried in every public safety vehicle in the city in his first two weeks in office and launched a new 24/7 hotline through 311 to help people struggling with addiction access all levels of recovery services.

Continuing these efforts into his second term, Mayor Walsh announced in his inaugural speech earlier this month that his Administration will rebuild the Long Island Bridge and invest in a comprehensive, long-term recovery facility on Long Island. These new services will offer a continuum of care, from harm reduction, to detox, to residential treatment, to transitional housing and ongoing peer support, and equip people with the opportunity to rebuild a life.

All responses or questions to the RFI should be submitted to John Natoli at John.Natoli@boston.gov. The City shall accept responses up to noon EST on March 12, 2018.

Department of Public Utilities Reduces Utility Rates, Launches Further Investigation

Department of Public Utilities Reduces Utility Rates, Launches Further Investigation
Federal Tax Reform Benefits Commonwealth Ratepayers

BOSTON – February 5, 2018 – To ensure Massachusetts ratepayers receive the benefit of recent federal tax cuts, the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) ordered NSTAR Electric Company (NSTAR) and Western Massachusetts Electric Company (WMECo), together doing business as Eversource Energy, to reduce rates due to the federal tax law in their base rates that will take effect on February 1, 2018. Additionally, in an effort to capture savings for ratepayers in the Commonwealth, DPU opened aninvestigation to analyze how the recently enacted federal tax reform may affect gas, electric, and water utility rates for Massachusetts utility customers.

As a result of the reduction in the tax expense and the rate consolidation of the companies, the DPU’s Order reduced the recently approved rates for Eversource Energy by approximately $56 million. Eversource customers will now see an approximately $20 million, or 1.8 percent, decrease in rates, instead of the approximately $36 million increase that was initially approved by the DPU. 

“Through the reduction of rates for utility customers, coupled with an investigation into possible additional savings from federal tax reform, the Department of Public Utilities remains committed to ensuring that utility consumers are provided with the most reliable service at the lowest possible cost,”said DPU Chairman Angela M. O’Connor.

Under ratemaking principles, utilities in Massachusetts subject to DPU regulation are allowed to reflect a representative level of tax expense in their rates.  This DPU investigation, docketed as D.P.U. 18-15, will consider how regulated utilities should account for the corporate tax savings created by the federal tax law. Utilities are required to review the Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and file proposals with the DPU by May 1, 2018 for approval to reduce rates to reflect the effects of the tax law.